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December 30, 2013
Obama and Kerry Want 30,000 Middle Eastern Refugees in 2014
Posted By Daniel Greenfield On December 30, 2013 @ 10:14 am In The Point
How many do you think will be Syrian and Egyptian Christians? Somehow I suspect not very many.
The State Department said Thursday that its goal is to welcome 35,000 permanent refugees from the Middle East and South Asia in fiscal 2014.
30,000 Syrians are slated to be moved into permanent or long-term homes abroad by October if the U.N. refugee agency meets its goals, The Washington Post reported.
The target would include vulnerable Iraqis, Afghans, Iranians and Pakistanis, as well as Syrians.
The United States does offer a form of short-term asylum, however. Syrians who were already in the country on work, student or other temporary visas as of last June are eligible to remain at least into 2015. In 2013, more than 1,300 Syrians applied for and received that extension.
As has already been pointed out, short-term asylums can run indefinitely.
Last week, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that TPS had been extended for at least 70,000 Hondurans and Nicaraguans "for an additional 18 months, beginning July 6, 2013, and ending Jan. 5, 2015." Thanks to American generosity, these TPS winners have been here since 1998 — when Hurricane Mitch hit their homeland.
That was 15 years ago.
Another 250,000 illegal aliens from El Salvador first won TPS golden tickets after an earthquake struck the country … in January 2001. In addition, 60,000 Haitians received TPS after the earthquakes in 2010. Last fall, Napolitano extended their stay until at least 2014. Several hundred Somalis remain in the country with TPS first granted in 1991, along with some 700 Sudanese who first secured TPS benefits in 1997. Last March, the Obama administration extended TPS to an estimated 3,000 Syrian illegal aliens. Guatemala and Pakistan are lobbying for their own TPS designations.
And then good lucking getting rid of them and their kids.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at