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March 24, 2012
Israel Warns Neighbors Over March to Jerusalem
Israel warns neighbors that it will forcefully respond to attempted breaches of its borders during the 'Global March to Jerusalem'.
Elad Benari, Canada
As activists are planning to lead a Global March to Jerusalem next Friday, Israel has warned neighboring countries that it would forcefully respond to attempted breaches of its borders.
The Global March to Jerusalem initiative aims at getting over one million Arabs and their supporters to attempt to infiltrate Israel's borders on March 30th. A spokesman for the march said last week the initiative "demand[s] freedom for Palestine and its capital Jerusalem."
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) has presented information that Iran is behind the initiative and openly supports it. The march has also been endorsed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who was U.S. President Barack Obama's pastor for 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.
Diplomatic sources told the London-based Asharq Alawsat newspaper on Friday that Israel has sent messages to the governments of Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, the Hamas government in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority regarding the planned march.
The report said that in the messages Israel made it clear that anyone who will come near its borders would be considered an infiltrator and the IDF will act against him with full force.
Israel also reportedly demanded that Arab countries not allow an escalation of the tension in the region through marches toward its borders.
Channel 10 News, which cited the Asharq Alawsat report, said that the Israeli Foreign Ministry and Prime Minister's Office refused to comment on the report.
Earlier this week, radio host Aaron Klein of WABC radio in New York offered $50,000 to an organizer of the Global March to Jerusalem, if he could name one city in the Middle East, outside of Israel, that has more freedom than Jerusalem. The activist was unable to do so.
Turkey Protesters Call for Masses to March to Jerusalem Dozens demonstrate outside against the Israeli Embassy in Ankara, call for participation in Global March to Jerusalem.Elad Benari
Dozens of people from the ‘Global March to Jerusalem' movement demonstrated on the weekend outside against the Israeli Embassy in Ankara, Turkey.
According to a Channel 2 News report, the demonstrators called for mass participation in the march towards the borders of Israel, which is scheduled for this Friday, March 30.
The Global March to Jerusalem initiative aims at getting over one million Arabs and their supporters to attempt to infiltrate Israel's borders. A spokesman for the march has said the initiative "demand[s] freedom for Palestine and its capital Jerusalem."
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) has presented information that Iran is behind the initiative and openly supports it. The march has also been endorsed by Rev. Jeremiah Wright, who was U.S. President Barack Obama's pastor for 20 years at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.
One of the speakers at the demonstration in Turkey shouted, according to Channel 2, "Millions of people can change the fate of the world. Millions of people will gather at the borders of Palestine and will be willing to die for the cause and for Jerusalem. We release Palestine and Jerusalem."
The demonstrators also chanted "Death to Israel, Death to America," the report said.
Israel has warned neighboring countries that it would forcefully respond to attempted breaches of its borders.
Diplomatic sources told the London-based Asharq Alawsat newspaper on Friday that Israel has sent messages to the governments of Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, the Hamas government in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority regarding the planned march.
The report said that in the messages Israel made it clear that anyone who will come near its borders would be considered an infiltrator and the IDF will act against him with full force.
Channel 2 noted that the demonstration outside the Israeli embassy in Ankara is the second anti-Israeli demonstration in recent weeks. Several weeks ago, during the escalation in rockets attacks by Gaza terrorists, dozens of people demonstrated outside the embassy to protest the IDF operation in Gaza. The protesters urged the international community not to keep silent "in the face of Israeli aggression against Palestinians." item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at