This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
U.N. head accuses the US and UK of "provoking tension,hatred, and mistrust of governments"
March 11, 2005
Mohammed El Baradei, pictured above recently in Iran, is the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency operation of the UN. At best he is an adversary of the United States; at worst an enemy. He is an Egyptian, who began his career in 1964, under the Arab Socialist Nasser, in the Egyptian Diplomatic Service in New York and Geneva, where he served during both of Egypt's wars against Israel, the six-day war of 1967 and the 1973 war waged by Anwar Sadat. It is apparent that El Baradei sides with those opposing us in the war against Islamofascism. (We're not surprised to have discovered that he has a law degree from NYU by the way.) He opposed the Iraq War, and is helping Iran get nuclear weapons. Roger Simon in June:
UN nuclear watchdog Mohammed El Baradei says "the jury is still out" on whether the Mullahs are seeking the bomb.
MIM: As could be expected from an organisation where terrorism sponsoring countries are in charge of human rights commissions and 'Islamophobia' forums for radical Islamists are held to condemn anti terrorism measures,U.N. Secretary General, Kofi Annan, has launched an attack on the US and Britain's war on terror under the guise of 'protecting human rights'. What Annan fails to mention is that the only countries in which human rights exist are those which are being targetted by terrorists....
Annan's 'peace and love' appeal to " the world's political, religious, and civic leaders to state unequivocally that "terrorism is unacceptable under any circumstances and in any culture..." can be seen as a reference to America's war of liberation in Iraq and to acts of self defense on the part of Israel.
He then went on to blame the countries who are waging a war on terror with giving people no choice then to commit terrorist acts;
"...Compromising human rights cannot serve the struggle against terrorism," he said. "On the contrary, it facilitates the achievement of the terrorists' objectives by provoking tension, hatred, and mistrust of governments among precisely those parts of the population where he is most likely to find recruits..."
Annan's disingenuous concern for "nuclear terrorism" is reflected in the person of Mohammed El Baradei , head of the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Commission, who "began his career" under Islamo facist dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser .
Annan attacks erosion of rights in war on terror
US and Britain in UN secretary general's sights
Jonathan SteeleGuardian
The UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, launched a fierce attack on Britain and the US yesterday for weakening human rights in the name of the war on terror."We cannot compromise on core values," he said in Madrid on the first anniversary of the train bombings that killed 191 people in the Spanish capital. "Human rights and the rule of law must always be respected."
Addressing a three-day conference which included about 20 heads of state and government as well as terrorism experts, lawyers and journalists, Mr Annan laid out five elements in what he called a "principled, comprehensive strategy" to fight terrorism.
He proposed a UN special envoy to monitor whether governments' counter-terrorism measures conformed to international human rights law.
"Compromising human rights cannot serve the struggle against terrorism," he said. "On the contrary, it facilitates the achievement of the terrorists' objectives by provoking tension, hatred, and mistrust of governments among precisely those parts of the population where he is most likely to find recruits."
Although he did not mention Britain's detention of suspects without trial, the use of torture, or the practices of sexual humiliation and other abuses uncovered at US-run prisons for foreigners, western governments' treatment of terrorist suspects was unmistakably one of Mr Annan's targets.
Human rights law already made ample provision for strong counter-terrorist action, "even in the most exceptional circumstances", he said.
Mr Annan appealed to the world's political, religious, and civic leaders to state unequivocally that "terrorism is unacceptable under any circumstances and in any culture".
Rounding on the argument that oppressed people had a right to resist occupation, he said this could not include the right to deliberately kill or maim civilians.
He said the root cause of terrorism was the belief by certain groups that such tactics were effective and had the support of people in whose name they were used. "Our job is to show they are wrong," he said.
Spain's Socialist party prime minister, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, speaking at the closing session, called for an international fund to give poorer countries financial help to fight terrorism. He also recommended that a second international fund be set up to compensate victims of attacks.
Since 2001 the UN has been under pressure to do a better job of coordinating and leading the fight against terrorism.
Instead of the 12 treaties that now cover the issue, the secretary general called for a single convention to outlaw terrorism in all its forms. Victims of terrorism should be compensated using the assets seized from terrorists, he said.
The secretary general set out what he called the five Ds: dissuading disaffected groups from terrorism; denying terrorists the means to carry out their attacks; deterring states from supporting terrorists; developing states' capacity to prevent terrorism; and defending human rights.
Calling for a universally accepted definition of terrorism, he endorsed the wording contained in the recent report from the UN High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change, which he asked to develop broader thinking on the threats to security other than war. The panel defined terrorism as any action intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organisation to do, or abstain from, any act.
Mr Annan drew an alarming picture of potential catastrophe in the fields of nuclear and biological terrorism. There would soon be "tens of thousands of laboratories around the world capable of producing designer bugs with awesome, lethal potential", he said. Health systems in poor countries equipped to deal with infectious disease barely existed.
Governments must do more to secure and eliminate hazardous material and set up effective export controls, Mr Annan said. Stronger measures were also needed to uncover and stop money laundering by terrorists. Travel and financial sanctions against groups such as al-Qaida were vital.
Nuclear terrorism was still often treated as science fiction, he said. "I wish it were. But unfortunately we live in a world of excess hazardous materials and abundant technological knowhow, in which some terrorists clearly state their intention to inflict catastrophic casualties."
MIM: A U.N. treaty meant to outlaw attacks on civilians begs the question as to which terrorists will be abide by it,and how many are already working for the U.N. ?
Kofi Annan's 'concern' about the threat posed by nuclear and biological weapons brings to mind the 'Theater of the Absurd' which treats the world to the spectacle of Mohammed El Baradei, a practicing Muslim who head's the UN's Atomic Energy Commission, and the rogues gallery of 'weapons inspectors' such as Scott Ritter, the pervert who went on to make a film called 'Shifting Sands' .
Annan's proclaimations of the UN human rights agenda rings more then hollow in the case of weapons inspector Scott Ritter as cited in this excerpt from "Scott Ritter Patriot or Pervert?"
" Perhaps the most telling part of Scott Ritter's "dark side" comes from a Time Magizine interview of last year:
Q. You've spoke about having seen the children's prisons in Iraq. Can you describe what you saw there?
Ritter: The prison in question is at the General Security Services headquarters, which was inspected by my team in Jan. 1998. It appeared to be a prison for children — toddlers up to pre-adolescents — whose only crime was to be the offspring of those who have spoken out politically against the regime of Saddam Hussein. It was a horrific scene. Actually I'm not going to describe what I saw there because what I saw was so horrible that it can be used by those who would want to promote war with Iraq, and right now I'm waging peace.
So while Scott Ritter was filming a documentary showing the "affects of the U.N. Sanctions" on Iraq - a film he was paid $400,000 to film, he was covering up the horrific deaths of young children suffering at the hands of Saddam Hussein. Children who's only crime it was to be born to Iraqi Dissidents. Children, who undoubtedly, are no longer alive. Scott Ritter could've spoken up for these children - but didn't. Why? Could it be their deaths didn't suite his agenda?
Scott Ritter a "patriot?" We think not."
For ther complete article see: "Scott Ritter Patriot or Pervert?"
By Associated Press March 11, 2005
MADRID -- UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called yesterday for a world treaty on terrorism that would outlaw attacks targeting civilians and establish a framework for a collective response to the global threat.
Although the United Nations and its agencies have 12 treaties covering terrorism, a universal definition has been elusive.
World leaders and officials have had deep disagreements over whether resisters to alleged oppression -- for example, Palestinian suicide bombers attacking Israeli targets -- are terrorists or freedom fighters; and whether states that use what they think is legitimate force might be branded terrorists.
But Annan was categorical in his address yesterday to terrorism specialists and world leaders from 50 countries, including Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero of Spain, and President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan.
"The right to resist occupation . . . cannot include the right to deliberately kill or maim civilians," Annan told the conference on democracy, terrorism, and security. The UN, he said, must proclaim "loud and clear that terrorism can never be accepted or justified in any cause whatsoever."
Gonzales pledged to work closely with Europe to strengthen a collective effort against terrorism.
"The fight against terrorism is, in the end, a struggle over values," the attorney general said in remarks that stressed the close cooperation between Europe and the United States since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
In his speech, Annan stressed that no country is exempt from attack and that the way forward is coordinated action by like-minded governments, which must reject brutal tactics.
"Perhaps the thing that is most vital we deny to terrorists is access to nuclear materials," Annan said. "Nuclear terrorism is still often treated as science fiction. I wish it were."
MIM: Dr. Daniel Pipes who had a 'cameo role' in Ritters film wrote about it in his weblog:
"Saddam Hussein made me a movie star"
In 2001, Scott Ritter released his documentary In Shifting Sands: The Truth About UNSCOM and the Disarming of Iraq. That the US$400,000 in funding for this film, nominally paid for by Shakir al-Khafaji, a Detroit-based businessman of Iraqi origin, came ultimately from the government of Saddam Hussein was never much in doubt. But what uncertainty may have existed has been blown away with Khafaji's admission that he received illicit oil allocations from the UN oil-for-food program at the same time he was financing Ritter, as reported today in the Financial Times. The paper explains that the scheme was developed so that the names of beneficiaries like Khafaji were not recorded by the United Nations, allowing them to assert they took no funds from Baghdad.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at