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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Hirsi Ali's lies: Muslim Dutch parlimentarian's asylum fraud hurts party credibility and efforts to stem illegal immigration

Hirsi Ali's lies: Muslim Dutch parlimentarian's asylum fraud hurts party credibility and efforts to stem illegal immigration

Ali's support of terrorist 'free speech' rights flummoxed party colleagues after recent trial
May 14, 2006

Verdonk belde Hirsi Ali maandagavond met het bericht dat zij mogelijk geen Nederlandse is
Ali alias Magen v.s. Iron Rita Verdonk

Ali's personal machinations have dwarfed the the government's agenda and scuttled the chances of Rita Verdonk to become party leader. After the row about her nationality and passport was settled and she was allowed to keep her citizenship Ali demanded that the government pay for her bodyguards whom she intended to take with her to her new job in the United States.

MIM:The VVD was one of the few parties which is trying to do something against radical Islam.

It is ironic that they are now being damaged by Ali - who has in effect - diminished their chances in the next election, and is presently undermining their political ability to promote the very laws which are the only hope Holland has to stem the tide of Islamisation.

Ayaan's Lies Translated by Beila Rabinowitz director MIM

With what right can a VVD politician plead for the sending back of asylum seekers who lie about their reasons for coming to Holland? The question has become urgent now that is is clear that VVD House member Hirsli Ali in 1992 had lied about her story about fleeing Somalia. For Minister and fellow party member Verdonk (Immigration) is the situation clear: If she had been Minister then,she would not have let Hirsi Ali into Holland. But in the meantime she has gotten Dutch nationality and she is an icon of the fight against extremist Islam in this country and abroad. She has nothing to fear. And that is exactly why it is disconcerting to realise that this politician fooled people in this country about her flight from the civil war in her native Somalia, her escape from a forced marriage, and her fears of honor killing at the hands of her family.

She lived for years safely in Kenya under relatively luxurious conditions. Hirsi Ali confessed her lies to the party top who did not see it as an obstacle to putting her in the forefront of the liberals. The Zembla program broadcast on Thursday night shows that she lied more then she had admitted. Its a fact -some asylum seekers are attempting to trying to better themselves elsewhere and use any deception they can .Hirsi Ali is one of them and admitted it herself. Now the VVD is stuck with a party member who lied about her refugee status and committed written fraud, by among other things, to take an identity that was not hers. If the liberals do not take action against it they will lose their credibility, just as Hirsi Ali has done. Not to mention what would happen if Rita Verdonk will be presented as the candidate to lead the party.

Minister Verdonk to look into the naturalisation of Hirsi Ali despite having said she had nothing to fear.


Verdonk bekijkt naturalisatie Hirsi Ali toch

ROTTERDAM - Minister Rita Verdonk (Vreemdelingenzaken en Integratie) gaat de naturalisatie van Tweede Kamerlid Ayaan Hirsi Ali toch onderzoeken. Dat heeft de minister zaterdag op een bijeenkomst over integratie in Rotterdam gezegd. Verdonk zei vrijdag dat Hirsi Ali niets te vrezen heeft. Of dat nu wel het geval is, wilde de minister een dag later niet zeggen. ,,Ik wil niet op de resultaten van het onderzoek vooruitlopen. Maar wetten en regels gelden voor iedereen", zei de bewindsvrouw in antwoord op vragen van een rapper die zong over ,,iemand in de VVD" die ,,had gelogen en bedrogen". De Immigratie en Naturalisatiedienst (IND) verricht het onderzoek. Verdonk kon niet zeggen wanneer het klaar is. Aanleiding voor het onderzoek naar haar partijgenote Hirsi Ali is volgens Verdonk een televisieuitzending van Zembla. Uithuwelijking Hirsi Ali geeft al jaren toe dat zij heeft gelogen om een verblijfsvergunning in Nederland te krijgen. In een uitzending van tv-programma Zembla afgelopen donderdag verklaarden de broer van Ayaan, een tante en haar ex-man onder meer dat zij niet tegen haar zin was uitgehuwelijkt en dat zij destijds geen angst had of hoefde te hebben voor haar familie. Later zei haar broer echter tegen ANP dat het huwelijk wel degelijk gearrangeerd was en hij er zelf niet bij was. Naar aanleiding van die uitzending stelden verschillende Kamerleden, waaronder Hilbrand Nawijn, vragen over de kwestie. (ANP)



VVD in crisis om Hirsi Ali

DEN HAAG - De VVD is in een diepe crisis gestort door de mededeling van minister Verdonk (Vreemdelingenzaken) dat Ayaan Hirsi Ali geen Nederlandse kan zijn.

Tijdens een spoeddebat in de Tweede Kamer werd Verdonk gisteravond van alle kanten hard aangevallen. Vooral de snelheid waarmee de minister heeft gehandeld, een halve dag voordat Hirsi Ali haar vertrek naar de Verenigde Staten zou aankondigen, wekte verbazing. VVD-fractieleider Van Beek diende een motie in die Verdonk oproept op haar schreden terug te keren. Volgens de VVD heeft de minister wel de beleidsruimte om het intrekken van de Nederlandse nationaliteit terug te draaien. Als dat niet mogelijk zou blijken, moet Hirsi Ali via een versnelde procedure alsnog de Nederlandse nationaliteit krijgen. Deze motie wordt door een Kamermeerderheid gesteund. Bij het ter perse gaan van deze krant was de reactie van minister Verdonk nog niet bekend.

Vice-premier Zalm haalde eerder op de dag opvallend hard uit naar zijn VVD-collega. „Ik ben verbaasd over de snelheid waarmee dit besluit genomen is," zei hij. Hij wil de kwestie in het kabinet bespreken. VVD-fractievoorzitter Van Beek erkende gisteravond dat hij verbijsterd was. Maandagavond hadden hij en Zalm nog overleg met Verdonk; een paar uur later lag er een brief waarin Verdonk de conclusie trok dat Hirsi Ali nooit is genaturaliseerd. Ook premier Balkenende sprak zijn verbazing daarover uit. D66-Kamerlid Bakker heeft een nacht ziedend wakker gelegen van zoveel onbarmhartigheid. Bij de VVD hadden zich gistermiddag vroeg al 150 boze leden gemeld; dertig VVD'ers zegden hun lidmaatschap op.

Verdonk zei ter verdediging dat zij niet anders kon, omdat Hirsi Ali haar persoonsgegevens vervalste. „De wet laat geen ruimte tot een andere conclusie te komen." Het debat greep Verdonk aan. „Ik vind het vreselijk zo'n brief te moeten schrijven," zei ze.


Translation: By Beila Rabinowitz director MIM Hirsi Ali :

Don't fight extreme ideas via the judge

http://www.volkskrant.nl/den_haag/article244829.ece Translation

The conviction of a member of the Hofstadgroep for being in possession of and spreading radical ideas is an attack on the freedom of expression. So said Hirsi Ali (VVD) Saturday after studying the conviction.According to her a radical ideology should not be fought in the courts but in the ideological arena. The government must then take care that the participants in the public debate will be protected if they make negative remarks about Islam. Now the campaign against Islam is not possible because the critics of Islam are afraid to speak out and get threats. So said Hirsi Ali who is occupied in the name of her party with the question of radical Islam. "Here is talk of a struggle of ideas" "In an open society you can spread a radical ideology, even if it leads to violence at the core". The struggle against it is not the judges domain, because then they are saddled with political and theological ,according to the politician. The impetus for her argument is the conviction against Fahmi B. The court sentenced him to 18 months for membership in The Hofstadgroep and possessing and spreading radical Islamist material. Hirsi Ali is further satisfied at the sentence in the trial that the Hofstadgroep is considered as a terrorist organisation. But she is "deeply unhappy" with the sentence against Fahmi B. which she says in contradiction to Article 10 (right of the freedom of expression) of the European Convenant on Human Rights. The cabinet member realises that this conviction was gotten with use of the new anti terror laws. But she finds that the point of the law against spreading of radical ideas must be adjusted. She will discuss that Friday in the VVD. "We are placing too much of an emphasis on the criminal code and the information of the secret services." The judge cannot make political decisions" according to Hirsi Ali. Her VVD colleague Weekers, who is head of the counter terrorism section of the party, spoke of a "remarkable argument". He feels nothing for changing the law yet again. "We have to take measures to fight against terrorism. Yesterday that law has proved that it is necessary". CDA cabinet member Van Haersma Buma reacted very surprised over the remarks of Hirsi Ali. "...This is not about a normal debate, but about hatemongering statements which which are punishable by law. According to him the state must be able to punish people who are guilty of this...".

. MIM:Ali has apparently forgotten all about her own calls to close down The Al Tawheed mosque for spreading hate ideology and being anti gay and anti woman which received widespread publicity. Now she is arguing the opposite seemingly for the sake of controversy). Perhaps she is pleading for terrorists free speech in anticipation of the criticism she might receive protesting her planned upcoming movie where she wants to put Koranic verses on the bodies of homosexuals to protest Islam's treatment of them.) According to this her line of reasoning she should sit down with Bouyeri and the Hofstadgroep members in a Town Hall meeting and ask why they want to kill people. (She implies that it that terrorism trials dont work- and is saying that radical Islamists like Masri and Bakri should have been allowed to continue preaching.)

Ali also dismisses the fact that when Theo van Gogh was murdered (for helping her make a film she wrote), he pleaded for mercy and asked his killer "can't we talk about this?" The response was another burst of gunfire and subsequent near decapitation.

(Her self contradictory statements echo the accusations made in a a letter on the internet written by a disgruntled boyfriend who claimed she was pathologically self obsessed.) http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/1905 (She arrogantly claims the judge cant make political or theological decisions but expects the public to do so -and demands they get police protection from the terrorists they are debating!)

zaterdag 11 maart 2006 uur.

Hirsi Ali: extreme ideeën niet via rechter bestrijden

DEN HAAG - De veroordeling van een lid van de Hofstadgroep voor het in bezit hebben en verspreiden van radicale ideeën, is een aantasting van de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Dat zei Tweede Kamerlid Hirsi Ali (VVD) zaterdag na bestudering van het vonnis. Een radicaal gedachtegoed moet volgens haar niet via het strafrecht, maar in de 'ideologische arena' worden bestreden.

De overheid moet er dan wel voor zorgen dat de deelnemers aan dat publieke debat worden beschermd als ze zich negatief over de islam uitlaten. Nu is de bestrijding van de islamitische ideologie niet mogelijk in Nederland, omdat veel critici van de islam zich niet durven uitspreken uit angst voor bedreigingen, aldus Hirsi Ali, die zich namens haar fractie onder meer met het onderwerp radicalisering bezighoudt. 'Hier is sprake van een ideeënstrijd. In een open samenleving mag je een radicaal gedachtegoed hebben en verspreiden, ook al leidt dat in de kern tot geweld. De bestrijding daarvan hoort niet bij de rechter thuis, omdat die dan wordt opgezadeld met politieke en theologische onderwerpen', zei de politica. Aanleiding voor haar pleidooi is het vonnis tegen Mohammed Fahmi B.. De rechtbank veroordeelde hem vrijdag tot achttien maanden voor het lidmaatschap van de Hofstadgroep en het voorhanden hebben en verspreiden van extremistisch materiaal. Hirsi Ali is verder tevreden over de veroordelingen in het proces en het feit dat de Hofstadgroep is aangemerkt als criminele terroristische organisatie. Maar ze is 'diep ongelukkig' over het vonnis tegen Fahmi B., dat volgens haar in strijd is met artikel 10 (recht op vrijheid van meningsuiting) van het Europees Verdrag voor de Rechten van de Mens (EVRM). Het Kamerlid beseft dat de vorig jaar aangenomen antiterreurwet in dit proces is gebruikt. Toch vindt ze dat de wet op het punt van het bezit en verspreiden van radicale ideeën moet worden aangepast. Ze zal dat dinsdag in de VVD-fractie bespreken. 'We leggen daarbij nu een te zware nadruk op het strafrecht en de informatie van geheime diensten. De rechter mag geen politieke beslissingen nemen', zei Hirsi Ali. Haar VVD-collega Weekers, die fractiewoordvoerder terrorismebestrijding is, sprak van een 'merkwaardig pleidooi'. Hij voelt er weinig voor om de wet nu al weer te veranderen. 'We moeten maatregelen treffen die nodig zijn om terreurverdachten aan te kunnen pakken. Gisteren is bewezen dat de wet nuttig is', zei Weekers. CDA-Kamerlid Van Haersma Buma reageerde zeer verbaasd op de uitspraken van Hirsi Ali. De radicale uitspraken worden gedaan in de context van een terroristische organisatie, waardoor ze volgens hem levensgevaarlijk zijn. 'Het gaat hier niet om een normaal debat, maar om haatzaaiende uitingen die strafbaar zijn', zei Van Haersma Buma. Volgens hem moet de rechtsstaat mensen aanpakken die zich daaraan schuldig maken.
-------- Wilders was threatened that there will be an attempt on his life in December but that news isnt getting any attention - compare to the feud between Ali and Wiegal. One links says he gets death threats 5 x a day! Wilders wordt al lange tijd regelmatig met de dood bedreigd vanwege zijn kritische uitspraken over de islam (lees Celstraf geëist voor bedreiger Wilders, Wilders vijf keer per dag bedreigd, Wilders wil meer informatie over bedreigingen en Moordaanslag beraamd op Hirsi Ali en Wilders). Geert Wilders met dood bedreigd (video Zoom.in)

MIM:Wilders left the VVD and started his own Freedom Party.

The VVD has lost three seats and alot of people blame Ali. Her public feud with Hans Wiegal shows that 77% side with him. http://www.elsevier.nl/opinie/commentaar-artikel/asp/artnr/74997/index.html

He said she has no respect for people who think differently from her and is just interested in driving wedges between people. It's a huge public feud and is ruining the party. http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/politiek/nieuwsbericht/asp/artnr/75293/index.html

It looks like being named one of the 100 most prominent people inflated 'Saint Ayaan's "ego to the point where she thinks everyone is listening to what she has to say as if it is gospel truth. It's amazing how someone with no political platform except goading Muslims has left such a trail of devastation and chaos in her wake).

Her own party pubicly cite her as a liability after she called the founder, Hans Wiegal , 'a reactionary conservative'.

She was forced to backtrack but the public feud has damaged the party badly.

Ali also took up the cause of the Muslim asylum seekers who were hurt in the arson fire set by a Libyan thought to have terror ties. Several of the illegals jailed were killed and some escaped and were found later. She says that they should be given permission to stay in NL. Dhimmi mayor Cohen also agrees. The PM has set it will set a dangerous precedent.

The Dutch government also moved Ali into the 11th floor of an apartment complex. The residents are complaining that they will be endangered and lost a law suit to that effect. http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/nederland/nieuwsbericht/asp/artnr/76706/index.html http://www.elsevier.nl/nieuws/politiek/nieuwsbericht/asp/artnr/38700/index.html

The most recent news is that Ali is being given 4 months to find new housing - which may turn out to be unnecessary is she is deported before then.


Hirsi Splits Dutch Ruling Coalition

IslamOnline.net & News Agencies

Verdonk came under fire for reversing a decision to revoke Hirsi's citizenship.

THE HAGUE — Even after her decision to move to the US and work for an influential think-tank, controversial Ayaan Hirsi is continuing to cast a pale over the political arena in the Netherlands, with the fate of the government tied to a heated debate on whether she should keep her Dutch citizenship.

The Reformist D66, a key member of the ruling coalition, threatened Thursday, June 29, to bring down the government unless Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk resigns after reversing a decision to revoke Hirsi citizenship, Reuters reported.

"We no longer trust this minister," Lousewies van der Laan, a D66 MP, told a storming session.

"We wait for this government to decide if they choose for this minister or for the cabinet as a whole," she added.

In May, Verdonk said the Somali-born lawmaker would be stripped of her Dutch citizenship for lying about her name, age and refugee status on arrival in the Netherland in 1992.

But after tremendous political pressures, the minister reversed her position, saying scandal-plagued Hirsi could keep her Dutch passport.

The D66 is the smallest party in the ruling coalition with six seats in the 150-member parliament.

Other coalition partners are the CDA (Christian Democrats) with 44 seats and the rightwing Liberal VVD party with 27 seats.

However, if the D66 carries through on its threat, the government would lose its parliamentary majority and could be forced to step down.


Hirsi, who defines herself as a "dissident of Islam," has lied about her name, age and refugee status to get political asylum.

The Immigration minister, known for her tough stance on immigration, survived a no-confidence motion during the parliamentary session.

Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende has distanced himself from Verdonk during the debate.

He was expected to hold a meeting with his cabinet to discuss the current row.

Balkenende is caught between a rock and a hard place, especially after VVD ministers threatened to step down if Verdonk is forced to resign.

Verdonk, like Hirsi, is a member of the VVD and was tipped to lead the party before the controversy.

A recent television program interviewed members of Hirsi's family, who said that she had not been forced into an arranged marriage and had had nothing to fear as she alleged to win the asylum status.

Hirsi, who was born in 1969 in Somalia and defines herself as a "dissident of Islam," is expected to take up a job with the Washington-based right-wing think tank the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).

Many members of the AEI, founded in 1943, serve or have served in US President George W. Bush's administration.

She has gained notoriety in the Muslim world for her two-part documentary "Submission," which was dubbed by the Muslim minority as "extremely insulting."

The documentaries are about what the MP says Islam's oppression of women and homosexuality in Islam.

The documentary infuriated the one million Muslims in the European country and led to the November 2004 killing of its director Theo Van Gogh by a Dutch man of Moroccan origin.

The killing, however, was strongly condemned the vast majority of the minority

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