This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at

Clarion's Preventing Violent Extremism Project Lead By Muslim 'Deformer' Shireen Qudosi:"A Total Waste Of Time & Money"

Carl Goldberg Calls PVE Program A Farce: "Clarion Needs To Deal With The Koran & Sunnah"
November 12, 2019

MIM: Below is Islam expert Carl Goldberg's letter to the contact person on the press release announcing the Clarion Project's "Outreach Effort Launches In 21 Cities To Prevent Violent Extremism" lead By Shireen Qudosi.

For more on drug addled Shireen "I don't want to be called a Muslim" Qudosi see:

"Clarion Projects Muslim "Deformer" Shireen Qudosi Lies About Islam To Jewish Donors"



I hate to throw cold water on your PVE project, but it is a total waste of time and money. This is especially so if you put Shireen Qudosi in charge of it. She has no idea what causes Islamic radicalization because she has no idea about Islam.

Simply put, Islamic radicalization takes place when a Moslem starts reading the Koran and finds out what his god really wants him to do. At that point, the Moslem is faced with a moral choice: Either to deliberately ignore the jihadist commands in the Koran, or to follow them. Shireen Qudosi will never tell you that. She wants you to think that Islam is basically just fine and that the "radicals" are misinterpreting the Koran and the Sunnah. In fact, the radicals are following it, not misinterpreting it.

Clarion Project needs to deal with the Koran and the Sunnah instead of going along with phonies like Shireen Qudosi, Zuhdi Jasser, Raheel Raza and other nice moderate Moslems who do not follow Islam but who pretend that they do. They, with your help, are misleading the public about the threat from Islam, itself, as taught in all the mosques. They are "moderate Moslems" precisely because they do not follow Islam as set forth in the Koran and the Sunnah.

There is no such thing as "moderate Islam". As Turkish president Erdogan famously said, "Islam cannot be classified as moderate or not," ... "These descriptions are very ugly, it is offensive and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam and that's it."

Clarion needs to take this seriously and stop pretending that "moderate Moslems" indicate the existence of a moderate Islam, or that they can have any influence on the Moslem community.

Carl Goldberg, PhD



Outreach Effort Launches in 21 Cities to Prevent Violent Extremism

Communities Impacted by Terrorism and Hate Crimes Prioritized

Public Education Campaign Features Free Training Program and PSA of Mother Who Lost Her Son to Extremism

WASHINGTON, Nov. 11, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Human rights organization, Clarion Project, will launch a national, public education, outreach campaign across the country this coming Monday to combat the rise of hate crimes and reduce the threat of homegrown terrorism. Clarion Project will work with the local community to train leaders in identifying and addressing risk factors. Clarion Project also provides schools a series of workshops that offer a positive counter-message for youth against the lure of extremist ideologies.

Prevent Violent Extremism

The effort named Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE) is modeled after the group's successful efforts in Austin, TXand Minneapolis, MN and features a training program for parents, teachers, local officials and law enforcement.

The PVE training emphasizes the fact that radicalization can affect all children at any age. A child can be radicalized by gangs, race supremacists, religious extremists and social militarization.

"Over the last 30 to 40 years, extremism patterns in the United States have shifted between ideologies. Since 2010, we've seen ideologies surfacing simultaneously with increased lethality, while forecasts over the next 10-20 years present a frightening scenario driven by increased levels of dehumanization and polarization," says Shireen Qudosi, Director of PVE Education.

"This is the world our kids are living in today. Every parent, every educator, and community leader deserve to be prepared. Every child deserves to be protected. On November 20, 1989, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child reinforced the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by recognizing that childhood is entitled to special care. It's time we fulfilled that duty to our children."

The training follows a three-stage strategy:

The effort also features a 90 second PSA featuring the heartbreaking story of Christianne Boudreau, whose son was recruited online by radical Islamist extremists, ran away, and later died fighting in Syria with ISIS.

For more information, please visit Clarion Project.

Trevor FitzGibbon
[email protected]

SOURCE Clarion Project

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at