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October 15, 2010
October 15, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - - Launched within the last 24 hrs [Defend Ground Zero] is hoped to function as the central information source whereby citizens can see where their elected officials and candidates for office stand on the controversial issue of imam Abdul Faisal Rauf's proposed building of a 13 story mega-mosque at Ground Zero.
Demonstrating strong bipartisan opposition to the project are figures as diverse as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, his hard-charging GOP opponent, Sharon Angle and House Minority Leader John Boehner, as well as notable private individuals such as former Federal Prosecutor Andy McCarthy and Frank Gaffney, Director of the Center for Security Policy.
The statement which the signatories have agreed to is one of principled opposition to the building of any mosque at the New York site of the September 11 Muslim terrorist attack.
"As a candidate for Congress, I join the majority of the American people in opposition to the proposed Ground Zero Mosque. It would be an affront, especially in this location, to those who perished in the worst attack ever launched against the homeland of the United States. All Americans have a right and an obligation to defend Ground Zero.
As November 2 approaches knowing where candidates for office stand on this serious national security issue is of importance to many and this new web resource should help the public become more aware of the threat posed by Islamism and its stealth jihad component, forced Shari'a compliance.
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This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at