October 1, 2006 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In the space of less than a week Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf has taken a huge public relations hit, facing allegations that he is soft on terror and either unwilling or unable to stop Pakistanis who are involved in supporting, planning and carrying out terrorist activities.
On Thursday a British Defense Ministry report was leaked which claimed that Pakistan's intelligence agency [ISI] is aiding both the Taliban and al-Qaeda and suggested that it be disbanded.
On the same day, though many conservatives have poked fun at the MSM glomming on to the story, Musharraf and Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai refused to shake hands at a White House reception underlining the tension between the two heads of state.
At that function Karzai made it clear that he felt Pakistan was aiding both the Taliban and al-Qaeda. Reports have circulated that the Musharraf's government has essentially ceded control of Waziristan to the Taliban.
On Saturday while in the UK Musharraf threatened the Brits:
"You'll be brought down to your knees if Pakistan doesn't co-operate with you…Pakistan is the main ally. If we were not to be with you, you won't manage anything. Let that be clear. And if ISI is not with you, you will fail...you will lose in Afghanistan."
Later, on Saturday Musharraf unapologetically stated that he empathized with London's suicide bombers:
"I do share this perspective. They are not illiterate and maybe they are not poor, so what is the issue here? A sense of alienation from the society. I wonder whether they are being given an equal opportunity here."
On the same day, Musharraf offered this revisionism regarding Afghanistan: "You brought in 20,000 to 30,000 Mujahideen from all over the Muslim world into this area; you paid Taliban, armed them, equipped them, trained them and sent them inside." - Musharraf Says West Needs The Help Of Pakistan
On Saturday Indian security officials revealed the most ominous aspect of this story, stating that Pakistan's ISI was responsible for the planning of the July 11 Mumbai commuter train terror bombing which killed over 200 and injured upwards of 700 people.
As the Times UK is reporting in its Sunday edition:
"We have solved the July 11 bombings case. The whole attack was planned by Pakistan's ISI and carried out by Lashkar-e-Toiba and their operatives in India," AN Roy, Mumbai's police chief, told a packed news conference." - India Blames Pakistan Spies For Bombs
Of the 15 people arrested In the widening investigation by Indian authorities, 11 are Pakistanis.
Musharraf went to great pains both denying any link between the ISI and the Mumbai bombing, stating that the ISI only does what his government tells it to do.
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