In reference to the stories: Anti-Muslim remarks rock the boat and Hagen may attend course on Islam)
Carl Hagen is saying what I have been telling my Norwegian cousins for the past several years now. Norway simply has to shut its doors to those who practice a culture and religion which still lives in the 5th century.
Norway's crime rate has exploded due the influx of Midlle Easterners and it has to stop. With as low a population as Norway has, it will not be long before the infidels outnumber the natives.
Hold your ground, Mr. Hagen, and please keep speaking out as you have.
Randi Thordis Rosmarin Spring Hill, Florida, USA *****
I thank you again for the (article) "Ambassadors blast Hagen; he fires back" dated 26 July 2004.
In the international campaign against Islamist terrorism, Pakistan and Morocco are two prominent frontline states. I think it is absurd when the most prominent Carl I Hagen insinuates that the Muslim ambassadors are not distancing themselves against terrorism. This illustrates the deep lack of knowledge and appreciation of key frontline states' campaigns against terrorist groups.
Foreign ambassadors and diplomats should refrain from interference in domestic political discussions. However, in some instances it is understandable that foreign diplomats criticize political developments that only lead to more prejudice and xenophobia.
Atilla A Iftikhar Analyst, Eurpolit Hamburg, Germany *****
How hypocritical and arrogant it is for foreign ambassadors to Norway from Muslim countries to criticize the Progress Party leader Carl I Hagen for his remarks on Islamic fundamentalism.
In their criticism of him, they contended "Hagen had violated the principles of tolerance, understanding and cultural freedom on which the Norwegian society is built," as if these principles are widely practiced where these ambassadors come from.
The irony here is that these ambassadors come from countries where Islamic fundamentalism is flourishing and widely accepted, and where democratic principles, tolerance, understanding and cultural freedom is non-existent.
Let's not forget that it is the principles of democracy and the western way of life that allowed Carl I Hagen and others to be able to voice their opinions without the fear of prosecution, unlike where these ambassadors come from; such opinions and remarks could easily lead to one's demise.
What we should perhaps be criticizing is the Islamic fundamentalist's view of the western-democratic world. After all, they have waged war against us by means of terrorism and the killing of innocent people. When we see terror and barbarism practiced in the name of Islam almost on a daily basis in the media, we cannot avoid the expressed opinions of fair-minded politicians.
JW Christophersen Vancouver, Canada *****
Before Mr Hagen is shamed into attending a course on Islam, his accusers should be required to review the words of Winston Churchill on Islam from The River War (1899), his account of the Sudanese campaign. Winston Churchill was a man whose prescient warnings about Hitler were ignored by the world. The world appears to be doing the same today.
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
"Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytising faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science - the science against which it had vainly struggled - the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."
E. Patrick Mosman Pleasantville, New York, USA *****
But has anybody shown that the remarks made by Carl I Hagen are incorrect? The article says that others are upset that he would make such comments, but no one addresses the validity of his remarks.
I believe his statements are 100 percent true.
Ed Rowe Fort Walton Beach, Florida, USA *****
Mr. Hagen was right but understated the case against Islam. During the Iran-Iraq war, the Iranians sent children into the minefields to clear them. As to Mohammed, he was a warlord of the first order.
I'm sure Carl Hagen can take care of himself politically. I only hope there is free speech in Norway so that he doesn't have to go to jail or pay a fine for telling the truth.
Gerald Connor Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA *****
I suppose the reaction of the local Muslims proves Mr Hagen's point. Muslims seem not to be able to tolerate any evaluation or criticism of their ideas and practices resulting in their desire to sue to shut him up.
Islam has not experienced a reformation or renaissance (in which they incorporated modern secular ideas) of any sort like the various Christian sects have gone through. Muslims are attempting to live ideas that fit very well into the primitive, anti-reason, anti-esthetic, anti-pleasure, anti-liberty, anti-free thought worldview of the 7th century but not that of the 21st
They have two choices: Either adjust their ideas to the present world or coerce the rest of us to adjust to theirs. There is no middle ground. And they are as fully aware of the power of ideas and the resulting need to completely erase those ideas and all the people and books that espouse them as the Romans were when they would utterly destroy opposing civilizations ("carthage delenda est").
That is, they force themselves to do exactly what Mr Hagen suggests, they must "take over the world" to return it to the 7th centruy or their children will simple reject it when they grow up in the 21st century with all the beauty, potential, opportunity and liberty to choose that it has to offer.
The ideas, practices and attitudes of Islam cannot stand before the ideas, practices and attitudes of the modern western world when people can choose freely among the two.
Tom Schrade Palisades Park, New Jersey, USA *****
It's true - read their literature. Muslims want the entire world to be Islamic. It's in the Koran. I don't know why people get so upset about it.
By the way, I read your site quite a bit. It's so interesting and well-done. I especially enjoy the pictures.
Lea Splane Bloomington, Illinois, USA *****
Are rival politicians angry at Carl Hagen for what he said, or for putting a voice to what most people are already thinking around the world? When are liberals going to realize that the Islamicists already hate everyone in the West? Are they afraid that they'll hate us more?
At least (Hagen) has the courage to stand up and say what he believes...
Morgan Woxland Seattle, Washington, USA *****
Carl Hagen is absolutely right! History as well as current events demonstrate that everywhere Islam exists it ends up in conflict with its neighbors. You Europeans pride yourselves in your so-called "tolerance" but once Islam gains the upper hand in Europe, their tolerance for you will be nothing but a dream.
Isn't it interesting that two Pakistani Muslims intend to sue Mr. Hagen for his "blasphemy?" Their Muslim hypocrisy and arrogance is incredibly insulting. Norway should pack those Muslim hypocrites onto the next plane to Pakistan and let them take their fight for religious freedom where it's really needed!
Sadly, perhaps because of your own love affair with liberalism - liberalism that has all but eradicated European Christianity - you probably no longer possess either the will or the guts to deal with the Islamic takeover of your homeland.
I am an American of Scandinavian descent and it pains me deeply to see the lands of my ancestors being taken advantage of so brazenly and with so little opposition.
Forget your attitude of "tolerance" or see your grandchildren bow to Mecca.
Glenn M Lindquist Chicago, Illinois *****
Regarding the situation discussed in the article "Anti-Muslim remarks rock the boat," I would like to congratulate Carl Hagen on ruffling a few feathers.
Primarialy (sic) the quote that I saw of his comments (how did you derive them to be outbursts? Your prejudice shines through and it shows a lack of proffessionalism (sic) in your writing) referred to Islamic Fundamentalists. There is more than enough direct evidence to support Hagen's comments. What he said tongue-in-cheek about Mohammed should be his right to express.
I find all this righteous indignation rather humorous (especially the threat to SUE!!) considering the front-page article of Aftenposten is about Norway being the best place to live in the world according to UN rankings. I thought that those rankings included the right to free speech and other basic human rights?
Making commentaries about another religion's prophet is about as offense (sic) as a shirt in the US that says, "Jesus is Coming! (Hide the Porn!)." Do Islamic Fundamentalist groups NOT send young children to be suicide bombers? Do their bombs not kill young people on a regular basis? Please keep to the topic at hand and do not let indignation draw your thoughts to the bombs of the U.S. Stay on topic and consider the commentaries. Are they threats? Harrassment? Not even close. They are opinions. But these opinions are not allowed in the world community anymore despite the actual threat that Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists make against the Western world on a regular basis. This is a foolish over-reaction. Blind hatred and prejudice leads to a lack of discourse. The blind hatred and prejudice these days, however, is against anyone who speaks their mind against religious fundamentalism (well let's be serious, I mean Islamic fundamentalism. Christian fundamentalism is still a viable target) or vocally goes against the popular opinons against the war in Iraq and the against the US in general.
Mr. Hagen, thanks for ruffling some feathers that need to be ruffled. They were starting to get a bit rotten. Speaking against fundamentalists is very much different than speaking against all Muslims everywhere. The very title of this article belies a prejudice as (the) quotation from Mr. Hagen specifically says "Islamic Fundamentalists."
Timothy McLaughlin (still) A resident of the USA, Pennsylvania *****
I found your article "Anti-Muslim remarks rock the boat" very interesting, however, the most interesting issue is the fact that Mr Hagen's party is now the second-largest in Norway.
Only the Labor Party is larger than Mr Hagen's Progress Party.
Something revealing about the Norwegian electorate's attraction to xenophobic statements?
Atilla Iftikhar Hamburg *****
Hagen's remarks appear to simply be commentary on everyday news.
Socialists apparently do not understand that Islamic fundamentalists probably have more hatred for them than they do for the Christian Right. These alleged intellectuals are simply convenient dupes for them.
Neil Ralph Tangen Starbuck, Minnesota, USA *****