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Egyptian Christian Killed, Scores Arrested in Church Demonstration

November 26, 2010

November 26- Militant Islam Monitor- One Christian was killed others injured and about 2 dozen arrested during a demonstration Wednesday comprising about 200 people about an unfinished church near the pyramids


156 Christians were arrested on Thursday and those detained have been denied legal representation and are accused of trying to kill the assistant head of security in Giza.

According to Israel National News:

"The Christian community in Giza had planned to use a partially-complete building as a church once construction is finished. However, the community was denied a permit for a church and told the building can be used as a community center, but not as a house of worship."

There has been an increase of clashes between Christians and Muslims in Egypt. Leonard Leo of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom stated that:

"We've seen a clear uptick in recent weeks of incitement coming from media outlets and clerics espousing sectarian hatred and violence.This kind of rhetoric goes too far and stokes the fire of extremists looking for ammunition to justify violent acts against religious minorities,"

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