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Militant Islam Monitor > Weblog > Mustafa Abu Sway - Affiliations to Hamas leaders Hasan Yousef , Sheik Jamal Hamimi, and Al Aqsa Imam Ekrima Sabri , via PASSIA

Mustafa Abu Sway - Affiliations to Hamas leaders Hasan Yousef , Sheik Jamal Hamimi, and Al Aqsa Imam Ekrima Sabri , via PASSIA

March 28, 2004

The true face of Mustafa Abu Sway :

" Hamas Peacenik" Mustafa Abu Sway's connections to PASSIA , the co called (Palestinian Academy for the Study of International Affairs )shows how there are zero degrees of seperation between him and Hamas. That a non existent country receives funding from the "usual suspects' like the Ford and Rockefeller foundations, to maintain an institutional NGO facade for Hamas should come as no surprise .PASSIA continues 'business as usual', even after panelist Hasan Yousef was arrested and imprisoned in Israel. (see HAMAS communique below calling for Jihad and warning Israel not to harm "the steadfast Sheik" ). The list of participants in PASSIA events includes members of Hamas, the PLO, Fatah, and the Palestinian Authority .

Despite sitting with Hamas leaders Hasan Yousef Jamil Hamimi, and Grand Mufti Ekrima Sabri on PASSIA panels, and being a documented Hamas activist , Mustapha Abu Sway continues to be feted as "a man of peace" by his FAU colleagues and the administration of Florida Atlantic University, who recently organised this event:

"The Abacoa Project of Florida Atlantic University's Center for Urban & Environmental Solutions will have a lecture by Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Fulbright Professor of Islamic Studies at Florida Atlantic University's Wilkes Honors College, on Thursday, March 25, at 6 p.m.This lecture if free and open to the public, but space is limited, so an RSVP is required. To RSVP, call Dr. Ed Maietta at 799-8526."

Islamic professor to deliver lecture :

His lecture will be on the sense of community and the sense of place in his homeland of Palestine.

The organisers failed to mention two salient facts:

* The country of Palestine does not exist

* Mustafa Abu Sway is a Jordanian citizen



During the years 1997 to 2002 one can follow Abu Sway's continuous connection with two known Hamas leaders Sheik Jamal Hamimi, and Hasan Yousef, both of whom are linked to terrorist funding . Hasan Yousef runs the Zakat "charity" department at Al Quds University.. Below are photos showing Abu Sway seated next to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. This proves that he is considered a significant figure by the PA and by the Hamas political and 'spiritual' leadership .


Mustafa Abu Sway at 2000 PASSIA conference on "The Holy Land,Jerusalem, and The Al Aqsa Mosque:

"It is the religous duty of Muslims all over the world to maintain Al- Aqsa Mosque both spiritually and physically...

The relationship with the Al- Aqsa mosque is primarily fulfilled through acts of worship, but the physical maintence of the mosque is also part of the responsibility of all Muslims. The fulfillment of both duties will be impaired as long as Al Aqsa remains under occupation!.....

"Being a Jerusalamite myself and living only a short walking distance from the Al-Aqsa Mosque,...I have witnessed the influx of Muslim pilgrims...prior to 1967.

MIM Note: Mustafa Abu Sway neglects to mention that prior to 1967 the Al Aqsa mosque was controlled by the Jordanians who descrated Jewish holy sites and cemeteries by turning them into latrines. In 1967 when Israel regained control of the Temple Mount. then General Moshe Dayan handed the keys of the Al Aqsa mosque to the Islamic Wakf . The Al Aqsa Mosque which is located directly above the Western Wall, one of Judaism's most holy sites.The Arabs returned the Israeli gesture of good will (and misplaced compassion) with constant attacks and harassment on Jewish worshippers, culminating in the start of two "intifada's"orchestrated from the "command center' in the Al Aqsa Mosque. Abu Sway, himself stated that he lives "only a short distance from the Al Aqsa Mosque and admitted having been at thr Al Aqsa Mosque on the first day of the ' intifada'. http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/20

"On the first day of the new intifada he, (an Al Quds University colleague) was at the Al Aqsa Mosque , and I was there too"... Mustafa Abu Sway and his friend from Al Quds University were not the innocent bystanders he pretends they were . Everyone on the Temple Mount at the Al Aqsa mosque that day had come there to attack Israelis. Al Quds University, as a center of Hamas activity, would have been at the forefront, not only because of it's proximity to the Temple Mount where the riots began but because the:

"Official Palestinian Authority media exhorted the Palestinians to violence. On September 29, the Voice of Palestine, the PA's official radio station sent out calls "to all Palestinians to come and defend the al-Aksa mosque." The PA closed its schools and bused Palestinian students to the Temple Mount to participate in the organized riots. http://www.us-Israel.org/jsource/myths/mf19a.html#a1


See below for photos of Mustafa Abu Sway seated next to Grand Mufti Ekrima Sabri.

'The younger the martyr, the greater and the more I respect him'...

" I am filled with rage at the Jews. I have never greeted a Jew when I came him and I never will"

Grand Mufti of Al Aqsa : Ekrima Sabri.

By David Kupelian

WND 2000



The Mufti of Jerusalem, the city's highest Muslim religious authority, is calling for the complete "liberation" by Palestinians not only of Jerusalem, but of all of Israel, and stresses that "sacrifice" and "martyrdom" of Palestinian children prove that "the new generation will carry on the mission with determination."

Speaking to the Egyptian weekly, Al-Ahram Al-Arabi, Sheik 'Ikrima Sabri, the Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, addressed several issues regarding the Israeli-Arab conflict -- including his admiration for the child "martyrs."

We cannot establish a homeland by only liberating Jerusalem. It is true that Salah Al-Din did not rest until Jerusalem was liberated, but this does not suggest that the rest of this blessed land is to be neglected or given up. ..."

Stressing that "Every Palestinian is, in fact, in a state of Jihad," Sabri praised the Palestinian "martyrs," and particularly the children that are proudly thrust by their parents and other combatants into the frontlines of conflicts with Israelis.

"I feel the martyr is lucky because the angels usher him to his wedding in heaven," he said...

..."There is no doubt that a child [martyr] suggests that the new generation will carry on the mission with determination," said the Mufti, appointed by Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat. "The younger the martyr, the greater and the more I respect him. ... One wrote his name on a note before he died. He wrote: 'the martyr so and so.' In every martyr's pocket we find a note with his name on it. He sentences himself to martyrdom even before he becomes a martyr."

In response to the interviewer's question, "Is this why the mothers cry with joy when they hear about their sons' death?" Sabri answered:

"They willingly sacrifice their offspring for the sake of freedom. It is a great display of the power of belief. The mother is participating in the great reward of the Jihad to liberate Al-Aqsa ... I talked to a young man ... [who] said: '... I want to marry the black-eyed [beautiful] women of heaven.' The next day he became a martyr. I am sure his mother was filled with joy about his heavenly marriage. Such a son must have such a mother."

Asked, "How do you feel about the Jews?" Sabri answered: "I enter the mosque of Al-Aqsa with my head up and at the same time I am filled with rage toward the Jews. I have never greeted a Jew when I came near one. I never will. They cannot even dream that I will. The Jews do not dare to bother me, because they are the most cowardly creatures Allah has ever created. ..."


Hasan Yousef ran the Al Zakat department (charity funds) at Al Quds University .; Mustafa Abu Sway, Islamic Research Center, Al-Quds University; Hassan Yousef, Az-Zakat Department. As you can see from the Hamas communique below Hamas leader Hasan Yousef was imprisoned in Israel in 2002. Mustafa Abu Sway's other co panelist at PASSIA events were Jerusalems Grand Mufti of the Al Aqsa mosque Ekrima Sabri and Hamas leader Sheik Jamal Hamimi :

"Hamami was so well known as a Hamas leader that a
textbook on Islamic fundamentalism and Hamas (written
by a Palestinian professor from Bir Zeit University)
described Hamami as a founder of the Hamas movement"
Justice lawyers wrote last month. (
see below for more information)


Mustafa Abu Sway also participated in PASSIA panels concerning "Threats to the Al Aqsa Mosque":

Click on the 'photo' link below to see Mustafa Abu Sway (bald and bareheaded), seated at PASSIA conference next to Jerusalem Mufti Ekrima Sabri (wearing white and red ' cleric kufi ')

.The' holy Imam' Sabri was questioned by Israeli police in 2002 :..." on suspicion of inciting violence and expressing support for suicide bombings ..."

Police said they questioned and "warned" Sheikh Ekrima Sabri and then released him without conditions.

Palestinian Radio reported Israeli police picked up Sabri for an interview he had with the Emirates newspaper al-Bayan al-Imratiya, in which he described the Palestinian suicide bombing attacks as "legal martyrdom operation and legal self-defense against the Zionist occupation."

UPI report by J.Brillant 10/15/02


Ekrima Sabri - Appointed by Arafat's "Palestinian Authority" to be the Mufti of "Jerusalem and Palestine".

The following are excerpts from the weekly Friday sermon delivered by Palestinian Authority [PA] appointed "Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine" Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, at the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem on July 11, 1997. The sermon was broadcast on the PA's official radio station, Voice of Palestine.

"Oh Allah, destroy America, for she is ruled by Zionist Jews...

"Allah will paint the White House black! Clinton is fulfilling his father's will to identify with Israel...

"The Muslims say to Britain, to France and to all the infidel nations that Jerusalem is Arab. We shall not respect anyone else's wishes regarding her. The only relevant party is the Islamic nation, which will not allow infidel nations to interfere...

"The homes the Jews are building will become Arab property, with Allah's help...

"Allah shall take revenge on behalf of his prophet against the colonialist settlers who are sons of monkeys and pigs....Forgive us, Muhamad, for the acts of these sons of monkeys and pigs, who sought to harm your sanctity."

Photo shows Mustafa Abu Sway (see picture above) seated to the left of Sheik Ekrima Sabri and ' the usual supects' : Abu Sway is bareheaded and bald, Ekrima Sabri is wearing a red and white 'cleric's kufi'



http://www.passia.org/meetings/rsunit/activites2001.html January 2001, PASSIA, Jerusalem
Threats to Al-Aqsa Mosque
Participant(s): Adnan Husseini, Director of the Islamic Waqf, Jerusalem; Sheikh Jamil Hamami; Sheikh Mohammed Hussein, Mahdi Abdul Hadi. April 2001, PASSIA, Jerusalem
Al-Shi'ah and Al-Sunnah, and Explaining Islamic Events
Participant(s): Muzaffar Iqbal, President of the Center for Islam & Science, Canada; Sheikh Jamil Hamami, Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway. Al-Aqsa Mosque: Threats & Challenges
Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine; Adnan Husseini, Director of the Islamic Waqf, Jerusalem
Participants: Sheikh Jamil Hamami, Isam Anani, Hatem Abdel Qader, Mohammed Nusseibeh, Sheikh Ibrahim Sabri, Dr.Mustafa Abu Sway, Ibrahim Du'aibes, Dr. Adnan Arafeh, Samer Nusseibeh, Ghanem Nusseibeh, Zaki Abu El-Halawa, Hassan El-Qiq, Abdel Rahman Abu Arafeh, Father Tareq Abu Hanna, Father Murad Hjazin, Father Tareq Hjazin, Father Rami Tabban, Father Wesam Masada, Father Hamam Khzuz, Father Ala Alamat, Father Imad Alamat [See Photos]
Mustafa Abu Sway

Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Islamic Studies, and Director of the Islamic Research Center at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem / Palestine. He is also the coordinator for the MA program in Contemporary Islamic Studies http://www.metanexus.net/conference2002/speakers.htm

He graduated from Bethlehem University (BA, 1984), Boston College (MA, 1985 & Ph.D. 1993). Dr. Abu Sway taught at the International Islamic University-Malaysia 1993-95, where he was the chairperson of the Dept. of Philosophy, International Institute for Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC) 1995-96, and joined Al-Quds University in 1996.

WASHINGTON – Sheik Jamil Hamami figures prominently in the government's case against the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development ...

September 25 PASSIA-Religious Study Unit Ramallah
Muslim-Christian Relations in Palestine Today (IV): The Perspective of the ‘Other' in Islam
Speaker: Sheikh Jamil Hamami

Participants: Samia Khoury, Rev. Hanna Mas'ad, Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Father Maroun Lahham, Suheil Odeh, Dr. Sa'id Al-Qiq, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, Elias Tabban, Father Jamal Du'aibes, Fuad Snousian, Ajaj Ma'ay'ah, Tareq Hijazin, Ibrahim Shoufani, Dr. Hamza Dib.

July 2000
Islamic Perspectives o9 July 2000
The Palestine Question: An Islamic Perspective
Speakers: Dr. Mustafa Abu Swai, Sheikh Jamil Hamami
Participants: Dana Baruch, Riva Jacobs, Kelly Finkel, Susan Couden, Sara kolett, Gay Cllis, Laura Buse, Perter Geffen, Steven Bogad, Shaula Gurani, Elizabeth Sharkey
PASSIA, Jerusalem

September 14 PASSIA-Religious Study Unit, Ramallah
Workshop: Arabic Language Study in Japan - Translating the Holy Qur'an to Japanese'
Speaker: Professor Osamu Ikeda, Professor and Former President, University of Osaka for Foreign Studies, Japan
Participants: Katsuyoshi Hayashi, Head of the Japanese Representative Office to the PA; Sheikh Bassam Jarrar, Head of Noon Center for Qur'anic Studies, Al-Bireh; Tareq Hamida; Lecturer in Islamic Studies; Hussein Al-Mahdi, Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Al-Quds University; Said Al-Qiq, Lecturer in Islamic Studies, Al-Quds University; Bassem Al-Bassoumi, Lecturer, Educational-Scientific College, Ramallah; Jamal Basha, Arabic Language Teacher, Ramallah; Imad Hamdi Qadi, Teacher, Hashemite School, Ramallah; Nidal Mahmoud, Computer Engineer; Abeer Amro, Assistant Manager; Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway, Al-Quds University; Sheikh Jamil Hamami; Marwan Khawaja.

Holy Land paid for the sheik, a senior Hamas leader in
the West Bank, to travel to the United States at least
six times in 1990 and 1991 to headline fund-raising
events, U.S. officials disclosed in a
once-confidential FBI memo and in other documents
linking the charity to Hamas.

Holy Land wasn't alone in bankrolling his travel.

The U.S. government treated Sheik Hamami to a
three-week, all-expenses-paid tour of Washington, Los
Angeles and other cities in 1999 – four years after
the United States declared Hamas a terrorist

Last modified: 03:26 AM CDT on Wednesday, July 31,


By MICHELLE MITTELSTADT / The Dallas Morning News

WASHINGTON – Sheik Jamil Hamami figures prominently in
the government's case against the Holy Land Foundation
for Relief and Development, the Dallas-area Muslim
charity raided and shut down last year after being
designated a financial front for the Hamas terrorist

Holy Land paid for the sheik, a senior Hamas leader in
the West Bank, to travel to the United States at least
six times in 1990 and 1991 to headline fund-raising
events, U.S. officials disclosed in a
once-confidential FBI memo and in other documents
linking the charity to Hamas.

Holy Land wasn't alone in bankrolling his travel.

The U.S. government treated Sheik Hamami to a
three-week, all-expenses-paid tour of Washington, Los
Angeles and other cities in 1999 – four years after
the United States declared Hamas a terrorist

'Beyond hypocritical'

Attorneys for Holy Land, which has gone to court in a
bid to reclaim the $4 million to $5 million frozen by
the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets
Control last year, contend that the government is on
shaky ground using the Hamami connection to prove ties
to Hamas. Representatives of Holy Land, which raised
$13.3 million in 2000, deny any ties to Hamas.
"It seems beyond hypocritical that the United States
government would accuse the Holy Land Foundation of
consorting with terrorists when, in this case, it's
someone who the U.S. government has invited over as
its guest," John Boyd, one of the organization's
lawyers, said Tuesday.

The Justice Department, which is representing the
Treasury Department and other federal agencies in the
Holy Land legal proceedings, declined to comment on
the claim. "We will respond in court," said Justice
Department spokesman Charles Miller.

Sheik Hamami, who has renounced the suicide bombings
and other violent methods used by Hamas to achieve
Palestinian statehood, was a guest of the U.S.
Information Agency for a February 1999 international
visitors program on religion.

Officials at the State Department, which absorbed the
Information Agency later in 1999, declined to comment
on the trip.

In letters to Sheik Hamami, Information Agency
officials at the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem discussed
his selection for a program on "Religion in America."

"This program is designed for mid-level professionals
to meet their American counterparts and to exchange
views on the latest developments in their fields," a
Feb. 5, 1999, letter to Sheik Hamami explained. "Our
office will provide the ticket for travel to the U.S.
and per diem to cover hotel and meal costs."

Correspondence from the consulate described Sheik
Hamami and other participants as "distinguished

Yet in recent legal filings opposing Holy Land's
effort to recover its assets, Justice Department
lawyers refer to Sheik Hamami as a "known Hamas

School donations

In court this month, government attorneys said Holy
Land contributed funds, even after Hamas was
designated a terrorist organization, to a school run
by Sheik Hamami "when they clearly know who Hamami
"Hamami was so well known as a Hamas leader that a
textbook on Islamic fundamentalism and Hamas (written
by a Palestinian professor from Bir Zeit University)
described Hamami as a founder of the Hamas movement"

Justice lawyers wrote last month.

The government's decision to freeze Holy Land's funds
rests on more than just the Hamami link.

Citing intelligence from electronic intercepts, the
Israeli government and other sources, the Justice and
Treasury departments contend that Holy Land was
established as a funding mechanism for Hamas and took
its directions from Hamas leadership.

Some of the charity's contributions were funneled to
Hamas-linked organizations and the families of
militants killed in violent attacks on Israel, Justice
Department lawyer Elizabeth Shapiro said this month.

The Holy Land lawyers filed a motion Tuesday asking
U.S. District Judge Gladys Kessler to permit them to
introduce information about the government-funded
Hamami trip, which they said they had learned about
only recently.

"Now it appears that one of the defendants' principal
allegations – that Holy Land paid for Hamami's
speaking tour to the United States and met and
conversed with him – parallels what the United States
itself did, even after it designated Hamas a terrorist
organization," the charity's lawyers wrote.

"The government's use of the 'Hamami connection' to
buttress its case, along with some of the other
evidence that Holy Land has placed in the record,
suggests once again that the defendants have concocted
a false record against Holy Land."

The Justice Department is opposing Holy Land's effort
to submit the Hamami information. Department lawyers
argued this month that the court must examine the
Treasury Department's decision to freeze Holy Land's
funds solely on the basis of the evidence compiled by
the government.

"The fact that the government is opposing the
admission of this evidence into the record is another
indication that the government's view continues to be
that the truth doesn't matter," Mr. Boyd charged.

E-mail mmittelstadt@d...



5 June 2001, PASSIA, Ramallah
The Anniversary of the June 1967 occupation : The National Movement Where to?

Participant(s): Gabi Baramki, Ministry of Higher Education; Zahi Khoury, TeleCommunications Co.; Nabil Kassis, Bethlehem 2000 Project; Su'ad Ameri, Riwaq; Azmi Shu'aibi, PLC member; Mamduh Nofal, Writer; Sam'an Khoury, Palestine Media Center; Jamil Hammami, Al-Quds University; Nabil Ali Sha'ath, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation; Mir'ei Abdel Rahman, PLO Arab and International Department; Mustafa Abu Sway, Islamic Research Center, Al-Quds University; Hassan Yousef, Az-Zakat Department.

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23 September 2002

In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful

Press Release

On leader Hassan Yousef standing Zionist trial

Commenting on the leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef's trial, a responsible source in the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, stated the following:

The Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, has followed up the Zionist occupation authority's step of trying brother leader Hassan Yousef at a military court today in Maskobey, Jerusalem district and its decision to extend his detention for 14 days. We appreciate Sheikh Hassan Yousef's position in rejecting to recognize legitimacy of the Zionist court or to deal with it. We also strongly condemn the severe and cruel torture practices being exercised on him and the other detained brothers in a bid to break their determination and steadfastness.

We affirm that such Zionist criminal practices that coincide with the rabid campaign against intifada leaders and our people will not affect determination of this Mujahid people or their insistence on persisting in Jihad and resistance until regaining freedom and full rights.

We warn the mass-murderer Sharon and his government against harming the steadfast Sheikh and hold them fully responsible over his life. We also affirm that Sharon and his jailers' crimes against the detained heroes will not pass without deterrent punishment.

"Verily Allah helpeth one who helpeth Him. Lo! Allah is Strong Almighty"

The Islamic Resistance Movement

Hamas – Palestine

Monday 16th Rajab 1423H

23rd September 2002AD

About Hamas | Communiques | Documents | Glory Record |
Hamas Leaders | Hamas homepage | PIC homepage

Sheikh Hassan Yousef [Hamas]: "No Hunda without release," 29 Oct ...
Sheikh Hassan Yousef [Hamas]: "No Hunda without release," 29 Oct. 03.
//HamasOnline//. Detained Hamas leader rejects new truce. Ramallah ...
majdur.htmlplanet.com/IMN/Palestine/October2003/ hassan.yousef.29oct03.html - 12k - Cached - Similar pages


Ramallah - Sheikh Hassan Yousef, The detained Hamas Movement spokesman in the West Bank, has urged the Palestinian Authority and all Palestinian forces especially his Movement not to accept a new truce with the Zionist enemy.

The Sheikh, speaking from his Askalan prison cell, said that there was no meaning for a fresh hudna (truce) in the light of the continued Zionist occupation, aggression, colonialism, construction of the racist fence and denial of Palestinian people's rights.

"There is no logic at all in accepting the hudna at the time when thousands of detainees were being locked up in miserable conditions that in certain cases are not fit for animals," he elaborated.

Sheikh Yousef said that there should be no stability, tranquility or security as long as detainees remained in occupation jails and without ensuring their release especially those serving old and high terms, the female prisoners and juveniles.

The sweeping majority of prisoners, especially those of the Hamas Movement, would reject any ceasefire that did not include the release of all detainees away from occupation's classifications.

The Hamas official advised the Palestinian people to maintain cohesion and unity and to observe the holy month of Ramadan with piety and with closeness to the holy Quran.


Hamas Press Release 180802
23 September 2002. In the name of Allah the most Gracious the most Merciful.
Press Release. On leader Hassan Yousef standing Zionist trial. ...
www.intellnet.org/resources/hamas_communiques/ hamas/comm_text/2002/23sep02.htm - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

The Religious Studies Unit - Activites 1999
... Husseini, Director of the Waqf, Jerusalem Participants: Sheikh Jamil Hamami, Sheikh
Hassan Yousef, Sheikh Mohammad Hussein, Said El-Qeiq, Dr. Ismail Nawahdah ...
www.passia.org/meetings/rsunit/activites99.html - 30k - Cached - Similar pages


MIM: Mustafa Abu Sway left the U.S. at the end of his Fulbright professorship at FAU University and returned to teaching at Al Quds, the Hamas University in Jerusalem. Abu Sway's associations with Hamas can be seen by this picture of him seated next to Jamil Tamimi ,the Hamas leader (see above) who was also connected to the Holyland Foundation terrorist funding.

Here he is at a September 2004 conference on Islam- Islamic Movements- the Palestinian Authority and Palestine. Click on the link for more photos.


Hamas leader Tamimi seated next to Abu Sway spoke on "Islamic Movements"


Sheikh Jamil Hamami,
Al-Quds University, Jerusalem

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