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December 17, 2010
December 17 2010 - Militant Islam Monitor -An Amsterdam court has convicted seven members of the Hofstad Group of membership in a terrorist organisation. Initially they were aquitted by a court in the Hague which had determined that they did not constitute a group.
According to Trouw "Five suspects received fifteen months in jail. The two others who were beleagured by the police during their arrest received respectively three years and two months and thirteen years because they were in possession of hand grenades and Jason Walters actually threw one at the arresting team."
Jason Walters to son of a an American serviceman and Dutch mother received a lower sentence then was intially handed down due to his "relatively young age at the time of his arrest". He wrote a letter to the newspaper the Volkskrant renouncing terrorism but the court said this did not play a role in their decision to decrease his sentence.
MIM: Also see: "Dutch Hofstad Group Member Jason Walters Renounces Terrorism, Violence and Salafism" by Emerson Vermaat
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at