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Shireen Qudosi: Environmentalism Is "Eco - Racism" Unless It's Non White And Sufi - Then It's "Eco- Spirituality"

Muslim 'Deformer' Claims Islam Is Peaceful - Proclaims 'White Supremacy' Is The Biggest Global Threat
December 8, 2020

MIM: Qudosi lauded Sufism's "eco - spirituality and "belief in the sacred virtue of nature" in 2009 - warns against "Eco- racism" in 2020. From Sufism to "Eco-racism" what a difference a few years make!

Naturalism and Nationalism

"Eco-Racism': The New/Old Convergence of Environmentalism and White Supremacy"

Separating the laudable goal of conserving the environment from the racism of white supremacy

"The latest intersectional nightmare is the pairing of environmentalism and white supremacy rooted specifically in the language of the former to advance the agenda of the latter."


Sufis Are Islam's Eco Guardians

Posted on October 28, 2009 by Shireen Qudosi in Lifestyle, Religion

Sufism emphasizes "eco-spirituality" – the fundamental belief in the sacred virtue of nature. Since Gnostic teachings, the Kabalah, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc, all hold this as a key truth, it's easy to see how Sufism has the capacity to bridge perceived divides between Islam and other faith groups.

"...In this way, many Sufis embrace the natural world, and as such it's no surprise that Sufis are great defenders of the environment..."


MIM:As usual Qudosi wants to have it both ways. In her 2020 screed on enviornmentalism she wrote:

"Quoting John Hultgren, a faculty member at Bennington College, Gardiner shares how the reality of global warming or climate change by those who chose to acknowledge it, is seen "through the prism of white nationalism. And the solution then becomes the exclusion of immigrants, people of color, the so-called 'Third World."

MIM: Qudosi also cites Peter "I no longer believe in a Jewish state" Beinart's screed in the Fake News uber left Atlantic:

"Take Peter Beinhart, professor of journalism at the City University of New York. In 2019, Beinhart published a piece in The Atlantic on how Far-Right propagandists have seized environmental issues as, "another means of sowing racial panic."

MIM: In 2009 she proclaimed that:

"According to Sufi expert and director at the Moroccan Ministry of Religious Affairs in Rabat, Ahmad Kostas, "Progress and change are basic tenets of Sufi philosophy." With this in mind, and with the premise of mutual appreciation for environmental initiatives, the common interest in eco-spirituality is a potential conduit for possible future partnerships between Mid East nations and their neighbors."


MIM: Shireen "I identify with Malcolm X" Qudosi posted this bio at the end of her screed on Sufi "eco-spirituality"

"Shireen Qudosi is writer and natural living enthusiast who believes that despite political attitudes towards climate change, there is no harm in trying to live a more sustainable life. Her passion for conservation and the environment is reflected in her Sufi beliefs, which has a deep respect for the natural world. Her interest in Sufi philosophy is also what inspires her work as editor of The Qudosi Chronicles, an online journal that looks at issues stemming from Islam and the Middle East.

Based in Los Angeles, Shireen considers herself a galley slave to pen and ink, and hopes to some day carry out her indentured servitude from literally green pastures."

MIM: For more on Qudosi see:

"Shireen Qudosi: Head Of Clarion Project's Preventing Violent Extremism Education Program: 'I Identify With Malcolm X"


"Shireen Qudosi: Muslim 'Deformer' Who Runs Preventing Violent Extremism Program Sides With Violent Rioters"


"Clarion Project's Muslim "Deformer" Shireen Qudosi Lies About Islam To StandWithUs Jewish Donors"


This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at