This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
October 19, 2010
October 19- Militant Islam Monitor-An investigation by the Foundation Gave, an organization which helps Christian asylum seekers in Holland has concluded that there is physical violence by Muslims against Christians in one in three centers. There is both intimidation and physical violence and Christians are discriminated against in 21 of the 28 centers which were surveyed.
A Christian Union party parliamentarian Joel Voordewind wants the minister of Integration and Asylum Gerd Leers to begin an investigation into the prevalence of the violence.
He said that "It is terrible that people, often due to their beliefs flee to Holland and are oppressed here".
Voordewind said that the perpetrators could possibly be removed from the asylum procedure.
Voordewind's motion was supported parties across the political spectrum.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at