February 25, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - PipeLineNews.org - In a strongly worded open letter directed to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and President Obama, a large coalition of concerned Americans are demanding that the administration prevent the entry of Anjem Choudary, Abu Issadeen and Sayful Islam - all known extreme Muslim radicals - from entering the United States.
The three have announced that they will lead a March 3 rally, designed to promote and agitate for a U.S. Islamic state, in front of the White House.
As reported by the UK Daily Mail, Choudary is quite clear about the intent of the demonstration, "the flag of Islam will fly over the White House...The event is a rally, a call for the Shari'a, a call for the Muslims to rise up and establish the Islamic state in America." [see, UK Daily Mail, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1358792/Anjem-Choudary-lead-White-House-protest-calling-Muslims-rise-up.html]
The rally was announced on the jihadist website, http://shariah4america.com/. It calls for "revolution," declaring, "The decades of Western backed oppression that have violated the sanctity of Allah and plundered Muslim resources is coming to an end and the dawn of a new age is indeed beginning. In light of this, sincere Muslims have come together, from different parts of the world, to orchestrate an unprecedented event on 3rd March 2011 that will undoubtedly add a new dimension to this intensifying conflict and send shockwaves across the world."
The group refers to President Obama as a, "tyrant," ominously claiming, "a new constitution beckons the US called the Shari'a, and that this worldwide revolution will see it implemented Insha'Allah (God willing) very very soon…"
Full text of the coalition's letter below:
"We, the undersigned, call on President Obama to announce his opposition to Shariah Islamic law in America. Shariah threatens our Constitutional liberties and equality under the law.
We ask this of him at a moment in history when influential members of the Islamic community, both here and abroad, are asserting that the implementation of Shariah law in America is necessary for the exercise of Islamic religious freedom.
The truth is that Shariah law is destructive to Americans of all faiths. It is directly opposed to the values, culture and ideals of the United States of America since our nation's founding. From that time, Americans have committed to honor and preserve the hard-won freedoms, justice, and wisdom of centuries of Western Civilization.
We ask President Obama to defend our Constitution and to state unequivocally that he stands against the imposition of Shariah law in America. We need to know that our President will stand beside us in our commitment to America's freedom from the tyranny of Shariah law."
We believe this trio of Muslim revolutionaries must never be permitted to set foot within the confines of the United States. They represent a grave danger to American national security and must be prevented from spreading the hateful doctrine of Shari'a - a seditious ideology of violence, religious bigotry and totalitarianism.
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