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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Dr.Daniel Pipes responds to Al Qaeda tape - "I am faithful to my own religion" -rejects calls to convert -vows to defeat radical Islam Dr.Daniel Pipes responds to Al Qaeda tape - "I am faithful to my own religion" -rejects calls to convert -vows to defeat radical IslamAl Qaeda calls on Dr.Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, Steven Emerson and Michael Sheur to embrace Islam and join them http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/661 Al-Qaeda Invites Me to Join Its Ranks
So, Al-Qaeda wants me and my "sword" (a reference, presumably, to my computer keyboard) to join its efforts. My response to Gadahn:
By way of postscript, Gadahn praises three Westerners: Seymour Hersh, George Galloway, and Robert Fisk. This is in keeping with Osama bin Laden's praising William Blum. (September 2, 2006) MIM: Al Qaeda calls on Dr.Pipes, Spencer, Emerson and Scheur to convert to Islam and join them In a previous article entitled "FOX journalists Centanni and Wiig - Hostages for Life" we explored how Jihad through conversion was now being used as a terrorist tactic against Westerners both in the Middle East and in the West. In a newly released video, Adam Gadahn, who went from California to Caliphate, ‘invited' Dr. Daniel Pipes, Robert Spencer, Steven Emerson and Michael Scheur, to convert to Islam as he did and use their ‘swords' in the service of Al Qaeda. Adding ominously that Time is running out so make the right choice, before its too late and you meet the dismal fate of thousands before you. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6930946825768025342&q=gadahn&hl=en
Dr.Pipes was the first to decline and wrote:
Robert Spencer also rejected the invitation: Thank you for the invitation, Adam, and for your thoughtfulness in extending to me in particular a personal call. But I'm afraid I must decline. While I appreciate that I would be your "brother in Islam" if I became a Muslim and turned my "sword against the enemies" of Allah, I cannot and will not give in to violent intimidation, come what may, and I do not want to live in a society that bows to such intimidation. Spencer also added a counter invitation of his own :
Al Qaeda's unprecedented singling out of four individuals was a paradoxically heartening message, albeit one fraught with menace for the men who were named. The tacit recognition that individuals who were working to combat radical Islam were having their intended impact was heartening, but the knowledge that a call to convert could be a prelude to an attack, and a public refusal is akin to laying down a gauntlet, means that all those named would be well advised to be extra vigilant. Steven Emerson who was also one of those ‘invited' to convert, did not issue a direct response but an entry about the tape on his Counter Terrorism Blog noted that: "…sensationally but not unexpectedly, an al Qaeda spokesperson –American for the circumstance- "name" a number of intellectual-enemies in this country: Daniel Pipes, Steven Emerson, Robert Spencer and Michael Sheuer. In my observation of the movement, this is a crossing of a red line. Rarely Jihadi Terrorists at this high level media exposure, named symbols of their enemy's intelligentsia. But more troubling is the fact that scholars Pipes and Spencer, and journalist Emerson have been consistently "marked" for political attacks by US-based Islamist organizations and web sites. A simple internet search (you may google it instantly) would show readers that these three leading critics of what they have always described as "radical Islam" have been already portrayed by lobbies in this country and under its laws, as "Islamophobes." The convergence of qualification between al Qaeda and these American organizations of US intellectuals is certainly disturbing. As far as the naming of Michael Sheuer on that list, it could be analyzed as a reminder of his past role as a chief of the Usama Bin Laden unit at the CIA years ago. And in addition to "experts" named in the tape, Gadahn goes on a ferocious attack against American "Tele-Evangelists" and their media (you can easily figure out who) showing the other type of foes al Qaeda is very upset with… Especially significant is how the MSM, has consistently ignored the call to convert directed at the four men. Michael Scheur the ex CIA agent who was in charge of the Bin Laden Unit did not respond directly to the conversion ‘invitation' and wrote an analysis entitled" The Western Media's misreading of the Al Qaeda videotape" where he warns that the tape was dangerously consigned the tape to " the dustbin of irrelevancy because it was mistakenly assessed as :
In short, the tape must be taken as an ultimatum and a warning- and should be seen as precursor to a pending attack, instead of a blustering bid by Al Qaeda for media attention. The idea of Jihad through conversion was also ignored in the case of Centanni and Wiig, whose own deafening silence when appearing on tv talk shows after their release indicated that they had nixed the topic, despite the fact that this was one of the most horrifying and ongoing aspects of their kidnap saga. Islamic law calls converts "reverts" and ‘inviting' people to Islam means submitting to what was a previous state. Conversion is irreversible – and any attempt to repudiate the religion makes renders one an apostate subject to the death penalty. In the case of Dr.Pipes, Robert Spencer, Steven Emerson and Michael Scheur, the personal invitation to convert issued by ex Christian Adam Gadahn cannot be dismissed as an Al Qaeda media stunt . It is sign that the Islamists have become brazen and emboldened and is a troubling sign that Muslim groups worldwide which practice da'wa (Islamist propagation) are in tacit agreement with what Sheik Yusuf Qaradawi called the most effective way of turning America into an Islamic State – "Not by the sword by by Jihad through conversion'. . Gadahn himself referred to Dr.Pipes, Steven Emerson, Robert Spencer. and Michael Scheur as 'high ranking enemies of Islam' together with President Bush, and addressed a conversion call to all of the American people. The four men singled out individually have been fighting on the homefront and were asked to put their efforts to the service of Al Qaeda. Their refusal to do so and assertion that they will continue to fight radical Islam has life and death implications. We need to close ranks and voice our support for these men that are in the forefront of the West's fight against radical Islam and are working non stop to preserve our civilization . Adam Gadahn said he wanted to be as a 'lamp spreading light' to Americans In one way he has glaringly illuminated the intent of Islamists is to subjugate or kill all Westerners – and that the terrorists message is unequivocally ‘convert or die'. As president Bush pointed out in a recent speech – there can be no compromise or dialogue with terrorists. One way to start is to say no to the Jihad through conversion taking place under the guise of introductions to Islam for the sake of diversity and sensitivity.We must reject all Muslim attempts to introduce ourselves and our children to Islam in our schools, campuses, workplaces , and public and political life, and halt all interfaith activities. Jihad through forced conversion is terrorism. Al Qaeda's call to convert was directed at all Americans. We should stand with Dr.Pipes, and Robert Spencer who categorically rejected Al Qaeda ‘invitation' to bring them to their knees for Allah, and assert our unwavering commitment to defeating radical Islam and publicly oppose the threat posed by Jihd through conversion and armed confrontation. |