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Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Six Flags Great Adventure in NJ to be transformed into "The Great Muslim Adventure Day" by Al Qaeda linked group 9/15/06

Six Flags Great Adventure in NJ to be transformed into "The Great Muslim Adventure Day" by Al Qaeda linked group 9/15/06

September 13, 2006

Jihad by conversion, and Islamisation of all things American is the stated agenda of the Islamic Circle of North America the Muslim American Society (whose name incorporates their goals) and the Young Muslims wing of their da'wa (Islamist propagation) enterprise .The event poster says it all. . The mosque and minarets in the poster showered in fireworks are towering over the "world's highest wooden roller coaster" and meant to convey that Islam is set to become 'the world's only religion' and will tower over , triumph. and subjugate America and Americans who created "the world's highest wooden roller coaster". The "transformation of Great Adventure into the The Great Muslim Adventure Day" is a propaganda coup for radical Islam in the same way as the recently broadcast Al Qaeda tapes. It is a public manifestation of ICNA's Islamist goal of how they plan to turn America into the United States of Allah. That the event is scheduled to draw 15,000 or more Muslim men women and children -is proof that ICNA's goals are supported by many in the Muslim community. http://www.icnanj.org/sixflags/flyers.html

The scheduled speaker at this year's event Sheik Yusuf Isahi spoke at the first Muslim Youth Day and declared the The Muslims Only Day was a victory in the Jihad through da'wa campaign to Islamise the United States.

I thank Allah (SWT) with all sincerity Who brought me here across the seven seas to participate in this great gathering to share in your happiness, Who gave me an opportunity to address thousands of young men and women and the honor of expressing my warm feelings towards you. It is indeed a gift from Allah (SWT) that you were able to celebrate historic "Muslim Youth Day".

The owner of the Six Flags Great Adventure never imagined even in his wildest dreams that a mere recreation area of this kind would be filled with Allah's praise; that speeches on the subject of Islam would be delivered; Dawah towards Islam be given; Allah (SWT) would be remembered; the cries of Allahu Akbar would be heard everywhere. Young men and women dressed Islamically with sound knowledge of their beliefs and practices would represent Islam and hear greetings of "Assalaamu Alaikum" everywhere. Any amount of thanks is but little for the gift, favor honor and guidance that we have received from Allah (SWT). In thankfulness to Allah, we should fall down prostrating: O Lord! this is nothing but Your Benevolence and Mercy. O Allah! it is Your promise that the one who is thankful receives even more from Your bounties. "la in shakrthum la azeedanna kum": (complete text below),

Also see the entries about the Muslims Only Day in 2004 for more information on ICNA MAS and the Young Muslims .

http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/295 Muslims Only Day" at Six Flags park sparks outrage: Islamic Circle of North America under media & public scrutiny. September 12, 2006

MIM: Press releases with links to more information from MIM.

To: National Desk Contact Beila Rabinowitz [email protected]

Subject: Al-Qaeda linked group – ICNA - to transform Six Flags Great Adventure into a Muslim only" Great Adventure Day" on Sept 15th 2006 The Islamic Circle of North America, a Saudi funded radical Islamist group is holding their annual Muslims Only Great Adventure Day on September 15, 2006 at Six Flags in Jackson, NJ.

http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/216 The ICNA PR announced that; " On September 15, 2006 The Six Flags Great Adventure is set to be transformed into the Great Muslim Adventure Day". The Philly ICNA site proclaimed; "Alhamdulillah, the entire park is reserved for Muslims!" The poster for the event shows a mosques and minarets intertwined with the park's roller coaster and reads: " Join thousands of Muslims - Entire Day - Entire Park- Islamic entertainment for the entire family!"http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2367

According to event organizers, last year's event drew 12,000 while other ICNA websites cite 15,000. http://www.icnanj.org/sixflags/flyers.html The Islamic Circle of North America is one of the largest Muslim groups in North America and includes the MAS [Muslim American Society] and YM [Young Muslims]. Its aim is to Islamize the West by promoting jihad through conversion and armed struggle based on the teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood as well as Bin Laden's mentor, Abdullah Azzam the ideologue of Al-Qaeda. ICNA and it's affiliate groups have campaigned on behalf of jailed terror plotters and Al-Qaeda operatives such as American born Ali Al Tamimi, who recruited jihad fighters in the U.S., and Omar Abu Ali, who was jailed last year for a plan to kill President Bush. The Muslim Youth wing of ICNA held jihad and ‘Planning for our Ahkira' [afterlife] camps in the United States. The moderator of the YM Youth Forum calls himself Mujahideen Ryder and his avatar is a ‘martyr' wearing a suicide bomber headdress. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/2090

Ibrahim Negm, the leader of ICNA's Muslim Youth division and editor of ICNA Weekly Mirror Magazine devised a youth curriculum which includes readings on waging jihad and preparation for the afterlife [akhira] and Shahadah [martyrdom]. New Jersey Imam Mazen Mokhtar, a frequent lecturer at Young Muslim and ICNA events is under investigation by the FBI for connections to bomb plotters in London and for running mirror websites to Al-Qaeda's Azzam.org. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/622 The featured speaker at the Muslim Fun Day is Sheik Yasir Qadhi. He is a lecturer at the Al Maghrib Institute whose director Muhammed Alshareef has published an online essay entitled "Why Jews were cursed."http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/1729

The United States is at war with radical Islam, and Al-Qaeda has released videos calling for all Americans to convert to Islam and urging Muslims to attack Westerners. The Islamic Circle of North American is a fundamentalist group linked to Al-Qaeda which openly propagates jihadist ideology. The Muslim Fun Day at Six Flags is intended to ‘Islamize' the entire park as an exercise to show how shar'ia and American values can be intertwined. The mosque rising out of the roller coaster on the poster for the event reflect's ICNA's agenda which aims to turn America into the United States of Allah. Beila Rabinowitz, the director of Militant Islam Monitor, is urging the management of Six Flags to disallow the use of their premises for the Muslim Fun Day Islamist propagation exercise by ICNA.

The Muslim Great Adventure Day at Six Flags is part of a strategy to put a benign face on radical Islam. Please call Six Flags to express your concern at their hosting of a radical Islamist ICNA event and urge them to do their part to help in the fight against terrorism by requesting that they disallow the use of their premises, and refuse to facilitate the spread of ICNA's jihadist ideology, by not taking payment from a Saudi funded Wahhabist organization which is promoting the destruction of the West. Corporate Contact Information: Website - http://www.sixflags.com/contactus.asp

Six Flags Hurricane Harbor
Route 537, P.O. Box 120
Jackson, New Jersey 08527
Chuck Hendrix, General Manager
Park Information (732) 928-2000 x0
Guest Relations (732) 928-2000 x3507 Six Flags corporate office: 1540 Broadway 15th Floor New York,NY 10036 [email protected]

MIM: In 2000 the scheduled speaker for this year, Yusuf Islahi ,made this speech exulting that Six Flags had been tranformed from American fun to Islamist fundamentalist .


A Historic Day for Muslims

Shaikh Yusuf Islahi's speech
given on Muslim Youth Day
Sept 9, 2000
Great Adventure, NJ

On Saturday, September 9, 2000, ICNA (Northeast region) organized the Muslim Youth Day with great zest and spirit at the Six Flags Great Adventure theme park. On the evening of this memorable day, the main session was held in the North Star arena. Eminent American and international speakers expressed their ideas and warmed the hearts of the audience. The whole stadium resounded with the shouts of "Allahu Akbar". The last speech, given by renowned scholar Shaikh Yusuf Islahi, was very enlightening but had to be shortened due to time constraints. Following is the complete speech for our readers:


All praises are for Allah (SWT), the Exalted, the Great. May peace and blessings be on the Prophet Muhammad (saws) and his companions.

Respected brothers and sisters:

Assalaamu Alaikum!

I thank Allah (SWT) with all sincerity Who brought me here across the seven seas to participate in this great gathering to share in your happiness, Who gave me an opportunity to address thousands of young men and women and the honor of expressing my warm feelings towards you. It is indeed a gift from Allah (SWT) that you were able to celebrate historic "Muslim Youth Day".

The owner of the Six Flags Great Adventure never imagined even in his wildest dreams that a mere recreation area of this kind would be filled with Allah's praise; that speeches on the subject of Islam would be delivered; Dawah towards Islam be given; Allah (SWT) would be remembered; the cries of Allahu Akbar would be heard everywhere. Young men and women dressed Islamically with sound knowledge of their beliefs and practices would represent Islam and hear greetings of "Assalaamu Alaikum" everywhere. Any amount of thanks is but little for the gift, favor honor and guidance that we have received from Allah (SWT). In thankfulness to Allah, we should fall down prostrating: O Lord! this is nothing but Your Benevolence and Mercy. O Allah! it is Your promise that the one who is thankful receives even more from Your bounties. "la in shakrthum la azeedanna kum":

I congratulate those young people who were determined to celebrate this day and please Allah (SWT). I also congratulate those elders who put their sons and daughters on this path, supported them morally and spiritually, and encouraged them to work in the mission of introducing Allah's Message. May Allah accept our endeavors. Ameen.

Youth is the essence of life. This is the period when one makes major decisions in life. One has the strength to pursue huge missions. The period of youth is, filled with high spirits, hot blood, plenty of desires, free of many shackles and has the power to make revolutionary decisions in life.

This is why Allah (SWT) and Prophet Muhammad (saws) have given special importance to this period in life. Great events in history and golden eras of time are decorated with the feats of the youth. Youth is the essence of life and our ummah's wealth. Rasulullah (saws) said that on the day of judgment one the five questions that every son and daughter of Adam will be asked will be about the youth.

"How did you spend your youth?"

Fortunate are those youth who spend their prime age in the path of Allah, who spend their days and nights in Islamic activities. A hadeeth in Bukhari assures youth who strive in the service of Allah (SWT) of a special reward. Seven kinds of people will be under the shade of Allah (SWT) on a day when there will be no shade other than Allah's. Among those fortunate seven will be those who were brought up in the service of Allah (SWT).

Youth are the mirror of a nation's destiny. To know whether a nation's future is bright and promising or bleak and lamentable, take an account of its young men's lives. Scan their desires, wishes, hobbies and aspirations. Look at their character and behavior, their achievements and activities. Take an account of their prayers.

These youth on who rests our ummah's future are not just our boys but also our girls. Do not forget or ignore these young girls and boys. Both play a role in their respective arenas in framing our future.

We are celebrating Muslim Youth Day with three main goals. Keep all three in perspective. Think seriously of how to achieve all of them.

Goal # 1: Introduce Islam

Remember! This introduction will also be from your character, your actions, your movements, your behavior, treatment to others, from your conversation and speech, in the manner you present, your food, your attire, your activity, cleanliness, discipline, personal hygiene, firm standing and seriousness at work.

The carefully weighed and judged talk of our speakers and the clear picture of Islam presented will also have an effect. Also the frequent remembrance of Allah (SWT) when you go about your activities and duties, the love and concern you show for Allah's servants will go a long way.

Islam states that all of mankind is from the same tribe, and are the children of one father and mother. It teaches us to love everyone. It doesn't teach us to hate anyone. It teaches us to believe, love and respect all the Prophets (may Allah be pleased with them). Your faith is incomplete if you reject any of them. Islam is the only religion that gives equality to the whole humanity, regards everyone with equal respect. This is the only religion that the whole of mankind can be brought together on the principle of Tawheed, the worship of Allah alone, and belief in all the Prophets! This is the very basis on which all religions and humanity can be brought together.

Goal # 2: Introduce your role and mission

Unlike the past ummahs, you are entrusted with a special purpose. The same way that the Prophets were raised, Allah (SWT) has sent you for the guidance and success of humanity.

Allah (SWT) has favored you as the best of ummahs and has said "ukhrijat linnas." You are the ummah of the last Prophet and Messenger. There will not be any Messenger after Prophet Muhammad (saws) until the day of Judgment. The task of spreading the message will remain until the last day, and Allah has a chosen the Muslim ummah to convey the Message to everyone. You are the result of the acceptance of Prophet Abraham's prayers. The Quran has addressed you as "kuntum khaira ummatin ukhrijatlinnas........."

Today we are celebrating this day to accomplish this mission and fulfill its duties and remind Muslims of their forgotten responsibility. This is certainly a huge honor that Allah (SWT) has given you. No doubt such a high status is a great honor but with it comes certain responsibilities and obligations. Certainly such honor and greatness goes only to those who fulfill their duties and obligations. Those who fail to fulfill their obligations are the ones in manifest error who deserve the anger and punishment of Allah (SWT). Those who rightfully fulfill their duties are the ones who receive this great honor and high status.

Goal # 3: Introduce Yourself

Your third goal of celebrating this day is to convey that you are a peace-loving group and that you strive for the good and success of mankind. You have declared that the propaganda against us done by our enemies is nothing but blasphemy. Under the label of fundamentalism, Muslims are being publicized as terrorists, mischief-makers and violent. All of this is nothing but blasphemy and a pack of blatant lies. After all, on the streets of Great Adventure all these numerous Muslim men and women, young boys and girls moved around with smiling faces greeting one another with Assalaamu Alaikum, peace and blessing for everyone, prayers of goodness and forgiveness on their lips for everyone and welcoming all with open arms. This whole atmosphere, our behavior as a group, our dignified dress, including these well covered young girls and women will serve as a lesson, and cast an example for those present here and also to the rest of the population of this country. Muslims are a peace-loving group who spread the message of the Truth and peace.

Today this gathering as a whole, its discipline, character, speech and action will all have an effect on the minds of a large group and mitigate this propaganda against us. These people will serve as a source to convince the rest of the population that this propaganda is false. But this is possible only if you are serious in achieving these objectives and spend the day conscious of your purpose.

Lastly, I want to remind you, and let this be an advice engraved into your minds, that you may feel that after celebrating this day you have finished your duty, and be satisfied that you celebrated a successful day and that your work is now over. Your work is NOT over; today it has just begun! This is not the end but it is the beginning. Now be steadfast and earnestly continue the good work. This is a never-ending obligation and must continue for life. You are the worker in the path of Allah (SWT) and a worker in the path of Allah (SWT) never rests.

Your job of introducing Islam, introducing your purpose, goals and introducing yourself should be kept ongoing and continues. This is your mission for today. And it is for this mission that you must sacrifice your life. Allah (SWT) is your Protector and Helper. May your tongue always be busy in the remembrance of Allah (SWT) and may it always show the commitment you have made.


http://icnaphilly.com/?q=node/185&PHPSESSID=a1dc7ce56429e4cc5087a94ecbbd5d84 Great Muslim Adventure Day, Sep 15th Submitted by icnacom on Tue, 2006-08-15 18:37. Insha Allah, on September 15, 2006, the New Jersey theme park, Six Flags Great Adventure, is set to be transformed as 'The Great Muslim Adventure Day', an event organized by ICNA. This event is designed to provide entertainment for the entire family! Alhamdulillah, the entire park is reserved for Muslims! September 15, 2006 Flyer Six Flags Great Adventure & Wild Safari,Jackson, NJ Alhamdulillah, last year more than 15,000 attended the largest Muslim gathering of the North East. Muslims came from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia and Washington DC http://www.icnanj.org/sixflags/press.html FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: -- MEDIA ADVISORY -- ORGANIZATION:
P.O. Box 1054 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1054
Phone: 877-363-ICNA http://www.ICNANJ.org
Email: [email protected]
(PISCATAWAY, NJ, 7/1/2006) – On September 15, 2006, the New Jersey theme park, Six Flags Great Adventure, is set to be transformed as 'The Great Muslim Adventure Day', organized by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). This event is designed to provide Islamic entertainment for the entire family! This multi-ethnic event will bring Muslims together in fun environment and they will be able to teach our kids while they enjoy their day in the park. Through out the day, organizers will be holding special programs for the community. Friday prayers will be held at the park at 1 PM. Special arrangements for prayer calls throughout the park are being made. Halal food vendors will be serving quality ethnic food from 11 AM to 11 PM. A large Islamic goods bazaar will also be setup. There will be special presentations by renowned speakers. All this is, of course, in addition to the regular thrills Six Flags Great Adventure is known for, including what is claimed to be the largest safari outside Africa. All in all, September 15, 2006, promises to be a great day, God Willing. Last time, close to 12,000 Muslims participated in daylong festivities at Six Flags location in Jackson, NJ, making it the largest Muslim gathering in the North East. -- END -- http://www.icnanj.org/sixflags/speakers.html
Sh. Yasir Qadhi Sh. Yasir Qadhi studied at the Islamic University of Madinah. After completing a diploma in Arabic, he graduated with a B.A. from the College of Hadith and Islamic Sciences. Thereafter, he completed a M.A. in Islamic Theology from the College of Dawah at the University, and he was awarded his degree with the highest distinction. He is now pursuing a Ph.D. in Islamic Studies from Yale University.

Of his published works are: Riyaa: Hidden Shirk; An Introduction to the Sciences of the Quran; Du'aa: The Weapon of the Believer; Fifteen Ways to Increase Your Earnings From the Quran and Sunnah; An Explanation of the Four Principles of Shirk; A Critical Study of Shirk; and others. He has also translated a significant portion of the Sunan of Abu Dawud along with explanatory comments. Presently, along with his graduate studies, he is a full-time Instructor for Al-Maghrib Institute. Sh. Yasir Qadhi will deliver the Jummah Khutbah at 1 PM at Six Flags (NJ) on Sept. 15. Insha Allah. http://www.icnanj.org/sixflags/about.html HI S T O R Y O F T H E E V E N T This event was first held at Six Flags Great Adventure in September 2000. The event was immediately a huge success. The tragic events of 9/11 that resulted in the loss of thousands of innocent lives, also affected this event directly. The chief organizer, Tariq Amanullah, who worked on the 96th floor of WTC, Tower 2, passed away. The team was unable to come together again till year 2004, when the event came back bigger than ever before. The organizing team has dedicated this event to Tariq Amanullah. We pray for all victims and their families. BE THERE! Do Not Miss It

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