This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
March 10, 2008
Why Are Law Enforcement Agencies Including The Los Angeles Police Department Still Meeting With CAIR And Other Islamist Groups?
By William Mayer
March 10, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - - As noted in a Council on American Islamic Relations [CAIR] press release, on February 21 members of the LA chapter of that group along with other Islamist organizations such as the Muslim Public Affairs Council [MPAC] and the Muslim American Society attended the first meeting of the Los Angeles Police Department's "Muslim Community Forum."
CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation [HLF] prosecution last summer and 5 of its members have been charged and either convicted or deported on terror related charges. Ghassan Elashi, the founder of the Texas chapter of CAIR has already been convicted in the Infocom terror case and is a principal in the HLF case.
The Muslim American Society is the American wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian based terrorist group which created among other things, Hamas, the Palestinian terror group operating in Israel's West Bank and Gaza
In recent years, the U.S. Brotherhood operated under the name Muslim American Society, according to documents and interviews. One of the nation's major Islamic groups, it was incorporated in Illinois in 1993 after a contentious debate among Brotherhood members." [source see, Chicago Tribune's "A Rare Look At The Secretive Brotherhood In America,",1,3910166.story?page=5&cset=true&ctrack=1&coll=chi-newsspecials-hed]
If you are scratching your head as to why the LAPD is meeting with these two terror friendly groups consider the site of the meeting.
The event took place at the Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Foundation.
The Omar Ibn Al-Khattab Foundation is a masjid, a mosque and it was built under the auspices of a program initiated by the late Saudi King Fahd [source, King Fahd's website,] which has spent an estimated $45-80 billion worldwide to construct Wahhabist influenced mosques.
The Omar Ibn Al-Khattab masjid is not alone in this distinction, as the King Fahd Mosque in LA was also constructed under the same program. Most of these radical mosques are held in an Arabic trust - a waqf - by the North American Islamic Trust [NAIT] a Saudi dominated entity [created by the Islamic Society of North American, ISNA, an organization also named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the HLF prosecution] crafted to impose an additional layer of Wahhabist religious conformity. It is believed that approximately 80% of U.S. mosques are so held.
Clarifying this relationship between the Saudis and American mosques, an announcement on the Saudi Embassy website states:
"Prince Abdulaziz Ibn Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz, Minister of State and Cabinet Member, yesterday opened in Culver City, a western suburb of Los Angeles in California, the newly-completed King Fahd Mosque, work on which began in April of 1996. The mosque, costing SR 8.1 million (U.S. $ 2.16 million), was financed entirely by private donations from Prince Abdulaziz, who contributed over one million dollars for the purchase of the land, and from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd Ibn Abdul Aziz." [source,]
The Saudis have used this historically unprecedented mosque building program as a form of religious imperialism, intent on spreading the most radical form of Islam throughout the United States.
The Omar Ibn Al-Khattab mosque has spawned the Omar Center for Science and Technology, the Omar Academy, the Pontifex Media Center, the Omar Center for Social and Cultural Relations and the Omar Scholars Fund, a structure designed to conduct da'wa or Muslim conversion efforts.
Most of these programs are shadowy, with little in the way of a paper trail available to assess how and to what end they are organized, however the Pontifex Media Center has been involved in creating documentaries and interviews with Islamists including a key Tunisian disciple of the Muslim Brotherhood, Rashid Ghannouchi.
"Interview with Sheikh R. Ghanouchi "Director: Abdul-Wahid,Salah." Pontifex Media Center..."A Call For Democracy in Tunisia: Interview with Rachid Ganouchi, Leader of the Renaissance Party" Director: Salah M. Abdul-Wahid. Pontifex Media Center." [source,]
Ghannouchi, a British resident, considers America an "enemy of Islam." The following commentary occurred after the U.S. expelled Saddam from Kuwait during the Gulf War.
"Ghannouchi not only denounced King Fahd of Saudi Arabia for the "colossal crime" of inviting the U.S. to deploy forces, he also fully justified Saddam's invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Ghannouchi compared Saddam to Yusuf Ibn Tashfin, the 11th-century Almoravid ruler who forcibly unified the Muslim principalities of Spain in order to wrest them from Christian domination. According to Ghannouchi, the Muslims now faced "Crusader America," the "enemy of Islam," and Saddam had taken a necessary step toward unity, "joining together two Arab states out of twenty-two, praise be to God."1 Although other Islamists criticized Saudi Arabia, none embraced Saddam as fervently as Ghannouchi." [source,]
Pontifex has also produced similar materials in support of the "National Front for the Salvation of Libya" a Muslim Brotherhood influenced group led by Libyans in exile, who are seeking to impose a theocracy in place of Qadhafi's secularist totalitarian rule. [see,]
"Interview with Dr. Muhammed El Meghariaf (Secretary General of the National Front for the Salvation of Libya) Inteview conducted by: Salah M. Abdul-Wahid. Pontifex Media Center" [source,]
Unfortunately, the process which has come to be called "faith-sharing" has become a cottage industry, one tainted by the almost gleeful short-sightedness of the non-Muslim groups involved.
Actually it's more egregious than simple lack of judgment.
Law enforcement, local, state and federal governmental entities and the Christian and Jewish groups which engage in these sham programs do not want to know the potential for long-term harm the Islamist groups which they are breaking bread with, represent.
Afraid of being labeled "Islamophobes" the leaders of these entities have intentionally blinded themselves to the reality of who and what they are dealing with, which is stealth jihad.
Authentic faith sharing between Muslims and other religions is at best problematic, a one way street in which non-Muslims are primarily looked upon as targets for possible conversion. There is no real sharing possible in these exercises, with one side resolute, believing in Islamic supremacy and further chastened by a mindset in which any discussion which might result in a Muslim questioning the tenets of his or her faith borders on apostasy, which is punishable by death.
The exchange then, in these media-friendly, photo-op sessions is more elemental.
Through this process, the Islamists - always the hard nosed realists - are allowed to burnish their reputations and further establish false credentials as moderates, despite their ties to the radical ideologies represented by Wahhabism and the Muslim Brotherhood. In return, the Islamist's self-absorbed faith sharing "partners" get to pat themselves on the back and feel good about their inclusiveness, lack of judgmentalism and pursuit of mindless diversity.
With a hot and successful war being carried out against the practitioners of violent jihad, we will find the Islamists turning more and more towards the model set forth in the Muslim Brotherhoods 1991 plan to wage a fifth column attack on the West, using its political freedoms and liberalism against it in what they call a "civilizational jihadist process." [see, The Plan,]
Dr. Daniel Pipes has previously noted in "How the West Could Lose" that, "should Islamists get smart and avoid mass destruction, but instead stick to the lawful-political and non- violent route it is difficult to see what will stop them."
It is that very strategy which CAIR and MAS are pursuing vis-a-vis their LAPD meeting, which is in reality an insidious and deceptive little dance:
"That the U.S. government, the mainstream media, educational institutions, and others have given CAIR a free pass amounts to a dereliction of duty. Yet, there appear to be no signs of change. How long will it be until the establishment finally recognizes CAIR for what it is and denies it mainstream legitimacy?" [see, "Islamists Fooling The Establishment,"]
Law enforcement entities such as the LAPD had better take note of the deleterious long-term effect that these "feel good" sessions with groups such as CAIR, MAS and MPAC might have on efforts to defeat radical Islam. Instead of engaging in problematic dialogue with enemies of the West they should be concerning themselves with taking steps to insulate the "thin blue line" against the deceptive practices which the Islamists have so far successfully employed.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at