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February 22, 2007
Press Release on Muslim Forum Utah website "Trolley Square Shootings Not Related to Islam and Muslims" 2/14/07 and 2/17/07
By Beila Rabinowitz and William A. Mayer
February 21, 2007 - San Francisco, CA - - Though evidence in the case of Sulejman Talovic's February 12 military style assault strongly suggests that it may have been an act of jihad, as of this writing local law enforcement and the FBI stubbornly maintain that they have determined "no official motive" for the shopping mall rampage in which the eighteen year old Bosnian Muslim immigrant shotgunned six people to death and wounded several others before an off duty policeman ended the ordeal by killing the gunman.
More troubling than law enforcement's efforts to suppress speculation about the terrorist nature of the event, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson seems to be more concerned with a so-far nonexistent "backlash" against the Bosnian community, than for the victims whose lives were snuffed out.
Talovic's family and indeed much of Salt Lake's surrounding Bosnian Muslim population have a history steeped in the violence of the Balkan civil war. The killer's father Suljo, a former Bosnian mujahideen fighter suggested to the media that his son might have been manipulated:
"Suljo Talovic doesn't know where his son got the guns or how he learned how to use them.
Suljo Talovic, Father of Shooter: "Somebody got (the guns)…and maybe (they were) training him and tell(ing) him (to), 'go shoot somebody.'"
Question: So you think that somebody influenced him maybe to do this?
Suljo Talovic: "Yeah. I think somebody." [source radio station KSL]
[Editor's note: Salt Lake City's Bosnian community is an artificial construct, the result of the State Department's resettlement program [working with multicultural lefty do-gooders such as the International Rescue Committee] which has transported troubled, often primitive/tribal [Somali for example] foreign communities into the unfamiliar surrounding of the United States. For details about the legacy of U.S. intervention into the Balkan civil war which was based on a clever and extremely well financed Muslim public relations deception, see 10 Years And Counting - Still No Exit Plan From Clinton Created, European Al-Qaeda Base]
That "somebody" could easily be any one or more of the several thousand Bosnian Muslim refugees who settled in the Salt Lake City area and who like Talovic's father gained military training and jihad experience during the Bosnian war. According to eyewitness accounts Talovic was "calm and aimed his rifle at his victims while smiling," and that he made his victims kneel before executing them.
Both Talovic's detached, serene demeanor and the cold-blooded style of execution are consistent with those who perpetrate jihad.
At this point the most telling evidence that this was a premeditated Islamist attack exists on a video shot at the scene by an eyewitness.
On that video Talovic can be heard twice shouting what sounds like "Allahu Akhbar" [God is great, the traditional Muslim battle cry].
It is also worth noting that Muslim clerics have issued fatwas [religious findings[ forbidding Muslims to celebrate Valentines Day, calling it an infidel holiday, and that the majority of the victims were killed in a gift shop looking for Valentine's Day related items.
The official response of the Salt Lake City government has been disconcerting, instead of rushing to console the families of the dead and injured Mayor Rocky Anderson has gone to great lengths to appease and assure the Muslim and Bosnian communities that no harm would come to them.
Quick to exploit the opportunity, organizations like the Utah Consortium of Minority Groups [UCMG] took advantage of the unexpected media attention to demand more social welfare spending while asking "forgiveness" from the families of the victims in the same breath.
The UCMG's take on this horrific crime is essentially the same as that of the SLC Mayor's Office, that people are not responsible for what they do, that the obvious [the Bosnian community's intimate familiarity with the Balkan jihad] has no relevance to the matter and that the community from which sprung the killer was indeed the victim of the crime not its potential accomplice.
As Ljubica 'Buba' Roth, a Balkan refugee and the leader of the UCMG stated "We came to Utah to be Americans, instead we're isolated and afraid." In 2005 she made the preposterous claim that "many refugees are living in conditions worse then that of refugee camps in their homelands and it's time to do something about it."
Such attitudes prompt the obvious question of what native born citizens of Utah are supposed to feel when they and their children are being massacred in the streets by ungrateful refugees who are on the public dole.
This toxic mixture of resentment, entitlement, and crass ingratitude on the part of the Bosnian immigrants brings with it the troubling specter of increased social unrest prompted by an "us verses them" mentality which has now been forcibly injected into a heretofore homogenous Mormon community. This may partially explain why Utah's Governor Jon Huntsman, Salt Lake City Mayor Rocky Anderson and the chief of police have been so feverishly portraying the immigrant's as the real victims of the shopping mall slaughter.
On the Thursday after the shooting, both Mayor and Chief of Police, "assured Bosnian immigrants that authorities would not stand for any backlash against them."
Of course there was and continues to be no backlash. As a matter of fact, the non-Muslim community has rallied to the family's support. Some of the victim's families have even expressed sympathy with the Talovics and funds are being collected to help the family pay for the killer's $5,000 burial in his native Bosnia.
With the victim's family's still burying their dead and nursing their wounded, the Mayor found time to blast people who speculated that the shootings could have been a terrorist act for jumping to "unjustified, outrageous conclusions," though such speculation so-far seems the best explanation for Talovic's motivation.
Sulejman Talovic's short but violent history started at age 10 when he was sent to juvenile court for throwing rocks at a little girl. A second girl was pulled to safety by her mother just in time. The ten year old Talovic also threatened his landlord with a knife who didn't report the incident at the time.
A few years later at the age of 12 Talovic faced a judge after having been accused of holding a knife to a the head of a 12 year old girl while saying "I'll kill you."
Talovic's last court appearance was in 2001 for theft.
The Mayor's dhimmitude towards the Muslim community and misplaced deference to their sensibilities is hardly new. He has been a participant in and initiator of programs involving the Muslim Forum of Utah [MFU].
The MFU was founded in 2003 and is directed by Babak aka "Bobby" Darwish. The MFU director of Public Relations Abdul Malik Muhamed was personally appointed by the Mayor to his Black Advisory Council. Last year he had been appointed by Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Caroon to sit on the Commission on Youth Board [COY].
The MFU also co-sponsors a Salt Lake American Muslim Cultural Festival each year, SLAM which receives governmental funding. Thought the event sponsors have claimed that the United States Army was a sponsor of the event, a spokesman stated that is not the case and that they only purchased a booth space.
SLAM director Ghulam Husain also publishes the Salt Lake Muslim paper and concentrates his Islamic propagation efforts on changing media perceptions about Islam and interfaith projects. His son Ali has become the first Muslim student body president at the State University of Utah.
According to their website the Salt Lake American Muslim is a "Community Social Services Organisation which was incorporated in 2002...with a mission to "improve the Salt Lake area quality of life by contributing to the social and cultural activities for the Muslims in the area." [source]
The festival is clearly a da'wa [conversion] exercise promoted under the guise of "Multi- cultural Diversity, Inclusion, Tolerance & Mutual Respect," it's twin goals are to spread the Muslim religion while positioning the Islamic community so as to be better able to exploit state and government benefit programs to aid those da'wa efforts.
In 2006 the MFU hosted a State Department delegation of Saudi educational ministers on a visit to the United States. They were so enthusiastic about the organization's conversion potential that they pledged support. According to the MFU account of their meeting:
"In the words of the Saudi Ministers 'The little circle joining the big circle'...The Saudi Ministers left with the assurance they would support us and that God willing we would be successful in our work. They said they "appreciated" our work and that we should keeping doing work in the way of Allah."
The meeting was so successful that Babak Darwish announced plans for a "new da'wa team" consisting of people who would volunteer to teach others about Islam.
Utah State Governor Jon Huntsman has also been no slouch when it comes to dhimmitude. In 2005 he visited a mosque with his wife and daughters who obediently donned head scarves and went to the woman's section. The mayor knelt with the men and unwittingly articulated their ultimate ambition in his message:
"As governor, it's an honor to be with all of you..."I consider you friends and important contributors to the state of Utah. We share a common destiny - peace, happiness and tranquility." It is so important for Utah's more than 25,000 Muslims to train their children in the faith so they can share it with others who know nothing about Islam."
The MFU has been instrumental in the effort to suppress evidence that Talovic's rampage was terror related, publishing a press release on February 14th headlined, "Trolley Square Shootings Not Related to Islam and Muslims."
"...Political terrorism is not a factor given his lifestyle and mental condition. He [Talovic] was not known to have been religious but in fact secular in nature and never attended any of the local mosques and did not associate with the community. Even if he had been religious that does not represent the community because his actions were anti-Muslim and hurt Muslims more than anybody. Some say he was from a gypsy background."
Anyone familiar with Bosnian Muslim history knows well the bloody enmity they have for "gypsies."
By February 17th with it becoming common public knowledge that Talovic was - despite MFU's ridiculous and deceptive assertions to the contrary - a Muslim and that he and his father regularly attended the Salt Lake City's Masjid al-Noor [al-Noor mosque] - felt it imperative to revise the previous press release.
The most significant evidence of the MFU's radical Islamist mindset was revealed in their near-beatification of officer Kenneth Hammond.
"Our hearts go out to the families that were hurt and in this event. The people hurt and killed could have been our own families and friends that attend the nearby Mosque so we are happy that the perpetrator was killed before he could hurt anybody else in the community. Officer Kenneth Hammond's heroic selfless act to save lives was well noted in the Muslim community, his actions are in the line with the way of the "Futuwa" or "Youthful Islamic Chivalry."
Since it is forbidden in Islam to praise an 'infidel' who kills a Muslim the MFU's revised statement gave them cover and also a way to ingratiate them with law enforcement at the same time. Regardless of such transparent manipulation, the clear thrust of the MFU's sentiment remains self-serving and Muslim-centric, "the people hurt and killed could have been our own families."
In light of this, the Muslim Forum of Utah - the largest and most influential Muslim group in the state - having the direct backing from the Saudi Wahhabists is extremely troubling.
It is also disturbing to note that such radical Islamists as this Saudi group have been actively promoted and enabled by the U.S. State Department.
In light of Utah's politicians headlong rush to dhimmitude we suggest that instead of taking meaningless grandstanding gestures such as "reassuring" the non-threatened Muslim and Bosnian community that they have nothing to fear, that public servants should instead start protecting and securing their non Muslim citizen majority by completely disassociating themselves from these "jihad through da'wa" efforts of Babak Darwish and his Saudi backed Muslim Forum of Utah.
[Note: Below are both the revised press release and the original]
[REVISED] "PRESS RELEASE: Trolley Square Shooting Not Related to Islam & Muslims 2/17/07 The tragic Trolley Square Shooting that happened recently was not related to Islam and Muslims, eventhough the shooter happened to be a Bosnian Muslim. Blaming an 18 year old's religion for his loss of perspective can set a new precedence in considering religion in cases similar to the Columbine shooting and others. Also, it can set a new precedence in banning guns for people under the age of 21. It should be noted that under the law alcohol is not allowed until 21 years of age, but guns are sold easily to youth under the age of 21. Our hearts go out to the families that were hurt in this event. The people hurt and killed could have been our own families and friends that attend the nearby Mosque, so we are happy that the perpetrator was killed before he could hurt anybody else in the community. Officer Kenneth Hammond's heroic selfless act to save lives is well noted in the Muslim community, his actions are in line with the way of the "Futuwa" or "Youthful Islamic Chivalry". Our Bosnian contacts in the community say that Sulejman Talovic, an 18 year old high school drop out and Bosnian immigrant, was a young man who lived a hermit type of lifestyle. Political terrorism is not a factor, given his lifestyle and mental condition. Many say that being a survivor of the Muslim Holocaust (8000 Muslim men, women, and children killed) committed by Serbian Orthodox Christians contributed to his mental state. Post traumatic stress disorder can be a huge factor involved with his loss of perspective. He was not known to have been religious, but infact secular in nature and possibly attended Mosque a couple of times. Even if he had been religious, that does not represent the communty, because his actions were anti-Muslim and hurt Muslims more than anybody. There are alot of Muslim youth in Utah who are secular and drink alcohol, fornicate, gamble, and go to clubs in Utah. However, they are not representative of the overall Muslim community within Utah or abroad. If he was from a non-Muslim background, his faith would never have been mentioned in the news and media."[Note: The "official" story about Srebrenica, sold to the world by an organized Bosnian Muslim financed public relations effort was that the Serbs attacked the "UN safe haven city" of Srebrenica and methodically murdered 8,000 men and boys. However the actual body count was far less, most likely was the result of combat, not of a planned "ethnic cleansing" operation. The Srebrenica "massacre" remains along with the Jenin hoax, twin but fraudulent pillars of Muslim disinformation/agit-prop.]
[ORIGINAL] "PRESS RELEASE: Trolley Square Shooting Not Related to Islam & Muslims 2/14/07 The tragic Trolley Square Shooting that happened recently was not related to Islam and Muslims. Our hearts go out to the families that were hurt in this event. The people hurt and killed could have been our own families and friends that attend the nearby Mosque, so we are happy that the perpetrator was killed before he could hurt anybody else in the community. Our Bosnian contacts in the community say that Sulejman Talovic, an 18 year old high school drop out and Bosnian immigrant, was a young man who lived a hermit type of lifestyle. Political terrorism is not a factor, given his lifestyle and lack of adherence to Islam. He was not known to have been religious, but infact secular in nature and never attended any of the local Mosques and did not associate with the community. Even if he had been religious, that does not represent the communty, because his actions were anti-Muslim and hurt Muslims more than anybody. Some say he was from a gypsy background. There are alot of American, Mexican, African-American, Bosnian, Somalian, Saudi, Arab, Afghani, Turkish, Iraqi, Lebanese, Jordanian, Palestinian Pakistani, Persian, Iranian and other youth that are secular and drink alcohol, fornicate, gamble, and go to clubs in Utah. They are not representative of the overall Muslim community within Utah or abroad. If he was from a non-Muslim background, his faith would never have been mentioned in the news and media."
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at