This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
Mohammed Amin Al-Husseini "Hitler's Mufti" Visited Auschwitz in 1944
June 2, 2019
MIM: Mohammad Abdulkarim Al-Issa will not be "the most senior Islamic leader to visit Auschwitz" as the AJC falsely claims. It was Hajj Al- Amin Al Husseini The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who "visited" Auschwitz in 1944. Dutch investigative journalist Emerson Vermaat conducted a lengthy interview with Dutch Holocaust survivor Ernst Verduin who saw Al Husseini there.
The Muslim World League is the leading Dawah institution in the world. Any "interfaith" iniatiatives are done to further the cause of Islam among non Muslims. Al- Issa mouths all the empty platitudes which non Muslims love to hear, "mutual respect, understanding and diversity" ie. respect and tolerance for Islam. Everything he and the MWL does is to benefit Islam.
The Jews4Jihad at the AJC also work with the Islamic Society of North America the biggest dawah organization in North America whose intention is to turn all of North American into an 'Islamic Society'. They formed MJAC - The Muslim Jewish Advisory Council which aids and abets the spread of Islam.
For more on MJAC see:
"Stop Donating To The Terror Tied AJC & Muslim Jewish Advisory Council - Which Aids And Abets Stealth Jihadists"
"Mohammed Amin al-Husseini was a Palestinian Arab nationalist and Muslim leader in Mandatory Palestine. Al-Husseini was the scion of a family of Jerusalemite notables, who trace their origins to the eponymous grandson of Muhammad. Wikipedia"
"…Al-Husseini was not only the founding father of the Arab national movement in Palestine. He was also a fervent anti-Semite, the most important Nazi collaborator in the Arab world, and a political activist who worked tirelessly for the ethnic cleansing and physical destruction of the Jews in Palestine and in the Middle East as a whole…"
"Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Issa is a Saudi Arabian politician, Secretary General of the Muslim World League, President of the International Islamic Halal Organization, and former Minister of Justice. Wikipedia"
"The Muslim World League, a quasi governmental religious
"...The Palestinian Dr. Abdullah Azzam was appointed director of the MWL office in Peshawar, where he was soon joined by Osama Bin Laden, his former student at the King Abdul Aziz University in Jidda. With funding from the MWL Dr. Azzam laid the foundations for what was to become the MAK, the nexus for the movement of jihadists from the Muslim world to the war in Afghanistan. Following the assassination of in 1989, he was suceeded by Wael Julaidan,then head of the Red Crescent in Pakistan and director of the Peshawar branch of the MWL".
"Alms For Jihad" page 34 - 35.
Muslim World League, American Jewish Committee Memorandum of Understanding Paves Way for Most Senior Islamic Delegation Ever to Visit Auschwitz
NEW YORK, April 30, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- His Excellency, Dr. Mohammad Abdulkarim Al-Issa, Secretary General of the Muslim World League, will become the most senior Islamic leader to visit the Nazi death camp at Auschwitz. The trip is a key element of a historic memorandum of understanding signed by Dr. Al-Issa and American Jewish Committee CEODavid Harris today at AJC headquarters.
The MOU codifies the commitment of the two global institutions to further Muslim-Jewish understanding and cooperate against racism and extremism in all its forms. As part of the understanding, Dr. Al-Issa has accepted an invitation from Mr. Harris to join him at the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in January 2020.
"I believe that by paying my respects to the victims of Auschwitz, I will encourage Muslims and non-Muslims to embrace mutual respect, understanding and diversity," said Dr. Al-Issa, a widely recognized thought-leader on moderate Islam. "I am grateful to David Harris for his thoughtful and timely invitation, and am honoured to accept."
"The launch of cooperative projects by AJC and MWL, and Dr. Al-Issa's visit to Auschwitz, is a direct rebuttal to the extremists who threaten us all," Harris said. "By educating people on the horrors of history, we can plant the seeds for a future where Jews, Muslims and all other groups can live free of fear."
As part of the MOU, Dr. Al-Issa also has accepted an invitation from Mr. Harris to address the AJC Global Forum in Berlin, in June 2020. Mr. Harris, in turn, has accepted an invitation from Dr. Al-Issa to lead an American Jewish Committee delegation to Saudi Arabia.
Dr. Al-Issa said: "The heinous attacks in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, inChristchurch, New Zealand, and most recently in Sri Lanka compel us all to unite and stand up against those who want to divide us."
Harris said: "I thank Dr. Al-Issa both for his valued partnership and invitation. We shall look forward to returning to Saudi Arabia, which AJC first visited nearly 25 years ago, to learn more about current efforts to launch interfaith initiatives."
The MWL, an organization based in the holy city of Makkah, educates Muslims on true Islam, a religion of peace and moderation. It also conducts a range of activities worldwide to promote interfaith harmony.
In 2017, Dr. Al-Issa visited the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and declared Holocaust denial a crime against Islam. More than 1.1 million people, mostly Jews, were killed at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The site stands as a memorial to all those who perished in the Nazi genocide.
AJC, based in New York, with offices across the United States and posts around the world, is the premier global Jewish advocacy organization. Founded in 1906, AJC combats anti-Semitism and other forms of hatred and extremism. AJC has long been a pioneer in interfaith relations. The MOU with the Muslim World League is the latest AJC Initiative advancing Muslim-Jewish understanding and cooperation.
The agreement between MWL and AJC is an initiative of the Centre for Responsible Leadership and its Founder and President, Bawa Jain.
SOURCE American Jewish Committee
Dutch Holocaust Survivor - "I Saw How The Mufti Of Jerusalem Paid A Visit To Auschwitz-Monowitz"
Ernst Verduin, a Dutch Jew from Amsterdam born in 1927, was deported to Auschwitz in September 1943. Upon arrival in Auschwitz-Birkenau he was first selected for the gas chamber but then somehow managed to leave the "gas chamber group" and join the group selected for slave labor. "An SS-officer protested loudly, but I didn't care," Verduin told me at the end of February. 'He didn't use his machine gun and kill me, although he could have done so quite easily. I later learned that the SS wanted to avoid panic at all costs and that I wasn't the only one who switched from one group to another. I already knew about the gas chambers of Auschwitz when I was still in Holland. An SS-officer named Ettlinger who was stationed at the concentration camp of Vught, told me about it. Ettlinger had previously been stationed at Auschwitz, so he knew exactly what was going on there."
"The worst thing I saw after my arrival at Auschwitz was a group of prisoners who entered the gas chambers. These people were about to die. I later tried not to remember this terrible spectacle." Verduin only spent a few hours in Auschwitz I and II and was then transferred to Monowitz where he stayed between September 1943 and mid-January 1945.
Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was an important Palestinian leader who sided with the Nazis during the Second World War. Not only did this hate cleric and jihadist meet Hitler in November 1941, also did he cultivate the personal friendship of Adolf Eichmann, the very man who was in charge of organizing the Holocaust. Eichmann told his friend Willem Sassen after the war that he was proud of having killed at least 5 million "enemies of the German Reich." The Holocaust was codenamed "The Final Solution of the Jewish Problem" ("Die Endloesung der Judenfrage"). The Mufti used a similar term on at least one occasion.
"About four million Jews have been killed in the various death camps, and an additional two million have been killed in another manner, most of whom were executed by the SS-Einsatz commandos of the Security Police during the invasion of Russia," Eichmann told Wilhelm Hoettl at the end of August 1944. Hoettl was an SS-Sturmbannführer (major) stationed at Budapest at the time. In Hungary alone, more than 400,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to the gas chambers between May 8, and July 8, 1944 – a very short period indeed. Eichmann personally oversaw the whole operation. So when Haj Amin Al-Husseini visited Auschwitz and Monowitz in the summer of 1944, hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews were being exterminated.
Verduin claims that few people believed him when he said that he saw how the Mufti of Jerusalem paid a visit to Auschwitz-Monowitz. Only Simon Wiesenthal wrote a book back in 1947 in which he claims that the Mufti and his staff "paid visits to the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Majdanek to convince themselves of the capacity of the crematoria." "Haj Amin was introduced to the SS-guards and expressed his appreciation for those SS-men who were very capable," Wiesenthal writes. But Wiesenthal was confronted with scepticism, too. However, Verduin told me that he saw how the Mufti and his group "were accompanied by very high ranking SS-officers." "They were not far from the camp's sick barracks and the Mufti was clearly talking to these high-ranking SS-officers."
The SS-officer who told Verduin about the Mufti's visit threatened him that if he would not resume work immediately he would leave Monowitz entirely. Verduin, of course, had no intention of being killed in the gas chambers of Birkenau, so he did as he was told. But he informed some of his trusted camp mates of what he had seen.
The Grand Mufti and Eichmann
That the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Eichmann were very good friends was revealed by Dieter Wisliceny who knew Eichmann since the mid-1930s. It was about one year after the Second World War that Wisliceny wrote detailed notes in prison. Wisliceny's notes were quoted by Gideon Hausner, the chief public prosecutor at the Trial against Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem. Wisliceny wrote: "After the Mufti Al-Husseini arrived in Germany, he paid a visit to Himmler. A short while thereafter the Grand Mufti visited the director of the Jewish Section at the Gestapo Department IV, Obersturmbannführer Eichmann, is his office in Berlin, 166 Kurfürstenstrasse. I no longer remember the exact date. Possibly it was at the end of 1941 or the beginning of 1942. By chance I was with Eichmann a few days later, when he told me in detail about this visit. Eichmann lectured to the Grand Mufti in his map room, where he had collected statistical accounts of the Jewish population of various European countries – he lectured in detail about the solution of the Jewish Question in Europe. The Grand Mufti, according to him, was most impressed and said to Eichmann that he had already asked Himmler and had in fact secured Himmler's consent on this point, that a representative of Eichmann should come to Jerusalem as his personal advisor when he, the Grand Mufti would go back after the victory of the Axis Powers (i.e. Nazi-Germany, Italy and Japan, EV). In that conversation Eichmann asked me whether I was not willing to accept the post. But I rejected in principle such Oriental adventures. Eichmann was greatly impressed by the personality of the Grand Mufti. He repeatedly said to me, both then and on a later occasion, that the Mufti had made a powerful impression on him, and also on Himmler, and that he had an acknowledged influence on Arab-Jewish affairs. To my knowledge, Eichmann saw the Mufti from time to time and spoke to him."
So Eichmann, Himmler and the Mufti planned another Holocaust in Palestine, a British mandate at time. Their plan was about to succeed in the summer on 1942 when German troops were not far from the Suez Canal and were also on the offensive in southern Russia. (The Nazi flag was installed on Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus in August 1942.)
Gideon Hausner later wrote in his excellent book "Justice in Jerusalem": "The ex-Mufti's ties with Eichmann were of long standing. At the beginning of 1942 Eichmann received him and his retinue at the department's headquarters and lectured to them on the Final Solution in Europe. The ex-Mufti was so strongly impressed that he immediately requested Himmler to designate someone on Eichmann's team to be his 'personal advisor' on 'finally solving' the Jewish problem also in Palestine, once the ex-Mufti was reinstated in his office by the victorious Axis. Eichmann welcomed the offer. 'A priceless jewel… The biggest friend of the Arabs,' recorded the ex-Mufti on Eichmann in his personal diary."
Hausner referred to Haj Amin Al-Husseini as the "ex-Mufti" as the British and their Arab allies no longer recognized him as the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.
When Rumania and Hungary, two allies of Nazi Germany, wanted to send 2700 Jewish children to Palestine, the Mufti decided to intervene. On June 28, 1943, he wrote two identical letters to the Rumanian and Hungarian Foreign Ministers. In those letters he stated that "this will not solve the Jewish question" (the Nazi term for mass extermination). "He argued," Lukasz Hirszowicz writes, "that the Jews should be sent to Poland instead, 'where they are under active supervision,'" "The Mufti worked closely with the Nazi machinery responsible for exterminating the Jews."The Mufti knew exactly what "under active supervision in Poland" in the summer of 1943 meant. It was in Nazi occupied Poland that the death camps were located. Auschwitz, too, was located on territory that originally belonged to Poland.
Wisliceny claims that the Mufti also prevented 10,000 Jewish children from leaving Poland. "It was planned to exchange these children for German civilian prisoners, through the services of the International Red Cross. But suddenly Wisliceny was summoned to Berlin by Eichmann. "He disclosed to me to me that the idea of the planned operation had become known to the Grand Mufti, by means of his intelligence service in Palestine. As a result he protested vigorously to Himmler, using the argument that these Jewish children would, within a few years become adults and would strengthen the Jewish element in Palestine. Following this, Himmler (as he told me) forbade the whole operation."After Eichmann had been abducted from Argentina to be sentenced in Israel for war crimes and genocide, Golda Meir, Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs at the time, told the UN Security Council: "One million children – the future generation – were annihilated. Who can encompass this picture in all its horror and its consequences for the Jewish people for many generations to come and for Israel?" And she commented in her memoirs: "To my sorrow there are still people who do not understand that we are committed to live and act so that those Jews who were killed in the gas chambers will have been the last Jews ever to die without defending themselves."
A recent and very thorough Dutch study points out that 17,964 Jewish, Sinti and Roma children from Holland were murdered by the Nazis between 1942 and 1945. Eichmann paid 4 to 5 visits to Holland, instructing his subordinates to deport more than 100,000 Jews: men, women, children and even lots of babies. One of those babies was Koentje Gezang. He died in the gas chambers of Sobibor on May 21, 1943.
Emerson Vermaat is an investigative reporter in The Netherlands. He is currently writing a book on Adolf Eichmann to be published this year by Aspekt Publishers, Soesterberg, The Netherlands. Website:
Author's interview with Ernst Verduin, The Netherlands, February 29, 2012.
Trial of the Major War Criminals before the International Military Tribunal (IMT), vol. XXXI, p. 85, 86. Affidavit of Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, 26 November 1945.
Simon Wiesenthal, Grossmufti – Grossagent der Achse (Salzburg/Vienna: Ried-Verlag, 1947), p. 37.
The Trial of Adolf Eichmann, vol. I, p. 243, 244 (Jerusalem: Ministry of Justice, 1992). Quotes from Wisliceny.
Gideon Hausner, Justice in Jerusalem. The Trial of Adolf Eichmann (London: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1967), p. 345.
Lukasz Hirszowicz, The Third Reich and the Arab East (London/Toronto: Routledge & Kegan Paul/University of Toronto Press, 1966), p. 312, 313; Gerhard Höpp (Ed.), Mufti Papiere: Briefe, Memoranden, Reden und Aufrufe Amin al Husainis aus dem Exil, 1940-1945 (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 2004), p. 180, 181 (full text of both letters originally written in French).
Emerson Vermaat, Heinrich Himmler en de Cultus van de Dood (Soesterberg, Netherlands: Uitgeverij Aspekt, 2009), p. 169, 170.
Golda Meir, My Life (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1975), p. 180, 181.Guus Luijters (Ed.), In Memoriam. De gedeporteerde en vermoorde Joodse, Roma en Sinti kinderen 1942-1945. (All their names are mentioned in this book of 960 pages). On Koenraad Huib ("Koentje") Gezang, see p. 472, 482 (photo) as well as "KRO Kruispunt" (Dutch Catholic TV program), February 12, 2012.
MIM: The Muslim World League makes no secret of the fact that their aim is to do Dawah (Islamic Propagation and Proselytising) to get non Muslims to 'worship Allah' apply 'Rules of Sharia' and 'coordinate with organizations (like the AJC) 'to realize goals'.
MWL: Methods And Objectives
1. Introducing the Islamic creed, laws and lifestyle according to the texts of the Holy Qur'an and the immaculate Sunnah (tradition of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).
2. Making every possible effort to further the message of Islam in the promotion of peace, justice, liberation of man from worshiping no diety save Allah, establishing Muslim community on the bases of the sublime Islamic values and maintenance of human rights.
3. Elucidating the true Islamic tenets, refuting false allegations levelled against Islam, combating both the distortion of its image and delibrate misguidance that is directed against the call of the truth.
4. Developing acquaintance and cooperation between Muslim peoples and awakening their consciousness of both the issues facing the Muslims and their aspirations within the framework of respecting sovereignty of the countries they live in.
5. Making efforts to address the problems facing the Muslim World and helping Muslims solve their problems and achieve their aspirations and projects.
6. Making all possible efforts to remove conflicts, divisive factors and disputes from within and between Muslim communities.
7. Striving to promote virtue and order on this earth, combat mischief and urge people to obey God and His Messenger, peace be upon him.
To achieve its objectives, Muslim World League uses all means that do not contradict with Islamic rules. e.g.
1. To call for all, individuals, groups and nations to apply Rules of Sharia (Islamic Laws), and refer to Allah and his Messenger(pbuh) at moments of conflict.
2. To co-ordinate the exerted efforts between those who carry out Islamic work and help them benefit from each other.
3. To contribute in building mosques and in enhancing their cultural and educational message..
4. To develop methods of D'awa propagation according to Quran and Sunah.
5. To promote Media means levels as well as suport Dawah, educational, cultural and media means adopted by Muslims and upgrade its abilities.
6. To take advantage of Pilgrimage season as an opportunity for holding conferences for Muslim scholars and intellectuals to be acquainted to each other , exchange views and strengthen relations as well as encourge them to propse solutions for upgrading the general level of Muslims.
7. Hold conferences and symposiums for Muslim leaders, intellectuals and preachers to address questions of Muslims.
8. Establish centres and offices in order to serve Islamic objectives as well as create and operate Dawah, educational, cultural, media and relief institutions as well as support existing ones and enhance activity leading to the dissemination of Arabic language and elevate its learning level among Arabic and non-Arabic Muslim communities.
9. Co- ordinate and operate with local, regional and international organizations, as well as governmental and non-governmental institutes to realize goals.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at