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August 11, 2005
August 11, 2005
21st July 2005
Your Royal Highness,
It is with great sadness I offer to you and the people of Britain my heartfelt condolence and sincere sympathy over what occurred in London on 7th July 2005.
Undoubtedly, great nations are defined by the way in which the resilience of their people and their cultural and moral traditions allow them to deal with terrible events.
This is what was affirmed to me as I was reading your sagacious article on the occasion of the painful atrocities in London. That article eloquently expressed the measured response and enduring values of the British people, since you affirmed that Islam is a religion of peace, and refuted any attempt by the terrorist to bring about a clash of cultures and civilizations.
Your Royal Highness, allow me to enclose a letter I have addressed to Mr. Tony Blair, along with a joint letter written by myself and my colleague Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald. I would also be honored if you would accept the enclosed copy of my book " Universality and Globalization: An Islamic Perspective".
Once more reiterate my condolence to the people of Britain and in particular those who lost loved ones. We pray to Almighty God to grant us His mercy and to bring about a peaceful and just resolution of the world's problems.
Yours Sincerely,
08 / 07 / 2005
Your Excellency,
Painfully and sadly we received news of the criminal bombings in London on 07 / 07 / 2005. Which committed by sinful hands against of human dignity, life sacredness, religious values and human traditions.
Personally, and on behalf of the International Islamic Forum for Dialogue Jeddah – Saudi Arabia that coordinates activities of dialogue among more than one hundred International Islamic Organizations all over the world. We strongly condemn these criminal actions and atrocious hatred.
Undoubtedly, that the culprits have lost all senses of the humanity, mercy, have violated values of the justice and peace, have revolted against religious principles. Moreover they have declared war against God Almighty himself.
Truly, such as blind terrorism has grieved us, and have ached our heart because it is a shameful violation of God's sacredness, His eternal message and sublime teachings which strongly and continually emphasize on holiness of human dignity, life, security and peace among communities.
H. E. Prime Minister pleas accept our sincere condolence and deep sympathy and cordiality that we extend to the families, relatives and friends of victims and to all the friendly British people.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at