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August 16, 2006
The Muslimah's Pearl Necklace 'Pearls of Her Character Unstrung" is the deceptively innocuous name for the upcoming Young Muslims Sister's 'Jihad' Camp being held on the premises of the YMCA's Camp Bernie in New Jersey. One of the speakers, Ibrahim Negm was a speaker at the 2001 YM Jihad Camp, which took place before 9/11. Negm is an 'educator' who has put together a curriculum which includes instruction for Young Muslims on how and when to wage Jihad. In 2001 Negm explained to a journalist that terrorism and jihad was simply mischief.
"Terrorism is not jihad, and aggression is not jihad. Such brutal and
violent acts, to use an Arabic word, are `fasad,' or mischief.
This story ran on page A27 of the Boston Globe on 10/19/2001.
Another speaker is Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombings, who has said that America will be destroyed and replaced with an Islamic state.
Wahhaj was recorded in a speech he gave at a mosque as saying, "I see the demise of the Soviet Union as a sign for the American people that what happened in the Soviet Union will definitely happen in America unless America changes its course from the new world order and accepts the Islamic agenda."\
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'YM Summer Camps 2006'.
Negm is the editor of ‘The Mirror International' ICNA magazine and explained to Yong Muslims that the afterlife is more desirable then this life ; We should not be distracted or exploited by the greedy multi- national companies out to shape our beliefs and values as well as to rip us off. While these Satanic institutions try hard to keep us busy, we must bear in mind that Islam gives the young person a very high and rewarding role of being active followers of the true Deen. There are countless rewards available for the young person who fights the ills and temptations of this world in return for the sanctity of the hereafter, and those who can see beyond the fake surface of the media and capitalism..." Wahhaj is an unindicted co conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and appeared as a character witness on behalf of Omar Abdel Rahman the who was jailed for his role in the thwarted day of terror which targeted New York landmarks.
Wahhaj is best known for having his name on the list of potential co-conspirators in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, as compiled by the office of then-U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White. During the 1996 trial for the World Trade Center bomb plot,Wahhaj served as a character witness for the leader of the conspiracy, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman He testified that it had been an honor to host Rahman at his (Wahhaj's) mosque, and he described Rahman as a "respected scholar." In addition, he called another convicted member of the bomb plot, Clement Rodney Hampton-El (a.k.a. Dr. Rashid), "one of the most respected brothers [of his congregation]." It was around this time that Wahhaj was recorded in a speech he gave at a mosque as saying, "I see the demise of the Soviet Union as a sign for the American people that what happened in the Soviet Union will definitely happen in America unless America changes its course from the new world order and accepts the Islamic agenda."
At a recent demonstration against the Danish cartoons Wahhaj warned that Muslims "Had to make sure that they (infidels) do not do this again." Young Muslims is the youth division of ICNA and MAS. ICNA is the Islamic Circle of North America, and MAS is the Muslim American Society. Both groups have documented ties to Al Qaeda and the international terrorism network. One prominent New Jersey Imam, who often speaks at Muslim Youth camps, Mazen Mokhtar, is under investigation by the FBI for running an Al Qaeda website and was linked to a London bomb plot which targetted landmarks in New York City. The Muslim American Society has raised legal funds on behalf of Omar Abu Ali, who was jailed for a plot to kill President Bush MAS also defended Ali Al Tamimi, who was jailed for recruiting students to wage Jihad.
MIM: Ibrahim Negm is scheduled to become the head of the Young Muslims Learning Foundation where he will indoctrinate Muslim youth with the notion that 'terrorism is not jihad and aggression is not jihad' and is just a form of Islamist "mischief"
Young Muslims, a pioneering national youth organization is proud to introduce a new and exciting
And a good time was had by all...
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at