Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Al Qaeda linked World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) Jihad through Da'wa group working with Novib/Oxfam on Somali 'educational' initiatives Al Qaeda linked World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) Jihad through Da'wa group working with Novib/Oxfam on Somali 'educational' initiativesOctober 16, 2006 Novib /Oxfam and UNHCR funding Somali iniatives in cooperation with the Al Qaeda linked World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) October 16, 2006 MIM: The World Assembly for Muslim Youth (WAMY) is part of the Saudi Wahhabist 'Jihad through conversion' drive, so it is not surprising that they are busy providing money to Somalia, which is designated as a terrorist country by the United States, where WAMY offices have been raided in connection with terror funding . "Osama bin Laden's brother, Abdullah bin Laden, is WAMY's treasurer, and Jamal Barzinji, an officer of at least three of the organizations whose northern Virginia offices were raided by federal officials in March 2002 was listed as a WAMY representative in the 1980s." At that time WAMY also paid for youth to attend Jihad camps such as this Philipino Muslim: " At the height of the jihad against the Soviets, his trip to Peshawar in 1987, like those of other believers, was sponsored by the Saudi-based World Assembly of Muslim Youth. There he was exposed to the Wahhabi ideology, which he saw as a powerful tool against oppression.He returned to Mindanao full of zeal, thinking of ways to create a separate Islamic state in the southern Philippines." The linkage between WAMY and Al Qaeda, via the umbrella 'charity' Al Haramain has predictably not stopped UN support. WAMY's efforts in Somalia are also being aided and abetted by 'christian charities' Novib and Oxfam (now Novib/ Oxfam) based in the UK and Holland, whose leftwing anti Western agenda (aided by politician and governmental supporters), and has been extensively documented. ( In his book "The 4th World War -The Path from Marx to Allah", investigative journalist Peter Siebelt has linked Novib to Islamist initiatives and organising demonstrations against the politician Pim Fortuyn, (who warned of the Islamisation of Holland), Siebelt blamed Novib for helping to organisation a rally which he characterised as a call to murder and was a prelude to Fortuyn's assassination by 'animal rights' activist Volkert van der Graaf) . The US State Department and UN funded mass migration of Somalians to the United States, where there resettlement has lead to "mini Mogadishus" begs the question of if and how the State Department worked with WAMY to in effect bring a mass migration of a population of Somalians who have become sending tax payers money back to support their clans and warlords in Somalia. MIM: According to Oxfam Novib WAMY is providing funding under the guise of education touted as a "trust building initiative" aimed at "focussing on mutual exchanges and enchanced understanding". Given that WAMY mission statement is to promote fundamentalist Islam, any educational aid coming from them will be approved by the Islamists who are running the country - and promote Jihad. The website of the University of Mogadishu noted a recent visit by an Al Jazeera television crew which "...interviewed MU Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Ali Hassan Mohamed. The focus of the interview was the "role of Mogadishu University in human development in Somalia" and its objective to realize the desired social development..." MIM: The United States government appears to have turned a blind eye to the Islamist orientation of Mogadishu University (whose limited departments include "Shar'ea (sic) and Law' and Arabic language Islam and and is touted it as a step towards a 'civil society', even in 2004. Fast forward to 2006 where the rhetorical question as to how a country now being run by people cited by the state as Al Qaeda leaders connected to Osama Bin Laden can lay any claim to being civil, since the University of a Taliban controlled entity where people are being killed for watching a football game and threatened with death if they don't pray five times a day is nothing more then an extension of the Islamist propagation efforts, antithetical to any form educational discourse. Mogadishu University Receives Support fund from the American Government (2004) On Tuesday November 9th 2004, Mr. Michael P. Zorick, the United States First Secretary for Somalia Affairs presently based at the American Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya handed over a check for the amount of $23,277 to Mr. Hussein Iman, the Director of Programs at Mogadishu University. These funds were awarded to Mogadishu University so it can purchase the much needed materials such as books and computers for its library. The handing over of these modest funds is part of a renewed commitment from the part of the United States Government to re-engage in the overall developmental programs in Somalia. MIM: The exhortation made by the Imam/rector Dr.Ali Sheik Ahmed Abubaker telling them they are "the vanguards to a new enlightened generation" (see excerpt below) is a study in unintentional irony now that Somalia (and the University) are now being run by Islamists who and the country's new leader Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys heads a militia which makes the Taliban regime in Afghanistan look Western by comparision.
5. A word to the MU students: Remember! You are the vanguards of the new enlightened generation and bearer of the new vision of the reconstruction of your devastated nation. Remember the great expectation of your people and their need for new brand of leadership. Please learn! Learn! And learn again and again and make your slogan a verse from the glorious Qur'an "Which of you does the best". This is the road for the success and this is your right way. Dr Ali Sheikh Ahmed Abubakar -------------------------------- MIM: A recent seminar at the Univerisity of Mogadishu was entitled "Workshop on Humanitarian law " was organised with the help of the International Commitee . The use of the title humanitarian law belied that fact that neither exists either in Somalia or in Islam, and that everything is seen from an Islamist perspective, and narrowed to fit the contraints of shar'ia. The blatant contradiction is illustrated by the WAMY booklet " Human Rights from an Islamic Perspective" which comes across as a perversely cruel joke in view of the obvious contradiction between radical Islam i.e."Submit to the will of Allah or die" with "human rights" i.e. individual self determination and the uniquely American concept of "life ,liberty and the pursuit of happiness". MIM: "WAMY also disseminates hateful literature, including books "that encourage religious hatred and violence against Jews, Christians, Shi'a and Ashaari Muslims." (see complete text below). MIM: In August 2005 WAMY in the UK organised a one day seminar aimed at discussing the situation of Muslim youth blaming the fact that British society was non Muslim for their problems, and conversely demanding the UK government to fund their activities. The poster on the WAMY website defines their mission, a 'cleancut Muslim' holding a Koran, and in the background, the symbol of the British parliamentary democracy, the tower of Big Ben, being overshadowed by a mosque dome with a minaret. MIM: One of WAMY's affiliates is the European Council for Fatwa and Research (EDFR) which aims to spread fundamentalist Islam and implement shari'a worldwide. Their leading cleric, Yusuf Qaradawi, is known for his fatwa sanctioning women suicide bombers. The European Council for Fatwa and Research was established in March 1997 in the UK, where it was chosen to be as its headquarters. Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi (Qatar) was then chosen to be its Chairman, together with Sheikh Faisal Mawlawi (Lebanon) as its Deputy Chairman and Sheikh Abdullah Al-Judai (UK) as its General Secretary. Council's Objectives 1- Striving towards bridging the gap amongst the scholars in the European arena and working towards unifying the different views concerning the fundamental issues of Fiqh. 2- Issuing collective answers of Fiqh that will fulfil the needs of Muslims in Europe and attempt to solve their problems for an effective interaction within their European societies. 3- Publishing the juristic research papers and studies that will tackle the emerging new issues on the European arena. 4-Directing and guiding the Muslims in Europe generally and the youth particularly, through spreading the authentic concepts of Islam and its noble principles. Address: MIM: The Wahhabist World Association of Muslim Youth falls under the aegis of the Saudi Al Haramain Foundation which was designated a terrorist supporting entity by the United States government and forced to close operations in several countries. Both WAMY and Al Haramain continue to operate in Somalia. The picture on the WAMY UK website shows that the organisation's intention is to turn the United Kingdom into the United Khalifate. MIM:The speakers list read like a Who's Who of radical Islamists and their apologist sympathisers and included Home Secretary Hazel Blears, who had defended the reasons for suicide bombing, and virulently anti semitic London Mayor Ken Livingston who had called a Jewish journalist a 'kapo'. ONE DAY CONFERENCE organised by WAMY UK 03rd August 2006 - London - This conference gathers youth workers, community leaders, policy makers academics, students and researchers to address the dramatic social changes affecting Muslim youth in the UK namely after the 7/7/05 attacks. It will discuss the problems faced by Muslim youth and the obstacle that stand against their positive engagement in the mainstream British society. It will also look at the extent to which misinterpretation of religious teachings, new terrorism laws and marginalisation of this minority in the British society is at the root of their alienation, frustration therefore extremism. Other questions that this conference will address include: What is wrong with being British and Muslim? Why some Muslim youth turn into radicals? What solutions are offered by the government and the mainstream civil society organisations? Will they work? Are Muslim organisations doing enough to tackle this dilemma? Invited Speakers :
And many more speakers from all over the United Kingdom..... ---------------------------------- MIM: The US office of WAMY in Virginia founded by Bin Laden's nephew was closed down. Wednesday, June 2, 2004; Page B01
The raid Friday on the World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) in Alexandria was carried out by agents of the FBI, U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the Joint Terrorism Task Force, the sources said. MIM: This is the link to their U.S. website Account Temporarily Disabled. Please contact [email protected]
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Washington Institute for Near East Policy by Matthew Levitt PolicyWatch #673 The annual conference of the Saudi World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) concludes today in Riyadh. Although it claims to be a charitable organization espousing moderate Islam, WAMY is actually one of many such organizations that, while closely linked to the Saudi government and royal family (e.g., WAMY's president is Sheikh Saleh al-Sheikh, the Saudi minister of Islamic affairs), also have documented links to international terrorism. Others include the al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, the Muslim World League, and the Benevolence International Foundation. WAMY's Links to Terrorism An honored guest at this week's conference was Hamas leader Khalid Mishal, who lauded suicide bombers and called for a religious ruling justifying suicide operations at another Islamic conference in January. Both Indian officials and the Philippine military have cited WAMY's funding of terrorist groups and militant Islamists (in Kashmir and the Philippines, respectively). Osama bin Laden's brother, Abdullah bin Laden, is WAMY's treasurer, and Jamal Barzinji, an officer of at least three of the organizations whose northern Virginia offices were raided by federal officials in March 2002 (see below), was listed as a WAMY representative in the 1980s. According to the Saudi Information Agency (a Saudi opposition group), WAMY also disseminates hateful literature, including books "that encourage religious hatred and violence against Jews, Christians, Shi'a and Ashaari Muslims." And earlier this year, the Romanian Intelligence Service identified WAMY as a Hamas front operating there, echoing American suspicions of WAMY's links to terrorism dating back to 1996. Al-Haramain Saudi minister and WAMY president Sheikh Saleh al-Sheikh is also "superintendent of all foundation activities" for the al-Haramain Islamic Foundation. Al-Haramain's website features "attestations" endorsing the charity, including one from Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz, the former Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, who notes his own 10,000-riyal donation to the foundation. In March 2002, a joint U.S.-Saudi order froze the accounts of al-Haramain's Bosnian and Somali offices, which were linked to the al-Qaeda-associated Egyptian al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya and Somali al-Itihad al-Islamiyah, respectively. But in August 2002, Saudi pressure led Bosnian authorities to release the assets of the Bosnian office and renew its operating license. By September, the Saudi press reported that al-Haramain's operations in Bosnia and Somalia were actually expanding. Nor are the foundation's questionable activities limited to these two offices. After his arrest in Indonesia in June 2002, Omar al-Farouq, al-Qaeda's point man in Southeast Asia, told interrogators that a branch of al-Haramain funded al-Qaeda operations in the region. According to al-Farouq, "money was laundered through the foundation by donors from the Middle East." The Muslim World League In March 2002, a Treasury Department task force raided the northern Virginia offices of the Muslim World League and the League's subsidiary, the International Islamic Relief Organization, among other organizations with strong Saudi ties. The task force was searching for evidence of fundraising (or fund-laundering) on behalf of al-Qaeda, Hamas, and/or Palestinian Islamic Jihad. In September 2002, American and Saudi officials jointly froze the assets of a senior League official in Pakistan, Wael Hamza al-Jalaidan, acting on information that he was a close associate of al-Qaeda founders Osama bin Laden and Shaykh Abdullah Azzam. Jalaidan is also listed on the U.S. Treasury Department's financial blocking list. Interestingly, Saudi interior minister Prince Nayef bin Abdul Aziz originally denied that this joint U.S.-Saudi action had taken place, only to acknowledge later that the Saudi representative to the United Nations presented the Security Council with a letter requesting that "Jalaidan be added to the Committee's consolidated [terrorism] list." The assets of other League member organizations have also been frozen, including the Rabita Trust. Rabita, which has since changed its name to the Aid Organization of the Ulama, is based in Pakistan and began actively raising funds for the Taliban in 1999. Jalaidan is a Rabita Trust board member and onetime director general. Benevolence International Foundation Lajnat al-Birr al-Islamiah (LBI), renamed Benevolence International Foundation (BIF) in the early 1990s, was founded around 1987 by Saudi Shaykh Adil Abdul Galil Betargy, with branches in Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. According to the U.S. government, "one of the purposes of LBI was to raise funds in Saudi Arabia to provide support to the mujahideen then fighting in Afghanistan" and to provide "cover for fighters to travel in and out of Pakistan and obtain immigration status." In December 2001, U.S. authorities raided BIF's Chicago offices, where they found videos and literature glorifying martyrdom. Then, on March 19, 2002, Bosnian authorities searched BIF's Sarajevo offices and seized weapons, booby traps, false passports, and plans for making bombs. This search also yielded an al-Qaeda organizational chart; notes on the formation of al-Qaeda by bin Laden, Azzam, and others; and "a list of wealthy sponsors from Saudi Arabia," including references to bin Laden. BIF's bank accounts were blocked by the U.S. Treasury Department in January 2002, and in October the foundation's executive director, Enaam Arnaout, was charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists. Documents and cooperating witnesses indicate that Arnaout facilitated money and weapons transfers for bin Laden through BIF and had a personal relationship with both bin Laden "and many of [bin Laden's] key associates dating back more than a decade." The U.S. government affidavit asserts that Arnaout signed documents listing senior al-Qaeda member Mamdouh Salim as a BIF director when the latter traveled to Bosnia. Mohamed Bayazid, a bin Laden operative involved in efforts to obtain nuclear and chemical weapons for al-Qaeda, listed BIF's address as his residence on an application for a driver's license. Skirting Saudi Noncooperation More than a year into the war on terrorism, Saudi officials continue to actively support organizations that finance international terrorism. For example, several recent reports trace continued funding of al-Qaeda to Saudi Arabia. A Canadian intelligence report concluded that Saudi charities funnel $1 to 2 million per month to the organization, while a Council on Foreign Relations task force described Saudi individuals and charities as "the most important source of funds for al-Qaeda" and decried the fact that the Saudi government turned "a blind eye" to this activity. Meanwhile, the UN has reported that al-Qaeda finances are "fit and well" and – as recent events attest – that "the prime targets of the organization are likely to be persons and property of the United States of America and its allies." In the wake of attacks like those in Bali and Moscow, and in light of Saudi noncooperation in curbing terrorist financing, the United States and its allies must develop joint measures to make the global economy less hospitable to terrorist financing. They should do so with or without Saudi cooperation. An example of what is needed is the ongoing U.S. effort to secure European cooperation in freezing the assets of several principal financial backers of al-Qaeda, most of them wealthy Saudis. Matthew Levitt is a senior fellow in terrorism studies at The Washington Institute. ----------------------------------------------- MIM: The Novib website disingenously announces their 'educational program together with Oxfam, WAMY and the UN as a 'trust building initiative' between Arab and Western donor countries, when it is an exercise in donor funded da'wa. EDUCATION It is against this background that Oxfam Novib, in collaboration with the SACB-Education Sectoral Committee (ECS) and WAMY (World Muslim Youth Association), proposes a study to assess the existing Arab donor policies and practices regarding education in Somalia/land, as a preparation for a ‘trust building initiative'. The trust building initiative is an initiative from WAMY focusing on mutual exchanges of information and enhanced understanding. The purpose of the study is to understand the different funding patterns and have complementary information to previous SACB-ESC information that is more focused on western donors. Also the SACB-ESC has planned a study on the education system from a gender perspective, which may provide useful complementary information. WAMY will undertake the research after consultations with Oxfam Novib and the SACB-ESC. It is expected that the report will be launched in May 2004. ------------------ Novib Oxfam was set up in 1956 as the Netherlands Organisation for International Development Co-operation. It's main objective is to promote a global society where the socio-economic inequalities between rich and poor are eradicated and where people and sectors of the population can learn about and respect each other's culture. Novib today has more than forty years of experience and thousands of development projects in the Third World. Novib is a member of Oxfam International, a growing group that currently consists of eleven organisations for development co-operation. Oxfam International supports more than 3000 counterparts in approximately 100 countries to alleviate poverty and injustice. Oxfam International commits its moral, personal and financial resources to promote a worldwide movement towards economic and social justice in collaboration with citizens, businesses and governments. MIM: Novib raises funding from the public via the National Postal Lottery. This year they announced their merger with Oxfam via a press release. -----------------------------
MIM:In his book "The 4th World War -the Path from Marx to Allah" Peter Siebelt exposed the leftist and Islamist political agenda which has gotten millions of dollars in financing from an unsuspecting public. . Siebelt's book "Eco Nostra" dealt with the 'eco facist mafia' and the violent and totalitarian agenda which hid beneath the facade of animal rights, enviornmental protection and third world development. In 2003 Siebelt challenged NOVIB to explain where millions of dollars in unaccounted for donations had gone. Translation by MIM: NOVIB, Commentary by Peter Siebelt When anyone studies the history of NOVIB and her leaders without any political bias, only one conclusion can be drawn form the present proclamations. Rhetoric! Unrealistic hot air for a development help mafia which had only one goal in sight: Their own interests, their own continuity. What has come out of four decades of political manipulations in the Third World? Where did the hundreds of millions of euros (guilders) go? Why the secrecy about the financial year reports which appeared in different versions? Why no transparency about each cent which was spent. The money from our society! Try and look at their book keeping! Really try to find out what the real relationship is between the NOVIB and the PvdA. (Partij van de Arbeid) (Labor Party),the Post Code lottery, the Foundation "To Do" and from all of the "Non Governmental Organisations the so called NGO's. The big barrier is the NOVIB itself and the politicians who determine her policy. Not to mention the the whining from the the UN boss-Kofi Annan, about how more help and money is needed. Giving money doesn't work and pumping "more" money also doesn't work! The NOVIB report is a collection of nonsense with which one couldnt manage to keep a french fries stand going. They forgot that it isnt just about trade restrictions for the developing countries but also about but also about quality and health standards which they must fulfill. The NOVIB messes with numbers while 100 million guilders dissapears yearly from developing countries due to trade restrictions. Holland provides large subsidies for agricultural products which makes competition from poor countries impossible. When these matters will be made public it will be over with the scamming of the people and the babbling over more developmental aid, the three year long campaign "Make Trade Fair" and the report "Measuring with two rulers". I challengee the NOVIB and her cronies to have a public discussion this with me on the aforementioned matters. Peter Siebelt -------------------------------------------------- MIM: Oxfam in the UK makes no secret of their leftwing anti Western political agenda, and connection to the 'Fair Trade' campaign which Siebelt mentions above designed to line the pockets of Novib/ Oxfam officials: According to the Oxfam UK website: "In December, images of demonstrators clashing with heavy-handed police amid clouds of tear-gas at the World Trade Organisation Summit in Seattle were relayed across the globe. Inside the Summit, talks collapsed as Third World delegates refused to give in to the bully-boy tactics of powerful nations. The Seattle riots forced the public to wake up to the blatant injustices of international trade, increasing support for Oxfam's trade lobbying, and the subsequent campaign to Make Trade Fair..." "...In the 1970s it became clear that many of the problems associated with poverty required government and international action. Oxfam started - within the bounds set by charity law - to campaign on behalf of the people it worked with overseas and to talk to decision-makers who shaped policy on relevant issues. "...Oxfam Trading rapidly expanded its Bridge programme and sales of fairly traded products during the 1970s and 1980s. A mail-order catalogue was also started, which boosted annual sales above £1 million by the early 1980s. The programme took the name Fair Trade in 1996 trading under the name Oxfam Fair Trade Company), to bring it in line with the wider Fair Trade movement, which included campaigning for improvements in the terms of trade and conditions of workers...." MIM: Oxfam's use of funding in order to facilitate Muslim immigration into the UK after 9/11 is more evidence of how theirs is a political agenda -aimed at undermining Western countries using their funds and resources. In October 2001, after 18 months of persistent campaigning by Oxfam and others, the UK asylum voucher scheme was finally scrapped. (In June 2002, Oxfam's Asylum Voucher Campaign won a prestigious One World Media Award for Best Campaign). ------------------ Peter Siebelt Wat is er terechtgekomen van hun vier decennia lange politieke manipulaties in de Derde Wereld? Waar zijn de honderden miljoenen euro's (guldens) naar toe gegaan? Waarom die geheimzinnigheid over hun financiële jaarstukken die in verschillende versies verschijnen? Waarom geen openheid over elke cent die ze uitgeven. Het geld van onze gemeenschap! Probeer eens in hun boekhouding te kijken! Probeer er eens achter te komen hoe de daadwerkelijke relatie ligt tussen de NOVIB, PvdA, GroenLinks, de Postcodeloterij, De Stichting Doen en allerhande Niet Gouvernementele Organisaties: de zogenaamde NGO's. De grote barrière is de NOVIB zelf en de politici die haar beleid bepalen. Om over het gezeur van de UN-baas, Kofi Annan over méér geld aan hulp maar niet te praten. Geld geven werkt niet, en dan er nog "meer" geld in pompen werkt ook niet! Het NOVIB rapport is een aaneenschakelingen van socialistische nonsens waarmee je nog geen patatkraam draaiende kunnen houden. Zij vergeten dat het niet alleen gaat om handelsbeperkingen voor de ontwikkelingslanden maar ook om kwaliteits- en gezondheids-eisen waaraan ze moeten voldoen. De NOVIB raaskalt met cijfers als jaarlijks $ 100 miljard verlies voor ontwikkelingslanden door handelsbeperkingen. Tariefbarrières zijn voor ontwikkelingslanden en dan wel arme landen dwingen hun markten open te stellen. Nederland geeft grote exportsubsidies voor agrarische producten, waardoor de concurrentie door de arme landen onmogelijk wordt. Wanneer deze zaken in hun geheel openbaar worden is het afgelopen met hun volksverlakkerij en het gebazel over meer ontwikkelingshulp, de drie jaar durende campagne "Make Trade Fair" en het rapport: "Meten met twee maten". Ik daag de NOVIB en haar vazallen uit om met mij in het openbaar over het voornoemde in discussie te gaan. Peter Siebelt Datum: Zondag 13 Juli 2003 -------------------------------------------------- MIM: In the same year that WAMY planned to launch a joint report with Oxfam and Novib on the 'educational situation' in Somalia their offices in Virginia were raided by the Joint Terrorism Task Force. MIM: WAMY according to Discover the Network: P.O. Box 10845 Phone :966 14641669
The WAMY is also one of the vehicles through which the Saudi Wahhabi government funds international terrorism. The organization holds conferences and distributes literature promoting not only Islam, but also jihad and anti-Semitism. It raises funds for terrorist groups like Hamas and the Kashmir insurgents against India. Founded by Osama bin Laden's nephew, Abdullah bin Laden, beneath its veneer of charity the WAMY distributes literature with instructions "to teach our children to love taking revenge on the Jews and the oppressors, and teach them that our youngsters will liberate Palestine and Jerusalem when they go back to Islam and make jihad for the sake of Allah." Another WAMY book lists "martyrs" who have murdered Israelis in terrorist attacks. The WAMY came under FBI scrutiny after 9/11, when it was determined that a radiologist, Dr. Al Badr al-Hamzi, whose credit card was found among the possessions of the hijackers, was receiving funding from the organization. The Senate Finance Committee has requested that the IRS examine the organization's U.S. branch for links to terrorism. Senator Charles Grassley has described groups like the WAMY as "shell companies for the same group of people; money funds one charity for the rest to hide the trail." In the past, the WAMY has delivered a recorded message from Osama bin Laden, and has been involved in jihadi training in Kashmir. Its U.S. website voices support for Kashmir insurgents who conduct terrorism against India, carefully characterizing those insurgents as a "liberation" movement. The WAMY promotes Islamic expansionism from the Middle East to Kashmir, the Philippines, the United States, and Europe. 0in 0in 0pt" tclass="MsoBodyText">Investigations of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center uncovered, in an apartment of one of the terrorists, an envelope marked "WAMY" along with a training manual on how to set up terrorist cells in other countries and stage attacks. WAMY publications have also included interviews with Saudi clerics such as Ayed al-Qarni, an adviser to Saudi Prince Fahd. In one such interview, al-Qarni stated that he prays for America's destruction daily. He stated further that he encourages students to go to Iraq to fight against U.S. forces, and that those who cannot go should at least contribute money to the cause. The WAMY invited Khalid Mish'al, the political head of Hamas, to speak at a Muslim youth and globalization conference. The WAMY was also named in a trillion-dollar lawsuit by the families of the victims of 9/11. In May 2004, the FBI, immigration agents, and the Joint Terrorism Task Force raided the WAMY's Alexandria, Virginia office, seizing all of its computers and hard drives, and arresting a volunteer board member on immigration charges. For more on WAMY's terrorism ties see: Paul Findley Speaks at WAMY Combating Terrorist Financing, Despite the Saudis ----------------------- PO Box 28832 Nairobi Tel: 254- 2- 3754145-8 Fax: 254- 2- 3754149 E-mail: [email protected] Somalia Aid Coordination Body Education Sectoral CommitteeEndorsed Minutes Education Sectoral Committee Meeting Tuesday, January 21, 2004 at 2:30 pm, SACB Large Conference Room, Parklands Participants:
Apologies : E Daloum, SCUK, M Winnefeld ECSU Agenda
Action Points Follow Up
The DG from the MoE in Somaliland, Abdirahman Mohamed Mal provided members with introductory remarks and thanks for facilitating his participation in this meeting. He briefed members on the major challenges faced by the Education Sector in Somaliland:
The DG highlighted that a number of agencies operating in the education sector in Somaliland coordinate with the MoE on an ad hoc basis. Often even when agencies do participate in the education forum in Somaliland, decision makers are absent. Some specific examples of the damage lack of coordination can cause were discussed. While agencies acknowledged many of the challenges highlighted by the DG, some current accomplishments were also highlighted:
The group agreed on the importance of closer collaboration and coordination with the Ministry at the local level, and members were encouraged to more actively participate in monthly coordination meetings.
Further discussion on this point is deferred to the next meeting as the EC TA for Education was unable to attend the meeting. It was noted that the concerns of several ESC members to the document remain un-addressed. The Chair encouraged those partners who have additional comments to convey them directly to the EC. She, however, noted that this is an internal EC strategy document and it will be the responsibility of the EC to accept or reject partner inputs based on its strategic priorities.
The process of developing policy papers for Somaliland and Puntland began in 2001 with support from UNICEF and external consultants. It involved the zonal authorities and key partners in the zones in Education. After a lengthy revision process including the infusion of emerging gender concerns and tweeking of the Early Childhood Education section, a draft is expected to be shared with zonal authorities by the first week of March. UNICEF is requested to give a briefing on the papers to the ESC when completed.
Grade 5 Textbooks:
Grade 6 Textbooks:
Teachers Guides for Grades 5 and 6Drafts in both Somali and English are ready. They will be finalized during the ToT and ready for printing along with the Grade 6 textbooks. ToT and InservicingWorkshops have been delayed due to security. Earliest rescheduling is now February. Grade 7 and 8
ESC Consultancies: Education Financing and ManagementRecent contact with the agency chosen to conduct the Education Financing study clearly indicates that they are not willing to move forward with the consultancy due to security reasons. The group agreed to approach the number two candidate for the Education Financing Study and the number one candidate for the Education Management Study simultaneously. It was also noted that the no cost extension requested by the SACB Secretariat for these studies extends only until June 2004 making it imperative to progress on the consultancies. ESC Gender StudyThe UNICEF sponsored consultant review the ToR for the Gender Study with the membership. The aim is to have a draft of the study circulated in advance of the May ESC meeting (see detailed workplan below) to form part of the May agenda.
It was emphasized that education of the Girl Child in Somalia is a complex issue. This study should strive to move beyond simply the recommendation of strategies to improve the participation of the girl child in education activities. Both the methodology and the recommendations need to be innovative and ground breaking allowing for the iteration of ideas from the stakeholders. It is also important to look at the relationship between Arabic schools and Somali schools in terms of girls' participation. This was highlighted during CISP's evaluation of its education projects in various parts of Somalia. Interested agencies may contact CISP for a copy of the evaluation report. These points highlighted that fact that this consultancy is on behalf of the ESC and requires the appointment of ESC focal points to guide the process and act as a liaison with the wider group. The members of the focal point team will be NOVIB, WVI, Diakonia, and UNICEF. The Consultant should engage with these agencies in the further development of the study. Final versions will be circulated to the larger ESC group for endorsement. The group was also reminded that agencies inside Somalia had agreed to provide support to the Consultant while she is in their area in terms of accommodation, feeding and transport.
Joint MoE/ESC Meetings: Topics and TimingsJoint meetings should focus on strategic issues given the ESC is made up of a broad group of agencies. Also important will be to share ideas and best practices. An attempt will be made to discuss pertinent agenda points with the authorities beforehand (maximum two issues per meeting). The next joint meeting with the authorities from Puntland and Somaliland will be scheduled for May 2004. NOVIB Somalia's Education InitiativeOne initiative being launched by NOVIB is research through WAMY (World Assembly of Muslim Youth). The aim of the study is to identify the policies and procedures associated with Arab Overseas Development Aid targeted at the Somalia education sector. This will hopefully lead to a trust building initiative between Arab and Western donors and the creation of a basket fund for education. NOVIB would like to engage members of the SACB ESC in the review of the ToR for the study. They will send an invitation to the SACB Secretariat for circulation to ESC members inviting them to participate in a discussion on the ToR. Briefing of UNCT RetreatOn behalf of the UN Country Team, UNESCO will continue in the role as focal point for Education. ESC Entry in the SACB Handbook 2004A number of changes have been suggested:
School MentoringA 12 day workshop for school mentors was conducted. School mentors have now been working for 2 months. Guidance reports indicate a positive result. Agencies are requested to monitor the performance and acceptance of mentors in the schools they support to see during the review in June if they have made a difference in the classroom. HIV/AIDS Focal Point for the ESCUNESCO has agreed to take on this role. ACTION POINTS
The next meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2004 at 2:30 p.m. – SACB Large Conference Room. ============ PO Box 28832 Nairobi Tel: 254- 2- 3754145-8 Fax: 254- 2- 3754149 E-mail: [email protected] Somalia Aid Coordination Body EDUCATION SECTORAL Committee Endorsed MINUTES Education Sectoral Committee Meeting 16th November 2004; 10.00 a.m. SACB Large Conference Room Participants:
Opening Remarks (Review of previous minutes and matters arising) Appointment of ESC Co Chair Research study on Arab donors in the Education Sector of Somalia-NOVIB UNICEF Gender Survey DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED Minutes of 21 st September 2004 meeting 1. Opening Remarks (Review of previous minutes and matters arising) The minutes of the meeting were reviewed. Action points: 1. Appointment of ESC co-chair will be covered in Agenda point 2. The SACB Secretariat will send out the invitation for the clarification meeting for the EC call for proposal scheduled on 28 th September at 3:00 pm. The ESC will meet to discuss the UNESCO Document on 12 th October 2004. The bi- monthly ESC meeting is not the venue for special focus meetings due to time constraints. So the ESC will continue to organize special meetings like the one scheduled for 12 th October, 2004 by UNESCO. The document was not specifically a UNESCO document but a partnership document. Suggestions for other possible topics are gender issues, teacher training and a long-term approach to the education sector. 4 . The UNICEF Gender study will be presented under agenda item 6. The Chair will brief the ESC on the achievements of the ESC Task force. 2. Appointment of ESC Co Chair One only member (Noel Ihebuzor) was nominated for the position of co- chair. This nomination was accepted by ESC members present. Noel Ihebuzor from UNICEF will be the co-chair of the ESC. 3. ESC Consultancies - Financing and Management A consultant for the financing study was found: Peter Lewa. The working group met with Peter who is finalizing a concept paper following suggested amendments by the group. The SACB Secretariat is waiting for confirmation of a no-cost extension to current funding to support the management consultancy because selected consultants are available from January. ADRA has a new project planned for the south in education and could possibly provide logistical support for the consultant. 4. Research study on Arab donors in the Education Sector of Somalia Presentation The study has been conducted by Novib (Oxfam Netherland) and WAMY (World Association of Muslim Youth) with the financial support of EC Somalia Unit. It is a fact that Islamic NGOs are operating in Somalia in the education sector and there is need to coordinate with them. This is the approach that the docume nt suggests. Novib requested ESC to endorse the document. Comments/Questions After the presentation the following concerns were raised: Step forward 5. Presentation on new type of school buildings and furniture - WFL Lower Shabelle Comments/Questions
Step forward 6. UNICEF Gender Study Analysis of Primary Education in Somalia: A Gender Perspective Questions/Comments Step forward On Tuesday, 3rd December, 2004 an ESC focus discussion meeting will take place. All ESC members are invited to attend and give their contribution to the discussion. 7. AOB QS: Is the ESC considering ways of supporting the new government? The new Prime Minister would like input and this sector is looking for a viable national partner. This point will be raised in the Steering Committee meeting, as it involves the other sectoral committees as well as the ESC. Action Points The next meeting will be held on 18th January 2005. |