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March 31, 2013
MIM: In his blog in Elsevier magazine Afshan Ellian asks this question about nine year old Yunus. "How can Yunus who was five months old when he came to his foster family be a Turk?"
It is worth noting that Yunus was in foster care over 8 years and 7 months until this uproar started with the visit of Erdogan to Holland. His personal involvement in calling for Yunus to be returned to his biological family who abused him and the Turkish government's whipping the public into a frenzy over the affair is an example of Islamist chauvinism. According to Dutch news reports Yunus' family was quoted as saying they had not had a problem with the placing of the boy into a Dutch Christian lesbian foster family. His mother has since made a 180 degree turn around and can be seen on video asking a Dutch reporter "how would you feel if your child was being cared for by lesbian in a family whose norms and values are so different from yours? The Turkish media has also come to Holland to film the family who are being portrayed as hapless victims. For their part the Dutch office of Youth Care which placed Yunus with the foster family 9 years ago is giving their full support to the foster parents who are now in hiding.
The case of Yunus has launched a debate in Holland over multiculturalism and integration. The Dutch Minister of Social Affairs Lodewijk Asscher has announced that he will begin an investigation into three prominent Turkish organisations in Holland to determine if they hinder integration and where their funding comes from.
"Dutch Minister To Scrutinize Turkish Organisations To Determine If They Hinder Integration."
"How can Yunus who was five months old when he came to his foster family be a Turk?"
Erdogan cancelled his visit to the Islamic University in Rotterdam.
Turkish media has made an enormous ruckus over the nine year old Yunus who lives with Christian lesbian foster parents.Yunus lives there at the behest of a judge due to abuse and neglect by his parents. Yunus was five months old when he was placed there. Now he is nine years old. The government of Erdogan and his party in the Turkish parliament have been occupied with Yunus' case.
Turkse media hebben een enorm kabaal gemaakt over de negenjarige Yunus die bij christelijke lesbische pleegouders woont. Yunus woont daar op last van de rechter, wegens mishandeling en verwaarlozing door de ouders. Yunus was vijf maanden oud toen hij werd overgeplaatst. Nu is hij negen jaar oud. Ook de regering Erdogan en zijn partij in het Turkse parlement hebben zich bemoeid met Yunus. ... Ze willen aantonen dat de Nederlandse overheid twee misdaden pleegt: ernstige aantasting van de Turkse identiteit en van de islamitische identiteit en opvoeding. Van verschillende kanten zijn Turken opgeroepen om in Rotterdam te demonstreren. Het bezoek van Erdogan zou worden gebruikt om te protesteren tegen de Nederlandse jeugdzorg.
They want to show that the Dutch government has committed two crimes: serious interference with the Turkish identy and the Islamic identity and upbringing. Turks in Rotterdam have been called upon by different sides to demonstrate. The visit of Erdogan is to be used to protest against the Dutch youth care...
Five Hundred Demonstrate Against Youth Care In Rotterdam
Hundreds demonstrate against youth care in Rotterdam 3/31/13
MIM: According to this video 150 people were at the demonstration instead of the 500 cited by the organisers.
Video: Foster family of Yunus in hiding.
Video: Commotion over Turkish boy Yunus
MIM: The biological parents of the 9 year old boy who was placed with the
couple at 5 months old have asked Erdogan to intervene, causing a
diplomatic row.The couple and child have gone into hiding.
Op het Afrikaanderplein in Rotterdam-Zuid hebben zondagmiddag zo'n 500 mensen gedemonstreerd tegen het beleid van Bureau Jeugdzorg. De overwegend Turkse demonstranten zijn boos dat het 9-jarige Turkse jongetje Yunus is ondergebracht bij een lesbisch stel.
About five hundered people have demonstrated on Sunday on the Afrikaanderplein in South Rotterdam against the policy of the Bureau of Youth Care.The predominately Turkish demonstraters are angry that the nine year old Turkish boy Yunus had been placed with a lesbian couple.
Volgens de organisatie van de betoging zijn honderden families onterecht verscheurd door het beleid van Jeugdzorg en is Yunus alleen de aanleiding voor de demonstratie. 'Wij zijn niet tegen homo's en dit is ook geen strijd tussen Nederland en Turkije.'
De politie was uit voorzorg 'met een gepast aantal agenten' aanwezig en heeft geen aanhoudingen verricht. 'De demonstratie is zonder incidenten verlopen', zei een woordvoerster.
Yunus werd toen hij 5 maanden oud was weggehaald bij zijn biologische moeder en woont sindsdien bij zijn pleegmoeders. In Turkije is ophef ontstaan over de zaak. Zijn biologische moeder wil hem terug en riep de Turkse premier op zich in te zetten voor Yunus. De ophef leidde ertoe dat de pleegouders met het kind zijn ondergedoken.
Yunus was 5 months old when he was taken away from his biological mother and has lived since then by his foster mothers. In Turkey has been in uproar over the case. His biological mother wants him back and called upon the Turkish prime minister to take up the case of Yunus. The uproar has lead to his foster parents going into hiding with the child.
MIM: Erdogan and the Turkish government want the child forcibly returned by the European Court On Human Rights to the biological parents after the mother of the boy asked him to intervene, Turkey is in an uproar because the boys foster parents are lesbian.
It is possible that this case has lead to the minister of socialaffairs starting an investigation to determine if certain Turkish
organizations in NL are hindering integration of Turkish Dutch citizens.
See: Dutch Minister To Scrutinize Turkish Organisations To Determine If They Hinder Integration
Erdogan stapt naar Europees hof om zaak Yunus
De Turkse regering wil via de rechter afdwingen dat het 9-jarige jongetje Yunus wordt herenigd met zijn biologische familie. Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan heeft aangekondigd dat hij naar het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (EHRM) stapt, zo meldde de Turkse krant Sabah.
The Turkish governement wants to force via a judge that the 9 year old boy Yunus be reunited with his biological family. Premier Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced that he will go to the European Court for Human Rights, according to the newspaper Sabah.
In Turkije is ophef ontstaan, omdat het kind al jaren bij lesbische pleegouders in Den Haag woont. Hij werd uit huis geplaatst omdat hij volgens Jeugdzorg werd mishandeld.
De biologische moeder wil Yunus terug en riep de Turkse premier op zich voor haar strijd in te zetten. De opschudding leidde ertoe dat de pleegouders met de jongen zijn ondergedoken.Tijdens het bezoek van Erdogan aan Nederland van vorige week zorgde de kwestie voor spanningen, zonder dat er een oplossing werd gevonden voor de kwestie. Vicepremier Lodewijk Asscher noemde de Turkse bemoeienis kort voor het bezoek 'volstrekt ongepast'.
...During the visit of Erdogan in Holland last week the case created tension with no solution being found for the question. Vice premier Lodewijk Asscher calls the Turkish interference in the case 'totally unacceptable'.
De Turkse regering denkt dat meer rechtszaken over uit huis geplaatste kinderen zullen volgen. Erdogan zint verder op plannen om islamitische, Turkse gezinnen aan te sporen om pleegkinderen op te nemen.
Related articles:
Rutte: Holland has a strong legal postion in Yunus case.
Cabinet has faith in Yunus case.
Erdogan turns to the European court in Yunus case.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at