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Coordinated Gangs Of Muslim Men Rape, Rob And Molest Scores Of Women In Cities Throughout Germany - And Now Zurich

January 6, 2016

Men Rape, Rob And Molest Scores Of Women In Cities Throughout Germany

Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women

The mayor of Cologne has summoned police for crisis talks after about 80 women reported sexual assaults and muggings by men on New Year's Eve. The scale of the attacks on women at the city's central railway station has shocked Germany. About 1,000 drunk and aggressive young men were involved. City police chief Wolfgang Albers called it "a completely new dimension of crime". The men were of Arab or North African appearance, he said. Women were also targeted in Hamburg. But the Cologne assaults - near the city's iconic cathedral - were the most serious, German media report. At least one woman was raped, and many were groped. Most of the crimes reported to police were robberies. A volunteer policewoman was among those sexually molested. The pretty Christmas market and medieval setting may look idyllic, but at Christmas and New Year the area around Cologne Cathedral is a notorious danger zone when it comes to pickpockets and theft. Now the sexual harassment, and in one case rape, of dozens of women has shocked Germany. What is particularly disturbing is that the attacks appear to have been organised. Around 1,000 young men arrived in large groups, seemingly with the specific intention of carrying out attacks on women. Police in Hamburg are now reporting similar incidents on New Year's Eve in the party area of St Pauli. One politician says this is just the tip of the iceberg. And there are real concerns about what will happen in February when the drunken street-parties of carnival season kick off.
Cologne will stage carnival events in February, with hundreds of thousands of revellers expected in the streets, as on New Year's Eve. The police chief said "the assailants' behaviour is a real concern for me, also because of the carnival". Police were deployed outside the central station because of the crowds on New Year's Eve, but failed to spot the many attacks, according to reports. There are also fears that a number of women did not report assaults.

'Monstrous' assaults

Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker said the attacks were "monstrous". "We cannot allow this to become a lawless area," she said, insisting that visitors could not come to the city fearing attack. German Justice Minister Heiko Maas tweeted that "we won't tolerate these abhorrent assaults on women - all those responsible must be brought to justice". One man described how his partner and 15-year-old daughter were surrounded by an enormous crowd outside the station and he was unable to help. "The attackers grabbed her and my partner's breasts and groped them between their legs." A British woman visiting Cologne said fireworks had been thrown at her group by men who spoke neither German nor English. "They were trying to hug us, kiss us. One man stole my friend's bag," she told the BBC. "Another tried to get us into his 'private taxi'. I've been in scary and even life-threatening situations and I've never experienced anything like that." The justice minister warned against linking the crimes to the issue of migrants and refugees. Germany saw a record influx of migrants in 2015, which provoked an intense debate on immigration and marches by the anti-Islam Pegida movement. Mr Maas said "the law does not discriminate regarding a person's origin or passport. All are equal before the law". Cologne news website Koelner Stadt-Anzeiger says the suspects were already known to police because of frequent pickpocketing in and around Cologne central station.

Wider problem

In Hamburg several women told police that gangs of men had molested and robbed them on New Year's Eve on the Reeperbahn - a street known for its boisterous night life. Some similar attacks were reported in Stuttgart. A policeman who was outside Cologne station during the New Year's Eve trouble told the city's Express news website that he had detained eight suspects. "They were all asylum seekers, carrying copies of their residence certificates," he said. However, there was no official confirmation that asylum seekers had been involved in the violence. Commentators in Germany were quick to urge people not to jump to conclusions. German n-tv news says Cologne police are considering calling in reinforcements from other parts of Germany and installing extra surveillance cameras, with telescopic lenses.

Cologne Muslims Conduct Military Scale Assault Against German Women – Media Forced to Cover


January 5, 2016 - San Francisco, CA – – As reported by the Dutch media source Elsevier, on New Year's Eve a large number of German women were physically and sexually assaulted in Cologne by a horde of Muslims, possibly numbering over 1,000.

"Dozens of women on New Year's Eve in Cologne assaulted and robbed by a group of men. At least one woman was raped. It was a completely new dimension of violence, "said the German Police Wolfgang Albers…Dozens of women were surrounded and assaulted, both on the station and on the square in front of Cologne Cathedral...Police in Cologne has set up a special investigation team that will include going to view video from the station. The research focuses on the entire group of 1000 men." [source, Elif Isitman, Massa-aanranding Oud en Nieuw in Keulen: zestig aangiftes , "Mass Assaults in Cologne on New Year's, 60 Police Reports Filed" Elsevier]

Police Chief Wolfgang Albers's characterization of the event as a new dimension of violence is an understatement. Far beyond criminal in nature, it was a military scale assault in a major German city with a population of over 1 million conducted almost certainly by male North African Muslim "immigrants" [some actually in possession of asylum documents] against non-Muslim women - a class often referred to within immigrant Islamic culture as "fresh meat." Of note, such brutality is thoroughly consistent with the Shari'a.

Indicative of the organized nature of the attacks is the fact that these weren't merely the actions of a wild mob. Instead the violence was optimized with individuals grouping themselves into military type squads or platoons…gangs in the modern lexicon of journalism.

"German authorities said on Tuesday that coordinated attacks…" [source NY Times]

What is lacking in much of the coverage is properly identifying the location as being in front of Cologne's historic Gothic cathedral, certainly an item of potential relevance and one consistent with a pre-planned attack by members of Allah's army.

News continues to filter out of Germany - though it's obvious that the media would rather the story just go away. Additional cities [Stuttgart and Hamburg] are now reporting similar attacks and the number of official police reports is now probably past 100.

According to the German newspaper [ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , Frankfurt General Newspaper] though criminal activity by young North Africans in the area of the New Years Eve assault, has been common, the level of coordination was a troubling new aspect.

"Young North Africans are already for some months now the focus of investigators, because they steal in the entertainment districts and, indeed, around the main train station and the Cathedral passers-by and mug them. Until now, the young men went in groups of two and three. That they unite like now to pounce on their victims, is new." [Reiner Burger, Straftaten einer neuen Dimension, "Offenses on a New Dimension."]

It's pretty obvious why this story has such a paucity of coverage and that it is being reported with such tardiness. It involves what appear to be newly arrived Muslim immigrants from North Africa who seem to have abandoned petty crime, for large scale jihad in the shadows of one of Europe's iconic Christian cathedrals.

Beila Rabinowitz contributed to this report.

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MIM: A press release on the Cologne city website states that "a special investigations group will be formed" and that "we will make clear in different languages what the borders are in interaction between people during the Carnaval days which is aimed at men from other backgrounds".

Stadt Köln und Polizei ziehen Konsequenzen aus Übergriffen in der Neujahrsnacht

Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker und Polizeipräsident Wolfgang Albers stellen Maßnahmenpakete vor

Auf Einladung von Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker haben sich heute Vertreter der Stadt Köln und des Polizeipräsidiums Köln, an der Spitze Polizeipräsident Wolfgang Albers, und der Bundespolizei im Rathaus zu einer Arbeitskonferenz getroffen, um gemeinsame Maßnahmen gegen Übergriffe im öffentlichen Raum zu beschließen. In der Neujahrsnacht war es rund um den Kölner Hauptbahnhof zu einer Reihe von Taschendiebstählen und sexuellen Übergriffen gekommen, bei denen insbesondere Frauen die Opfer waren. Derzeit sammelt die Kölner Polizei entsprechende sachdienliche Hinweise und Anzeigen aus der Bevölkerung. Es wurde eine spezielle Ermittlungsgruppe gegründet.

Jenseits der geplanten polizeilichen Maßnahmen verständigten sich die beteiligten Behörden auf verschiedene städtische Vorgehensweisen, die kurzfristig bereits umgesetzt werden sollen.

Dazu erklärt Oberbürgermeisterin Henriette Reker:

Die Vorfälle vom Silvesterabend sind ungeheuerlich und nicht hinnehmbar. Es darf nicht sein, dass Besucherinnen und Besucher, die nach Köln kommen, um hier an Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen, Angst haben müssen, überfallen zu werden. Deshalb wird es künftig in Köln bei allen Veranstaltungen, bei denen viele Menschen in der Kölner Innenstadt erwartet werden, ein besonderes Sicherheitskonzept geben. Diese werden vergleichbar sein mit den Sicherheitskonzepten, die von Veranstaltern von Großevents verlangt werden. Dabei wird die Stadt Köln dann in eine fiktive Veranstalterrolle schlüpfen. Eine gemeinsame Koordinierungsgruppe unter Beteiligung von Polizei, Stadt Köln und Ordnungsdiensten wird darüber wachen, dass das Sicherheitskonzept konsequent umgesetzt wird und sofort auf besondere Ereignisse und Entwicklungen reagieren. Zu den beschlossenen Maßnahmen gehören unter anderem auch der Einsatz von mobiler Videoüberwachung, Ausleuchtung von potentiellen Gefahrenstellen, ein angemessener Kräfteeinsatz sowie der Einsatz von Sprachmittlern.

Ich biete allen Opfern der nächtlichen Übergriffe an, sich an unsere Beratungsstellen zur persönlichen Hilfe zu wenden. Ich ermuntere alle dazu, wenn sie Opfer von Übergriffen oder Straftaten geworden sind, dies auch zur Anzeige zu bringen.

Wir werden außerdem zur Prävention noch rechtzeitig vor den Karnevalstagen auch in verschiedenen Sprachen deutlich klarstellen, wo auch im Karneval die Grenzen im zwischenmenschlichen Umgang sind. Das richtet sich in erster Linie an Männer jedweder Herkunft. Außerdem geben wir natürlich auch Verhaltenshinweise an junge Frauen, wie sie die Erfahrungen der Polizei zur Prävention am besten umsetzen und trotzdem feiern können. Es kann nicht sein, dass in Köln Frauen Spießrutenlaufen müssen. Das werden wir hier nicht tolerieren!

Pressemitteilung der Polizei Köln, POL-K: 160105-1-K Übergriffe am Bahnhofsvorplatz - Fakten zur Silvesternacht

MIM: Also see the press release on the Cologne police website 'Attacks In Front Of The Train Station- Facts About New Years Eve'.


1/6/16 Update

Duitse Justitieminister: "Aanrandingen lijken vooraf georganiseerd"

German Justice Minister: "Molestations Appear To Have Been Planned In Advance"

" As of now the number of complaints has risen to 106, three quarters due to molestation and two because of rape"

"De misdrijven in Keulen lijken vooraf te zijn georganiseerd", stelt de Duitse minister van Justitie Heiko Maas. Hij wil dat de aanwijzingen die daarop duiden onmiddellijk worden onderzocht. Inmiddels is het aantal aangiftes opgelopen tot 106, driekwart vanwege aanranding en twee vanwege verkrachting.

Update: 1/7/16 Delinquents in Cologne Often Present Themselves As Underage Asylum Seekers

MIM: According to German law underage asylum seekers cannot be deported.

"...De verslaggever stelt dat de deliquenten als vluchteling naar Duitsland komen en zich als minderjarige asielzoeker voordoen. Door de massale toeloop van vluchtelingen naar Duitsland in de afgelopen maanden, belanden dossiers van minderjarige vluchtelingen vaak op de lange baan. Dat vergemakkelijkt het voor hen om criminele feiten te plegen, daar minderjarige vluchtelingen niet het land worden uitgezet.

De reden dat er in Duitsland nauwelijks bekendheid wordt gegeven aan het bestaan van de criminele groepen, is volgens de misdaadverslaggever dat er in zijn land een groot taboe op heerst. "Want iedereen die met ze te maken heeft, weet dat deze jongeren hier zijn om strafbare feiten te plegen", besluit hij..."

1/7/16 Update: Keulse Agenten: Aanranders waren vooral Syriers

Cologne Police: Molesters were mostly Syrian (asylum seekers)

MIM: A leaked police document revealed that the police had no idea of how to manage the situation at the train station plain and could not do more than look on powerless to do anything.

Agenten van de politie in Keulen zeggen dat de mannen die op Oudejaarsavond rond de Dom vrouwen hebben aangerand wel degelijk vluchtelingen waren. "Slechts een kleine minderheid bestond uit Noord-Afrikanen, het grootste deel bestond uit Syriërs", zeiden agenten op basis van anonimiteit tegen Welt am Sonntag.


De verklaring van de agenten wordt ondersteund door een lek bij de politieleiding naar de Keulse krant Express. Hij zegt dat die avond de identiteit van 71 mensen is gecontroleerd, 11 mensen in voorlopige hechtenis zijn genomen, 4 personen zijn gearresteerd, dat er 32 processen-verbaal zijn opgemaakt en dat er tien gebiedsverboden zijn opgelegd. Het merendeel van de gecontroleerde personen was asielzoeker.

Ook blijkt uit het gelekte stuk dat de politie totaal niet opgewassen was tegen de meute. Zij kon niet veel meer doen dan machteloos toekijken.

Eerder op de dag lekte een intern verslag van de Bundespolizei uit, waaruit blijkt dat de politie in de Nieuwjaarsnacht totaal geen raad wist met de situatie rond het centraal station.

Also see:

Seksueel Amusemant

Agenten Keulen: 'Meeste daders waren Syrische asielzoekers' "...Voorts spreken de agenten de versie van de politieleiding tegen dat het de agressors vooral ging om het stelen, en dat de aanrandingen een bijzaak waren. Het zou hen integendeel in de eerste plaats om 'seksueel amusement' te doen zijn geweest. (KVDA)..."


Now Also Molestions And Thefts Reported In Zurich

Nu ook aanrandingen en diefstallen gemeld in Zürich

MIM: Also in the Swiss city of Zurich were around New Years possibly women robbed and groped by men with a tinted skin color. The police in Zurich received about 25 complaints of theft, while six women reported that they had been sexually molested...

Ook in de Zwitserse stad Zürich zijn rond de jaarwisseling mogelijk vrouwen beroofd en betast door mannen met een getinte huidskleur. Bij de politie in Zürich waren donderdag ongeveer 25 diefstallen gemeld, terwijl zes vrouwen meldden seksueel te zijn lastiggevallen.

Eerder deze week werd al duidelijk dat in diverse Duitse steden op grote schaal mensen zijn beroofd en vrouwen zijn aangerand.

In de stationshal van Keulen en op het plein voor het station naast de beroemde Kölner Dom werden vrouwen beroofd en aangerand, maar dit werd pas een paar dagen later wereldkundig gemaakt door de Duitse autoriteiten.

Inmiddels is duidelijk dat de politie vreesde dat er gewonden en zelfs doden zouden vallen in de chaos rond het station in de stad. Volgens anonieme politieagenten in Keulen bestond de groep aanranders vooral uit Syrische vluchtelingen.

In Keulen deden 121 mensen aangifte van diefstal, waarbij in een kwart van de gevallen ook sprake was van aanranding. Volgens de Duitse krant Die Welt, die zich baseert op een anonieme politiebron, zouden de meeste daders asielzoekers uit Syrië zijn.

In Hamburg kwamen tot donderdag zeventig aangiftes binnen van diefstal, waarvan 23 inclusief aanranding. Ook in het centrum van Frankfurt zijn enkele vrouwen betast. Vooralsnog zijn daarvoor twee aangiftes binnengekomen.

'Keulen' levert Geert Wilders monsterscore op: 41 zetels

Zweedse politie verzweeg aanrandingen op festival uit angst voor extreemrechts

'Een groot aantal' aanrandingen

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