This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
August 18, 2004
MIM: 10 Downing Street or 10 Dhimmitude Street ? picture from Al Muhajiroun website : MIM: Londinistan under Islam : The Al Muhajiroun press release states their Islamo facist agenda and outlines how Britain would function under Shari'a law . In what could be called a New World Order public service announcement AM outlines what Britons can expect when Londinistan becomes the European version of 'Afghanistan under the Taliban' . Economics; Replacing gold with paper money. Social: Judges roam the streets patrolling for immorality . Judicial :Stoning adulterers to death and cutting off the hands of thieves. Education: Sending boys for military training at age 15 so they can participate in Jihad. Apparently, the above enticements may not prove attractive enough to get infidels to convert. An article in the British Daily Star paper claimed that Al Muhajiroun is offering people 10,000 pounds ($5,000) to convert to Islam.( A cheaper method was alleged to be getting Sikh and Hindu girls drunk and sleeping with them). The charges that Muslims drink and engage in premartial sex outraged the members of Al Muhajiroun, a group which encourages and whose members have engaged in suicide bombings. The group sent out press release entitled :"Sick Daily Star plot Will Not Stop Rally for Islam". (see complete press release below): ..."A sick plot by the Daily Star to tarnish the image of Muslims and in particular Al-Muhajiroun today, by insinuating that Muslims are offering non-Muslims £10,000 to become Muslim at British universities and that young Sikh and Hindu girls are being taken to get drunk before they are forcibly converted to Islam, will not prevent this Sunday's annual Rally for Islam taking place in Trafalgar Square. The facts according to the Metropolitan Police and Home Offices own statistics recently, is that at least some 50 people embrace Islam every day in the UK and that Islam is by far the fastest growing religion in the UK (and indeed in Europe and the in rest of the world) today. It is absurd to suggest that practising Muslims, who do not drink and indeed condemn the consumption of alcohol and sexual relations before marriage would somehow get Hindu and Sikh girls drunk and then sleep with them (as has also been rumoured by a journalist from the Daily Star who yesterday spoke to Anjem Choudary (the UK head of Al-Muhajiroun)..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more on the rally and AM click on URL and see article below: "Dhimmitude in the UK : Al Muhajiroun group ignores 'Londistan' mayor's warning to cancel planned rally - changes venue " "Al Muhajiroun flyers in mosque urge Muslims to become "terrorist fighters and pray for death and decay to descend on the West " -------------------------------------------------------------- Press Release Dated 26th July 2004 LONDONISTAN UNDER ISLAM - RALLY FOR ISLAM IX The annual Rally for Islam in Britain took place yesterday. The purpose of the Rally is to emulate the Messenger Muhammad (saw) who called the society in which he lived to embrace Islam as a divine way of life. Just as he would stand on the hills of Mecca calling the Quraishi citizens to Islam, enjoining good and forbidding evil – Muslims in Britain usually stand in Britain's Trafalgar Square with a similar call. However for the first time in 9 years the leadership of Al-Muhajiroun decided to relocate the Rally due to concerns for the security and safety of guests and attendees. Nevertheless we can conclude that the purpose of the Rally has been achieved. In this era of the global media phenomenon the call for Christians, socialists, Jews, Sikhs and Hindus etc… to leave their false beliefs and to embrace Islam as a perfect, just and divine alternative reached not only those in the UK but people as far and as wide as India, Russia and the USA. Countless messages of praise and a willingness to embrace Islam or to consider it came from everywhere around the world. Muslims believe that Islam is a superior ideology able to resolve all of the many problems which mankind faces today, from the economic to the social, from international relations to the ecological. In the Qur'an Allah (SWT) completed his favour upon mankind and chose for them the Deen of Islam and the perfect example of the Messenger Muhammad (saw). Since the first Islamic State was established in 632 AD by Muhammad (saw) the Shari'ah was implemented as a law and order for over 1300 years until the destruction of the Othmani Khilafah on the 3rd of March 1924. At its height it covered a vast area from China through the Indian sub-continent, the whole of the Middle East, Southern Russian states, most of Africa and a large portion of Europe. The Shari'ah stipulated that the rights of food, clothing and shelter be provided for all citizens and that the sanctity of every person's life, wealth, honour and mind be maintained. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an that: ‘He is the One who sent His messenger with the guidance and the Deen of truth, in order for it to be dominant over all other religions/ways of life…' and the Messenger Muhammad (saw) said that ‘Verily, Allah folded the earth for me, so much so that I saw its East and its West: The authority of my Ummah will reach the whole of it' hence it is a fundamental belief of every Muslim that Islam will one day dominate the world, including Britain, it is just a matter of time. Today we call for the people to embrace Islam and change the law and order themselves – tomorrow an Islamic State may forcefully remove all obstacles in the way of the implementation of Islamic law, as part of its foreign policy. The choice is ours. However we should have no doubt that the two camps of Islam and Kufr (non-Muslim camp) will not always exist – rather eventually there can only be one camp i.e. Al-Islam. That is the wish of Allah (SWT) and the ultimate objective of Muslims on this Earth, in order to please Allah (SWT). If the Shari'ah was indeed implemented in Britain let us have no doubts that Britain would look very different to what it does today:- Economically: The sale of alcohol or pork would be prohibited, gambling would be outlawed. The currency would change from paper money to the use of Gold as standard, thereby eradicating inflation. Stocks and shares would be prohibited as would insurance, interest based transactions and the current company structures - all of this would be replaced with a unique economic system encouraging distribution of wealth, banning exploitation and hoarding and ensuring transactions are done where the goods are tangible, the services specified and the companies are real. Man would be the trustee of God's wealth on Earth promoting investment of it to please God – as in Jihad to conquer other lands to spread the law and order of Islam. Socially: There would be no pubs for example, and night-clubs, porn shops or other places of entertainment between men and women, encouraging promiscuity and sexual deviancy (such as homosexuality) will be banned. Both men and women will be required to cover themselves properly in public – with women wearing the Khimar and Jilbab (headscarf and long barrel shaped dress) and men covering at least from the navel to the knees at all times. Segregation (between men and women) in all public places will be enforced. All exploitation of the sexes in any way or form would be outlawed – even to employ someone for use of their femininity or masculinity (such as is done today with secretaries and air-stewardesses) would be prohibited, rather people will only be employed for their own skills and talents. All public adverts using men and women to sell products would be banned and Judges would roam the streets and markets accompanied by police to implement and maintain the Islamic public order. Judicially: The Islamic judicial system would be implemented where adulterers would be stoned to death and thieves would have their hands cut. There would be no jury service or solicitors or barristers – rather Judges qualified in Islamic Law would preside over all cases and Judge according to God's law. If there is any doubt on the guilt of the accused, even it is unreasonable or unlikely, any punishment would be left out. Maximum jail sentences will be one year and concentration would be on reform as opposed to locking the problem away. The State will ensure that only the most qualified and trustworthy Muslims will preside as Judges and justice will be available to all free of charge – as opposed to only those able to afford expensive barristers and solicitors. Education: There would be compulsory Islamic education for all with Arabic being the national language so that the people can properly read and understand the Qur'an. False ideas such as evolution and the equality of religions and corrupt subjects such as music, drama and art would not be taught. Rather every subject will be linked to the relationship with God and new subjects such as Islamic concepts, Shari'ah law and Islamic Jurisprudence will be introduced to the curriculum. Other subjects such as science and mathematics will be cleansed of any concepts contradictory to divine revelation. History from an Islamic perspective will be studied. There will also be an emphasis upon boys to have military training so that they can participate in Jihad after they become 15 years old and an emphasis upon girls to learn those subjects such as cooking, managing the household and looking after and bringing up children to train them properly for their roles as mothers in the future. May Allah (SWT) grant us the implementation of the Shari'ah and the removal of servitude to man in Britain sooner rather than later. | |||
Al-Muhajiroun P.O. Box 349 London N9 7RR |
Press Release Dated 20th July 2004 SICK DAILY STAR PLOT WILL NOT PREVENT RALLY FOR ISLAM RALLY FOR ISLAM (IX) IN TRAFALGAR SQUARE - SUNDAY JULY 25TH – 1PM – 6PM – ALL WELCOME… Hundreds of Muslims from across the UK are set to converge in London's Trafalgar Square on the 25th of July for the Annual Rally for Islam. This year will be the 9th anniversary of the rally and promises to be the best yet. The British public will once again witness many non-Muslims: previously Jews, Christians, Hindus & Sikhs (idol worshippers), Atheists, Socialists etc giving up their false beliefs and ideologies in order to embrace the divine way of life which Islam offers to them openly and publicly. Debates and Discussions on the inimitability of the Qur'an and the finality of the Message (of Islam) from God through the Messenger Muhammad (saw) will be held, with an invitation for all present to either refute Islam or accept its superiority. The speakers will also set out to present Islam as the only real future for Britain and indeed the World in terms of maintaining Honesty, Home-land Security, Morality, Mental well being, Family protection, continued scientific and material progress, psychological health as well as providing a comprehensive code for humanity to live their life by. The Square will also host a number of Marquees presenting various aspects of Islam such as its unique economic system able to solve the problems of inflation, the hoarding of wealth and the fair distribution of resources - Islam's unique social system which eradicates the exploitation of the sexes and eliminates promiscuity, pornography and sexual deviancy and Islam's ruling system based upon the concept of sovereignty for God alone, where man is not a dictator (like Bush or Blair) but rather God's trustee on Earth managing mankind's affairs according to God's infallible law...etc... A sick plot by the Daily Star to tarnish the image of Muslims and in particular Al-Muhajiroun today, by insinuating that Muslims are offering non-Muslims £10,000 to become Muslim at British universities and that young Sikh and Hindu girls are being taken to get drunk before they are forcibly converted to Islam, will not prevent this Sunday's annual Rally for Islam taking place in Trafalgar Square. The facts according to the Metropolitan Police and Home Offices own statistics recently, is that at least some 50 people embrace Islam every day in the UK and that Islam is by far the fastest growing religion in the UK (and indeed in Europe and the in rest of the world) today. It is absurd to suggest that practising Muslims, who do not drink and indeed condemn the consumption of alcohol and sexual relations before marriage would somehow get Hindu and Sikh girls drunk and then sleep with them (as has also been rumoured by a journalist from the Daily Star who yesterday spoke to Anjem Choudary (the UK head of Al-Muhajiroun)). It is akin to saying that celibate Monks might forget their celibacy in order to invite women to Christianity. Moreover, surely it is a slur on Sikhs and Hindus to suggest that their women would be so stupid as to accept Islam (knowing that they do not drink or fornicate) from Muslims who would hypocritically use these tactics to convince them about the superiority of their belief. Exactly who are you trying to convince? Or maybe we are overestimating the intelligence of the average Daily Star reader. In any case such slander against Muslims is not untypical of those who hate Islam and Muslims and who would therefore use any ploy, no matter how far fetched, in order to convert people to Islam. We look forward for other yarns being spun by the Daily Star in the coming days telling us how Muslims hypnotise converts or maybe blackmail them or maybe even threaten their lives in order to boost the numbers of Muslims. To top it all the comical Daily Star added that it was a Bin Laden plot (lol) to recruit Brit students led by Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad – amazingly left alone by the Blair regime and Blunkett's crusade against Al-Qaeda world-wide, despite being some sort of spokesman for Bin Laden in the UK. See you at the Rally this Sunday. We look forward to another interesting day of discussion and debate for the whole family. |
Al-Muhajiroun P.O. Box 349 London N9 7RR |
MIM:Al Muhajiroun's tactics of intimidating and threatening non Muslims can be seen in these two Muslim News letter items from 1999.
An article in the Christian Herald (24.07.99) talks about the invitation of Britain to Islam, following a rally held in London by Al-Muhajiroun inviting non-Muslims, including the Queen, to embrace Islam. The article was written by Anthony McRoy, an Irish freelance religious journalist currently research ing for a PhD about British Muslims at the London Bible College, who was present at the rally. He said that Al-Muhajiroun's UK leader, Anjem Choudary, predicted that Britain would become predominantly Muslim within a century. Speeches at the rally from members of Al-Muhajiroun, criticised other religions and ideologies, and then people from those beliefs were invited to debate the speakers. Mr McRoy said that Christians could empathise with some sentiments, like those of Omar Brooks, who warned Muslims that secular Britain was not really Christian. He spoke of the emptiness of atheist/ agnostic life, and argued that atheism contradicted rationality in the face of life and the reality of the universe. However, many comments were dis missed due to their inaccuracy, as many of the speakers did not have the correct Bible references or dates of historical events. Several Muslim-Christian de bate groups formed with passionate, but peaceful, discussion. Mr McRoy asked Omar Bakri Mohammed of Al-Muhajiroun if in an Islamic Britain, Christians could hold an equivalent rally, including talks by converts from Islam, to which he replied in the affirmative. Mr Bakri apologised to Mr McRoy for his members placing a poster over the notice-board of his church in east London. Mr McRoy questioned Christian-Muslim relations in Muslim countries, and pointed out that many of the comments at this rally were not reassuring Christians of their fate in an Islamic Republic of Britain. [BMMS July 1999 Vol. VII, No. 7, p. 13]
Members of Al-Muhajiroun in Southall have targeted two prominent Sikhs who they believe are holding up plans for a new mosque in the area's main shopping street. Hate mail has been sent to restaurant owner Harbans Sandhu and Councillor Manjit Mahal, who have both previously objected to plans submitted by the Abu Bakr Mosque Trust to convert a multi-storey house into a mosque. Police are investigating the mail and carrying out DNA tests on the envelopes which bear a Harrow postmark. But the Abu Bakr Mosque Trust, which denies any involvement with Al-Muhajiroun, has accused them of fabricating the letters. The Trust is hopeful that its revised plan will receive approval from Ealing Council (Q News, No308, 01.07.99). [BMMS July 1999 Vol. VII, No. 7, p. 4]
MIM: Press release on Hindu website about the cancelled rally
For the first time in nine years, the Al-Muhajiroun failed to conduct their Annual Rally for Islam in Trafalgar Square – in response to the backlash they faced from the Sikh and Hindu communities and the strong police presence at the Square.
Members of the Al Muhajiroun failed to turn up at Trafalgar Square on 25th July as they had advertised, and instead conducted a smaller rally opposite the Sikh College in Debden. 100 BNP supporters, 50 football fans and 150 Sikh youth who waited for the Al Muhajiroun dispersed a few hours later without any violent incidents. The Metropolitan Police had a presence of 600 officers in the area to maintain public order.
Earlier in the week, the Hindu Forum of Britain had initiated a full scale campaign to create awareness of the dangers that extreme views like the Al Muhajiroun's posed for Britain. HFB executives had met officers of the Metropolitan Police to discuss a strategy to deal with any public disorder that may arise. After the meeting the Hindu Forum had urged Sikhs and Hindus to keep away from Trafalgar Square to maintain peace and order. A joint statement issued by the Hindu Forum of Britain, the Muslim Council of Britain, and the Network of Sikh Organisations on 24th July had stated that, "Our religions recognise the right of all individuals to practise their own faiths in peace and harmony. Those with extreme views who incite racial or religious hatred should not be tolerated in a democratic country where the rights of every individual need be protected. It is our duty to stand united against such views that do not represent the peaceful majority in Britain."
"The Hindu Forum of Britain had taken a lead in alerting the police, CPS and the Home Office about the dangers of the rally. As a result of the information we shared with them, the Police were able to judge the scale of potential public disorder that could have arisen," explained Ramesh Kallidai, Secretary General of the Hindu Forum of Britain.
"The scale of offence caused by the Al Muhajiroun's statements against the validity of Hinduism and Sikhism was so immense that the Hindu Forum received hundreds of requests to act upon it," said Arjan Vekaria, Security Secretary of the Hindu Forum. "We had to respond to the community's requests for help. Our joint campaign with our Sikh brothers and sisters resulted in the Al Muhajiroun rally being cancelled for the first time in nine years."
"The voice of opposition from reasonable people in the community can have a positive effect in silencing those who make provocative statements that endanger community cohesion," commented Harmander Singh, Advisor to the Sikhs in England group. "There is nothing wrong in praising ones own religion, but it is quite another matter to disrespect other religions. This shouldn't be tolerated in civilised society."
Sources in the Metropolitan Police confirmed that 150 Sikh youth had gathered at Embankment and made their way to the square from 11.30 AM. 600 uniformed officers had already been stationed at the Square.
At 12.30 PM, there were rumours that the Al Muhajiroun had shifted the rally to Hyde Park. The Police immediately dispatched a team to Hyde Park, but could not find them there.
At 1 PM, 100 BNP and National Front youth marched into the Square waving the Union Jack flag. They were followed by 50 football fans. The Sikh group were near the National gallery, the BNP group was huddled around the base of Nelson's column and a band of policemen stood in between ensuring that there was no contact between them.
At 2.00 PM, the Sikh group began chanting prayers from the Guru Granth saheb. Shortly after that there was confirmation that the Al Muhajiroun had assembled opposite the Sikh College in Debden where they had started a mini-rally – a mere shadow of what they had proposed to do.
The Metropolitan Police immediately dispatched three police carriers with eighteen officers to Debden to assist the Essex police, who already had the situation under control.
Around 3 PM, the BNP and football supporters as well as the Sikh contingent slowly dispersed from the rally that never was.
Commenting on the success of ensuring that law and order was maintained on the day, Rebecca May, Press Officer at the Metropolitan Police said, "There was an appropriate police presence at the Square to deal with the situation. We made four arrests and are happy that the rally passed off peacefully."
There was speculation within both communities that the Al Muhjiroun has only wanted to wind up passions in the community and not really organise the rally. Others felt that the strong presence of the BNP, the Sikh community and the Police had dissuaded the 50-odd Al Muhajiroun members from assembling at Trafalgar Square.
"This group is not representative of the Muslim community," said one Muslim leader. "Their numbers are dwindling and they are a small minority that do not speak for the rest of the community."
Leaders of the Hindu Forum of Britain are in the meantime expected to meet senior Police officers next week to discuss issues relating to hate crime.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at