This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
Islamic Center Of Pittsburgh Gets $155K - Victims 10K And The Rest Of The 240K Raised To Go For 'Muslim Projects'
November 29, 2018
MIM: Kudos to Matt Vespa and for publicizing the obscene fraud being perpetrated by Tarek El- Messidi of Celebrate Mercy and Linda Sarsour of MPower Change who cynically exploited the murders of 11 Jews in Pittsburgh to raise money via Launch Good for The Islamic Center of Pittsburgh to further their Islamist agenda.
This is not the first time anti semites El Messidi and ISIS/ Hamas Sarsour have suckered the gullible public and media into giving money and publicity using dead Jews for their advantage. In 2017 El-Messidi and Sarsour raised money they claimed was for the reparation of vandalized Jewish cemeteries. Much of that funding disappeared and is still unaccounted for. http://www.
What we do know is that the Tree of Life/Or Simcha synagouge received a mere $10,000 of the $240,000 raised while the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh received $155,000. The remaining $83,000 is slated to be allocated for dawah aka "vague projects which foster Muslim-Jewish collaboration,dialogue and solidarity."
For more see:
Document showing much hyped allocation of $10,000 to the Tree of Life in conjunction with the ICP and MPower.
WOW: Money Raised After Pittsburgh Shooting Went To An Islamic Center With Terror Ties
By Matt Vespa
In late October, Robert Gregory Bowers, a vicious anti-Semite, walked into the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and shot and killed 11 people. Several people were injured, four of which were police officers. It was tragic—but of course, everyone blamed President Trump for reasons only morons understand. There were protests when he visited the site. Everyone was creating controversy when there needed to be none. But now, we have another controversy that could be brewing that isn't related to Trump. It centers on anti-Semite Linda Sarsour. The anti-Israel activist seems to have been exposed for cheating the Tree of Life synagogue from money fundraised after the tragic shooting.
So @lsarsour raised $400,000 for the Tree of Life in Pittsburgh, but ONLY $10,000 got to them. Not enough for one funereal even. I think it's great that other people support us, but not when they use our tragedy to fundraise and not even 10% gets to the real victims.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) November 27, 2018
The propaganda arm (The Forward) tried to twist it, in another deceiving article by the ever so smart journalist, Pink, but the truth is clear.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) November 27, 2018
Correction: ~$160K was raised as part of one general cemeteries campaign that pre-dates the TOL massacre and ~$240K was raised as part of the TOL campaign after the massacre. The $10K was from the first campaign.
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) November 27, 2018
I was wrong about the 10%, still troubling.
H/t @Jeff__Davenport
— Hen Mazzig (@HenMazzig) November 27, 2018
$10,000 went to Tree of Life synagogue, while $155,000 went to the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh (!). People should be demanding their money back from @lsarsour.
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) November 27, 2018fx0a6eiWN2
From The Forward, which seemingly does its best to whitewash what happened here.
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) November 27, 2018t2UQJIFznW
The money raised in the name of Tree of Life may never reach them at all.
That's what seems likely, but the $10k is meant to show that SOME MONEY was sent to them.
— Arthur Normanson ?????? (@artstop) November 27, 2018
Update: Update: Islamic Center claims it will send the $155k check to Tree of Life synagogue. As for remaining $83,634, it will go to vague "projects that help foster Muslim-Jewish collaboration, dialogue, and solidarity." So all that $ raised will simply vanish, it appears.
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) November 27, 2018
Flashback: El-Messidi and Sarsour were also behind the 6-figure sum that was raised to "repair Jewish cemeteries." The money was never accounted for. Cemeteries said they never received a check.
— Jordan Schachtel (@JordanSchachtel) November 27, 2018
Now, some money was given to Tree of Life, around $10,000, but that was part of an effort to repair Jewish cemetaries that were vandalized. Since the shooting, around $240,000 was raised, but it appears little, if any, has been sent to Tree of Life. Of that $240,000-figure, $155,000 went to the the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh.
Hen Mazzig of The Jerusalem Post initially said that $400,000 was raised for Tree of Life, but then offered a correction, noting that $160,000 was raised by Sarsour as part of an effort to fix Jewish cemeteries and $240,000 was raised after the shooting. The corrected tweet is in the thread above.
Tree of Life received just $10,000 from the cemetery campaign, but doesn't appear to have received a dime from the post-shooting fundraising effort, but now the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh says they will supposedly send its six-figure check ($155,000) to Tree of Life. According to Conservative Review's Jordan Schactel, the other $83,634 will go "to vague ‘projects that help foster Muslim-Jewish collaboration, dialogue, and solidarity.'" Oh, and as for the money raised for Jewish cemeteries, several never received the funds that were promised (via CR):
According to the left-wing The Forward, the Islamic group Celebrate Mercy has already funneled $155,000 — of over $238,634 that was raised supposedly for the victims of the shooting and the greater Jewish community of Pittsburgh — into the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh. Though the Forward article states that a document was posted signed by a representative of Celebrate Mercy, the director of the Islamic Center, and a "Tree of Life representative detailing exactly how the funds will be distributed to victims and their families," the link to the document is dead.
As for the remaining $83,634, raised above the fundraiser's $150,000 goal, it will go toward the vague goal of "projects that help foster Muslim-Jewish collaboration, dialogue, and solidarity," Celebrate Mercy director Tarek El-Messiditold The Forward.
The Islamic Center of Pittsburgh is a mosque with deep tiesto Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the United States. A former imam there was an overt anti-Semite who blamed Jews for the rise of ISIS, and he was ultra-cozy with anti-Semitic hate preacher Louis Farrakhan.
Women's March leader Linda Sarsour in particular (who fundraised in the wake of the Pittsburgh attacks, through her Islamic advocacy group called MPower Change) has a long history of running Jewish "solidarity" scams, which resulted in raised cash simply disappearing.
Last year, Sarsour and El-Messidi raised over $100,000 for the purported goal of helping to repair Jewish cemeteries that were damaged by vandals. Months went by, and several cemeteries that were promised funds neverreceived a check from the group.
Yeah, I could see how a lot of people are going to see this as a problem. Will it be big enough to warrant a lawsuit? We'll see.
For more background see:
Tarek El-Messidi/ Linda Sarsour -Dead Jews In Pittsburgh $238,000 Fundraiser Gives $10,000 To Jews & $150,000 To Muslims
Islamic Center Of Pittsburgh Benefits From Temple Massacre - Gets 150K For Dawah "Dialogue And Solidarity"
November 27, 2018
ISIS/Hamas Supporter Linda Sarsour & Tarek El-Messidi Exploit Cemetary Vandalism To Show Support For Dead Jews
Jew Hating Muslims Attempting PR Makeover Cynically Using Dead Jews And Gullible Press
February 24, 2017
Tarek El-Messidi's Celebrate Mercy "Charity" Raising Money For Dead Jews Is Hardcore Dawah Organization
Tarek El-Messidi & Linda Sarsour Accused Of Fraud In 2017 In Jewish Cemetary Headstone Crowd Funding Scam
October 29, 2018
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at