February 16, 2004
The following statement is brought to you by 52 American Muslim Organizations:
Press Release
American Muslims are protesting and condemning strongly the continuous insults and humiliation against our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) by some of the newspapers in European countries knowing how the Muslims around the world value their Prophet. We believe that these actions are designed to inflame the relations between Muslims and the West in general. We are convinced that this insult against Islam and Muslims is not approved by the majority of the Europeans.
We are protesting the insult made by some newspapers citing the freedom of speech. We are protesting the newspapers' decisions to run the cartoons. We are protesting the newspapers' insult to Islam.
Are anti-Semitic, anti-Christian or anti-Black sentiments considered responsible uses of "freedom of speech"? We do not think so!
Insulting and attacking God's religion (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), his creation, and any prophet (Adam, Abraham, and ending with Moses, Jesus and Muhammad peace be upon them all), or any group of people is not a responsible use of the freedom of speech. It also goes against the tenants of Islam.
Freedom of expression is not absolute. There are responsibilities and limitations and it should not be used to propagate racist, Islamophobic, anti-Semitic and other xenophobic views. such views can incite people to hatred.
We ask that the European Union, the government of Denmark and other governments recognize that the cartoons malign the honor of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and insult the integrity of Islam. Insult and attacks against any group or religion should be stopped and new laws and regulations should be adopted against any violation.
We would like to remind our fellow Muslims around the world what Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: "Remind! May reminding benefit the believers." Also the Prophet (pbuh) said: "do not be extremist, extremism destroyed nations before you." In addition, he said in his last sermon that we should avoid violence and not to attack places of worship and civilians.
1- The American Muslim Association of North America, (AMANA) 2- Masjid Jamaat Al-Mumineen 3- American Muslims for Emergency and Relief, Inc. 4- Masjid Shamsuddin, Miami Florida 5- Islamic Center of South Florida, (ICSF) 6- Islamic Center Of Des Moines 7- Muslim Student Organization, Florida Atlantic University 8- Muslim Student Association, University of Miami 9- Islamic Society of Sarasota, Florida 10- Islamic Center of Belle Glade, Florida 11- Masjid Alfaiza of Miami, Florida 12- Islamia Association of Bosniaks in North America (IABNA) 13- Islamic Community of SW Florida 14- Muslim Student Association of UC Berkeley 15- Islamic center of West Michigan 16- Mosque of Grand Rapids 17- Islamic Center at New York University 18- Masjid Annoor (Knoxville, TN) 19- The Muslim Community Association OF the Peninsula (MCAP) 20- Islamic Center of Boca Raton (ICBR) 21- Tawheed Center of Farmington Hills 22- The Islamic Learning Center of Orange County, New York 23- The MSA of Columbia University 24- Msulim Students Association at Jackson State University 25- Muslim Students Association at University of Wisconsin 26- Mississippi Muslim Association (MMA), Jackson, Mississippi 27- Masjid Muhammad, Jackson, Mississippi 28- The International Museum of Muslim Cultures, Jackson, Mississippi 29- Chase American Muslims Islamic Center (C.A.M.I.C). 30- Noor Al-Islam Institute & Islamic Center, Mississippi 31- American Muslim Bakaa Center 32- Islamic Center Of Detroit 33- Masjid Al-Iman, Belle Glade 34- Masjid Al-Hoda 35- Masjid Nur-ul Islam, Florida 36- Nur-ul-Islam Academy, Florida 37- The Islamic Society of Greater Lansing 38- Masjid Assabur, Las Vegas, Nevada 39- Institute Of Islamic Information And Education 40- Muslim Students' Association of Illinois Institute of Technology 41- Masjid_E_Tahoora, Chicago, IL.60645 42- Senior Citizen of South Florida 43- Masjid An-Noor, Miami Florida 44- Huntsville Islamic Center 45- Muslim Access, Inc. (www.muslimaccess.com) 46- Al-hikmat Services, Inc., Florida 47- Darul Uloom Institute, Florida 48- MUSLIM RADIO PROGRAM, FL (WWW.WAVS1170.COM) 49- Masjid Jamaat Al-Mutaqeen, FL 50- Islamic Society of Wichita, Wichita, KS 51- Islamic Foundation of South Florida 52- Islamic Society of Rutgers University (NB)
***** Organizers:
Br. Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout Director & Counselor Tel. 305-898-9314 www.al-amana.org
The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA Proudly Serving the U. S. Communities Since 1992 (A Member in the "Florida SAC", Florida State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights) {The Islamic Center for Reaching & Preaching} Al-AMANA Voice HEAD OFFICE MIAMI / FLORIDA: P. O. Box 5212, Miami, FL 33014 USA Tel. 305-898-9314, Fax. 305-945-0399 E-mail: [email protected] ~ www.al-amana.org CALIFORNIA / LOS ANGELES OFFICE 611 South Verdil Avenue, Suite 206, Los Angeles, CA 90005 Tel. 323-314-2944, e-mail: [email protected] GEORGIA / ATLANTA OFFICE P. O. Box 671465, Marietta, GA 30006 USA Tel. 770-374-3434, Fax. 770-473-4555, E-mail: [email protected] MICHIGAN OFFICE 7642 Calhoun Street, Dearborn, MI 48126 Tel: 313-531-9210, e-mail: [email protected] PUERTO RICO OFFICE P. O. Box 140494, Arecibo, Puerto Rico 00614 Tel. 787-879-5425, e-mail : [email protected] CONNECTICUT OFFICE 163 Elmhurst St., West Hartford, CT 06110 Tel. 860-216-6211, E-mail: [email protected]
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