This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
March 4, 2011
For more information and to schedule an interview, contact: Tim Sumner, Liberty Rocks (814) 327-5585
Charles Jacobs, Americans for Peace and Tolerance, (617) 835-3584
Beth Gilinsky, Women United International, (212) 726-1251 [email protected]
Americans Citizens to Tell Imams: No, Imam, today I am NOT "a Muslim, too!"
Liberty Alliance to Stand Against Imam Rauf & Co. for Bashing King Hearings and Accusing Americans of "Islamophobia"
News Conference, 1:30 p.m., this Sunday, March 6th at 38th Street and 7th Avenue, NYC -- RAIN OR SHINE!
New York City This Sunday, March 6, at 38th Street and 7th Avenue in Times Square, the Liberty Alliance will call for an end to false accusations of "bigotry" and "Islamophobia", which are designed to silence those voicing concern about radicalization in American Muslim communities and the threat of Shariah law to the Constitution.
Sunday's Liberty Alliance counter-protest comes in response to a rally being planned by Imam Rauf and his wife, Daisy, Imam Shamsi Ali and others, for Sunday in Times Square, entitled "Today I am a Muslim, too." Couched in language of "interfaith dialogue" Rauf and his friends plan to attack as "Islamophobic" Americans expressing their legitimate concerns about terrorism, Shariah and jihad. The focus of their attack are Congressman Peter King' upcoming Homeland Security Hearings.
As Americans are murdered here and abroad by Islamic radicals, Imam Rauf tries to turn the facts upside down, and blames the U.S. for Islamist violence and hatred. He says that United States policies were an accessory to the crime' of 9/11." He claims that Muslims are targets of widespread discrimination, hate speech and physical attacks. Meanwhile, the imams working overtime to make Shariah law look benign. Indeed, Rauf claims that "the American political structure is (already) shariah-compliant."
"Given that two New Jersey men just plead guilty to felony conspiracy charges related to their efforts last year to join a Somali terror group, Americans of all faiths clearly need protection from home-grown terrorism. Americans support the upcoming homeland security hearings," stated Tim Brown of Liberty Rocks.
Tim Sumner, co-founder of the 9/11 Families for a Safe and Strong America, states: "Liberty Alliance coalition members will condemn Rauf's efforts to falsely portray his efforts as a civil rights initiative. "They will not derail King's hearings," Sumner said.
A number of the Liberty Alliance leaders are also troubled that Rauf is backed by a rabbi named Marc Schneier, who claims that aspects of the upcoming hearings are "un-American." Beth Gilinsky of Liberty Rocks and Women United International stated today: "Many in the Jewish community are wondering if Rabbi Schneier plans to promote Imam Rauf at his Westhampton Beach Synagogue next summer. Schneier's partnership with an imam who openly promotes Shariah in America is shocking: no one who truly cares about human rights and interfaith partnership can ignore the widespread and well documented evidence of slaughter and barbaric human rights abuses of non-Muslims, women, young girls, and gays under Shariah Islam across the globe."
In addition, according to Dr. Charles Jacobs of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, Schneier's efforts to "twin" mosques with synagogues in 100 U.S. cities -- for the purpose of "interfaith dialogue" may be backfiring. " Jacobs says, "we found that the supposedly brotherly Muslim partners Schneier's program adopted were radicals posing as false moderates. On their English websites it was all kumbaya, brotherhood and Abrahamic relationships, while to their own audiences, in Arabic, they were disparaging the Jews and Israel." "In fact," Jacobs said, " it turned out that the revered mentor of the Schneier program's Muslim partner had hosted Nazis and Louis Farrakhan in his mosque and had written terrible things about Jews in his book. When they found out they had been deceived, the Buffalo Rabbis, who had twinned their synagogues in Schneier's program, publicly admitted that they had been fooled, and withdrew."
The Liberty Alliance:
Stands firmly against the imposition of Shariah Islam over our U.S. Constitution and rejects Imam Rauf's troubling claim that America is "shariah compliant;" Sees through this epoch's big lie: that we are a nation of bigots and that Muslim Americans are victims of our "hatred," "violence", and "ignorance;" Is not fooled by the constant drumbeat of false accusations that Americans are "Islamophobic" just because we love our country and wish to protect our Constitution from Shariah; Believes that American citizens have a civil right to be protected from harm; Believes that we need Congressional hearings as a first step in learning about radicalization within Muslim communities across America; and Asserts that if Imam Rauf and his friends truly cared about their fellow Americans' security and true interfaith harmony, they, too, would welcome -- and not vilify and undermine -- serious efforts to protect Americans of all faiths from Shariah and political Islam and terrorism.
This press conference is sponsored by the Liberty Alliance, and is endorsed by the Coalition to Honor Ground Zero; Liberty Rocks; Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam; 9/11 Families for a Secure America; Blue Collar Corner, Sudan Freedom Walk; American Maronite Union, Indian American Intellectuals Forum; Namdaari Sikh Foundation; Center for Security Policy; Dr. Herbert London of the Hudson Institute; Alliance for Iranian Women; Caucus For America; Americans for Peace and Tolerance; Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force; Traditional Values Coalition; Faith McDonnell, Director of Religious Liberty Programs, Institute on Religion and Democracy; Center for Policy Research in American Education, Women United International; Alliance for Interfaith Resistance, Resist Jihad; United West; Florida Security Council; Americans for a Safe Israel; Shalom International; Act for America St. Louis, MO area; and many other organizations.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at