This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
June 30, 2015
'They Leave the Mosque With Hatred in Their Eyes'
Middle East expert explains that Ramadan is 'victory month' and is the wrong time for any gestures.
Middle East expert Dr. David Bokai explained Tuesday on Arutz Sheva that Ramadan is traditionally a month of violence and is the wrong time to offer any kind of gestures to Muslims.
"Look at all of the terror attacks in Kuwait, France and here in Israel," he explained. "They carry out terror attacks against all of the enemies of Islam. Ramadan is defined as the month of victory. All of the great victories of Mohammed and the expulsion of the Crusaders took place on that month. That is why Ramadan turns into a month of terror and violence worldwide."
Dr. Bokai noted that Israel makes the same mistake every year, regarding Ramadan. "It's amazing that we don't learn, and we make gestures for Ramadan every year," he said. "It drives me mad and makes me nauseous. This is not a month for making gestures, but for placing limitations. When you offer them gestures, you get terror and violence. In this month one should toughen and harden policy."
The imam's sermons also inflame the spirits, the expert added. "You see people from the middle class upward who are influenced by the serrmons at the mosques during Ramadan. After a 20-minute Friday sermon, they leave with a will to slaughter and kill. That is what characterizes Islam – it's a religion of murder and not of peace. Its culture says that the entire world must be conquered."
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at