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July 18, 2011
YouTube of the rally:
4. Alamoudi established a special relationship with GOP heavyweight Grover Norquist. He donated $20,000 to establish the Islamic Free Market Institute [with Norquist named its Chairman of the Board] which was used as another arrow in the Islamists' quiver, allowing even greater access to decision makers. Image of checks below, sourced at, Paul Sperry archives,
Norquist still seems to be agitating on behalf of Islamist interests, as the Center for Security Policy's Frank Gaffney observes regarding his opposition to an initiative called Shariah Law And American State Courts [ALAC], which seeks to legislatively block the use of foreign legal concepts [primarily Islamic law, Shari'a] from being folded into the corpus of American legal jurisprudence.
"Last Wednesday, Norquist arranged for three speakers – self-described Jews or Christians - to promote the Muslim Brotherhood line that free practice of religion, including that of non-Muslims, would be denied were ALAC to be adopted. Nothing could be farther from the truth, as the legislation itself makes clear [see,] But it is instructive that the GOP influence operation Alamoudi spawned continues to serve his intended purpose: dividing and suborning conservatives in the best tradition of the stealth jihad at which he and his Brothers have long excelled." [see, Frank Gaffney Jr., Freeing Al-Qaeda,] So with this kind of record what could possibly motivate Holder's DOJ to have Alamoudi released? In his plea agreement, Alamoudi was bound to cooperate with "any and all investigations..." but at the same time the deal contained language stipulating a potential shortening of his sentence for providing important new information regarding terrorism. As [former Federal Prosecutor] Andy McCarthy presciently observed in 2004, "Whether Alamoudi will actually serve the 23 years is questionable. His plea agreement contemplates cooperation with the government. If he provides truthful information or testimony that helps the government further investigations - particularly terrorism cases - he could become eligible for a significant reduction. Time will tell..." [see, Andy McCarthy, Alamoudi, National Review,] We have reason to believe that there was no cooperation by Alamoudi with the Feds through the late 2000s, so the question remains as to what key information such a dedicated Islamic terrorist would possibly provide at this late date, that would force his release from prison and thus [since he remains an American citizen] place him right back on the front lines of the Muslim Brotherhood's stealth jihad? What do we have here? Alamoudi undergoing an unbelievably radical change of heart? Are we going to be asked to believe that he no longer supports Hamas, or Hezbollah; that he's turned against the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and the myriad of groups totally committed to Islamic supremacy and the establishment of a world-wide caliphate by any means? That seems doubtful, much more believably, this is pure political groveling by Team Obama. Given the administration's now public courting of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood what would serve that cause better than the release of one of its previous go-to guys in America? So what if the blowback means releasing an admitted terrorist upon an unsuspecting public? End notes: 1. Please take the following link to view the Muslim Brotherhood's General Strategic Plan For The Group In North America entered into evidence at U.S. vs. Holy Land Foundation. This document, half in Arabic, half in English, details the group's methodology and thinking regarding what it calls cultural jihad, a process whereby the MB hopes to take advantage of the freedoms and rights inherent in Western democracies to subvert, overthrow and eventually Islamize them. © 2011 LLC. All rights reserved. |
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at