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CAIR Philly Boasts of Diversity Training Lessons in Public School District

January 17, 2011

January 17 2011- Militant Islam Monitor -According to a news update on the CAIR Philly website the organization was responsible for the recent firing of a public high school teacher "who taught his students that Islam is inherently violent and that shariah demands barbaric punishments". The teacher's school or identity was not disclosed but CAIR crowed that it was now in the process of "currently working to include lessons on Islam and Muslims in that district's diversity training workshops and the teacher has been mandated to attend."

CAIR's "diversity training workshops" are nothing less than forced dawa (proseltylisation lessons) and it is chilling to think that the teacher will be forced to listen to CAIR Islamist propaganda and that the Philadelphia School District will be party to CAIR's insidious stealth jihad tactics.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at