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Clear Evidence Of Collusion Between Ruthless Libyan Migrant Traffickers And "Rescue Ships"

August 8, 2017


There is clear evidence of collusion between extremely ruthless Libyan migrant traffickers and so-called rescuers from rescue ships that pick up mostly African economic migrants near the Libyan coast. The Italian justice authorities belatedly found out that there is coordination and cooperation between them. For forty days, an Italian undercover agent was on board of one of these ships,made shocking discoveries and reported his findings to the prosecutor in southern Italy. Conversations between dangerous Libyan migrant traffickers and so-called rescuers were also monitored. Assisting in clandestine immigration is punishable under Italian law.

This undercover agent was on board of the "rescue ship Iuventa," sailing under the Dutch flag, but owned by a German Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) called "Jugend Rettet." This radical leftist youth organization was founded in Berlin in 2015 with a view to rescuing tens of thousands of illegal immigrants from Africa who are deliberately put in small boats in the Mediterranean by well-paid North African migrant traffickers. I already reported about their activities in my previous article on July 10, 2017. See:"Humanitarian" Organizations In League With Libyan Migrant Traffickers In Mediterranean Sea,

The Italian undercover agent discovered that the crew of "Iuventa" was very friendly towards the traffickers, allowing them to go back to Libya in their own boat. Video footage made by the undercover agent shows that crew members and two traffickers were waving to each other. There was no life-threatening situation for the largely economic migrants on board of the trafficker's small boat because the sea was calm. Therefore, this was not a rescue operation, but assistance to clandestine immigration.

Monitored telephone conversations showed that the captain of the "Iuventa" informed the migrant traffickers about the time he would leave the Italian port, so that the traffickers were able to prepare themselves for the next transfer of illegal immigrants. The captain and the traffickers agreed that the "rescue operation" would be carried out without informing the Italian Coast Guard. The German NGO also promised the traffickers that they would not pass on video footage or photos to the Italian justice authorities. The traffickers did not want to have the Italian Coast Guard around because the Coast Guard usually destroys their boats.

"Iuventa" also picked up migrants in the Libyan coastal waters where their lives were not in danger. This, too, is nothing else but assistance to clandestine immigration.

Pending further investigation, the Italian authorities will not allow the "Iuventa" to leave the Italian port.

Today's most serious security threats are migrant trafficking and terrorism

Africa's enormous population growth poses a direct threat to the Western world (also to Israel, by the way). Africa's population is expected to double over the next 40 years, "VOA News" reported. "According to the Population Reference Bureau, the world's poorest region will more than double in population, from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion." Between early January and early August 2017, about 100,000 African economic migrants arrived in Italy alone. Many Italian villages are facing a rapid and unwelcome influx of young frustrated African males and West African prostitutes.

Dutch columnist Martin Sommer, who writes for the liberal Amsterdam-based newspaper "De Volksrant," visited the south Italian city of Naples. He talked to the mayor of a suburb with 15,000 inhabitants. This suburb faced an unprecedented influx of Nigerians. The mayor told Sommer that he did raise the alarm many times, but to no avail. "He does not know any longer whether it is Italian or the Nigerian mafia who are in control of his municipality". (Sommer, a historian as well, has frequently been criticized by liberals for his columns, some of them even requested his editor-in-chief to dismiss him.)

"Nieuwsuur," a leading news program on Dutch TV, reported on August 5, 2017, that about one third of all Africans want to migrate to Europe. And they don't want to stay in Italy. A lot of them already traveled to the richer countries of northern Europe.

Right now, sub-Saharan Africans are causing tremendous problems in Europe's big cities, especially in Naples, Rome, Milan, Berlin, Frankfurt, Brussels and Paris. They sleep in parks and railway stations, sell women as prostitutes, sell drugs and rape women. There are more than just a few war criminals, former child soldiers and Muslim terrorists among the Africans who entered and are still entering Europe. Others attack truck drivers in the North Sea coastal areas of France and Belgium, demanding that these defenseless drivers somehow smuggle them accross the Channel to Britain. Quite recently, three truck drivers were beaten up by African "refugees" near the Belgium port of Gentbrugge, the Dutch daily newspaper "De Telegraaf" reported. These angry young men also caused damage to the trucks. Truck drivers in France and Belgium who have to cross the English Channel by boat or train (Eurotunnel) don't feel safe any longer.Many of them are terrified. This has been going on for years now. Albanians are also causing very serious problems.

Most sub-Saharan and North African and all Albanian asylum seekers are economic migrants. Consequently, their applications for asylum are invariably turned down. Many of them want to try once again in Britain, but the British don't want them either. Illegal immigration and radical Islam are Europe's most urgent problems now. Martin Sommer once wrote that the only way to solve this problem is to send the African migrants back to their home countries. "Let them apply for asylum over there," he wrote. If these home countries refuse to take them back Europe must cut off aid or give money to these governments in exchange for effective measures to stop the migration flow. This is already occuring in Niger. Spain took the same measures when it had to deal with an unwelcome flow of economic migrants from Senegal.

ISIS is smuggling operatives from Libya to Europe. The ruthless terrorists from ISIS also profited and are still profiting from refugee trafficking: "Traffickers have to pay 50 percent of their profits to ISIS in exchange for the right to sail, so counting the migrants also establishes the amount of tax each boat has to pay," Loretta Napolleoni writes in her shocking book "Merchants of Men: How Jihadists and ISIS Turned Kidnapping and Refugee Trafficking Into a Multibillion-dollar Business." "In 2015 this tax generated about $ 20 million for every ten thousand migrants."

Why do you think so many British want to leave the European Union? Because Europe just cannot protect its external borders against the massive influx of non-Western migrants and the European Convention of Human Rights turned out to be favorable for terror suspects and Muslim extremists the British government wanted to deport. These extremists often successfully applied for asylum in Britain, yet they subsequently began to plot against their new home country. And their expensive lawyers told British courts that their clients could not be deported.

It was back in 2002 or 2003 that I interviewed Omar Bakri Mohammed for Dutch TV ("2Vandaag" now "1Vandaag"). He was originally from Syria. I still remember quite well how this London-based hate cleric heaped praise on Osama bin Laden and the "Magnificent Nineteen" – the 9/11 hijackers, that is. His successor joined ISIS.

Emerson Vermaat, MA (law) is an investigative reporter in the Netherlands specialized in crime, terrorism and anti-Semitism.



Wikipedia Jugend Rettet (Germany), - cite_note-23

De Telegraaf (Amsterdam), August 5, 2017, p. 16, Reddingsschip helpt mensensmokkelaars. Op heterdaad betrapt.

"Foto's en video's tonen aan dat de medewerkers van de hulporganisatie op zeekeuvelen met mensensmokkelaars en toestaan dat de criminelen een bootje waarmee opgepikte migranten werden vervoerd, mee terugnemen naar de Libische kust.'

Emerson Vermaat, "Humanitarian" Organizations In League With Libyan Migrant Traffickers In Mediterranean Sea, Pipelinenews, July 10, 2017,

Emerson Vermaat, Humanitarian Organizations Cooperate With Libyan Migrant Traffickers In "Rescue Operations" In The Mediterranean Sea, Militant Islam Monitor, July 10, 2017,

VOA News/Africa, September 12, 2013, Africa to Record Largest Population Growth Over Next 40 Years,

"A new report predicts that sub-Saharan Africa will record the world largest population growth between now and 2050."

Martin Sommer, Afrika rijst de pan uit, De Volkskrant (Amsterdam), October 18, 2014,

"De burgemeester sloeg voor de zoveelste keer alarm. Hij wist niet meer of de Italiaanse dan wel de Nigeriaanse maffia in zijn gemeente de dienst uitmaakte." "Zo is het vooruitzicht dat miljoenen Afrikanen op onze deur zullen kloppen. Onderzoek van het Amerikaanse bureau Gallup wees uit dat 33 procent van de bewoners van Afrika liefst zou emigreren."

Nieuwsuur (The Netherlands), August 5, 2017. "31 % van de Afrikanen wil weg naar Europa."

De Telegraaf, August 4, 2017, p. 9, Truckers in België al alert,

"Deze week werden drie chauffeurs door Afrikaanse vluchtelingen in elkaar geslagen op een snelweg bij Gentbrugge. Daarbij werden harde klappen uitgedeeld en vernielingen aan een aantal vrachtwagens aangebracht."

NOS (Netherlands), May 22, 2015, Sommige vrachtwagens willen niet meer op Calais rijden,

"Hij vertelde over de angstige nacht die hij samen met een van zijn chauffeurs had doorgebracht voor de Eurotunnel bij Calais. Tientallen migranten verschenen telkens bij de trailer van vrachtwagens, forceerden de deuren en probeerden in de wagens te klimmen."

Martin Sommer, Wat vooral opvalt, de Britten zijn nu al volstrekte buitenlanders, De Volkskrant, July 1, 2017,

"Het compromis over asielzoekers dat Tjeenk Willink onlangs tijdens de formatie smeedde, kortweg terugbrengen van bootvluchtelingen naar Afrika en dáár asiel aanvragen, ontmoet een njet van de (Europese) Commissie." "Nederland is het hiermee volstrekt oneens."

Loretta Napolleoni, Merchants of Men: How Jihadists and ISIS Turned Kidnapping and Refugee Trafficking Into a Multibillion-dollar Business (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2016), p. 233.

The Guardian (London), August 6, 2005, Who will be deported and who decides?,

"The biggest legal battles are likely to be over Article 3 of the European Human Rights Convention banning torture and inhumane treatment. The battle will start in British courts but could end up in Strasbourg. Britain could renounce parts of the European Convention, the prime minister said yesterday."

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at