This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at

March 6, 2006

MIM: Naseer Khader : Liberal Socialist pushes leftist agenda which aids and abets Islamists enjoys cult status as Denmark's "poster boy for moderate Islam".

A look at Khader's CV in Danish and English shows a glaring omission. On the Danish CV he lists his taking correspondence from the radical Islamist Al Azhar University - and that he attended their summer course. Which begs the question as to how the 'Viking' of Muslim assimiliation, and self proclaimed 'non practising Muslim' was able to be admitted to and attend a 'school for shari'a' which is a bastion of the Muslim Brotherhood and the alma mater of Bin Laden's mentor Abdullah Azzam.

Hent Naser Khaders biografi som PDF
Hent Naser Khaders engelske biografi som PDF

Khader, Naser
Det Radikale Venstre
Østre Storkreds fra 20. nov. 2001
Folketinget, Christiansborg, 1240 København K
E-mail [email protected]

Naser Khader, født 1. juli 1963 i Damaskus, søn af ufaglært Ahmed Abu Khader og ufaglært Sada Abu Khader.

Parlamentarisk karriere
Det Radikale Venstres kandidat i Brønshøjkredsen fra 2000 og i Vestre Storkreds 1994-1999.

Uddannelse og erhverv
Fjernstudier i islam, bl.a. et sommerophold på AL-Azhar Universitet, Cairo 1997. Supplerende uddannelse i retorik og formidling, Aarhus Universitet 1994-1995. Mellemøststudier, Odense Universitet 1991-1993. Cand.polit, Københavns Universitet 1986-1993. Rysensteen Gymnasium 1980-1983. Oehlenschlægersgades Skole 1975-1980.

Konsulent i boligselskabet, DAB 1996-1997. Oversætter/konsulent, DR 1989-1997. Arabisk tolk og oversætter 1983-1998.

Medlem af Det Radikale Venstre fra 1984. Borgerrepræsentant 1997-2000 og medlem af hovedbestyrelsen fra 1996. Medlem af Det Etiske Råd 1998-2001. Medlem af repræsentantskabet i Boligfonden for Enlige Mødre fra 1998. Medlem af bestyrelsen af Lokale- og Anlægsfonden 1999-2000 og af Nyt Europas bestyrelse og talsmandsgruppe fra 1998. Medlem af Indenrigsministeriets tænketank om integration 2000-2001. Ambassadør for UNICEF fra 2000.

Publikationer og andet
Har skrevet: »Ære og Skam«, 1996, »« sammen med Jakob Kvist, 2000, og »Nasers Brevkasse. Interview ved Elisabeth Svane«, Gyldendal Uddannelse, 2001.

Har modtaget Forfatterforeningens pris for Fred og Mellemfolkelig Forståelse, 1998, HK's Kulturpris, 1998, AFS-Interkulturs »Interkulturprisen 1999«, Modermål-Selskabets »Modersmålprisen 2000«, Junior Chambers pris som »The Outstanding Young Person 2001« samt Heiberg-prisen 2002. Optræder desuden som en af de mest betydningsfulde personer i Danmark i det 20. århundrede i bogen »Det 20. Århundrede«, 1999.

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Khader, Naser, MA (Political Science)
The Social Liberal Party
Eastern Copenhagen, large constituency from November 20th 2001.

E-mail [email protected]

Naser Khader, born July 1st 1963 in Damascus, son of Ahmed Abu Khader, unskilled worker, and Sada Abu Khader, unskilled worker.

Parliamentary career
The Social Liberal Party's candidate in Eastern Copenhagen nomination district from 2000, and in Western Copenhagen large constituency, 1994-1999.






The ten commandments of Democracy

  1. We must all separate politics and religion, and we must never place religion above the laws of democracy.
  2. We must all respect that all people have equal rights regardless of sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.
  3. No person must ever incite to hatred, and we must never allow hatred to enter our hearts.
  4. No person must ever use or encourage violence – no matter how frustrated or wronged we feel, or how just our cause.
  5. We must all make use of dialogue - always.
  6. We must all show respect for the freedom of expression, also of those with whom we disagree the most.
  7. No person can claim for themselves or assign to others a place apart, neither as superior persons, as inferior persons or as eternal victims.
  8. We must all treat other people's national and religious symbols as we wish them to treat ours – flag-burning and graffiti on churches, mosques and synagogues are insults that hinder dialogue and increase the repression of the other party.
  9. We must all mind our manners in public. Public space is not a stage on which to vent one's aggressions or to spread fear and hate, but should be a forum for visions and arguments, where the best must win support.
  10. We must all stand up for our opponent if he or she is subjected to spiteful treatment.

The commandments were first voiced in a speech by Naser Khader in 2002.


MIM: Leftwing moderate Muslims never eschew capititalism when it comes to support for their cause. The West is prepared to bankroll anyone Muslim who pays says the magic words "democratic" and "alternative".


"...I have been overwhelmed by the many positive responses I have received recently, also from non-Muslim Danes. I am heartened and very pleased that there is so much support for the alternative network!

At Saturday's meeting (February 4) there was positive support for establishing "The Danish Support Network for Democratic Muslims". Regardless of religious conviction you are invited to support the initiative by joining the mailing list below.

As many will have seen on Politiken's homepage on February 8, Democratic Muslims intend to spread its views through advertisement in Arabic media. If you want to support this and the network's other activities with a donation you can make a contribution to bank account: 9510-10141931. If you wish to donate from a broad, then use IBAN: DK913000001014931.

On behalf of myself and the network a big thank you for the many encouraging messages that keep streaming in. I can't respond to all at this time but will try to do so in due course.

With kind regards
Naser Khader

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at