This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
March 14, 2008
Andre Carson Joins Ellison's Stealth Jihad In Congress
By Beila Rabinowitz and William Mayer
March 14, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - - Andre Carson, sworn in Wednesday as the second Muslim to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives [7th District Minnesota], made news last week when he returned a $1,000 donation from a fellow Muslim who was investigated in 2002 on terrorism charges.
According to one report:
"The donation, made at a Feb. 8 fundraiser, came from M. Yaqub Mirza, CEO of Sterling Management in Herndon, Va. Until it dissolved in 2000, Mirza was an officer with the Saar Foundation, which became one of several Muslim nonprofits in Northern Virginia to fall under scrutiny in a 2002 federal terrorism-financing investigation..." [source,]
A spokesman for his Republican rival, John Elrod, commented that, "Carson's decision to accept the money to begin with shows poor judgment from a person who touted his work in a state counterterrorism unit as part of the experience that qualifies him for Congress."
Indeed Carson's behavior in this matter clouds his description of himself as an, "orthodox, universal secular Muslim" [see,] as do the circumstances of his candidacy; he is taking the seat of his grandmother, U.S. Representative Julia Carson, a disciple of Louis Farrakhan, leader of the virulently anti-Semitic and anti-American Nation of Islam.
Also troubling are the congratulations given to him by the Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] a Saudi funded front group for Hamas and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas [HLF] terror funding trial.
Of most importance, however is that CAIR has joined with other Islamists to raise funds for Carson, and that Ellison co-sponsored one of those fundraisers with the terror friendly group.
"Dozens of Muslims flocked into a small town house on Capitol Hill to take a big step, last week. Their goal, to raise funds needed to elect Andre Carson of Indianapolis, IN as the second Muslim to the halls of Congress.The Carson for Congress fundraiser was held last Wednesday night, February 6th doors from the national headquarters of the Muslim civil rights organization, CAIR.Less than two years ago, Assad Aktar, an aide for a New Jersey Congressman and organizer of the Carson event, helped to pull together a similar fundraiser for a then-little known State Representative from Minnesota named Keith Ellison...Congressman Ellison, perhaps not by coincidence, co-hosted the Carson fundraiser, along with Saqib Ali, the first Muslim elected to the Maryland House of Delegates...A crowd of 50 of the top Muslim leaders in the area responded to brother Assad's invitation including Imam Yusef Salim of Masjid Muhammad; Nihad Awad and Corey Saylor of CAIR; Omar Karim, a local land developer; Khalil Munier a senior congressional staffer, and Rizwan Jaka of ADAMS Center."
Imam Johari Abdul Malik of Dar Al Hijrah, one of the area's top fundraisers rallied the crowd to support brother Andre. The call was answered with several individuals giving large contributions of $1000 and upwards.
Jameel Johnson, President of the Prince George's Muslim Council and a lobbyist for a Wall Street firm also attended. Johnson, who co-hosted the fundraiser for Congressman Ellison, remarked "this is the second [congressional elections] cycle in a row that the Muslims have had a solid candidate of their own running for Congress that they could ray behind. [source, "Muslims Rally Support for Andre Carson in Bid to Put Second Muslim in Congress," by Talib I. Karim,]
Also raising funds for Carson was Johari Abdul Malik of the Dar Al Hijrah mosque, which was named as the most dangerous mosque in America by Paul Sperry in his book "Infiltration" and is located in what he calls DC's 'Wahhabi Corridor.' Dar Al Hijrah has given aid and support to terrorists and is linked to the 9/11 hijackers.
The nature of those bankrolling Carson's candidacy along with his presence as a regular congregant at the Nur-Allah Islamic Center indicate that despite his claimed moderation, he is a stealth Islamist.
From the Islamic Center's website:
"The Nur-Allah Islamic Center is an Islamic community in association with the leadership of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, President of The Mosque Cares..."[see,]
"The Mosque Cares" is an organization founded by Warith Deen Mohammed, a former leader of the Nation of Islam. "The Mosque Cares" often works together with other Islamist groups in the United States such as the Muslim Alliance in North America [MANA] and the Islamic Society of North America [ISNA, also an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF prosecution].
MANA recently gave W.D. Mohammed "its first 'Lifetime Achievement Award.' The fact is that historically, he led the largest "mass conversion" of Muslims in the United States, when he sheparded his followers from the Nation of Islam doctrine to following the Quran and Sunnah specifically." [see,]
The amir of MANA, is Siraj Wahhaj [see,], a party named by U.S. prosecutor Mary Jo White as an unindicted co conspirator in the 1993 WTC bombings.
Despite Mr. Carson's assertions that he is an "orthodox, universal secular Muslim," a term which seems crafted to reject Islamism, the fact that he has chosen to partner with groups like CAIR and extremists like Ellison suggests otherwise, that Carson is instead, playing a game of intentional deception.
Carson's continued presence in Congress - where it appears that he will follow in Keith Ellison's footsteps - is therefore a matter of grave concern and further evidence that the stealth jihad has now spilled into the very halls of Congress
Muslims Rally Support for Andre Carson in Bid to Put Second Muslim in Congress
By Talib I. Karim
Muslim Link Contributing Writer
Dozens of Muslims flocked into a small town house on Capitol Hill to take a big step, last week. Their goal, to raise funds needed to elect Andre Carson of Indianapolis, IN as the second Muslim to the halls of Congress.
The Carson for Congress fundraiser was held last Wednesday night, February 6th doors from the national headquarters of the Muslim civil rights organization, CAIR.
Less than two years ago, Assad Aktar, an aide for a New Jersey Congressman and organizer of the Carson event, helped to pull together a similar fundraiser for a then-little known State Representative from Minnesota named Keith Ellison.
"When he [Rep. Ellison] started his campaign many people said a Muslim could not get elected to Congress and many others used various means to try to stop him, but because our community stood up for Keith Ellison and refused to bow he is now in Congress standing up for us all on critical issues like civil liberties and ending the War in Iraq.
Congressman Ellison, perhaps not by coincidence, co-hosted the Carson fundraiser, along with Saqib Ali, the first Muslim elected to the Maryland House of Delegates.
A crowd of 50 of the top Muslim leaders in the area responded to brother Assad's invitation including Imam Yusef Salim of Masjid Muhammad; Nihad Awad and Corey Saylor of CAIR; Omar Karim, a local land developer; Khalil Munier a senior congressional staffer, and Rizwan Jaka of ADAMS Center.
Imam Johari Abdul Malik of Dar Al Hijrah, one of the area's top fundraisers rallied the crowd to support brother Andre. The call was answered with several individuals giving large contributions of $1000 and upwards.
Jameel Johnson, President of the Prince George's Muslim Council and a lobbyist for a Wall Street firm also attended. Johnson, who co-hosted the fundraiser for Congressman Ellison, remarked "this is the second [congressional elections] cycle in a row that the Muslims have had a solid candidate of their own running for Congress that they could ray behind.
In previous years, individual Muslims have supported various Members of Congress and other elected officials. Yet, in these past cases, the Muslims have nether received or demanded a tangible return on their investment. Support for Muslims like Keith Ellison and Andre Carson is an investment in ourselves." Johnson added, "It is a sign of weaning prejudice for Muslims to win elections in districts where we (Muslims) are neither politically active nor make up a clear majority. However, in these cases, we must realize that such Muslim elected officials will be compelled to respond to the concerns of all their constituents. Thus, these Muslim politicians may have difficulty championing all of the issues that mean the most to us as a community."
Perhaps the youngest Muslim in attendance was Samir Karim, an 18-year old senior student at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda. Karim said he was generally impressed by brother Andre. "He was down-to-earth and smart, both politically and street-wise," he said.
Street-sense may prove an invaluable asset for Carson to both get elected as the second Muslim Congressman and withstand the strong pressures in Washington that often compromise Muslim and non-Muslim politicians alike.
More information on Andre Carson is available at
Mission Statement
"The Nur-Allah Islamic Center is an Islamic community in association with the leadership of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, President of The Mosque Cares. We proclaim in word and deed the universal message of Al-Islam that there is but One G-d *(God) and one human family. We are committed to establishing a balanced community life in its broadest sense, witnessing the eternal wisdom of the Words of G-d as revealed in the Holy Qur'an and the life-model exemplified by Prophet Muhammed, prayers and peace be on him. We will cultivate the patterned growth of human excellence and good character through building valuable relationships with all G-d conscious people of all races, religions, and universal creeds."
Vision Statement
The vision statement of Nur-Allah Islamic Center is to be a model community in the broadest sense, not leaving out anything of value. A community which is balanced, witnessing to all people, a community that G-d (God) establishes, approves of and supports."
Nur-Allah Islamic Center of Indianapolis, 2040 East 46th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46205
Michael "Mikal" Saahir the Imam of the Nur-Allah Islamic Center spoke at a Muslim Alliance event held at the ISNA headquarters in Plainfield,Ilinois and attended a Muslim convention from The Mosque Cares in September.
· 1st – 3rd Attended The Mosque Cares Muslim Convention · 8th Met with Gov. Mitch Daniel's Asst. Eric Holcomb with Imams Umar Al-Khattab, Amin Al-Ghani, C. Abdullah Nabaa, Ismail Abdul-Aleem · 10th Believers met at NAIC to clean up alley behind Islamic Center in commemoration of 9-11 Respond to the Call · 11th Met at Governor's mansion to discuss plans for iftar at the mansion · 12th Detroit, MI for two-day Midwest Regional Dialogue of Catholics and Muslims · 16th Spoke at the Muslim Alliance of Indiana retreat held at ISNA in Plainfield, IN · 16th Spoke at the Cincinnati Islamic Center's Pre-Ramadan dinner · 20th Clara Mohammed Weekend School staff meeting · 25th Iftar at the Governor's Mansion
Ihsan Bagby Warith Deen Mohammed and Siraj Wahhaj at the MANA conference
MANA: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
By Hodari Abdul-Ali
Special to The Muslim Link
Alhamdulilah, the 1st national convention of the Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA) in Philadelphia during the first weekend of November, was by every standard of measure, an overwhelming success. The attendance of about 2000 people from all over the country exceeded the anticipation of the organizers. Northern Virginia, Washington, DC, suburban Maryland and Baltimore were well represented.
The workshops were informative, and recordings of most sessions are available via the MANA website. The banquet sold out and the bazaar overflowed with good products. Most importantly, "The City of Brotherly Love" lived up to its reputation as a good host. The conference exuded a feeling of hope and love among the attendees. For the record, Philly has the largest number of African-American Muslims in the country.
As a member of MANA's Majlis ash-Shura, and as someone concerned with Muslim community affairs, I've attended dozens of Islamic conferences over the years in several cities, including this year the ICNA conference in New Haven, the Riyaadah (under Imam Jamil Al-Amin's community) in Atlanta, and the ISNA and The Mosque Cares meetings in Chicago. Most of the time, attendance at workshops is sparse on the last day as folks are often more interested in shopping at the bazaar or returning home. However, at the MANA convention on the last day Sunday, folks were there bright and early and in large numbers to work on conference resolutions and to commit themselves to helping with the follow up tasks.
This goes to the heart of what I wish to convey -- that MANA is an idea whose time has come! The conference reflected the overwhelming sentiment that the African-American community in general and the African-American Muslim community in particular, has been marginalized, disrespected and neglected in too many instances. There was a prevailing feeling that we must do more to help ourselves if we are to be helped at all. We must also become more involved with issues affecting the non-Muslim African-American community as well and show leadership!
I for one, am not ashamed to acknowledge the early influence of the Nation of Islam upon my accepting Islam. Al Hajj Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) and Muhammad Ali were my top two heroes. Elijah Muhammad was not I repeat, was not "all wrong" in what he conveyed and what he did to help the African-American community. His slogan "Do for Self and Kind", is still quite relevant today. The prevailing "vibe" at the MANA conference was that it is past time that there be an organization designed to put the interests of the African-American Muslim community FIRST, as opposed to being an afterthought.
The fact that Imam W.D. Mohammed came and spoke and exchanged respectful comments with Imam Siraj Wahhaj, the Amir of MANA, was very significant and historic. MANA wisely presented him with its first "Lifetime Achievement Award". The fact is that historically, he led the largest "mass conversion" of Muslims in the United States, when he sheparded his followers from the Nation of Islam doctrine to following the Quran and Sunnah specifically.
In an interview last month on my radio show on WPFW 89.3 FM, I asked Imam Siraj whether the phrase "charity begins at home", is a legitimate Islamic concept. He said, "absolutely yes", and related how our Prophet (saws) said "the best sadaqa money one could spend was on his family".
It is important for Muslims, whose recent origin is from other lands, to know that many of us feel shunted when we, whose descendents have been here for 400 years, are often overlooked when conferences, television programs and publications are put together and the contributions of African-American Muslims are underrepresented or ignored altogether.
I would highly recommend an excellent book, "Servants of Allah", by Sylviane Diouf, because it documents the fact that a significant percentage of the Africans who were captured and enslaved in the Americas were Muslim, and many struggled valiantly to hold onto their faith. This is why folks like myself consider ourselves "reverts" and not "converts" to Islam. This is important, because we no longer want to be looked down upon as "babies" in the Deen. We want to be respected more as the "ansars"(i.e. the ones who were already in Medina) and who assisted the "muhajjaroon" (i.e. the Muslims who migrated there with Prophet Muhammad (saws).
am not "mad" at ICNA, ISNA, MAS, CAIR, the large suburban masajid, etc. I have many friends in all of these places and feel welcomed wherever I go, alhamdulilah.There are good people in all of these groups, and of course, African-Americans are involved with them. The reality, however, is that these organizations prioritize their work and resources to serve primarily the immigrant Muslim community.
Clearly, there is a need for the African-American part of the Ummah to "step up to the plate", because we have our own set of priority issues. That is why MANA is an idea whose time has come! We have far more "family" issues, far more "prison" issues, far more "economic" issues, etc. InshaAllah, these are among the areas that MANA has begun to focus on. For the record as well, MANA began over six years ago and got off to a slow start. We did publish several issues of a newspaper called "Grassroots", and held a series of "Meet MANA" meetings around the country, including here in the DC area at Howard University, Masjid Al-Islam, Dar Al-Hijrah and ADAMS.
We've held several Shura meetings as well, often at UMM (United Muslim Masjid) in Philadelphia. A highlight of one meeting, for example, was when we had Imam Jamil Al-Amin on speaker phone talking to us from his Georgia prison. MANA and its members have raised and donated several thousands of dollars to his family and legal defense team. Imam Jamil has recently been transferred to a "supermax" prison in Colorado, and we ask that you make du'a for him.
It is not easy, "building unity" in the African-American community, in part because of issues still present from "slavery days", when we were inculcated to mistrust each other and actually rewarded for betraying one another. A significant book that I recommend on this topic is, "Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome", by Dr. Joy Degruy Leary.
Another major challenge, to be quite candid, is the struggle for leadership. Too many folks take the attitude that it is "my way or the highway". Some state that if you aren't "down with us", you aren't really "down with the deen". This is a very counterproductive attitude. The excitement of this 1st MANA convention makes it crystal clear that we MUST find the common denominator if we are to make progress.
Intelligent people, such as those in successful partnerships and happy marriages, accept the fact that two or more people are not going to agree all the time on everything. The key is a willingness to enhance the areas of agreement, and not get "bent out of shape" about ununanimous issues. Also key, is sticking to the principle that if you do not have something good to say about someone else, especially another Imam or leader, it is better not to say anything at all. I recall a saying from Elijah Muhammad, if I may paraphrase him again, that one does not have to "bad mouth" the "dirty glass", just hold up a clean glass next to it!
In 2008, MANA plans to hold a series of mini-conferences around the country leading up to its 2nd national convention scheduled for next November in Philadelphia. Cities such as Richmond, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, and San Francisco are already on tap, and here in Washington, DC we plan to have one during the weekend of August 22-23. Now is the time to get involved to help solve some of these crisis issues we are facing. Visit to join or contact local members such as Dr. Altaf Husain (Howard University), Imam Johari Abdul-Malik (Dar Al-Hijrah), Jihad Abdul-Mumit (Richmond,Va), this writer (Dar Es Salaam Books/Health Center) or others if you'd like to do your part with MANA.
Hodari Abdul-Ali is the Executive Director of the Imam Jamil Action Network (IJAN). He can be reached at [email protected]. He hosts "Freedom Sounds" each Wednesday from 5-8 am on WPFW 89.3 FM
CAIR-Chicago Joins Imam W.D Mohammed in Address to Chicago Muslims
October 24, 2005
CAIR-Chicago Executive Director, Yaser Tabbara, and Director of Communications, Ahmed Rehab, addressed the "Mosque Cares" congregation after the Friday sermon and prayer in Homewood, IL, last Friday.
Imam W. D. Mohammed, Founder of Mosque Cares, introduced the two who spoke about CAIR-Chicago's mission statement and its services.
"CAIR-Chicago is just one of many expressions of the 'new Muslim rising' that Imam W.D. Mohammed spoke about in his address to you," said Rehab to the audience who exceeded a thousand. "There are those who are working fulltime to discredit Islam and Muslims, they have the serious resources and commitment. We too need an organization that can depend on fulltime commitment and resources if we are to fight bigotry and ignorance and stand up for our rights."
"We are not only here to make an occassional announcement," said Tabbara, "We are interested in systemizing our outreach to this great community and permanently availing our services to you. We are interested in knowing the leaders and activists of your community and working with them closely."
Imam W.D. Mohammed praised CAIR-Chicago for its work and its contributions to Chicago's Muslim communities.
The Mosque Cares congregation is predominantly composed of African-American Sunni Muslims who, under the leadership of Imam W.D. Mohammed, have managed to forge a model American Muslim community that practices and preaches a healthy interpretation of Islam, one that calls for embracing science, local business, community activism, and spiritual conciousness in word and action.
CAIR had awarded Imam W.D Mohammed with a lifetime achievement award a few weeks back.
See Link:
Andre Carson's father in law is Imam David Shaheed a former president of the virulently anti semitic Interfaith Alliance and Facilitator for the Islamic Affairs Council of the American Society of Muslims i.e. Muslims who "identify with the leadership of Warith Deen Mohammed".
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Judge David Shaheed |
The American Society of Muslims
The term American Society Of Muslims (2002) is a public designation for the association of Muslims identifying with the leadership of the Honorable Wallace D. Mohammed. It is an expression of identity characterizing the evolution of a Muslim community from the ideology and structure of the Nation (or Temples) of Islam (1930-1975) through a 23 year process of religious reorientation and organizational decentralization that included other designations, i.e., World Community of Islam in the West (1976-1981) and American Muslim Mission (1981-1985). In the July 7, 1999 issue of the *Wall Street Journal*, an article cited the growing number of Muslims in the American Society Of Muslims under the leadership of Imam Mohammed. Recently published estimates have placed its numbers at near 2.5 million persons with a percentage of immigrant and naturalized American citizens from various Muslim ethnic peoples, European Americans, and a majority of African Americans representing five generations since the earliest history of Elijah Mohammed's leadership (1933) and in some cases before. The continuing priority for the American Society Of Muslims and its leadership is the establishment of Islamic community life and the presentation of the true image of Islam. Other top interest include school accreditation and development of uniformity in standards and curriculum, a marked increase in credible publications on topics of religious, social, and historical import, and a realization of a more stable and lively material presence for the construction of institutions an facilities (mosques, schools, etc.) through an organized program of increased national and international business involvements. The entrepreneurial community that was under the leadership of the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, during the Nation of Islam, continues to thrive under the leadership of Imam W. Deen Mohammed and has increased tremendously. The Collective Purchasing Conference (CPC) established in 1995, is a limited liability company that makes volume purchases and sells to its 33 nationwide distributors. They are providing USDA inspected, Halal meats and various products for the recently acquired ComTrust Meat Packaging Facility. ComTrust is a distributorship of the Collective Purchasing Conference, the parent distributor. Today, they are the largest distributor of 'Shea Butter' in the United States, to process and distribute from their own facilities.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at