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Militant Islam Monitor > Satire > Officer there is an explosive device in my car: Was DC bomb threat a 'prank' or part of ongoing 'non violent terror' Pysops ?

Officer there is an explosive device in my car: Was DC bomb threat a 'prank' or part of ongoing 'non violent terror' Pysops ?

Spate of bogus bomb threat reports a mixture of paid informants greed, vendettas, and possible terrorist testing of official strategy
October 21, 2005

MIM: The idea of using bogus bomb threats as a form of Pysops and non violent terrorism was discussed in a previous entry citing the pyschological effect and financial toll which was taken each time daily life became disrupted due to precautions being taken in the wake of a of a terrorist attack threats.

The latest bomb hoax in DC, where a young man told police their was a bomb in his car in front of the Capitol resulted in a shutdown of major roads in the Capitol, and caused disruption and financial loss to countless people and businesses. The question remains as to why someone (who was not alone) would ask to be arrested by walking up to police and telling them he had a bomb in his car. It is worth noting that no news reports as to the ethnicity of the arrested man have yet surfaced. This newest bomb threat incident shows that the terrorism fears have now become part of America's daily routine, and poses the real danger that people will drop their guard in the wake of false threats, which would be exactly what the terrorists want.

Bomb worry clogs traffic near Capitol


Associated Press

WASHINGTON - A young man told police there was a bomb in his car in front of the Capitol on Friday, and police exploded a package inside the car as a precaution, authorities said.

The man was taken to a Washington hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, while another man in the car was questioned and released, said a federal law enforcement official.

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said police dismissed the idea that there actually was an explosive. Work went on as usual inside the Capitol as police cordoned off several blocks nearby.

Two young men in the car - a gray 2005 Chevrolet Impala with Florida license plates - were taken into custody, said U.S. Capitol Police spokeswoman Jessica Gissubel.

Neither man was expected to be charged with a crime, the federal law enforcement official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because Capitol police were in charge of the investigation.

Police took no chance after examining the car near the corner of First Street and Constitution Avenue. A bomb squad member was seen using a mirror to examine the underside of the car. Later, police blew up whatever was in the car, causing a flash and loud noise and blowing open a back door.

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