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Darul Uloom Imam Shafayat Mohamed Embraced Ahmed Deedat At His 'Bin Laden Centre' In South Africa
April 11, 2023
March 1, 2023 by Joe Kaufman
Normally, it would be a surprise to see a Sheriff show up to a radical Muslim event, but in Broward County, for years, it has been the norm. Sheriff Scott Israel did it, while accompanied by his Deputy liaison and then-representative for CAIR, Nezar Hamze, and Israel's replacement, Gregory Tony, does it with the help of his second-in-command, Executive Officer Munib Ahmed. This month, though, it was Sheriff Tony that accompanied Ahmed, as Ahmed received an award from the Darul Uloom Institute (DUI), a past haven for high-profile al-Qaeda terrorists run by an anti-gay imam. This is the shocking state of affairs at the Broward Sheriff's Office (BSO).
On February 11th, DUI held its 40th Anniversary Annual Award Ceremony and Fundraising Dinner. One of this year's award recipients was BSO Colonel Munib Ahmed. Ahmed, who previously (and ironically) served as a supervisor in a counter-terrorism unit, enjoys the lofty position of Executive Officer to the Sheriff. Sharing the stage with him were DUI's founder and imam Shafayat Mohamed, who was donning a lapel pin resembling a Sheriff's badge (the same pin that the Sheriff wears on his tie), and Sheriff Tony, who received a gift from the mosque, himself. All three were arm-in-arm with big smiles for the camera.
Ahmed spoke glowingly about Shafayat Mohamed and the organization he represents. Ahmed told the crowd that he remembers watching Mohamed's sermons, "as a young man growing up." He stated about Mohamed, "To see him today perform in front of us, after 40 years, is amazing. He's done amazing work not only for this community, but for all of us. We are a better people, because of him, because he gave voice to the people that could not speak. He brought light to situations and current situations that we would never have found out about, so I appreciate you sir, for all your hard work and dedication to this community, and I wish you all the best."
Part of Mohamed's work was as an Islamic teacher. One of his students at DUI was soon-to-be convicted terrorist "Dirty Bomber" Jose Padilla. Padilla, a convert to Islam, had met with senior al-Qaeda operatives to discuss his involvement in terrorist operations, including a plot to set off a radiological bomb inside the US.
Another terrorist related to DUI was future al-Qaeda Commander Adnan el-Shukrijumah, who was a prayer leader at DUI. Prior to him being killed in 2014 by the Pakistan Army, el-Shukrijumah had ordered the bombing of the New York subway system. DUI Arabic teacher Imran Mandhai, along with mosque goers Hakki Aksoy and Shueyb Mossa Jokhan, hatched a plot at DUI to blow up different South Florida structures, including electrical power stations, Jewish businesses, and a National Guard armory. Shafayat Mohamed has also admitted that one of the 9/11 hijackers was rumored to have prayed at DUI.
Mohamed has used his pulpit to target homosexuals with the worst of bigotry. In February 2005, DUI published an article written by Mohamed, titled 'Tsunami: Wrath of God,' in which he claimed gay sex caused the 2004 Indonesian tsunami. In the piece, he quotes the Quran, saying "most" Jews and Christians "are perverted transgressors." During an August 2015 DUI sermon, Mohamed lamented the existence of gay Muslim communities. His deeds caused him to be thrown off several Broward County boards. He complained he "got sacked," because "a lot of gay people" spoke out against him. He said, "I had a choice to sit in paradise or go to hell."
In his youth, Mohamed was a proud student of now-deceased bigot Ahmed Deedat, author of the anti-Christian screed, Crucifixion or Cruci-Fiction? who, according to The New York Times, was "a vocal anti-Semite and ardent backer of Osama bin Laden," and who would callously refer to gays as "Sodomites." On the DUI website, one can find a photograph of Mohamed shaking hands with Deedat in Deedat's facility, what was at the time known as the Bin Laden Centre. Following Deedat's death, Mohamed traveled to Deedat's home, in Durban, South Africa, to meet with Deedat's son and zealous Adolf Hitler fan, Yusuf Deedat, and to pray by his grave.
This was not the first time Sheriff Tony and his BSO came in contact with a radical mosque. This past April, Sheriff Tony and a number of BSO officers showed up to the Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSF) for a Ramadan 'Break the Fast.' In June, it looked as if the entire BSO showed up to ICOSF's 2022 Summer Camp. In October, the ICOSF Sisterhood sponsored a BSO event at the mosque, where the female BSO representatives donned hijabs.
ICOSF is owned by the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a group named by the US a co-conspirator to Hamas financing. ICOSF's Imam Hasan Sabri has cursed America as an "enemy" and threatened Muslims who accept her help. ICOSF regularly brings controversial imams Monzer Taleb and Fadi Kablawi to the mosque to give khutbahs (sermons). Taleb is a self-professed member of Hamas, who posted on Facebook that Jews in Israel "should be relocated to Germany." Kablawi, who the FBI says is a member of ISIS, has called Jews "the lowest of the lowest"; blamed women for rape; and said gays should thank him for their continued existence.
This was, as well, not the first time Sheriff Tony came in contact with DUI's Shafayat Mohamed. A photo from Sheriff Tony's September 2022 'Unity in Faith Prayer Breakfast and 9/11 Memorial,' has the Sheriff bowing has head in prayer with Mohamed. Furthermore, Mohamed recently interviewed Tony for his Al-Hikmat TV program. During the interview, Mohamed mentioned that, two weeks prior to the taping of the show, the BSO called him to request 250 copies of the Quran to be presented to BSO prisoners.
The Sheriff told Mohamed, who said he was astonished that the BSO contacted him for Qurans, "We've totally changed our cultural awareness here. Broward County is one of the most diverse counties in every facet… We have to be able to engage with the community to make sure we're not leaving any facet out. Having so much control and being in contact with so many parts of our community, it's important that we don't ostracize anyone. I was surprised when I've had dialogue with members of our Muslim community how disengaged they were from this organization, not having any type of inclusion, and that's a problem…"
It is a much bigger problem that Sheriff Tony and the BSO are engaging with radical Muslims. In doing so, they have abandoned their motto 'to protect and serve,' and, instead, they are embracing extremism and endangering the community.
Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at