This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
May 13, 2007
MIM: According to Islamic community leaders Farhat Biriji and Zia Rahman in New Jersey the six Muslims who were arrested in New Jersey and Philadelphia were "claiming to be Muslims". This raises several intriquing theological questions:
1) If the jihadi wannabes who were arrested for plotting to kill "as many Americans as possible" by attacking Fort Dix are released or aquitted would they then be considered to be real Muslims ?
2) If Islamic law proscribes the death penalty for Muslims who leave Islam - would a conviction men mean that the six aspiring infidel killers are indeed "claiming to be Muslims" and have defacto aspostasied themselves out of the community liable for the death penalty according to shari'a?
3) Would a conviction by an American court be considered nul and void because Islamists dont recognise or accept any law except The Shari'a meaning the six who are "claiming to be Muslims" really are just that?
MIM: Farhat Biviji is the go to gall for the Anjuman -I -Fakhri Mosque in Cherry Hill. Forty eight hours before the terror bust Mayor Bernie Platt and Senator Aderl celebrated with Cherry Hill Muslims to break ground for a new mosque. Both men outdid themselves in dhimmitude. See: Diversity Run Amok: Mayor Bernie Platt of Cherry Hill "Thank God we are going to have a mosque".
MIM: Note how both the statements by Fajhat Biviji, spokeswoman of the not yet built mosque and Zia Rahman of the recently opened mosque in Vorhees are taken from the same template and stress similiar points with slight variations in wording.
Farhat Biviji, 54, a founding member of the soon-to-be-built Anjuman-I-Fakhri Mosque in Cherry Hill, said: "My heart sank when we heard of these horrible men who claimed to be Muslims. They are testing us all. Testing our ability to retain that tolerance. I pray that they have not damaged the goodwill of our community."
MIM: Zia Rahman is also one of the stealth Islamists who uses the facade of interfaith to get support from the Jewish and Christian Communities for his mosque building and was together with Farhat Biviji at a recent interfaith event. Both groups are planning another lovefest on May 20th 2007 with 150 people expected to attend.
Voorhees, N.J., resident Zia Rahman was watching a television news station this morning when reports of a botched terrorist plot flashed across the screen.
Rahman quickly learned that six men from the former Yugoslavia and the Middle East were arrested for allegedly planning an attack on the Fort Dix Army base.
Rahman, who is managing director and trustee of the Muslim American Community Association and who led the opening of the first mosque in Voorhees, said the news is a setback for all communities across the nation.
"When you hear this kind of story, it's heartbreaking," Rahman said. "I frankly cannot understand why anyone would do that." Rahman said he is disappointed that the Islamic religion, which is grounded in peace, has been distorted by the actions of "people claiming themselves to be Muslims."
Boilerplate Statement Meter
MIM: In a boilerplate statement to the New York Times Rahman uses a different variation of the not Muslim dis"claim"er. Now the arrested men seem to have been the victims of a misunderstanding which could happen to anybody it seems. Their confusion is presented as a theological dysfunction whereby Islam takes on a life of it's own and is acquired by osmosis without the help of the Koran and Imams such as Rahman himself.
And again the boiler plate catch phrase "These people claim to be Muslim". In short the jihad plot is the result of deluded Muslims who mistook Islam as a call to jihad instead of a "religion of peace".
This is not what our religion teaches us," said Zia Rahman, 60, who helped found a mosque in nearby Voorhees last September. "These people claim to be Muslim, but I don't know how they can be. Islam is a religion of peace, not of violence and this goes against the grain of our religion."
MIM question:
If the Big Lie is that Muslims who get arrested for plotting or carrying out terrorist attacks are not really Muslims but just claiming to be, as was said of the Ft.Dix 6 ,do they revert to their Muslim status if they are released without charge or acquitted?MIM: Zia Rahman and his wife Zarida repeated their party line in a different paper. This time Rahida implied that it was non Muslims who posed a danger to Muslims and the six Muslims arrested as terror plotters had just been a freak of nature with no connection to Muslims, Islam, the mosque or the Koran. She further states that non Muslims who are worried about terrorism are misguided and completely off base in even considering that Muslims and terrorism could somehow be intertwined: In a text book study of Islamist obfuscation we read that:
Rahman's wife, Zahida, said anyone who believes that Islam or members of the mosque would promote this sort of illegal activity is misguided.
She said she has some concerns about reprisals from those who want to blame the mosque, or Muslims, for the plot.
MIM: In their haste to gloss over the fact that Zia Rahman worshipped with the terrorists he implies that it is more likely that the terrorists came from outer space then they turn out to be Muslims .
Rahman was instrumental in convincing the residents in Voorhees (with the help of interfaith useful idiots) to accomodate his mosque, and is trying to do some heavy duty damage control. In a previous interview he expressed concern that the mosque would lose the "goodwill" of it's supporters.
Zia Rahman apparently attended a prayer service with several suspected terrorists, but he said he never imagined the men were capable of plotting an attack against Fort Dix.
They came across as very polite and very respectful," Rahman said. "I could not believe that they could be involved in this.
"These guys are not supposed to be involved in this type of behavior.
Local Muslims condemn plot; say that Islam teaches peace
Burlington County Times
PALMYRA — Zia Rahman apparently attended a prayer service with several suspected terrorists, but he said he never imagined the men were capable of plotting an attack against Fort Dix.
"I have seen some of them (at the Islamic Center of South Jersey here) maybe four months ago," Rahman said of brothers Dritan, Shain and Eljvir Duka, three Cherry Hill residents who were among the six men charged Tuesday with conspiring to attack and kill U.S. soldiers at Fort Dix.
Rahman, managing director of the Muslim American Community Association in Voorhees, Camden County, said he didn't know the brothers by name, but they seemed quite friendly when he spoke to them at the center on Garfield Avenue in Palmyra.
"They came across as very polite and very respectful," Rahman said. "I could not believe that they could be involved in this. If it's true, I condemn it.
"These guys are not supposed to be involved in this type of behavior. Islam means peace, love and compassion. We're not talking about violence and hostility," he said.
Rahman's wife, Zahida, said anyone who believes that Islam or members of the mosque would promote this sort of illegal activity is misguided.
"We don't have any extremists here," Zahida Rahman said yesterday after teaching a womans' group at the center. "We teach the Koran here. We don't teach extremism."
She said she doesn't know why any Muslim would be connected to such unspeakable acts.
"Islam doesn't teach things like that," Zahida Rahman said. "Islam means peace. Islam is not terrorism. In the Koran it says, "If you kill one person, you kill humanity. If you save one person, you save humanity.'
MIM: Discussion of this quote which has become the cliche Islamist response to any terrorist arrest or attack have noted that the "one person" whom Muslims refer to in this instance only applies to a fellow Muslim. In other words, killing infidels does not have the same cosmic effect on humanity nor does saving a non Muslim life, so citing this verse as proof that Islam forbids killing people is inherently disingenuous.
MIM: ZIa and Zahida Rahman and Farfhat Biviji are using the same formula put forth by the North American Iman Federation headed by Omar Shahin the ringleader of "the flying Imams".
The six Imams also operated straight out of the handbook prepared for the NAIF Imam conference which described how to use thwarted and sucessful terrorist attacks to remind the public that Islam was a "religion of peace".
"Islam is now almost constantly on the news, and Imams must be capable of dealing effectively with the media. Good communication skills encompass being able to respond to media inquires , fielding questions from journalists, addressing information about Islam and the media, generating positive story ideals, and writing letters to the editor when necessary. Communication should not be limited to responding to misconceptions, but Imams should also take advantage of opportunities to highlight activities in local mosques and the contribution of Muslims to local communities."
In this same document NAIF counseled extremely aggressive and thoroughly coordinated media manipulation:
"In this regard NAIF intends to select a number of Imams to be in charge of this task of responding to the media. Each Imam will be responsible for one or more specific week(s) of the year. Given the unfortunate state of the world. it is likely that during each week there will be an opportunity to condemn extremism and violence. The Imam in charge of this week would write a short message, perhaps 50 to 100 to 200 or 300 words , responding to the specific event released in the news during their week. Then this message would be sent via e-mail to all the Imams on NAIF mailing list seeking their approval or disapproval of the event that occurred. Aftwards, an official statement representing NAIF's stance condemning violence and extremism could be issued.. NAIF would then phone the editorial page editor or the city page editor of the local newspaper or the local broadcast station to post Imam's official statements, NAIF would tell this editor that his newspaper or broadcasting statement will have sole and exclusive right (sic) to print or broadcast the message within the next 24 hours. Afterwards the message will be sent to the national media."
Access entire NAIF conference handbook, in .pdf file format here.
Farhat Biviji![]() |
Farhat Biviji discusses Muslim beliefs regarding holiday observances. |
"The Catholic-Jewish-Muslim Dialogue of Southern New Jersey conducted "Breaking Bread Together," an interfaith exploration of the significance of each community's holidays, on November 19 at St. Rose of Lima R.C. Church in
Haddon Heights. More than 120 people attended the workshops and multicultural snack reception following the program."
MIM: Note that Biviji does not wear a hijab. More mosques and Islamic centers are chosing women as spokespeople. They attempt to dress as "Western' as possible in order to put people at ease regarding their Islamist intent. A recent case involving the principle designate of the controversial Khalil Gibran Arabic school in NYC is a case in point. Less then week after a photo was published of Dhabah Almontaser wearing a cowl -like headcovering and robe with the caption "Jihad School Principle" she underwent a complete makeover which and switched form cowl to chic headscarf -makeup, jewelery and floral patterned clothes. See"
MIM: The attendees of the interfaith love fest has such a good time they are planning an "Interfaith Prayer for Peace" on March 20th organised by the Jewish Community Relations Council, and the Catholic -Muslim -Jewish Dialouge of New Jersey.
Perhaps they can introduce a new prayer which asks for Muslim mosques like the new one in Voohees and the planned one in Cherry Hill can purge those "claiming to be Muslims" who want to kill "as many Americans as possible" from their congregations so people won't get confused between the jihadists and the religion of peaceniks. The churches and temples would also have to do likewise of course - in the interests of multiculturalism and diversity lest it appear that the Muslims are being singled for their connections to radical Islamist activities.
Organizers of the event met with lecturers following the program. From left: Alan Respler, JCRC Executive Director; Farhat Biviji, Muslim lecturer; Rabbi Lewis Eron, Jewish lecturer; Gloria Mazziotti, co-chair of the Catholic Jewish Commission and co-chair of the Breaking Bread program committee; Msgr. John Frey, Roman Catholic lecturer; and Zia Rahman, managing director of the Voorhees American Muslim Society and a co-chair of the three-way dialogue group.
MIM:More Jewish Muslim Christian kumbaya coming is on the horizon. Perhaps they can invite some members of the Duka family to show their solidarity with their jihadically challenged Muslim neighbors.
How about a pizza fundraiser?
After all being arrested for being part of homegrown jihad cell aiming to"kill as many Americans as possible" could happen to anybody.
Muslim Tartar, who claimed cluelessness at his son's arrest could probably use the business now that his lucrative Ft.Dix deliveries have been halted.
Tartar's expression of shock at his sons arrest and protestation of innocence strained credulity, which is only trumped by his apparent stroke of good luck, within 3 days of the terror arrest his pizzeria has found a new manager! This fortuitous development has not however, done as much for business as anticipated , as shockingly the residents simply dont believe it.
It seems that Cherry Hill and Ft.Dix needs a big lesson in forgiveness, tolerance and diversity
. What better way than to begin with a big delivery order from the Interfaith Prayer Service at their next meeting?
May 12, 2007
Muslim Tatar, the father of one of the six men described as radical Islamists and charged with plotting to kill soldiers at Fort Dix, said his pizza shop is all but ruined because people have stopped coming in after his son was arrested by federal authorities. Tatar, who has owned the shop for five years, displayed a sign claiming that it was "under new management." But many people in the Fort Dix community said they simply don't believe it.
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-------------------------------------- MIM: Below is a Jihad Watch analysis of what has become the usual variation of the arrest of Muslims for terrrorism in quiet residential neighborhood story -Muslims announce they are afraid. brings Muslim announcement that they fear for their safety. Cue standard "Muslims fear backlash, deplore terrorism" storyThis one, "Local Muslims Fear Backlash Following Terror Plot," is by Cydney Long for Philadelphia's (thanks to all who sent this in). Let's see -- have we touched all the bases? Muslims shocked by terror charges? Check. The jihadists don't represent all Muslims? Check. Islam is a religion of peace? Check. Qur'an good? Check. If you blame the religion you're blaming all Muslims? Check. Good, Cydney! You get an A+ for this one! (CBS 3) VORHEES, N.J. Muslims in the region are bracing themselves for a possible backlash in response to the terror plot arrests. Why? Have they received threats? None are reported in this story. Has there been a backlash against Muslims after any other jihadists were arrested? No -- Americans are decent, fair-minded people who don't persecute the innocent, to the extent that CAIR's Nihad Awad has to exhort Muslims to play the victim game more effectively, and CAIR has to trump up hate crimes. And for many Muslims, news of the arrests comes as a surprise. In reality, no. It means "submission." Is Rahman ignorant, or is he just playing Cydney Long for a patsy? Unclear. "Religion itself is full of peace. It teaches peace and these people are doing quite the opposite of that. It's totally condemned," Rahman said. Of course, in this Rahman does nothing to explain how these jihadists could have gotten the idea that what they were doing was religiously mandated, and what he and his peaceful cohorts were doing to make sure this sort of thing didn't happen again. Rahman read from his Qur'an in Arabic and again in English reciting what Muslims pray for five times each day. That doesn't follow at all. If some people commit violence and justify it by reference to Islamic texts and teachings, it becomes a simple question of fact as to whether those teachings actually exist, and whether or not the violent people were interpreting them properly or not. But if they were, it doesn't say anything at all about other Muslims, who may not know, or not care, or in some cases actively reject, those same teachings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIM: Zia Rahman reacts with feigned disbelief that Muslims could have been arrested on terrorism charges Of course it all a big misunderstanding -because Islam is the religion of peace. It has nothing at all to do with Muslims or Islam. According to Rahman and his wife there can be no such thing as Islamist terrorism because anyone who carries out acts of terrorism is only claiming to be a Muslim, The real problem is with the ignorant non Muslims who nmust start learning about Islam ASAP. If they did that there would be no more misunderstand. Rahman is "urging" the American public to try to understand Islam. Because he and his wife Zahida want you to believe that:
By Beila Rabinowitz and William Mayer
May 10, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - - Less than 48 hours before federal law enforcement officials nabbed several Cherry Hill Muslims who were involved in a terror plot to murder American servicemen at nearby Fort Dix, their co-religionists were partying with Mayor Bernie Platt at a ground breaking ceremony for the township's first mosque.
In an obscene display of dhimmitude, Mayor Platt told the Muslims "I'm deeply honored to be here…particularly since I'm of the Jewish faith. We have many religions here…now, thank God, we're going to have a mosque."
As Platt and state Senator Adler helped break ground for the mosque, the symbolism could not have been more potent - politicians digging their constituent's graves while local Muslims gloated about the degree of dhimmitude being shown them.
This is a very lucky mosque," said Quresh Dahodwala the leader of the sect building the mosque which will be called Anjuman-E-Fakhri, "All mosques are special" he said, "but this one is a little bit more so because it has received so much love and support…Once you build a mosque, it…will grow fast." [source]
Farhat Biviji, a member of the congregation, praised Cherry Hill as a "model of diversity," noting that in addition to many churches and synagogues it hosts houses of worship for Hindus and Buddhists "and soon, God willing, a Muslim mosque."
"A house of worship, be it church or synagogue or mosque, is the center of a community, a place of sharing and caring," said Aamilsaheb Janab Taher Bhaisaheb, the spiritual leader of the local congregation.
The mosque, he promised, "will be a compassionate and much-treasured addition to Cherry Hill."
The level of unctuousness displayed by the Muslims was trumped however by the dhimmitude oozing from state Senator Adler who declared Cherry Hill a "town of faith and tolerance" adding, "what all people want is peace. We're in a place of peace right now."
Two days later, Cherry Hill's kumbaya bubble burst with headlines attesting to the arrest of 6 local Muslim men who were planning "to kill as many Americans as possible" on the nearby Fort Dix military base, with one of the terror plotters, Eljvir Duka - a member of the Muslim community in the "town of tolerance" - having proclaimed "In the end, when it comes to defending your religion, when someone…attacks your religion, your way of life, then you go jihad."
What a difference 48 hours makes…
Fortunately, the mosque project cannot go forward without the approval of the Environmental Protection Agency because it is situated on a wetland, let's hope the agency operates with its usual aggressiveness in such matters and denies the permit.
MIM: No page on Muslim obsfuscation would be complete without a quote from Ibrahim Dremali the former Imam of the Islamic Center of Boca Raton -who is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and exhorted followers at a 2002 rally in Miami "not to be sad for martyrs because they died for what they believe in". Dremali who has a black belt in karate has suddenly appearst to be scared as a rabbit for a non existent backlash and issued this paranoid and hysterical statement.
Dremali has also promoted the story that he himself was the victim of an attack after 9/11 by two "rednecks in a white pick up truck with an American flag" who "stuck a gun barrel in his chest". Amazingly it was only Dremali who saw them and they haven't been since.
Iowa Muslims are bracing themselves, fearful that allegations of a plot by six Muslim men to attack Fort Dix, N.J., will spawn new incidents of anti-Islamic harassment and bias.
"Everybody was talking about" the FBI arrests of the men, said Ibrahim Dremali, imam of the Des Moines Islamic Center. "Some are afraid backlash may be coming. People are becoming cautious again. I've told them they have to be careful."
MIM: Worth noting how in the wake of a terrorist arrest or thwarted terror attack it is always the Muslims who are crying that they are the ones in danger.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at