The Israeli citizen, Mahmoud Shaaban Mahmad Hattib, is a resident of the village of Rajar, on the Israel-Lebanon border. He was arrested on July 31st in a joint police and Shabak (General Security Service) operation. The media blackout on the arrest was lifted Wednesday.
Hattib admitted that for two months leading up to the war, he had been passing information regarding IDF deployment and operations in the region to his Hizbullah handler, Abu Mahmad, and to a journalist for Hizbullah's Al-Manar satellite station, Ali Shaayib.
Prior to the indictment issued Wednesday at the Nazareth Court, Hattib admitted to having had extensive telephone contact with Shaayib. He was also supposed to hand over a map, presumably with notations marking IDF positions, to Abu Mahmad.
The Shabak says that contact with Al-Manar journalists is a common way by which Hizbullah handlers are put in touch with Israeli-Arabs sympathetic to their cause.
Earlier this month, an Israeli Bedouin Arab, 30-year-old Riad Mazariv from Beti Zarzir, was also indicted for spying on behalf of Hizbullah. Mazariv had asked a Bedouin tracker serving in the IDF to help him smuggle drugs. When the tracker contacted the Lebanese dealer, he was told that Hizbullah would only supply the drugs in return for intelligence information.
Mazariv agreed and proceeded to report the locations of Katyusha missile impacts. He described in detail IDF troop movements to Hizbullah and passed on intelligence information from Bedouin friends serving in the IDF as well.
Mazariv was charged with contact and attempt to aid the enemy during war, contact with a foreign agent, passing information to the enemy and making contacts to import and supply dangerous drugs.
In Gaza this morning, a Kassam was fired towards Ashkelon; no one ws hurt... Adjacent to the former Gush Katif town of N'vei Dekalim, IDF forces arrested senior Hamas regional commander Younis Abu Daka. During the operation, Abu Daka and his brother opened fire on the soldiers. The brother was killed by a missile fired from an IAF helicopter, and no soldiers were injured... IDF forces arrested 24 wanted PA Arabs across Judea and Samaria last night, including an armed Fatah terrorist in Ramallah and seven terrorists in Bethlehem... PA Arabs opened fire on IDF forces in Shechem and Jenin in several separate incidents overnight; no injuries were reported... Also last night, IDF soldiers spotted two armed terrorists sneaking toward the Gaza security fence, just south of the Kissufim Crossing; the force opened fire and wounded at least one of them.