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FBI Warns Of "Credible Threat" By ISIS To Blow Up Bridge In Memphis

December 23, 2014

By Zoe Szathmary for MailOnline

Is ISIS plotting a terrorist attack in MEMPHIS? FBI warns it has received a 'credible threat' that terror group plans to bomb bridge

Law enforcement have been warned of an ISIS bombing conspiracy by the FBI

A warning was issued by the agency to the Memphis Police Department and the Shelby County Sheriff's Office

The Memphis-Arkansas Bridge was reportedly the intended target

An agency spokesman has said 'there is no actionable intelligence regarding an attack on the bridge'

Law enforcement in the Memphis area have been warned of an ISIS bombing conspiracy by the FBI, local media reported.

A warning was issued by the agency to the Memphis Police Department and the Shelby County Sheriff's Office, among others, according to MyFoxMemphis.

The affiliate station, which obtained a copy of the warning, said the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge was the intended target.

The warning stated that 'According to an anonymous complainant, as of December 2014, ISIS instructed an ISIS member, a presumed USPER [US person] in Memphis, with a direct order to blow up the Memphis-Arkansas bridge on an unknown date, activating ISIS terror cells in the United States.'

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