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August 1, 2013
Abbas: Palestine will be Judenrein
PA head presents reporters with a "racist and hateful vision" of a future Palestinian state. Gil Ronen
Palestinian Authority (PA) head Mahmoud Abbas presented a racist and hateful vision of a future Palestinian state when he spoke to reporters in Cairo Monday.
"In a final resolution, we would not see the presence of a single Israeli – civilian or soldier – on our lands," he told a group of reporters, most of them Egyptians, on Monday.
"An international, multinational presence like in Sinai, Lebanon and Syria – we are with that," he went on, referring to United Nations peacekeeping forces like UNDOF and UNIFIL.
"Israelis" or "Jews"?
Arab affairs expert Dalit Halevy explained that when Abbas speaks of "Israelis", he in fact means "Jews." She pointed out that the PA refers to all of the Arabs who live in what they term "Palestine" – including "Israeli Arabs" – as Palestinians. There is, therefore, no distinction in the PA's approach between "Palestinians" and "Arabs," and similarly no distinction between "Jews" and "Israelis," when speaking of residents of the territory of the Land of Israel ("Palestine").
Even now, Jews are not permitted to live inside the PA-controlled territory, and the sale of land to Jews is punishable by death.
It was after meeting Egyptian prime minister Adly Mansour, that Abbas laid out his vision for a the permanent status arrangement he will insist upon in the talks that opened in Washington Monday, between the Israeli delegation headed by Minister Tzipi Livni and the PA delegation headed by Saeb Erekat.
"We have already made all of the necessary concessions," he said, adding that "eastern Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Palestine."
As for the idea of so-called "land swaps" in an arrangement based on the 1949 borders, Abbas said that "If there is a need to carry out limited exchanges of territories that are equal in their size and value, we are willing to discuss that, no more and no less."
Observers note that while the future "Palestine" in the PA head's vision is apparently to be "Judenrein" ("Jew-free" in the German term employed by the Nazis) Israel will, of course, remain anything but "Arabrein." Arabs make up about 20% of the Jewish state, enjoy full equal rights and regularly elect representatives to the Knesset who openly despise the state in whose parliament they serve, support terrorists and and issue calls to their fellow Arabs to rise up against the Jewish state. item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at