This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at

A mind (and a visa) are terrible things to lose: Tariq Ramadan's letter to President Bush :" stronger then your capriousness "

A self proclaimed "expelled Muslim" whines "to an elected President": 'You went to the White House and won't let me set up house '
January 26, 2005

RAMADAN démissionne

'Pity party'- Tariq Ramadan displays boxes, suitcases and his revoked visa


MIM: Poor Tariq Ramadan. All his furniture went to America and he was left only with his prayer mat in Geneva, Switzerland.

All the more reason to be upset that President Bush was able to stay in the White House and he was not even allowed to set up house in the United States.

Looks like Tariq will have to hit up his brother Hani, director of the Islamic Center of Geneva, and involved in Al Qaeda's finances, for something to help him get back on his feet.

No wonder he titled his plaintive missive "From an expelled Muslim to an elected President". Ramadan is doubtless also pained by the fact that the Capitol building has not yet become a mosque, and that America hasn't become the United States of Allah.

In his bizarre letter which indicates that Ramadan seems to has lost his mind along with his visa, he calls himself "an expelled Muslim" writing to "an elected President" and alternately whines like a spoiled child :"Why was this decision taken? What are you afraid of ? and then arrogantly scolds the President that he wont let him in because he wouldnt want criticism "coming from a Muslim intellectual" as Ramadan oxymoronically calls himself.

Even more amusing is the fact that Ramadan actually believes that he important enough for President Bush to have personally made a decision about his visa ! It has obviously never occured to the self obsessed Ramadan that President Bush may not even know who he is .

He then asks the rhetorical question;

What are you doing to your country Mr. President?

In his megalomaniacal delusion Ramadan warns President Bush that he is harming the United States of America by not allowing such an esteemed scion of 'Islamist royalty' as himself to take up residence America!

Ramadan goes on to accuse President Bush of being part of a conspiracy after 9/ 11: He writes;"Boards of inquiry were delayed or strangely constituted.State secrets and sinister silences mushroomed."

Ramadan then taunts President Bush that US aid to Tsunami victims and American compassion won't be appreciated by Muslims. " At the heart of this natural disaster, know Mr. President, that despite the desolation and disaster the Muslims remain lucid ".You will not gain their trust through emotions".

Ramadan not only reveals his Islamist hatred of America the beginning and ending of his letter also shows his belief that 'Allah is stronger then America' .

"...By a strange twist of fate, this year's calendar puts your inauguration on the same day as the most important religious day of the year for Muslims. Is it a historical irony that links these two celebrations together?..."

"I know simply that the Muslims celebrate on this 20th of January, a faith which they consider stronger then your capriciousness".


Letter from an "expelled" Muslim to an elected American
1/25/2005 - Political - Article Ref: Al0501-2592
Number of comments: 13
Opinion Summary: Agree:9 Disagree:1 Neutral:3
By: Tariq Ramadan
Ahram Weekly* -

An open letter to President George W. Bush

Mr. President,

By a strange twist of fate, this year's calendar puts your inauguration on the same day as the most important religious day of the year for Muslims. Is it a historical irony that links these two celebrations together? As you are inaugurated for your second term, I, a European Muslim, want to share with you a few thoughts.

Mr. President, I was banished from the United States by your administration. My visa was revoked, as I was about to assume my position as a Professor at Notre Dame University. To this day, I have not been told the reasons behind this action.

I do know, as does Homeland Security and the State Department, that my file is empty. The Patriot Act was put forward as an excuse and I was asked to reapply. Since then, there has been total silence. Why was this decision taken? What are you afraid of? Is it perhaps that academic freedom of expression has become a danger for you? Or is it perhaps the fact that it would have fortified criticism against you, no matter how constructive, especially coming from a Muslim intellectual?

What are you doing to your country, Mr. President?

Along with the majority of Muslims around the world, I condemned the September 11 attacks. I shared and sympathized with the American people's pain. We understood their fears and the depth of their doubts. To transcend that traumatic experience, two things were crucial. First, Muslims had to firmly and clearly denounce terrorism and extremism, which they did, even if at times it was done timidly. Second, the American government should have shed light on the facts: how were such odious acts possible? Who was responsible for the multiple and repeated information failures? The people of the United States, like the rest of the world, needed explanations, transparency and truth.

However, since September 11th, 2001 your administration has continued to accumulate shadowy dealings. Boards of inquiry were delayed or strangely constituted; state secrets and sinister silences mushroomed. In the name of the "war against terrorism", the ultimate reason for legitimacy, did you permit your officials to make decisions and to act illegitimately, without a hint of accountability? Under your watch, laws eradicating civil liberties have been enacted which put into question the rights of citizens. Discrimination against Arabs and Muslims has been institutionalized and legalized. There is limitless scrutiny, individuals are arrested, and lying in the name of the State has become the norm.

Whatever the tone of your generous speeches, facts do not lie: this is not a good time to be a Muslim in the United States. The consequences of the Patriot Act has been exactly what its' most virulent detractors had predicted - an infringement of citizens' rights and legalized discrimination that is reminiscent of the McCarthy era.

Your commitment on the international stage is no less alarming. Your intervention in Afghanistan killed thousands of civilians who had nothing to do with the attacks of September 11th. The situation is unresolved. Bin Laden is still a fugitive and tortures exerted by those under your administration are a daily happening as confirmed by Human Rights Watch.

Inhumane treatment inflicted on the Guantanamo prisoners in a declared "no rights" area is scandalous. Your intervention in Iraq only confirmed these practices, characterized by lies, systematic manipulation and in the end, the death of tens of thousands of Iraqis and Americans. The horrors of Abu Ghuraib prison, which appeared as revelations of torture were in fact institutionalized, from Afghanistan to Guantanamo. The American soldiers in Iraq are not primarily responsible: someone at the head of your administration had undoubtedly given the green light. Mr. Bush, would it be that you are in favour of torture exerted against Arabs and Muslims? Is this the message that one must understand from these actions?

For the last three years, your policy has consisted in victimizing the American super power to such an extent that in return, it has had total disrespect for basic human rights. Instead of calming spirits with more truth and dialogue, you have spread fear by keeping Americans in the dark and lying to them. It was expected that you would assist in surpassing the trauma of September 11th, not sustain it dangerously. You have won the elections by feeding the fears of your citizens and presenting yourself as their only guarantor of security. You won by playing on emotions, not intelligence.

Mr. President,

I have visited the United States more than twenty times in the past three years. I know that your country abounds with people of critical intelligence and honesty. Many of your citizens are not easily deceived. They are not only ashamed of the image you give of your country but, more deeply, of the way in which you are transforming it into a citadel besieged by fear and arrogance.

As a European Muslim, frightened by your unilateralism and the serious excesses of your policies, it is towards worthy and critical American citizens that I invite Muslims to turn to and to bring together their hopes. If the Muslims are right in not trusting you, they should not confuse the American people with the increasingly blunt spirits that surround you.

It's been a couple of weeks that you have made your support for the victims of the Tsunami disaster public in order to show Muslims that you were capable of compassion and that you respected them. At the heart of this natural disaster, aware of the desolation and deaths, know Mr. President, that these Muslims remain lucid. You will not gain their trust through emotions.

Your second mandate begins January 20th. You presented yourself to the American people as the solution but you are in fact the problem. You have not ceased to deepen the gap between the United States and the rest of the world - not only the Muslim world but also Europe. As a European Muslim, I had the hope that by relocating to your country, I would have been able to bring a critical and constructive contribution. Your administration preferred to exclude me, like so many other Muslim intellectuals, in order to protect itself from debate and dialogue.

I finally decided not to try settling in your country anymore. I am not sure what, during this second mandate, could rid you of this Manichean view and dangerous interpretation of the world. I do not know what could persuade you to use less lies and more truths.

I know simply that the Muslims celebrate on this 20th of January, a faith which they consider stronger then your capriciousness. If with strength of conscience and intelligence, they succeed in distinguishing between your administration and the American people and continue to dialogue with those of your fellow-citizens who have not been blinded, then hope remains. That is the only hope, unless you are touched by grace and that you understand that it is urgent, for the good of our planet, that you change your policies.

Tariq Ramadan, is a Swiss scholar known for his work on Islamic theology and the place of Muslims in the modern world. He was appointed to teach Islamic philosophy and ethics at the University of Notre Dame. He received a visa from the State Department and was scheduled to start his classes in late August 2004. But just days before he was set to travel, his visa was revoked without explanation at the behest of the US - Department of Homeland Security


Just a lonely Jihadi ...


It looks like Ramadan's Islamist reputation preceded him. Today another 'Ramadamned' letter appeared, this time, Ramadan decries his 'disinvitation' as a panelist at a round table at a literature festival in The Hague.

According to the letter,the Dutch newspaper Trouw reported that the Ambassador of France, Miss Anne Gazeau Secret, personally intervened ,and spoke to the organisers of the Inrernational Literature Festival in The Hague (Winter nights) and asked them to cancel the invitation which they had extended to Ramadan to attend the festival. Journalist Richard Laberviere personally contacted Oliver Roy (a French counter terrrorism expert) who was also invited to participate in the round table, to dissuade him from taking part. According to Ramadan;

"He (Labeviere) implied that his (Roy's) participation would harm his good reputation and give the impression and reminded him of his function as a consultant to the the French ministry of foreign affairs (sometimes we are not far from danger)...

(MIM: In the end Ramadan did appear and then railed at the French government in an official press conference clai which the media noted was financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. An anonymous diplomatic commented"This is proof that he exaggerates".) see article in Dutch below.

Ramadan then cites another invitation which was rescinded by the Dutch government.

"The government of France has already intervened last October after the Dutch government after the minister of integration had invited me to meet with diverse committees and officials to discuss the situation of Muslims in Holland and their prospects for the future (citzenship, position of women, education of Imams etc). The government had already decided not to receive me ..."

"...This is not the first time the French the French are exerting pressure from more or less official sources. They are trying to prevent me from giving my views at the European institutional level or directly to foreign governments.It must be recalled that Daniel Pipes, had affirmed " that French organisations no doubt intervened" to cause my American visa to be revoked at the last minute..."

As usual Ramadan's megalomanical delusions caused him to entitle his screed "France makes itself look ridiculous' as if an entire country's public image is being affected by him !


MIM: The title of this letter is "Too Much - That's too much ! Freedom of Expression : France makes itself ridiculous...Instead of writing letters, it's time for Ramadan to 'get the message' himself. The French have banned Ramadan from their country because of his ties to Al Qaeda and for preaching incitement to young Muslims in radical mosques around Paris. That the French goverment is taking steps to warn other countries against inviting Ramadan shows that they consider him to be a serious Islamist threat. Ramadan's brother Hani, ran an Islamic Center in Geneva which was cited in a 9/11 terror lawsuit and linked to Al Qaeda funding via the Al Tarqwa bank.

Here is a description of the mosque run by Tariq Ramadan in the Paris suburb of St.Denis which attracted a following of unemployed angry Muslim youth, and indicates another reason as to why the French government considers him 'persona non grata'.

"..The mosques are busier than ever: the storefront Tawhid Center for young followers of Tariq Ramadan; the Tabligh mosque for the reclusive adherents of Saudi-style conservative Islam; the many basement prayer rooms for whoever stops by..."

Trop, c'est trop !

par Tariq Ramadan
mardi 25 janvier 2005

Dans son édition de ce matin (mardi 25 janvier), le journal national néerlandais Trouw révèle que l'ambassadrice de France en Hollande, Mme Anne Gazeau-Secret, est intervenue en personne pour que les organisateurs du Festival international de littérature de la Haye (Winternachten) annulent l'invitation qu'ils m'avaient faite à participer à une table ronde vendredi 21 janvier 2005 (L'Orient et l'Occident). Le journaliste Richard Labévière (RFI)1 a également téléphoné à Olivier Roy, participant à la table ronde, pour le dissuader de prendre part à la rencontre2 il l'a averti que sa participation entacherait sa bonne réputation et il a fait allusion à l'avenir de sa fonction de conseillé auprès du Ministre français des affaires étrangères (nous ne sommes pas loin de la menace). Les organisateurs du festival se sont dit excédés et outrés par ce type de procédés, a fortiori provenant d'une ambassade, et ont affirmé que j'avais le droit de m'exprimer, qu'ils ne partageaient pas les réserves de la France à mon sujet et que « Nous étions en Hollande ! » Interpellée par les médias, l'ambassadrice de France a affirmé qu'elle était intervenue afin de prodiguer un conseil à « un ami », en l'occurrence le journaliste Michaël Zeeman : ce dernier a répondu que Mme Anne Gazeau-Secret ne comptait pas parmi ses amis. La France se ridiculise !

L'ambassade de France était déjà intervenue en octobre dernier auprès du Gouvernement hollandais, après que celui-ci, et en particulier la Ministre de l'intégration, m'ait invité à m'entretenir avec elle et divers comités officiels de la situation des musulmans en Hollande et des perspectives d'avenir (citoyenneté, statut des femmes, formation des imams, etc.) Le Gouvernement avait déjà opposé une fin de non recevoir à « ces ingérences » dans les affaires intérieures hollandaises.

Ce n'est pas la première fois que j'entends que des pressions françaises, provenant de sources plus ou moins officielles, sont exercées pour m'empêcher de m'exprimer au niveau des institutions européennes ou directement sur des gouvernements étrangers. Faut-il rappeler que Daniel Pipes3 avait affirmé que des « organisations françaises étaient sans doute intervenues » pour que mon visa américain soit révoqué à la dernière minute4.

Non contentes de m'empêcher de m'exprimer en France, les autorités françaises et diverses sphères d'influence, notamment médiatiques, cherchent à exporter des méthodes pour le moins antidémocratiques. Trop, c'est trop ! Il y a plus d'une année déjà, le CSA comme la direction de France 5 (entre autres) sont intervenues auprès de certains responsables d'émissions ou d'animateurs en affirmant que j'étais « trop invité », ce qui a de quoi surprendre quand on observe l'omniprésence de certains « intellectuels médiatiques » en France depuis plus de dix ans.

Depuis des mois, on ne compte plus les salles qui ont été refusées, ou retirées à la dernière minute, à des organisations qui m'invitaient. Des députés, des maires, des Président d'Universités et les Renseignements Généraux n'hésitent pas à intervenir pour m'empêcher de m'exprimer : à Paris dans le XIIème, à Dreux, à la Rochelle, à Marseille, à Aix-en-Provence, à Jussieu, ces deux dernières semaines à Montpellier et à Angers et tant et tant d'autres pressions exercées sur des propriétaires de salles privées, des hôtels, des particuliers.

Jusqu'à où ira-t-on en France pour m'empêcher de parler ? Fadela Amara est même allé jusqu'à demander que l'on m'interdise de territoire ! Que craint-on ? Pourquoi ma parole, celle d'un intellectuel musulman libre, fait-elle donc aussi peur ? Craint-on que les Français, en m'entendant m'exprimer de vive voix, prennent conscience des mensonges et des calomnies qui sont véhiculés à mon sujet ? A-t-on peur que les Français de confession musulmane cessent d'adopter une posture victimaire et revendiquent d'être reconnus comme citoyens libres et indépendants comme je les invite à le faire ?

Le journaliste du Figaro Magazine Aziz Zemouri publie ce mercredi 26 janvier un livre au titre bien nommé : Faut-il faire taire Tariq Ramadan ? (Avec un entretien de près de 300 pages aux éditions de L'Archipel) Telle est bien la question, en effet. Je serai présent à la conférence de presse organisée par le Centre d'Accueil de la Presse Etrangère ce mercredi 26 janvier (16h30, Maison de Radio France). Je viendrai entre autre dire et répéter que ces méthodes (un acharnement médiatique qui ne laisse plus de place aux débats raisonnables et dont on disqualifie presque systématiquement chacune de mes réponses) et la censure caractérisée sont des méthodes indignes d'une démocratie.

La liberté d'expression est en danger en France parce que les droits élémentaires d'accès à la parole libre et indépendante ne sont pas respectés. Et si l'on fait aujourd'hui silence parce qu'il s'agit d'un intellectuel « musulman », l'histoire ferait bien de nous revenir en mémoire pour nous rappeler la honte que fut ce même silence quand il s'est agi de traiter ainsi l' intellectuel « juif ». N'a-t-on donc rien appris ? Il est bien détestable ce racisme multiforme qui n'en finit pas de rôder devant nos consciences et qui se satisfait et se nourrit de nos tant et tant répétées démissions intellectuelles.

Tariq Ramadan

25 janvier 2005


vrijdag 28 januari 2005 uur.
Ramadan boos op Franse regering
Van onze correspondent Fokke Obbema

PARIJS - De Zwitserse, islamitische denker Tariq Ramadan beschuldigt de Franse staat ervan hem monddood te willen maken. Zowel in Frankrijk zelf als in het buitenland oefenen de Franse autoriteiten druk uit om zijn deelname aan discussies te bemoeilijken, zo stelt hij. Vooral het optreden van de ambassadeur van Frankrijk in Den Haag, Anne Gazeau-Secret, werd door Ramadan tijdens een persconferentie gehekeld.

Gazeau-Secret zou zich tegen zijn deelname aan een debat in het kader van het Haagse Winternachten-festival hebben gekeerd.

Ramadan, die over een zekere aanhang onder moslimjongeren in de Franse voorsteden beschikt, ligt in Frankrijk al maandenlang onder vuur in de media. Het verwijt luidt dat hij een fundamentalist is, die Frankrijk wil islamiseren en met een dubbele tong spreekt: tegenover een niet-moslimpubliek zou hij een gematigder betoog houden dan tegenover moslims. Naast de aanvallen in de media neemt hij nu ook een campagne van de Franse overheid waar.

'Schandalig', zo noemde Ramadan het gedrag van de Franse ambassadeur Gazeau-Secret. Die zou voorafgaand aan het Haagse debat diverse deelnemers voor hem hebben gewaarschuwd.

Gazeau-Secret zelf houdt het er in een communiqué aan Le Monde op dat de organisatie van het Winternachten-festival haar om informatie over Ramadan had gevraagd. Die heeft zij ter beschikking gesteld. 'Ik heb gehandeld, zoals ik dat bij iedere andere prediker ook zou hebben gedaan.'

Het Franse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken verklaart dat er 'geen enkele druk is uitgeoefend' van de zijde van zijn ambassadeur. Maar een bron op het ministerie die anoniem wenst te blijven, spreekt dat tegen en geeft toe dat er wel degelijk druk is uitgeoefend. Het gedrag van de ambassadeur zou op 'persoonlijke animositeit' jegens Ramadan zijn terug te voeren.

Volgens Ramadan komt de tegenwerking door het Haagse incident voor het eerst in de openbaarheid, maar trekken Franse ambassades één lijn tegen hem. Zijn toetreding tot Europese vergadercircuits zou door Franse druk worden bemoeilijkt. Ook zouden burgemeesters en universiteitsbesturen vaak op het laatste moment pas laten weten dat zaalhuur voor een debat met Ramadan niet mogelijk is.

De persconferentie van Ramadan vond plaats in de CAPE, het centrum voor buitenlandse journalisten waarvan het ministerie van Financiën en Buitenlandse Zaken de geldschieters zijn. 'Dat geeft aan dat Ramadan enigszins overdrijft', aldus de anonieme diplomaat van Buitenlandse Zaken. 'Op geen enkel moment is hier ter sprake gekomen dat hij niet op die plek zou kunnen praten.' Aanleiding voor de persconferentie was de verschijning van een boek met een groot interview. De titel kon niet toepasselijker: Faut-il faire taire Tariq Ramadan? ('Moet Tariq Ramadan tot zwijgen worden gebracht?').

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at