This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at

Enough is Enough:Ban the Koran: Translation of Geert WIlders Volkskrant piece which is causing uproar in Holland

August 14, 2007

De groep Wilders

Enough is Enough: Ban the Koran

Geert Wilders opinion piece in the Volkskrant 8/8/07

Translation by Beila Rabinowitz director of MIM (Dutch text below)

The Koran is a facist book which incites violence,writes Geert Wilders. That is why this book, just like Mein Kampf, must be banned.

I have been proclaiming this for years: A moderate Islam does not exist. For those who don't want to believe me: read the speech which the Italian writer Oriana Fallaci who alas, died last year held in New York on November 28th 2007 when she received a prize for her heroic resistance to Islamo facism and her struggle for freedom:

"A moderate Islam does not exist. It does not exist because there is no difference between Good Islam and Bad Islam. There is Islam and that it the end of it. Islam is the Koran, and nothing other than the Koran. And the Koran is the Mein Kampf of a religion that desires to eliminate others- non –Muslims-who are called infidel dogs, and inferior creatures. Read the Koran, that Mein Kampf, yet again. In whatever version and you will see that the evil which the sons of Allah against us and themselves has perpetrated comes from that book".(Oriana Fallaci"The Force of Reason" post-script page 305 February 2006)

Ehsan Jami is one such infidel dog who had the courage to call the Prophet Mohammed a criminal and for referring to some of the strictures of the Koran as backwards and who got it into his head to stand up for other apostate dogs and even organized a committee for them. Allah finds that the death penalty is warranted for apostasy. Last Saturday that was almost a reality: the infidel Jami was beaten bloody by two Morrocans and one Somalian.

(Translators note: Ehsan Jami is a young Dutch munipal council member and is now living under guard in an undisclosed location after receiving scores of death threats after making critical remarks about Islam and Mohammed in a television interview.

Enough is enough. Let's stop with the politically correct spin and hype. It is good that Jami now has protection and it is too bad it did not happen sooner, but that does not solve the core of the problem. The core of the problem is fascistic Islam, the sick ideology of Allah and Mohammed as it is set out in the Islamic Mein Kampf: the Koran. The texts in the Koran leave little to the imagination.

In various Sura's Muslims are called upon to oppress, persecute, or kill Jews, Christians and others, believers and non –believers and to beat women and to rape and to use violence to implement a worldwide Islamist state. Numerous other Sura's are used by Muslims to incite to death and destruction.

Ban that wretched book like Mein Kampf is banned!

In doing so send a signal to Jami's attackers and other Islamist that the Koran never ever can be allowed to be used as an inspiration for violence. I am ashamed of the Dutch politicians. Their naïve and pathological striving for a utopian moderate Islam which will only bring our country hell and damnation. I am ashamed of the people inside and outside the Lower House who refuse to stop the Islamic invasion of Holland. I am ashamed for Dutch politicians who day in and day out accept the over representation of foreigners in illegality and criminality and have no answer for it.

The Hague is full of cowardly members.Fearful people who are born cowards and will die as cowards. They find and promote the idea tha the Dutch culture is has its foundation in Jewish-Christian- Islamic –tradition. They award a general pardon to liars and criminals.

(Translators note: The Hague is the location of the Dutch parliament.Wilders also refers to a planned amnesy for 30,000 illegal immigrants )

They look the other way when homosexuals are beaten up almost every day. Those who want to implement a system of shari'a interest.

(Translator's note: A reference to the 19 year old Muslim who was just sentenced to jail for attacking homosexuals (note this article mentions the severity of the injuries but not that Muslim youth were behind the attack. Contrast this with the headline in the Dutch Elsevier magazine "Foreigners jailed for attacks on homosexuals" "Foreigners" being an obvious term for Muslim as the youth is named Hazim B.

Those who talk to the representatives of the terrorist group Hamas. Those who work for the dictatorial Morrocan king.

(Translator's note: Wilders called for the srapping of dual nationality after a Dutch/Morrocan parliamentarian spent time in her home country working on a Morrocan government project.

Those who see the extremists of the Muslim Brotherhood as partners for discussion. Those who permit Muslim men to refuse to let their wives be treated by a male doctor. Those who couldn't care less about the interests of the Dutch citizen and are working to transform the Netherlands into Netherlarabia as a province of the super state Eurabia.

I have had enough of Islam in Holland: Not one more Muslim immigrant should be let in. I have had enough of the reverence for Allah and Mohammed in the Netherlands: There should not be even one more mosque. I have had enough of the Koran in the Netherlands. Ban that wretched book.

Enough is enough.

Geert Wilders is the chairman of the Freedom Party


MIM: The original Dutch text as published in the Volkskrant.

Genoeg is genoeg: verbied de Koran

Opinie Geert Wilders

De Koran is een fascistisch boek dat oproept tot geweld, schrijft Geert Wilders. Daarom moet dat boek, net als Mein Kampf, worden verboden.

Ik roep het al jaren: een gematigde islam bestaat niet. Voor wie mij niet wil geloven: lees de speech die de helaas vorig jaar overleden Italiaanse schrijfster Oriana Fallaci op 28 november 2005 hield in New York, toen zij een prijs in ontvangst nam ter ere van haar heldhaftig verzet tegen het islamofascisme en haar strijd voor vrijheid: ‘Een gematigde islam bestaat niet. Het bestaat niet, omdat er geen onderscheid is tussen Goede islam en Slechte islam. Er is islam, en daar houdt het mee op. En islam is de Koran, en niets dan de Koran. En de Koran is het Mein Kampf van een religie die beoogt anderen te elimineren, die die anderen – niet-moslims – ongelovige honden noemt, inferieure wezens. Lees de Koran, dat Mein Kampf, nog eens. In welke versie dan ook, je zult zien dat al het kwade dat de zoons van Allah tegen ons en henzelf begaan, uit dat boek afkomstig is (Oriana Fallaci, The Force of Reason, post-script, pag. 305, februari 2006).'

Ehsan Jami is zo'n ongelovige hond, een afvallige moslim die het lef had de profeet Mohammed een crimineel en sommige bepalingen uit de Koran achterlijk te noemen. En die het ook nog in zijn hoofd heeft gehaald op te komen voor andere afvallige honden en daar zelfs een comité voor heeft opgericht. Allah vindt voor afvalligheid de doodstraf gepast. Afgelopen zaterdag werd dat bijna realiteit: de ongelovige Jami werd door twee Marokkanen en een Somaliër tot bloedens toe in elkaar geramd.

Genoeg is genoeg. Laten we ophouden met politiek correct gedraai en gekonkel. Het is goed dat Jami nu beveiligd wordt en een schande dat dit niet eerder is gebeurd, maar het lost de kern van het probleem niet op. De kern van het probleem is de fascistische islam, de zieke ideologie van Allah en Mohammed zoals neergelegd in de islamitische Mein Kampf: de Koran. De teksten uit de Koran laten weinig aan de verbeelding over.

In verschillende soera's worden moslims opgeroepen joden, christenen, andersgelovigen en niet-gelovigen te onderdrukken, vervolgen of vermoorden, vrouwen te slaan en te verkrachten en met geweld een wereldwijde islamitische staat te vestigen. Soera's te over die moslims oproepen en aanzetten tot dood en verderf.

Verbied dat ellendige boek zoals ook Mein Kampf verboden is! Geef zo een signaal aan de overvallers van Jami en andere islamisten dat de Koran in ons land nooit en te nimmer als inspiratie of excuus voor geweld mag worden gebruikt.

Wat schaam ik me voor de Nederlandse politici. Hun naïviteit en ziekelijke streven naar de utopische gematigde islam, die ons land alleen maar hel en verdoemenis brengt. Wat schaam ik me voor al diegenen in en buiten kabinet en Tweede Kamer die de islamitische invasie van Nederland weigeren te stoppen. Wat schaam ik me voor de Nederlandse politiek die dag in dag uit de oververtegenwoordiging van allochtonen in de criminaliteit en misdaad accepteert en er geen antwoord op heeft.

Den Haag zit vol met laffe lieden. Bange mensen die laf zijn geboren en laf zullen sterven. Die vinden en bevorderen dat de Nederlandse cultuur gestoeld zal zijn op een joods-christelijke-islamitische traditie. Die een generaal pardon verlenen aan leugenaars en criminelen. Die de andere kant op kijken als homoseksuelen inmiddels bijna dagelijks in elkaar worden geramd. Die sharia-hypotheken willen invoeren.

Die met vertegenwoordigers van de terroristische Hamas in gesprek gaan. Die werkzaamheden verrichten voor de dictatoriale Marokkaanse koning. Die extremisten van de Moslimbroederschap als gesprekspartner zien. Die toestaan dat moslimmannen weigeren hun zieke vrouw te laten behandelen door mannelijke artsen. Die lak hebben aan de belangen van de Nederlandse burger en meewerken aan de transformatie van Nederland in Nederabië als provincie van de islamitische superstaat Eurabië.

Ik heb genoeg van de islam in Nederland: geen moslimimmigrant er meer bij. Ik heb genoeg van de aanbidding van Allah en Mohammed in Nederland: geen moskee er meer bij. Ik heb genoeg van de Koran in Nederland: verbied dat fascistische boek.

Genoeg is genoeg.

Geert Wilders is fractievoorzitter van de Partij voor de Vrijheid.


MIM: Additional background information:

Dutch Reject Call to Ban Koran But Worry About Islam
By Patrick Goodenough International Editor
August 16, 2007
( - Three out of four citizens of the Netherlands reject a populist lawmaker's call for the Koran to be banned, according to a poll that also indicates a deep level of concern about the role of Islam in their country. The poll indicates there is steadily growing support for the controversial politician's party.

Geert Wilders of the anti-immigration Freedom Party (PVV) last week called publicly for the Koran to be banned. The subject continues to stir debate, and the Dutch ANP news agency reported that authorities have received "scores" of complaints from around the country.

In an open letter published in a Dutch newspaper, Wilders said some of the text's verses instruct Muslims "to oppress, persecute or kill Christians, Jews, dissidents and non-believers, to beat and rape women and to establish an Islamic state by force."

Wilders told Cybercast News Service earlier that despite criticism, he believed that "many, many Dutch voters" shared his views.

When his new party entered parliament last November, it captured nine of the 150 seats in the chamber, becoming the fifth-largest party and surprising many observers. The most recent poll on political preferences, conducted after the ban-the-Koran row, showed that the PVV would double its representation, securing 18 seats, if elections were held now.

Although the same poll, conducted by pollster Maurice du Hond, found that three-quarters of the respondents disagreed with Wilders' stance on the Koran, it also found 68 percent support for the decision of De Volkrant newspaper to publish the letter. (It subsequently emerged that Wilders had approached another Dutch paper, the NRC Handelsblad, first but it had declined to publish it, citing an "offensive tone" and weak argument.)

Other survey results indicated that many Dutch people are concerned about the inter-communal and inter-religious situation in their country, where one in every 16 citizens is now of the Muslim faith.

Almost 70 percent of the respondents agreed that Dutch political parties do not openly discuss the subject of Islam enough.

Fifty percent said the content of the Koran was more violent with respect to "unbelievers" than the Bible or Torah, while 30 percent disagreed.

Fifty-one percent of those polled said Islam in the Netherlands "threatens" the country's culture and 13 percent said it "enriches" it.

And asked their views about the integration of Islam in the Netherlands, 17 percent said they were "optimistic," 65 percent said "pessimistic," and 17 percent declared themselves "neutral" on the subject.

Meanwhile, Wilders says he plans to press criminal charges against a Dutch-Moroccan rapper who calls himself Appa, after the rapper told a newspaper that "if someone were to put a bullet in his [Wilders'] head, I wouldn't mind."

Appa's latest song/video is laced with expletives and features images depicting violence, assaults and an abduction. He wears a t-shirt bearing the word "terrorist" and handles knives and axes and other weapons.

Wilders drew to the justice ministry's attention the fact that Appa has been holding "workshops" for juvenile criminals in Dutch prisons, teaching them to rap. Following the threat against the lawmaker, the ministry said it would no longer work with the rapper.

Wilders said his call for the Koran to be banned was sparked by an attack by Muslims on a young Dutch politician of Iranian origin who set up a group for people who had renounced their Muslim faith. Ehsan Jami was not hurt, but the August 4 assault was the latest in a number of violent incidents in recent years in which critics of Islam have been targeted.

Like Wilders' letter, the attack on Jami - who is now under police protection - has triggered a strong public response, and more than a dozen prominent figures have joined a committee to support his organization for ex-Muslims.

The committee has sent letters to 50 politicians and academics on the right and left, asking them to sign a declaration supporting the right of free choice in religion.

In 2004, a Dutch-Moroccan extremist murdered Theo Van Gogh, a controversial filmmaker critical of extremist Islam. Another high-profile critic, Somalia-born lawmaker Ayaan Hirsi Ali, had worked with Van Gogh on a documentary about the oppression of women under Islam. She too faced death threats and later moved to the United States, where she is now a resident fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute.


One Dutch clergyman's suggestion for improving relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in the country caused a stir this week.

Speaking on a Dutch television program, Catholic Bishop Martinus Muskens proposed that Dutch Christians start referring to God as "Allah," saying this would promote better relations between adherents of the two religions.

Muskens noted that Christians in Islamic lands use the term "Allah" in reference to God, and predicted that Christians in the Netherlands would do so too eventually, even if it took 100 years.

The diocese of Breda, where the 71-year-old bishop is located, issued a statement saying Muskens was not reflecting the views of the diocese or of the Dutch Catholic Bishops' Conference.

Theologians say Christians living in the Arab world used the Arabic word "Allah" for God even before the founding of Islam in the 7th century. Christian Arabs still use the word when referring to God, despite significant differences in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic conceptions of God.

When President Bush said during a November 2003 press conference that he believed Christians and Muslims "worship the same God," evangelical leaders reacted strongly, with one leading Southern Baptist figure calling the president "simply mistaken."

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at