This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at

Sound Vision: How To Convert The Kuffar - Use Eid As Opportunity For Da'wa - "Pass Out Treats" - "Go Viral"

"When Passing Out Treats Don't Forget To Say "Eid Mubarak"!
September 5, 2017

"Jihad can be with the pen and the tongue just as it can be with the sword and the spear. Islamic Jihad is not limited to military efforts only; it extends beyond this, including several means that Muslims need to utilize now more than ever."

"Jihad Through"Con"version : Exploiting Good Faith And The Constitution, To Recruit Converts To Islam"

7 ways to share Eid Al-Adha with non-Muslims

With Eid-al-Adha just around the corner, and the continued lack of understanding among the majority of non-Muslims about Islam and Muslims, there has never been a better time to give your coworkers, neighbors and friends a little peek into your beliefs and traditions.

Where do you start? With Eid. Everybody likes celebrations and festivities, and Eid is a great way to help your non-Muslim friends and coworkers connect with and relate to you. Here are seven ways you can share Eid-al-Adha with others:

1. Don't be afraid to talk about it

Some of your coworkers, classmates and neighbors may have no idea it's Eid or even the month of Hajj. Casually bring it up in conversation; mention a particular festive tradition you and your family will be taking part in on Eid. Tell your bosses or professors about it, too, and that way they'll be more aware of the holiday and will know you may need the day off.

2. Be open to questions

Your friends may have questions but not know how to approach you. Some may be afraid of offending you. Always mention that you welcome questions and they should always feel comfortable approaching you. Tip: Brush up on the details of Hajj and Eid—if someone has questions, you'll want to be able to answer them confidently!

3. Include it in the newsletter

Does your company or community issue a monthly or quarterly newsletter? Got a campus newspaper? It may require some early planning, but make a request to include a blurb about Eid-al-Adha (perhaps even write it yourself!), what it is, its importance to Muslims, and how it is celebrated. Short but sweet reminders like this will help to keep others aware of the holiday and be more familiar with it.

4. Go viral

Got a Facebook or Twitter account? Odds are you have coworkers, classmates or other non-Muslim friends on it. A great way to inform others about Eid and Muslims is by linking to articles relating to it. Was there a photo collection of Eid around the world in the Boston Globe? Did BBC post an article and photos of Hajj? Link to them!

5. Pass out treats

Everybody likes treats! Bring small and affordable treat bags or gifts to pass out. To save money, pass out small bags/baskets of goodies you made at home (cookies, candies, brownies, etc). When giving out the treats, don't forget to say "Eid Mubarak!" Explain what "Eid Mubarak" means, and maybe they'll remember to say it to you next Eid.

6. Discuss the charitable aspect of Eid

Talk about the idea of charity and how and why Muslims are urged to give to the poor during the days of Eid. If you really want to get proactive, you can even start a food drive at your work or school and encourage your peers to donate in the name of the Eid spirit.

7. Include your coworkers in your celebrations!

Ever been invited to a Christmas party by your friends or coworkers (whether you've gone or not)? Return the favor. Invite a few over for Eid festivities and show them what Eid is all about, and what it means to you. They'll feel included in the holiday and have a better understanding of you, and your Islamic traditions.


MIM: Another piece of da'wa advice from Sound Vision on how Muslims should use their choice of career in the service of 'jihad' to further the Ummah's long and short term future goals. "Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in ranks as if they were a solid cemented structure."

The new generation of Muslims being educated across North America has a unique opportunity and the great responsibility of playing a crucial role in the incipient Islamic renaissance of our era. America, with its great economical and political strength, with its thriving scientific and technological knowledge, with its guarantees of religious freedom and speech, offers vast possibilities and resources that the Muslim community must learn to efficiently employ in the pursuit of its goals.

Our ultimate goal as Muslims is achieving eternal bliss in the proximity of our Lord. We must keep in mind that this life is but a fleeting journey and a testing period. At the same time we are called by Allah to fully engage the challenges of this world, to actively partake in the affairs of this life, to energetically strive for the spread of His truth. We are called to struggle against ignorance and intolerance, to fight injustice and oppression, to help the needy and feed the hungry. Indeed, it is through the tribulations and trials of life that our souls can be tempered and enabled to reach new heights.

This striving must begin within ourselves, in our own heart and mind, by fulfilling the basic religious duties, by seeking religious and secular knowledge whenever possible, by constantly imploring Allah's guidance, help and forgiveness. Our conduct and demeanor should speak louder than our words. Within the family we must cultivate an atmosphere that nurtures the learning and practice of Islamic values. Then we must join hands with Muslims across America to coordinate and solidify our efforts. "Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in ranks, as if they were a solid cemented structure" (Quran, 61-4). Only then we will be able to more effectively bring the message of Islam to millions of sincere and thirsty souls eagerly searching for spiritual guidance, and to promote positive change in the Islamic world itself.

We must plan for the future, and this implies taking up positions in a wide array of fields from where to project a positive intellectual, economical and political impact on our community and society as a whole. In a series of articles we will review some guidelines to assist students and parents in making informed career decisions, and we will examine the occupational outlook for the next decade for a number of different careers, highlighting those that have a stronger projected growth and offer better opportunities.

Whatever the trade or occupation we are blessed with, we must not forget our duties to Allah, our families, community and society. Wherever we are, our conduct and dealings must be guided by piety, equity and kindness, yet with the assertiveness and perseverance that the occasion may require. Whatever the task or endeavor we undertake, we must perform it to the best of our abilities, but remembering that no job is important enough to compromise our faith. We are ambassadors of Islam wherever we go, and many may initially judge our religion by our conduct and words.

Never be discouraged by the obstacles that lie ahead, rather rejoice in them. Allah can certainly change the world with the strike of a pen, but in His wisdom and mercy He offers us the opportunity to attempt to do it ourselves. With Allah's help and guidance, with knowledge and will, may we rise to the challenge of this critical historical juncture and leave behind a legacy that will benefit our souls and those of many generations to come.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at