This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
November 5, 2023
"Inside Every Moderate Muslim Is An Islamonazi Screaming To Get Out"
MIM :Shireen Qudosi who is touted as a 'Muslim Reformer' received money and legitimation from Conservative and Pro Israel Jewish individuals and organisations who should and did know better. Despite the fact that MiM has been documenting her duplicity aka taqiyya for years, (articles and urls below)and tried to alert them to her Islamonazi proclivities.Their desperate need to appear evenhanded and avoid being labelled anti Muslim and believe that Islam could be reformed clouded their judgement and led them to embrace and promote Muslims who had zero impact on their coreligionists but told them what they wanted to hear. Islam experts Robert Spencer (Jihad Watch) and Steven M. Kirby (Islam Series - Understanding Islam) were two of the very few people who did not fall for Qudosi's charade and wrote articles exposing her and the dangers of encouraging non Muslims to believe that Islam could be reformed.
MIM:Robert Spencer the director of Jihad Watch explains the role that Muslim"Reformers' fill for their supporters:
"Conservatives especially are avid to find and support self-proclaimed Islamic reformers, so as to demonstrate that they're not "anti-Muslim" (Leftists, by contrast, don't care about Islamic reformers, as they have no trouble embracing "Palestinian" jihadis and others of their ilk). Fake reformers make out like bandits taking advantage of these people. This is not beneficial to anyone, except the fake reformers themselves."
"Shireen Qudosi And The Problem Of Muslim Reformers"
MIM:Dr. Stephen M. Kirby explains the need for the Muslim Reform hoax and coined the term "Fantasy Islam":
"Fantasy Islam (Kafir Edition): A game in which an audience of non-Muslims wish with all their hearts that Islam was a "Religion of Peace," and a Kafir (non-Muslim) strives to fulfill that wish by presenting a version of Islam that has little foundation in Islamic Doctrine."
MIM:In this Xposting from October 31, 2023 the Jewish funded 'reformer' revealed why Muslims who claim to be 'Reformers' are simply tailoring the religious precepts of Islam to suit their chosen lifestyles and by extension falsely present Islam as tolerant and liberal. Shireen Qudosi is a case of 'fake it till you make it'. The massacre of 1,400 Jews by her coreligionists and he r decision to put her Muslim identity ahead of her humanity caused her hitherto surpressed ' Islamonazi ' to manfest itself. The posting below is one of many pro jihad and Jew hating posts she has made and is continuing to make since 'October 7th.
MIM: An example of the non Muslim desperation to believe there can be a 'kinder gentler Islam'and Infidel gullibility is illustrated by this description of a taik she gave at The Gross Family Foundation For The Study Of Antisemitism And The Holocaust ironically entitled "A Dark Alliance Resurfaces: Nazis and Islamist Supremacism."
A Dark Alliance Resurfaces: Nazis and Islamist Supremacism
Sunday,December 15,2019
Shireen Qudosi is The Clarion Project's National Correspondent and is involved with leading its Preventing Violent Extremism program.As a former refugee raised across three continents, she has a unique perspective of the issues facing the U.S. and global Muslim communities. Her keynote writings also include an in-depth assessment on the War on Terror through the lens of World War II.
Qudosi agreed with the hastag "Hitler Was Right" and then perversely and obscenely claims that "Israel's disproportionate response and utter failure to read the rooom has done more to rehabilitate Hitler/Nazi Germany than they could have done for themselves"
Shireen Qudosi
Called it two days ago. "Hitler was right" is now going viral on Twitter. The hashtag was over 20,000 times in the last 24 hours
Shireen Qudosi
"The Israeli response on Gaza should be condemned equally to the Hamas attack. But we don't see that. We see a Jewish trauma bond to a victim narrative — one that CANNOT see the humanity in others, that can't recognize human suffering outside itself. That is the story here.
Calling out dehumanization doesn't make me an anti-Semite. I've been speaking out on Islamist terror since 2002. My entire life has been centered on the question of Islam, what went wrong, how we got here. I've spoken at synagogues, appeared in documentaries like the ones here.
My record speaks for itself. That I'm calling out the racist and dehumanizing agenda of a fanatic ideology masquerading as faith doesn't undo 22 years of work. On the contrary, it gives what I'm saying now even more legitimacy."
There is such beauty around the Shabbat practice and the ritual of lighting a candle (an honor held by the woman of the house). And it's such a striking picture, a picture of covering our eyes (removing one of the most over-stimulated sensed to retreat into the Darkness. When I look at this picture as a woman who found the sacred Dark in Islam, I'm reminded of how much this is a calling in to world, and a response to the world: to see through the eyes of the Dark.
But now when I look at this picture as a representation of Judaism, I can't help but feel this is symbolic of how so many Jews are holding themselves as Israel shows the worst of tribalism toward Palestinians. And I think to be a person of faith and conscience, one would have to shut their eyes to carry on as they are.
Next week, we get to ask my Zionist friend the unsettling questions deep within our heart. We can ask our difficult questions, and know they can be asked without being called an anti-Semite. Similarly, he will be digging into his Jewish community to ask uncomfortable questions of me as a Muslim.
Shireen Qudosi
November 7 at 4:54 PM
I'm seeing this idiotic post shared by people in interfaith circles, who unsurprisingly haven't said fuck all about the death of over 10k Muslims by Israeli Defense Forces over the last month. A mass murder that is in violation of the Talmud and the Jewish faith.
In sharing this post at this time, what they're saying is that the problem is Islam. And in saying so, at THIS time, is an horrific bypass of the accountability Israel has in first creating a problem and then bombing it to death. It is also a reflection of their abysmal failure to understand Islam, and reveals a dangerous lack of curiosity.
If you think your religion requires hate, then please do us all a favor and leave the religion you've been handsomely profiting off of by selling yourself as a Muslim. Pretending to prance around in a pony show for Israeli benefactors as a Muslim woman doesn't make you a Muslim. Wearing a scarf over your head and posing in prayer at religious sites around the world… doesn't make you a Muslim. It makes you a performer. A circus trick. Another monkey in the show.
If there is one thing Islamists like CAIR have been right about over the years it's that most of these people don't actually know their religion. They haven't studied Islam. They haven't even tried. They haven't done the work. There is no spiritual learning or a pilgrimage of the heart, evident through the absolutely asinine things being said at a time when their brothers and sisters in faith are being slaughtered.
Shireen Qudosi October 25 at 5:21 PM
MIM:For more on Shireen 'Crud'osi see:
Clarion Project's Muslim "Deformer" Shireen Qudosi Lies About Islam To StandWithUs Jewish Donors
Shireen Qudosi: Environmentalism Is "Eco - Racism" Unless It's Non White And Sufi - Then It's "Eco- Spirituality"
Toke For Tolerance Co Founder & Muslim "Deformer" Shireen Qudosi"s Latest Stoner Screed
Muslim Deformer Crackpot/ Pothead Shireen Qudosi Begs Kuffar To Fund Her 'Psycho' Babble aka "Islam's Origins Story"
Shireen Qudosi: Head Of Clarion Project's Preventing Violent Extremism Education Program: 'I Identify with Malcolm X'
Congressional candidate Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser, founder and fuhrer of the Muslim Reform Movement and the American Islamic Forum For Democracy calls himself 'a devout moderate Muslim', an oxymoron if there ever was one. He has received millions in funding from Jewish individuals and organizations.He has been totally silent regarding MRM member Shireen Qudosi's vile postings promoting jihad and Jew hatred as have the other self proclaimed 'Reformers'.
Zuhdi Jasser (Republican Party) is running for election to the U.S. House to represent Arizona's 4th Congressional District. He declared candidacy for the Republican primary scheduled on August 6, 2024.
MIM:'Crud'osi has also received support and funding from many Jewish individuals and groups such as the Clarion Project whose mission is to "expose the dangers of extremism" which is headed by Raphael Shore.
"Raphael Shore is a Canadian-Israeli film writer, producer, and rabbi. He is the founder of OpenDor Media (formerly Jerusalem U) — a Jewish educational organization —as well as the Clarion Project, whose mission is to expose the dangers of extremism."
" The Clarion Project's Advisory Board Plays Fantasy Islam - Part 1: Zuhdi Jasser: Islam's Modernizing Prophet"
On October 31, 2023 Jasser's fellow 'Muslim Reformer' and Islamonazi Shireen Qudosi who recently posted on X that 'Hitler Was Right' went on to obscenely declare that Jews were to blame for reviving Hitler's popularity and the resurgence of Nazism!
"Disproportionate Israeli response and utter failure to read the room at this hour is going to do more to rehabilitate Hitler/Nazi Germany than anything they could have done for themselves.TLDR people are going to start agreeing with Hitler."
MIM: It bears noting that Jasser and Qudosi call themselves 'Muslim Reformers' which reveals the MRM's inherent contradiction i.e. it is individual Muslims, not Islam, which might be reformed because they know that the Islamic religion and by extension the Koran are immutable and cannot be changed. His supporters are virtue signalling non Muslims who are desperate to believe that the Fantasy Islam which Jasser and his ilk peddle is possible. As can be seen by the article below he is irrelevant when it comes to fellow Muslims.
More On Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser and the Muslim Reform Movement:
"Jasser's Muslim Reform Movement An Abject Failure - Outreach To 3,000 Mosques Got 40 Responses"
"Zuhdi Jasser Refuses to Debate in His Home Mosque: Keeping the House of Cards Together"
"Devout Moderate Muslim" Mohammed Zuhdi Jasser Whines About Being "Bullied" By His Radical Mosque With CAIR Imam"
"Reform Zuhdiism': Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser Invents Own Version Of Islam - Rants Against Those Who Point It Out"
"Self Proclaimed "Moderate Muslims" Launch "Muslim Reform Movement" To Promote Dangerous Fallacy That Islam Is Peaceful"
MIM: In 2022 Jasser hooked up with self promoting Somali grifter Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She is an antisemite who acheived celebrity status by exploiting the terrorist murder of Dutch filmmaker Theo Van Gogh to propel her career and has since made millions thanks to many Jewish supporters.
"Failed Muslim "Deformer" Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser Teams Up With Media Whore Ayaan Hirsi Ali To Form 'CLARITy Coalition'"
The truth about the Muslim Reform Movement in a picture at their launch at the National Press Club in DC in 2016 - all 12 of them!
"Shireen Qudosi's (now defunct) blog bills itself "The Voice of Muslim Reformers."
MIM: On October 25, 2023 'Crud'osi delusionally stated her 'disappointment' that her 'counter Islamist colleagues' many of whom are Jewish. who have not seen fit to give a shout out to Hamas aka Gazans to show that they 'see them as human too'.
"It is entirely possible to be a Muslim who loves the Jewish people, believes in Israel, and still throw your Muslim brother in Gaza a sympathy post showing you see them as human too. But too many of my counter-Islamist colleagues haven't and won't. It's extremely disappointing."
"Crud'osi also had some advice for Jews who were 'spinning everything as antisemitism' 'promising' them that 'people will give less of a fuck' about their cause.
The fastest way for Jews to lose credibility is to keep spinning everything as antisemitism. Promise you people will give less of a fuck about your cause. Hysteria is not a strategy. # antisemitsm
MIM;Below is a poster showing Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser and Shireen Qudosi who spoke at a 'Town Hall Meeting' organized by the Muslim Reform Movement.
MIM:Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser and Shireen Qudosi discuss FGM trial in 2018.
The Muslim Reform Movement is a scam as is The American Islamic Forum For Democracy whose founder Mohamed Zuhdi Jasser is now running for Congress in Arizona.
"Remember the trip starts with the first step. So together we will take initiatives to seek friendships with all peoples no matter their beliefs. We reject all acts of violence against the citizens of the world to which we are all members."
"Muslims who seek change are uniquely positioned to create it – but also uniquely vulnerable to attack. At AIFD, we support dissident Muslims, expose the lobby which seeks to undermine individual liberty and human rights, and adapt quickly to a changing political landscape. We stand in staunch opposition to both theocracy and secular fascism, and are deeply committed to universal human rights and individual freedom."
See new posts
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser For Congress reposted
ICYMI I joined
to discuss the radicalism and #antisemitism behind the growing and concerning protests against Israel on university campuses.
Banning hate is very important: Zuhdi Jasser | Fox Business Video
MIM: The Clarion Project has made a mockery of their mission and professional integrity by having employed Shireen Qudosi as their Countering Violent Extremism Education Director despite documentation from MIM warning them many times of of Jew hatred and support for extremism.
"We expose extremist threats via our Extremism Roundup newsletter, a weekly digest of the most important stories about Islamic extremism, militant right-wing extremism, militant left-wing extremism, hate crimes, and hostile foreign influence campaigns that threaten our safety. We have also produced a library of feature documentary films and short films that will help you understand these threats in more detail."
Communities Impacted by Terrorism and Hate Crimes Prioritized
Public Education Campaign Features Free Training Program and PSA of Mother Who Lost Her Son to Extremism
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Human rights organization, Clarion Project, will launch a national, public education, outreach campaign across the country this coming Monday to combat the rise of hate crimes and reduce the threat of homegrown terrorism. Clarion Project will work with the local community to train leaders in identifying and addressing risk factors. Clarion Project also provides schools a series of workshops that offer a positive counter-message for youth against the lure of extremist ideologies.
Prevent Violent Extremism
The effort named Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) is modeled after the group's successful efforts in Austin, TX and Minneapolis, MN and features a training program for parents, teachers, local officials and law enforcement.
The PVE training emphasizes the fact that radicalization can affect all children at any age. A child can be radicalized by gangs, race supremacists, religious extremists and social militarization.
"Over the last 30 to 40 years, extremism patterns in the United States have shifted between ideologies. Since 2010, we've seen ideologies surfacing simultaneously with increased lethality, while forecasts over the next 10-20 years present a frightening scenario driven by increased levels of dehumanization and polarization," says Shireen Qudosi, Director of PVE Education.
"This is the world our kids are living in today. Every parent, every educator, and community leader deserve to be prepared. Every child deserves to be protected. On November 20, 1989, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child reinforced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by recognizing that childhood is entitled to special care. It's time we fulfilled that duty to our children."
The training follows a three-stage strategy:
The effort also features a 90 second PSA featuring the heartbreaking story of Christianne Boudreau, whose son was recruited online by radical Islamist extremists, ran away, and later died fighting in Syria with ISIS.
For more information, please visit Clarion Project.
Trevor FitzGibbon
[email protected]
MIM: On August 19, 2019 Muslim Reformer/Grifter 'Crud'osi launched a Go Fund Me page which raised nearly $6,000 for a book which she never wrote.
"Islam's Origin Story" triggers a bold new dialogue - one that uses extremism against itself.
 The Plan:
(1) Identifying pathway to radical and political Islam during Islam's early years.
(2) Undermining the Islamist argument that Islam can't be reformed, by using Islamic history and theology in support of moderate Islam.
(3) Recalibrating tangible solutions to extremism within Islam, using the origin story against itself.
(4) Looking at the situation today and offering real-time creative and policy driven solutions to counter extremism.
Phase 1: Preliminary Outline (Winter 2015)
Phase 2: Research (2016-2017)
Phase 3: Writing (2018-2019)
Shireen Qudosi serves as Clarion Project's National Correspondent covering American Islam and preventing violent extremism, with an emphasis on youth radicalization. Her work has been published in The Federalist, On Being, Women in the World, The Middle East Forum, and more, often exploring themes of faith, identity, and belonging.
Her keynote writings also include an in-depth assessment on the War on Terror through the lens of WWII and a two-hour exclusive interview with radical Imam Abu Taubah, who was linked to Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen. In 2016, Shireen testified before the House Homeland Security Committee Hearing on radical Islam, offering a powerful testimony that tied the current crisis to Islam's origin story. "Original Islam" is a theme that runs through the veins of her work, and is central to the book project she is pursuing. In 2017, Shireen launched a petition against Davis hate imam Ammar Shahin, which broadened into a small movement in 2018 on hate and alienation in theological spaces . She carried her message on hate imams in Never Again is Now, a documentary by filmmaker Evelyn Markus, on the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and the United States. In 2018, she partnered with Elliot Friedland to launch Toke for Tolerance, an interfaith festival.
Shireen's experience has given her insight in forecasting where the conversation among the world's leading secular and religious Islamic leaders is heading. She is also deeply interested in personal narratives as instruments for change. As a former refugee raised across three continents, she has a unique perspective of the issues facing the U.S. and global Muslim community. In 2011, Shireen was named one of the top ten North American Muslim Reformers by journalist Christine Williams.
Called it two days ago. "Hitler was right" is now going viral on Twitter. The hashtag was over 20,000 times in the last 24 hours.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at