This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
Kamran Bokhari : From Militant Islamist to Strategic Forecasting Analyst
July 9, 2004
The Devil's Deception
By Beila Rabinowitz
As Salamoalaikum Ittaqallah Ya Abu Khadaja !!!!!!!
"For Allah's sake stop attacking HizbutTahrir and Al-Muhajiroun and instead
attack these rulers in the muslim world that are responsible for the misery of
the ummmah and the world at large. These kufr regimes are the obstacles to
the rise of Islam as the dominant way of life in the world".
The internet posting was signed,
Yours -in- Islam Kamran Bokhari,
Springfield Missouri, USA.
The subject of the message was "Devil's Deception"....
A few short years after this letter was published, Kamran Bokhari, head of the Al Muhajiroun in the United States, went on to become the secretary of board of directors of the AMSS , the Association of Muslim Social Scientists, part of the largest conglomerate of Islamist propagation institutions in the United States and the UK
Bokhari's membership switch from Al Muhajioun to the Association of Muslim Social Scientists is merely a continuation of his previous affilitation under the guise of moderation .(see )
But his work as a geopolitical analyst for Stratfor Strategic Forecasting Inc. shows that a militant Islamist who proclaims to be reformed as a "post Islamist" can be seen as a valuable resource by Strategic Forecasting Incorporated..
Stratfor CEO George Friedman considesr Bokhari's personal involvement with a militant Islamist group to be valuable work experience. According to Stratfor VP Ron Moore ,
"We (at Stratfor), knew of Bokhari's background and make sure he doesn't write anything which is extremist". Statfor's analysts work by region and do not get bylines on their work, and a recent item on their website headlined;
"Al Qaeda and Bin Laden Too Easy to Blame?", on the bombings in Istanbul , opined that; "the subsequent investigation suggests an emerging trend , to blame Al Qaeda for any and all such attacks".
This analysis bore an eerie similiarity to an article which Bokhari wrote as Al Muhajiroun's spokesman in 1999 while at SMSU entitled "Freedom Fighters Now Being Called Terrorists", in which he wrote that; "Bin Laden is no more than a suspect in the bombings of U.S. embassies in East Africa .But the media, dancing to the tune of Federal Agencies has already indicted him ".
On May 14, , in a press release describing themselves as the" nation's largest private intelligence service", Stratfor proudly announced that, "former State Department counter terrorism expert William "Fred" Burton had joined the firm as Vice President for Counter terrorism and Corporate Security."
The press release noted that Burton had "investigated the Al Qaeda bombing plots in New York City.. and orchestrated the arrest of Ramzi Yousef ." Burton will doubtless have a lot to discuss with his Stratfor colleague Kamran Bokhari, who has led rallies in support of Jihad in New York and the U.K, and written articles defending Bin Laden..
Kamran Bokhari's documented involvement with Al Muhajiroun can thus far be traced to 1997, where the introductory speaker at their "Rally Against Opression", in London together with the group's leaders Omar Bakri and Anjem Choudary. Bokhari was listed on a flyer as 'the chairman and spokesman for Al Muhajiroun in the U.S.A.. In 2001 Bokhari led chants calling for Jihad and Bin Laden, at an Al Muhajioun rally near Israeli consulate in New York.
According to a transcript of a tape of the event:
"Kamran Bokhari, head of the US branch of Al Muhajiroun, says that jihad is
the only solution. He explains, "we are only a few here, but we have a
billion muslims behind the jihad. They support the jihad in Palestine,
they support the Jihad in Chechnya, they support the Jihad in Kosovo and in
Kashmir. And although you may see a few before you, one day we will
liberate all Muslim lands. One day you will see the flag of Islam over the
White House! Allahu Akhbar!"
Bokhari then leads his followers in chanting, "HEZBOLLAH, HEZBOLLAH! AND
want? JIHAD! What do we want? JIHAD! JIHAD! JIHAD!"
In 1999 Bokhari was the planning coordinator for the Muslim Students Association at Springfield University. Al Muhajiroun had come under media scrutiny and the group issued a press release in response to allegations that they had received money from Osama Bin Laden, declaring that ; "Brother Kamran Bokhari, who is the spokesperson for Al-Muhajiroun and is a respected member of society and a student of political science in his final year of undergraduate studies."
The press release ended with a mission statement calling for "Bonding the Muslim community in the west with Muslims globally in order to create an unbeatable bond within the Ummah and for them to be part of the preparations for the world wide Islamic revolution".
Kamran Bokhari ,currently at Howard University in Washington DC. said he came to the U.S. "to get a good education because the country I come from measures your social status by your profession" .
Kamran Bokhari also led the Muslim Student Association at Springfield University. In the year 2000 the MSA received an $800 dollar grant from the school's Public Affairs Program to host a symposium entitled "Islam and the West". He invited Anjem Choudry, the Al Muhajiroun spokeman from the UK.. Choudary was billed as "The Chairman of the Society of Muslim Lawyers.""Faiza Noor, also from the UK was slated to speak about "Universal Human Rights". .In 1998 Anjem Choudary had called for Muslims to demonstrate outside of the American embassy,stating,"whatever we do against the enemy of Allah will not be in vain". . Choudary named himself as the leader of Al Muhajiroun in the U.K.
Bokhari had come to America from Pakistan at age 3 and settled in New York. His father was an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Pakistan worked at Pakistan's permanent mission to the United Nations.
In 2003 the Al Muhajaroun group published a rhetorical piece entitled; The U.N.: A Legitimate Target ? The writers began by praising the "tremendous operations in Palestine and Baghdad" in reference to the bombing of the UN headquarters in the Iraqi capitol. It concluded with Al Muhajaroun credo "Let it be known that all regimes... are rejected by Muslims...and the only legitimate that of the Islamic State I e Al-Khalifah ...which must be established by Muslims and which will carry the message of Islam to the world...the total domination of the world by Islam-through it's divine foreign policy of Jihad".
The Al Muhajiroun group is based in the UK and closely linked to Hizb ut Tahrir. and Al Qaeda . Both UK groups received international attention in 2003 when they celebrated the :anniversary" of the 9/11 attacks as' A Towering Day in History', and referred to the hijackers as, The Magnificent 19". In 2002 Sheik Omar Bakri aligned with Sheik Abu Hamza Al Masri, aka Abu Hamza, the Imam of the Finsbury Park mosque in London.
Hamza's (who is now in jail awaiting extradition to the United States ) claim to fame were his congregants, which included Richard Reid, the Shoe Bomber, Zacharias Mossaoui, called the 20th hijacker, his co conspirator, Joshua Cortelellier, and James Ujaama, an American who pleaded guilty to aiding the Taliban .
Kamran Bokhari's work is also influential in the UK . A journalist who interviewed Sheik Omar Bakri and members of Al Muhijaroun related that ; "they recommended the writings of Kamran Bokhari".
On February 23,2003 the American Academy of Social Scientists, AMSS, held" a landmark 3rd conference " which they claimed "broke new ground by dispelling the popular image that Muslim extremists are engaged in a holy war with the west", Syed Ashani, the former Ambassador to Pakistan, who had co-chaired the event, issued a press release headlined ;:"Texas blazes New Trail ; "Jamal Badawi reinterprets misunderstood Quranic Terms". The Event was billed as "Extremism A Threat to Global Peace".
The press release quoted a statement by Kamran Bokhari, board member of the AMSS ,who warned that; ;"neo conservatives and right wing fundamentalists influenced the Bush Administrations policies. Bokhari underscored "the threat they posed to intercivilization dialogue and harmony". He explored methods for overcoming these challenges".
Bokhari's' neoconphobism' is consistent with the ideology of Al Muhijaroun, which advocates the establishment of an global Islamic State through" ideological, political, and revolutionary means". . His Islamist "weltaanshauang" must make his conclusions as "a geopolitical researcher for Strategic Forecasting Incorporated", for an Austin based research group a foregone conclusion
The past president of the AMSS Louay Safi, who is also a director of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, is also a neocon phobe. , In 2003 he sent out an invitation to an AMSS conference entitled ;"Examining Islam" and wrote, "You are well aware that a tight network of neo-conservatives have embarked on a crusade to defame Islam and American Muslims and equate them both with terrorism" .The Association of Muslim Social Scientists (AMSS) recognizes the danger posed by Islam-bashers and the need to inform our fellow citizens about the profound passion Muslim Americans have toward the noble principles that lie at the foundation of the United States".
Louay Safi's comment is noteworthy because it's clumsy wording inadvertently reveals the AMSSS's true agenda, which is to undermine the foundation of the United States. In 2002 Safi wrote that;Islam is essential for the development of a better future for human society because it's adherents constitute one-fifth of the world population."
The motto on the AMSSS website in both Arabic and English articulates the fundamentalist Islamist ambitions of the institute and it's members .
Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we Seek".
Muqtedar Khan, president of AMSS,and a member of the CSID .Khan echoed Safi's sentiments regarding Islam's potential power through sheer force of numbers. In a 2001 article Khan declared;
"There are over three and half million American Jews in New York, nearly as many as in Israel. No one can hope to win in New York without their money and their votes... But Muslims of New York and the US in general need not despair. The lack of moral spine in American politicians will eventually work for them sooner than later. There are already six million Muslims in America and Islam is by far the fastest growing religion in the US. At the present rate of growth there will be over 25 million Muslims in the US by the year 2025. Muslims have already overcome their moral inhibitions about bribing politicians (called campaign finance in the US). Soon they will not only be able to out-vote, but also out- bid the Jewish and most other ethnic lobbies."
Both the AMSSS and the CSID are linked ideologically and financially to the International Institute of Islamic Thought a Saudi financed "think tank" which came under FBI scrutiny in 2003.
The IIPT is connected to the Institute of Islamic Political Thought in London run by Ali Al Tamimi, a Hamas activist with ties to Hizb ut Tahrir. John Esposito is on the IIPT board of advisors as well Sheik Yusuf Abdullah Qaradawi ,who was linked to Al Qaeda funding together with Abdulrahman Alamoudi, who was arrested in December of last The Institute of Islamic Political Thought, IIPT, is headed by Azzam Tammimi, a Hamas activist in the who runs the sister organisation of the IIIT in the UK . . 2003 the IIPT director, Basher Nafi, was arrested for his ties to Palestiniian Islamic Jihad . The webmaster for both the IIPT / IIIT which is linked to the AMSS is Iqbal Asaria , a London based economist, who is an adherent of Hizb ut Tahrir and the militant Saudi group the CDLR, the Committee for the Defense of legitimate Rights which calls for the overthrow of the Saudi Royal family as betrayers of true Islam". . Asaria Iqbal ran two pro Al Qaeda websites called and Jihad. org. . .
In 2001 Iqbal Asaria was a guest at 10 Downing Street where he met James Wolfensohn of the World Bank .In 2003 Iqbal Asaria was instrumental in having the HSCB bank in Britain implement a program for banking according to Shar'ia law. Asqaria Iqbal is chair of the business and finance committee of the Muslim Council of Great Britain.
Louay Safi,on the board of directors of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy,is also a board member of the Center for Balanced Development aka the IPO along with Ali Mazrui, (an AMSS and a CSID board member), and John Esposito of the AMSS, IIPT, and CSID.
Louay Safi, and John Esposito, are two examples of Islamists in the United States who hold official positions on numerous "think tanks',, committees, and institutions, and research projects, aimed at furthering their militant Islamist agenda .
The key words for these projects are' pluralism', 'diversity' ,'justice'.' peace', and outreach. .These enterprises are infused with with millions of dollars , much of it from the Saudis, and related donors. The PEW charitable trusts, named after the family who made their fortune through the Saudi Sun Oil company is one of the biggest donors to Islamist projects in the United States today.
Islamists in the United Nations and the World Bank have also set up different organisations to promote the anti West agenda. The network of donors and sponsors runs the gamut from UN funded NGO's such as the Red Crescent and Human Rights organisations to institutes like the LaRouche and Zayed foundations .
Louay Safi ,John Esposito, and Ali Masrui of the AMSSS are also on the board of directors of The Center for Balanced Development . The CBD was started in 1999 by Hans Koehler, who is also the founder and director of the IPO, The International Progress organisation ...Hans Koehler is an Austrian Islamist who works for the U.N. He defended Kurt Waldheim, when he was charged with being a Nazi officer in WWII . Hans Koechler was also a UN observer at the Lockerbie bombing trial in the in the Hague and protested that that the US had rigged the case.
In an essay entitled,"Global Justice Not Revenge" presented by the 'Center for Balanced Development', Louay Safi attacks Danell Pipes, Steve Emerson, Moses, and Jesus. . a 2002 symposium entitled: 'Islam's Relevance to Democracy and Pluralism', Louay Safi. advised the journalists in the audience "to keep a watchful eye on Muslim Americans whose numbers of late have increased rapidly". Safi acknowledged the "presence of radical groups in Muslim societies ,and stressed that these were fringe groups on the margin of society". He further stressed that the radicalization of Islam is linked, at least partly, to US foreign policy towards Muslim countries" . http://www.amsss/AmssNews_Islam.htm
His words echo those of the new AMSS president Muqtedar Khan, who stated that :America's exclusively self-regarding outlook, its arrogant unilateralism, its unwise and untrustworthy rhetoric and its belligerent posture, is alienating and angering people in the East and the West."
Louay Safi and Muktedar Khan's hatred of America, and the emphasis on Islam as a force to be reckoned with, is at the core of Al Muhajiroun's ideology. Al Muhajiroun leader, Kamran Bokhari's AMSS executive board position shows that their agendas have merged and that the devil no longer needs to use deception.
©2004 Beila Rabinowitz -Militant Islam Monitor all rights reserved.
The AMSS web domain registrant Layla Sein (who is also a spokesperson for the AMC) gives her email address as the IIIT.
Below, Al Qaeda webmaster Asaria Iqbal is also the webmaster of the IIPT in the UK which gives it's organisation as the IIIT. |
500 Grove Street
Herndon, VA 20170
Domain Name: AMSS.NET
Administrative Contact, Technical Contact:
Sein, Layla (KRZNESHOII) [email protected]
Association of Muslim Social Scientists
500 Grove Street
Herndon, VA 20170
703-471 fax: (703) 471-3922
Record expires on 10-Feb-2004.
Record created on 10-Feb-2000.
Database last updated on 6-Jan-2004 19:55:43 EST.
Domain servers in listed order:
NS2.BCENTRALHOST.COM ------------- Web tech AMSS is laylasein@IIIT Press releases by Layla Sein for the AMC Back-order this name
Note t
Domain Name..........
Creation Date........ 2000-06-13
Registration Date.... 2002-07-19
Expiry Date.......... 2004-06-13
Organisation Name.... International Institute Internationaof Islamic Thought
Organisation Address. Po.Box 31203
Organisation Address. _
Organisation Address. London
Organisation Address. NW2 7ZW
Organisation Address. London
Organisation Address. GREAT BRITAIN (UK)
Admin Name........... Iqbal Asaria
Admin Address........ 336 Pinner Road
Admin Address........ _
Admin Address........ Harrow
Admin Address........ HA1 4LB
Admin Address........ Middlesex
Admin Address........ GREAT BRITAIN (UK)
Admin Email.......... [email protected]
Admin Phone.......... (44) 020 8861 2012 (
Admin Fax............ _
Tech Name............ Iqbal Asaria
Tech Address......... 336 Pinner Rd
Tech Address......... _
Tech Address......... Harrow
Tech Address......... HA1 4LB
Tech Address......... Middlesex
Tech Address......... GREAT BRITAIN (UK)
Tech Email........... [email protected]
Tech Phone........... +44.2088612012
Tech Fax............. _
Name Server.......... DIAMOND.WEBSTARUK.NET
Name Server.......... RUBY.WEBSTARUK.NET
As you can see Asaria Iqbal also runs the Islamic Computing Center. (Organization)
> > >
> > > Internet Domain Registrars WHOIS Server v.1.3
> > >
> > > Registrant:
> > > Islamic Computing center
> > > 73 St Thomas's Road
> > > United Kingdom
> > > (PH) 020 8861 2012 (FAX) 020 8861 3113
> > >
> > > Domain Name: UMMAH.ORG
> > >
> > > Administrative Contact:
> > > Asaria, Iqbal (ABPA113) iadmin@w...
> > > 336 Pinner Rd
> > > Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4LB
> > > United Kingdom
> > > (PH) 44 181 861 2012 (FAX) 44 181 861 3113
> > >
> > > Technical Contact:
> > > Asaria, Iqbal (ABPA114) iadmin@w...
> > > 336 Pinner Road
> > > Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4LB
> > > United Kingdom
> > > (PH) 0181 861 2012 (FAX) 0181 861 3113
> > >
> > > Billing Contact:
> > > Asaria, Iqbal (ABPA115) iadmin@w...
> > > 336 Pinner Road
> > > Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4LB
> > > United Kingdom
> > > (PH) 0181 861 2012 (FAX) 0181 861 3113
> > >
> > > Registration Date: 22-Jun-1996 00:00:00
> > > Expiration Date: 21-Jun-2003 00:00:00
> > >
> > > Domain servers in listed order
: ----------------------------------------------------------
Dr Azzam Tamimi - Palestine
Supervisory Board
Dr Basheer Nafi - Palestine
Dr Abdelwahab El-Affendi - Sudan
Dr Mohammed S. El-Awa - Egypt
Board of Advisors
Dr Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Qatar
Shykh Faysal Malawi - Lebanon
Prof. John Esposito - USA
Dr Abdullah An-Nafisi - Kuwait
Prof. Khurshid Ahmad - Pakistan
Dr Parvez Manzoor - Sweden
Dr Francois Burgat - France
Prof. Yasushi Kosugi - Japan
Address and URL of the IIPT note that the http is the MSAnews which is often listed as gateway/Hamas.
The Institute of Islamic Political Thought (IIPT)
P.O. Box 31203
London NW2 7ZW
Tel: 44-208-4526210 Fax: 44-208-4502019.
E-mail: [email protected]
Here you can see the website which is run by Asaria Iqbal for the CDLR and his connection to MIRA Note the Black Flag .
The Committee for the Defence of Legitimate Rights
in Saudia Arabia
London, WC1N 3XX
Tel : (+44)7 973-226-470
Fax :(+44) 20-8908-3164
E-Mail : [email protected]
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LONDON N4 2QJ > United Kingdom > (PH) 020 8861 2012 (FAX) 020 8861 3113 > > Domain
Name: UMMAH.ORG > > Administrative Contact: > Asaria, Iqbal (ABPA113) iadmin ... - 20k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
"The new owner of webstar is none other then Asaria Iqbal,terrorist by night,pacifist by day"
(more on Iqbal's activities as Al Qaeda webmaster can be found below these two items about his day as economist and financial consultant.)
He was instrumental in introducing Shar'ia banking to the UK.
Iqbal also with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the director of the World Bank -Wolfensohn, at 10 Downing Street in 2002.
Meeting at HM Treasury
Iqbal Asaria, Chair of the Business and Economics Committee attended a Breakfast Seminar at 11 Downing Street on Tuesday November 13th. Other parties invited to the seminar were non-governmental organisations, faith groups, the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr George Carey and the President of the World Bank, James Wolfensohn.
The seminar, called by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown and Secretary of State for International Development, Rt. Hon. Clare Short, was organised to discuss the need to revive 2015 targets of reducing world poverty and the need to increase aid budgets with a renewal of the commitment of 0.7% of GDP. The participation of faith and other groups in the developmental process was also discussed and approved
Iqbal Asaria raised his concerns over the credibility of achieving the 2015 targets given current practices. He argued that reducing poverty was contingent on good governance a factor that may be overridden by security concerns in an anxious post-September 11th world.
Other matters discussed included Chancellor Gordon Brown raising the possibility of the MCB Business and Economics committee taking some initiative on social exclusion and the postponed launch of the MCB/ DFID booklet being reinvigorated; tentative date is after Ramadhan.
Work on Islamic Finance
Iqbal Asaria of the MCB's Business and Economics Committee is part of a working party convened by the Governor of the Bank of England and chaired by Andrew Buxton, former Charman of Barclays Bank. This working party is liaising with different government departments to work out ways to incorporate into UK law and procedures the changes required to allow a level playing field for Shari'a compliant finance products, including home purchase.
One of the key changes required is to the way stamp duty is levied at present. Iqbal Asaria participated in the working party's meeting on Wednesday 16 October with the Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Ruth Kelly MP to discuss this issue. The Financial Secretary responded positively to the suggestions and proposals of the working party. The Treasury was favourable to receiving proposals relating to the levying of stamp duty for incorporation in the 2003 Finance Bill, parliamentary schedules permitting. In the interim, suggestions for a satisfactory arrangement for avoiding double stamp duty would also be considered.
In addition to the Treasury, the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has also indicated that it will consider proposals for modifying the capital reserve ratio requirements for the treatment of Islamic financial products. Iqbal Asaria was also invited to attend the launch of the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) in Malaysia last week.
High Street bank offers Islamic mortgage HSBC has become the first major UK bank to offer mortgages that comply with Islamic law.Under Islamic law, the receipt and payment of interest is forbidden.
As a result some of Britain's two million Muslims have chosen not to take out conventional mortgages or open bank accounts.
This can leave them having to pay in cash for large purchases, such as houses.
Lease back :
Under the HSBC scheme, the bank buys the property and leases it back to the customer over an agreed term.
"It would make a real difference if there were more products on the market ... then there would be more choice for Muslims " Waseem Taj |
The customer makes monthly payments made up of rent and contributions towards the purchase price.
HSBC owns the property until customers have made their final payment.
Crucially, at no stage is the customer paying interest - the paying of 'rent' is seen as a fair payment for use of the property rather than a charge for borrowing money.
In addition, HSBC is launching an Islamic law-compliant current account, which has no overdraft or credit card facility.
Money paid into the current account will be administered in accordance with Islamic law and not used for generating interest.
The current account and mortgage products are to be introduced in selected HSBC branches from 14 July.
Huge market :
Previously only relatively small institutions such as the National Bank of Kuwait and the West Bromwich Building Society have offered tailored Islamic financial products for UK customers.
" | Some (Muslims) are wracked with guilt because they have broken Islamic law Iqbal Asaria, Muslim Council of Great Britain |
Last year a report from market analyst Datamonitor estimated that demand for Islamic mortgages in the UK was so strong that gross advances could reach £4.5bn ($7bn) in 2006.
According to Iqbal Asaria, spokesman for the Muslim Council of Great Britain, HSBC's move is long overdue.
"Some (Muslims) are wracked with guilt because they have broken Islamic law. While others' values are beyond question, they are more pragmatic in order to keep a roof over their family's head.
"HSBC's initiative frees them from this dilemma and is the first step to delivering a level playing field for Muslims seeking financial solutions in the UK."
The Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA)
... Distributor, Asaria, Iqbal, [email protected], Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4LB, GB. Language, English, Arabic. Country (Server), United Kingdom. ... vlib/ssgfi/infodata/001444.html - 9k -
Le site islamiste du MAOL dans le collimateur du FBI - [ Translate this page ]
... Le nouveau responsable de Webstar n'est autre que l'activiste controversé
Asaria Iqbal, terroriste la nuit, pacifiste le jour. ... - 52k - Cached - Similar pages
This is the site which goes directly to the CDLR and the black flag page
The Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA)
... Publisher, Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA), London, GB. Distributor,
Asaria, Iqbal, [email protected], Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4LB, GB. ... ssgfi/infodata/001444.html - 9k - Cached - Similar pages
------------------------------------------------------------- = C'est clair !
... Ougeunoune (WN-D-93772174) 1 North Road Bromley, Kent,BA1 3LJ Domain Name: ANP.ORG
***** Administrative Contact: Asaria, Iqbal (19178824I) iadmin ...
soc.culture.algeria - May 18, 2003 by Lefdl - View Thread (2 articles)
Iqbal Askaria and Hassine Ougeunoune
MAOL.ORG = JIHAD.ORG, Mr. Massinissa, cite souvent l'organisation intégriste, sur l quel le "Mouvement Algérien des Officiers Libres" (MAOL) s'exprime. Ce site est hébergé par *******Whois Information For '' :***********
Registrant: Dr. Hassine Ougeunoune (WN-D-93772174) 1 North Road Bromley, Kent,BA1 3LJ Domain Name: ANP.ORG ******************** Administrative Contact: Asaria, Iqbal (19178824I) [email protected] Firdaus Nagr 336 Pinner Rd Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4LB UK 44 181 861 2012 44 181 861 3113 Technical Contact: Asaria, Iqbal (19151276I) [email protected] Firdaus Nagr 336 Pinner Road Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4LB UK 0181 861 2012 0181 861 3113 Record expires on 01-Mar-2011. Record created on 22-Oct-2001. Database last updated on 18-May-2003 13:50:49 EDT. ***********Whois Information For '' ************************ Domain Name.......... Creation Date........ 1997-08-09 Registration Date.... 2003-02-07 Expiry Date.......... 2004-08-08 Organisation Name.... Webstar Plc. Organisation Address. 336 Pinner Road Organisation Address. _ Organisation Address. North Harrow Organisation Address. HA1 4LB Organisation Address. Middlesex Organisation Address. GREAT BRITAIN (UK) Admin Name........... Iqbal Asaria (19178824I) Admin Address........ Firdaus Nagr Admin Address........ 336 Pinner Rd Admin Address........ Harrow Admin Address........ HA1 4LB Admin Address........ Middlesex Admin Address........ GREAT BRITAIN (UK) Admin Email.......... [email protected] Admin Phone.......... 44 181 861 2012 44 1 Admin Fax............ _ Tech Name............ Iqbal Asari Tech Address......... 336 Pinner Rd Tech Address......... _ Tech Address......... Harrow Tech Address......... HA1 4LB Tech Address......... Middlesex Tech Address......... GREAT BRITAIN (UK) Tech Email........... [email protected] Tech Phone........... +44.2088612012 Tech Fax............. _ Name Server.......... Name Server.......... ***********************************************************, dit le MAOL est donc (comme l'était feu un société basée en Grande-Bretagne, la société Webstar dont l'administration est gérée par un intégriste connu au sein des milieux islamistes londoniens, qui prête main-forte au «colonel B. Ali». Ce dernier, dont la véritable identité a été révélée par la pr algérienne, le capitaine Hassine Ouagunoune, docteur en physique nucléair et déserteur de l'armée algérienne. L'appartenance islamiste du MAOL s'est confirmée à travers de nouvell révélations. Webstar, le site qui abrite le petit groupe du «colonel B. Ali», est une société créée par Abdel Wahid Paterson, citoyen britanniqu converti à l'islam au Pakistan. Le site du MAOL fait partie de centaines d'autres sites islamistes liés à Djihad Organisation, qui faisait (détruit depuis par la justice) le lien entre plusieurs groupes islamistes internationaux. Que se soit le mouvement des Talibans afghans, le PLI pakistanais, l «Djamaa Islamya», le «Djihad islamique», le «Groupe islamique armé», Paterson avait réussi à réunir l'ensemble des mouvements extrémistes d l'internationale islamiste autour de sa société, ceci jusque vers 1998-99. On remarquera aussi dans les données ci-dessus le nom de l'administrateur le même pour les deux sites. C.q.f.d., Massinissa : est un site islamiste frère d'autr sites slamiques et proches d'El Quaeda. LEFDL= Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité, Dignité et Laïcité pour l'Algérie et l Maghreb.----------------------------------------------------
Article on CDLR website
Times (UK)
September 11 terrorists
Michael Portillo says America was dismayed that most of the September 11 terrorists were Saudis (Comment, December 21). So were we, and we firmly believe that it was part of Osama Bin Laden's plot to use Saudis for this mission in order to drive a wedge between Saudi Arabia and the West.
He also writes that 'America was appalled that the regime tolerated terrorist organisations on its soil'. However appalled America might have been, this is an incorrect assumption.
As we have pointed out on a number of occasions, we realised what a dangerous man Bin Laden was in the mid-1990s when we stripped him of his nationality. We did not tolerate him or his supporters, nor any other terrorists organisations on our soil then, have not done so since, and do not now.
Abdullah Alshaghrood
Chargé d'Affaires, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia
Important Notice from Dr.Saad Al-Fagih Former Director of the C.D.L.R
I was the Director of the "Committee for the Defence of Legitimate Rights" London office from the time its activity started there on the 20th of April 1994. It was my responsibility to ensure that the CDLR adhered to the principles for which it had been established. I was able to contain some of the breaches of policy and prevent any possible, resulting damage through my position in the group. Recent breaches of policy by some of its prominent figures, however, became too difficult to contain.
The CDLR has been directed onto a path which is inconsistent with its original mission. It has been tainted by its being linked with groups and individuals who have dishonoured its name.
I was obliged, therefore, to distance myself from the Committee and announce the establishment of "The Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia" (M.I.R.A).
If you are interested to know more about this foundation, its aims, objectives and policies, you may telephone or fax the numbers below.
Dr. Sa'ad Al-Fagih
London 15/3/1996
For further information please email us or contact us by post or telephone.
email: [email protected]
Address: BM Box: MIRA, London WC1N 3XX, UK.
Tel: (0181) 451 3244 Fax: (0181) 451
| |
Title | The Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA) |
Publisher | Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA), London, GB |
Distributor | Asaria, Iqbal, [email protected], Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4LB, GB |
Language | English, Arabic |
Country (Server) | United Kingdom |
Format of data | text/html |
Keywords | MIRA; Saudi Arabia; politics; online articles; online publications; online documents; CDLR; opposition; organizations |
Description | The homepage of the Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA), "MIRA seeks major reforms in Arabia; in particular, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the abolition of the Secret Police units subverting political movements and activity." The pages contain the information about aims, objectives and history of the movement, general information about Saudi Arabia, links to Saudi Arabia related online publications and web sites. |
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Causes And Remedy
The bombing incident at the Al-Khobar U.S. military base has confirmed earlier suspiciouns that the repressive measures adopted by the Saudi regime are incapable of preventing the recurrence of attacks against U.S. installations in the Kingdom. The policies of the regime and its rejection of all reform initiatives have led to an extreme radicalisation that has proven to be immune to the most stringent of security precautions including, as is evident, the execution of suspected militants.
Although the blasted military post has been well-guarded, the security precautions have failed to prevent the assailants from reaching their target. Nor have they been discouraged from proceeding with their plan by the summary execution of four suspects last May, a show of strength that was supposed to act as a deterrent.
It is our conviction that the wave of violence against U.S. installations in the Kingdom exceeds being the design of a well-organised group of militants. What we are witnessing is a phenomenon generated by rampant corruption and the absence of basic freedoms coupled with a general sense of humiliation due to the continued presence of foreign troops in Arabia.
The only possible exit out of this predicament is for the regime to release all the reformists and scholars who have been held without trial for no reason other than capable of controlling the masses, especially the Zealous young men of Arabia, and of preventing the escalation of further tension.
The phenomenon of violence is inversely proportional to the degree of political freedom, and the only way to diminish the first is to enhance the second.
Dr. Sa'ad Al-Fagih
London 27/6/1996
Date of Birth: 11 march 1996
Current Base: London U.K
Director & Spokesman: Dr Saad Al-Fagih FRCS
The founders of MIRA have all been key figures in the reform movement in Arabia since the gulf war. They were the main authors of the famous Letter of Demands and the Advice Memorandum presented to Saudi regime.
They were also the main founders of CDLR- the formation of which was the most important political development in the recent history of Arabia. After a crackdown on CDLR by the regime they organized the transfer of the movements activities outside the country.
The activities of CDLR secured major achievements over almost two years. Ultimately , the difficulties and disharmony within CDLR made it impossible to continue. The final straw was the persistent breach of CDLR's policy by individuals whose names had become synonymous with the organisation. thus the establishment of a new organisation to continue the original mission of the reform movement was decided. The MIRA office in London is the information and media centre of the movement rather than the leadership.
MIRA seeks major reforms in Arabia;in particular, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and the abolition of the Secret Police units subverting political movements and activity. These reform are a pre condition for the political, judicial, economic and social reforms which need to take place. Methods: To achieve these aims MIRA uses all peaceful legitimate means including information, communication and political pressure. MIRA is happy to receive any question, inquiry, criticism, comment on our work or about the situation in Arabia.
Le nouveau responsable de Webstar n'est autre que l'activiste controversé Asaria Iqbal, terroriste la nuit, pacifiste le jour. Ce Saoudo-Pakistanais, grande figure de la MIRA (Movment for Islamic Reform in Arabia), forme avec un certain Jamil Sherif les animateurs par excellence de la Conférence islamique de Sheffield, qui compte en son sein les membres de l'organisation ACB (Algerian Communauty in Britain), clairement définis en la section britannique du FIS assassin, laquelle serait derrière la distribution de l'horrible cassette intitulée Hakadha Yathkhoun Essalafioune Fi Aljazaïr. En Grande-Bretagne, Asaria Iqbal a de tout temps joué sur deux fronts :
il mariait à merveille son soutien indéfectible au Djihad, d'une part, au jeu de l'intellectuel islamiste capable de disserter sur la notion de l'intérêt bancaire selon le fiqh, d'autre part.
Pour emboîter le pas à son ami Patterson et s'éloigner d'Asaria, Hassine Ouguenoune a opté, lui aussi, bien avant, pour la confusion en brouillant les cartes sur sa nature et son lien islamiste. Dans le but de faire diversion, il créa le et le, deux noms de domaine aux pages renvoyant vers son site principal Pour ce faire, Hassine Ouguenoune est allé vers deux endroits différents, loin de Patterson, pour accomplir l'enregistrement. Bizarre ! Ouguenoune innove. Même les plus grandes compagnies de la planète ne s'amusent jamais à créer plus d'une adresse. Dilemme, convenons-en, sur le cas de cet invisible.
Here is the Google translation
The new person in charge for Webstar nest other than lactivist discussed Asaria Iqbal, terrorist the night, pacifist the day.
This Saoudo-Pakistani, great figure of REFLECTED (Movment for Islamic Reform in Arabia), form with certain Jamil Sherif the organizers par excellence of the Islamic Conference of Sheffield, which counts in its centre the members of lorganisation ACB (Algerian Communauty in Britain), clearly defined in the British section of MADE assassin, which would be behind the distribution of lhorrible cassette entitled Hakadha Yathkhoun Essalafioune Fi Aljazaïr.
In Great Britain, Asaria Iqbal from time immemorial exploited two faces: it married with wonder its indéfectible support for Djihad, dune share, with the play of lintellectuel islamist able to develop the banking concept of lintérêt according to the fiqh, dautre share.
To encase the step with his/her friend Patterson and séloigner dAsaria, Hassine Ouguenoune chose, him also, quite front, for confusion by scrambling the charts on its nature and its bond islamist.
With an aim of making diversion, it created the and the, two domain names in the pages returning towards its principal site With this intention, Hassine Ouguenoune went towards two different places, far from Patterson, to achieve lenregistrement. Odd! Ouguenoune innovates. Even the largest companies of planet never samusent to create dune more addresses.
Dilemma, let us be appropriate, on the case of this invisible. About the financing, the owner of the MAOL na, actually, nothing spent; cest the treasury islamist of London which dealt with the payment, and for thirteen years, of three domain names and lhébergement.
The would be beautiful is well identified by M15 like site belonging to the Web islamist, hiding behind an allegedly democratic version in order to denounce the military capacity in Algeria. It is necessary to wonder, in similar case, the reasons which prevented this sior from making his denunciation with linterior of the country as many parties and journalists do it. Eh well, the answer is very simple. The founder of discussed site of this "organization" MAOL is a pillar of lactivism islamist in Great Britain and former member of terrorist group FIDA.
He currently camps in the medium of the socialist way not far from lInternationale with which he exchanges electronic information. Terrorist Dun FIDA, it passes to a moderated islamist, then here it is who presents himself democratic... Consequent even! Terrible metamorphosis in lhypocrisy of this sior who, apart from his nature, marvelously managed to play the chart kabyle to have some relations on the side of Geneva and kafkaïennement to attack loosely the RCD while limpliquant in lassassinat of Matoub Lounès. Here the ridiculous one which kills! Ouguenoune, lennemi of Boukhobza, Sanhadri and Stambouli and assassinated hundreds dintellectuels, adores fire Lounès, the anti-integrist combatant most frightening. To take again information circulating about this sior, it is useful to point out quiI enjoys collaboration dune nobody placed well to Algeria, which provides him photographs and information from time to time.
One found his traces in Virginia among those which militated to put an end to lemprisonnement dAnouar Haddam, with which it constitutes the block of the "doctors of MADE", since also is to him a doctor in radiochemistry. According to dautres information known by step badly of journalists, Hassine Ouguenoune is more than that. It formed supreme lautority of the FIDA with Thabet El Aouel, taken refuge in Switzerland or in Kuwait, husband of the s?ur of Haddam, the woman who ensured formerly the connection Thabet Al Aouel-Hassine. Al Aouel is implied in laffaire lassassinat of two journalists and two Masters assistants from the Sorecal city in Algiers in 1993 and, probably, of lex-minister of lInterior Hardi.
The founder of the MAOL is a former captain of Algerian military safety. It na ever hesitated to show its detractors and those which reveal its objectives dêtre agents of the Algerian DRS. Quil does it or not, nothing can bleach it handling of which he would be a lautor. One found his traces on the side of Thailand and of Malaysia, where his/her friend Boujelkha, lun of the founders of lex-Made, would have held garrison.
Tigha Abdelkader, the Algerian deserter who had launched a call to lONU since his prison in Bangkok, is one of its manufacture. Ouguenoune is the brother-in-law of two terrorists of the FIDA, lun killed in Algeria in 1996 and answering in the name of Abdelhamid Talahacht and lautre, Athmane Thalahacht, imprisoned in France since 1995. Is it itself famous colonel Baali Ali? Difficult dy to answer. Did he want instrumentaliser criticisms against corruption and the maffieux capacity in Algeria for his account and the account of Rabah Kebir? Possible. In any case, "the visible version" of the MAOL will be present with its four members at the next lawsuit opposing Nezzar to Souaïdia. Socialist Cest lInternationale which announced the spectacle. It will be loccasion to see which is Baali Ali, Hacine Ouguenoune, Samraoui Mohamed and Ahmed Chouchen.
Lentrée is free.
Of lenvoyé special in the USA of the Evening dAlgery, Zouaïmia-===================================================
Some pictures of the associates and funders of Hans Koechler's International Progress Organisation
Koechler with Hans Jonas the president of Austria who pledged funding for the IPO.
Koechler with Prince Zayed and Rony Baumann, director of Medicins Sans Frontieres.
UAE 2002
Hans Koechler with Saddam Hussein
With Arafat
With Ghaddafi and Ramsey Clark in Tripoli
More on the IPO and Hans Koechler :
Information on the IPO's role in the UN 'food for oil scandal'
Note that Esposito,Safi, and Masrui who are part of the AMSS,CSID and IIIT, are also on the board of the CBD which was founded by Hans Koechler
Note that the CBD and the IPO have the same URL.
Center for Balanced Development
Vienna, 6 November 1999/P/K/16656c-is
The President of the International Progress Organization, Professor Hans Koechler (Austria), has been appointed as member of the International Advisory Board of the newly-established Center for Balanced Development (CBD).
The Center is dedicated to helping emerging communities by studying the goals and consequences of developmental strategies, providing educational support, and advocating balanced development that combines economic growth with civic empowerment and political maturation.
The Center intends to generate cross-cultural dialogue among intellectuals of different cultural and religious backgrounds to bring about understanding and reform. One of the major research projects of the Center for Balanced Development is entitled "Global Governance: Who Speaks for the South?" This study is focused on the structure, the decision-making processes and the major actors in international organizations such as the UN, WTO, IMF, World Bank. The study attempts to find out the extent to which the interests of the peoples of developing countries are represented in the plans, policies, and programs of international organizations.
Other research projects deal with "Unequal Development: Sources, Remedies, and Consequences," and "Islam and the West: Civilizational Clash or Cultural Dialogue?"
The Center for Balanced Development is located at Sterling, Virginia (United States of America). Among the members of the International Advisory Board are Prof. Ali Mazrui, Director of the Institute of Global Cultural Studies at the State University of New York, Professor John Esposito of Harvard University, and Mr. Mustafa Ceric, President of the Islamic Council of Bosnia (Sarajevo).
END/Center for Balanced Development/1999-11-06
Bellow is the full text of Dr. Safi's letter to the Security Council President.
His Excellency Moctar Ouane
President of the United Nations Security Council
The United Nations Organization
Dear Mr. Moctar Ouane
I am writing to you to share with you my concerns, and those of my colleagues at the Center for Balanced Development, regarding the continued degradation of the state of human life in Iraq, and to join the growing number of individuals and organizations who have become convinced that the economic sanctions have given rise to humanitarian disaster of lasting material and moral impact. Many of us who are committed to a future based on the principles of justice, cooperation, and respect for human rights and dignity are astonished to see a society of over 22 million people being exposed to conditions that resemble those found in concentration camps. The images of starved children suffering from malnutrition bring to mind the prisoners of concentration camps under the Serb regime in Bosnia and the Nazi regime in pre-1945 Germany. Starving the children of Iraq and denying them decent education is unacceptable, particularly when the United Nations Security Council holds the key to stopping all the misery visited on them.
While I am aware that the economic sanctions are intended to curtail the aggression of the Iraqi regime, and to limit its ability to bully its neighbors, such an objective should, and can, be pursued, I believe, without putting the entire Iraqi population under extreme hardships and dangers.
The Security Council's sanctions are now contributing not only to the nutritional deprivation of the Iraqi people, but they have had debilitating effects on the education system. As such, the sanctions have become counterproductive, since they are breeding ignorance and illiteracy, the very conditions that give rise to tyrants and dictators. If the objective is to defeat the authoritarian regime of Iraq, a policy that create more openness and strengthen civil society institutions and projects should replace the current isolation imposed on Iraq. It is not difficult to see that rather than weakening Saddam's regime, the sanctions are playing to the hands of the Iraqi government by setting in place the very conditions which ensure its survival. After nine years of sanctions, Saddam's regime is as entrenched in power as it has ever been.
The oil for food plan has done very little to ease the suffering of the Iraqi people, and UNICEF and WHO reports show that the overall health, education, and poverty conditions continue to deteriorate. Apparently, those who need the food and medication the most are the last to receive them.
While Saddam's regime bear the main responsibility for leading the people of Iraq to two major wars with their neighbors, and for bringing destruction and adversity to millions of families both within and without, the United Nations Security Council holds the key to ending this sad situation. The Security Council must recognize that its efforts to fight Saddam's regime through economic sanctions has instead created a major catastrophe for the civilian population. If the sanctions are meant to destabilize the military regime of Saddam, as repeatedly argued by their defenders, the last nine years should provide sufficient proof of the futility of this strategy. A more meaningful approach to limit the capacity of the Iraqi government to commit aggression against its neighbors is to impose a military embargo.
I wish therefore to conclude my letter by urging you, and through you the members of the Security Council, to work towards lifting the economic sanctions as soon as possible, and to consider replacing them with an embargo on military technology and hardware. A military embargo can achieve the stated aim of preventing Iraq from threatening its neighbors without destroying the people of Iraq.
Louay M. Safi
Center for Balanced Development
At the time of the FBI raid on the IIIT Safi was also president of the AMSS and director of the CBD
The AMSS, IIIT, and Kamran Bokhari of Al Muhajiroun :
Less then zero degrees of separation...
Louay Safi, director of research at the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), said that the raid shocked his organization; federal agents entered the building around 10 a.m. and kept the staff confined in a room for several hours without showing them the search warrant initially.
"My organization is a research organization," Safi said. "We are committed to reforming Islamic thought... and working... to integrate the Muslim community into the American system. We are very much surprised and even shocked at agents... looking for terrorist support [in our offices]."
Note that Louay Safi gives his email adress at the Islamic Society of North America
AMSS CSID AMC and CBD member Ali Masrui visits the International Center for Islamic Propagation at the Bin Laden Centre in South Africa. The IPCI is funded by the Bin Ladens. The director, Achmed Deedat, has met Bin Laden many times.
See for more information on Deedat , Bin Laden , and the ICPI
Note that Masrui is listed as a "special advisor to the World Bank"
US based Mazrui visits South Africa
International (IPCI) recently hosted the world renowned academic Ali Mazrui, Professor Ali Mazrui, widely known for his nine part documentary series featured on the BBC was in South Africa recently for the 14th Biennial Congress of the African Association of the Political Science (AAPS).
Despite his busy schedule Prof. Mazrui managed to present two lectures under the auspices of the IPCI at Mohammedeya Musjid in Sparks Road and at the IPCI Lecture Room. Prof. Mazrui spoke on the "Role of Muslim Organizations in
Africa and South Africa". In his talks he emphasized the urgent need for the Muslim community to play a prominent role in the social and political transformation of the country.
These talks, although organized at short notice, were well attended and well received.
Professor Ali Mazrui is a Professor of Humanities and Director of the Institute of Global and Cultural studies at Binghampton State University, New York and a special advisor to the World Bank. Professor Mazrui is the Chairman of the Islamic Centre Centre for Islamic Studies and Democracy in Washington D.C. He has also written over 20 books and is the Chairman of the Centre for the Muslim / Christian Understanding.
CSID director John Esposito in Malaysia in 1997 at a conference for "Civilizational Dialouge" where he was a speaker together with International Progress Organisation director Hans Koechler and Holocaust denier Roger Garaudy.
Esposito defended Sheik Tantawi's ruling condoning suicide bombings and stated that "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter "
The Conference for Civilisational Dialogue organised by the Centre for Civilisational Dialogue of Malaya University on Sept. 15-17, 1997 saw the meeting of some of the renown scholars of the world such as Prof. Tu Wei Ming, Dr. Roger Garaudy, Prof. Hans Koechler, Prof. Joseph Camillery, Prof. Chandra Muzaffar and, of course, Prof. John Esposito.
The matter which figured prominently at the three day conference was the so-called clash of civilisation thesis propounded by Bernard Lewis and brought to the fore by Prof. Samuel Huntington. In particular, arguments tended to converge on the fact that such a thesis was meant to demonise the perceived enemy so as to legitimate unwarranted actions that would otherwise be difficult to justify under ordinary circumstances.
Discussions had drifted into and around Huntington's social or cultural determinism of Islam as having, inevitably or otherwise, "bloody borders."
One of the most notable presentations was that of Prof. Esposito's. In his usual scholarly suave and candour, Esposito stated to the effect that in order to protect Western vested interests, Western powers in collusion with certain academic and media personalities have drawn a convenient picture of Islam as a monolith to be reckoned with. Three is, after all,
ample ammunition for loading the anti-Islam gun of the West.
As Esposito stated, "Ayatollah Khomeini's call for other Islamic revolutions found ready believers not only in the Muslim world but also in the West. In France, Raymond Aron warned of 'the Islamic revolution wave' generated by 'the fanaticism of the Prophet and the violence of the people,' which the Ayatollah has [supposedly] unleashed."
"US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance stated that a major reason for his objection to a military mission to rescue American hostages in Iran was fear of an 'Islamic-Western war.... Khomeini and his followers, with a Shiite affinity for martyrdom, actually might welcome American military action as a way of uniting the Moslem world against the West'," added Esposito.
He also pointed out that it was Charles Krauthammer, a syndicated American columnist, who wrote, "History is being driven by another force as well: the political reawakening of the Islamic world."
As Esposito explained, it is a challenge all the more ominous because it is perceived to be pan- Islamic. It is a "global intifada," supposedly embracing not only the Islamic heartland but also occurring on the peripheries of the Muslim world where Islam confronts the non-Muslim communities: in Kashmir, Azerbaijan, (Kosovo) Yugoslavia, Lebanon and the
West Bank.
A similar attitude was expressed by Hirsh Goodman, whereby he stated that "the incipient threat we see facing Egypt - the inexorable spread of radical uncompromising, violent and militant Islamic fundamentalism - is by no means unique. Algeria, Tunisia, Jordan, some Gulf states, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia are, in varying degrees, all in similar crisis."
Such slanted views were unfortunately affirmed by Muslim themselves. As M. J. Akbar, an Indian Muslim writer, noted that the West's "next confrontation is definitely going to come from the Muslim world. It is in the sweep of the Islamic nations from the Maghreb to Pakistan that the struggle for a new world order will begin."
Governments in the Middle East like Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Turkey have used not only the perceived regional "fundamentalist threat" but also its global threat to appeal for greater understanding and aid from the West to justify their crackdown and at times indiscriminate repression of Islamists. They do not distinguish between those who espouse a violent revolution to overthrow the political system and those who, operating within the system, challenge the power of political elites.
The Turkish government, no longer able to portray itself as a buffer state against the spread of communism to NATO's southern flank, is recasting itself as a buffer state and bulwark, only this time against revolutionary Islam. As the then-Prime Minister Tansu Ciller warned, if Turkey is not admitted to the European Economic Community, there "will be a
confrontation in the world... fundamentalism will find a fertile land to flourish in and then this will be the last fortress which will fall."
Such views or sentiments coming from the Muslim world itself have unfortunately lent credence to, among others, the repression of Palestinians by the Tel Aviv regime. "The Israeli government," said Esposito, "no longer able to present itself as the bulwark against the spread of communism in the Middle East, a role that powerfully justified substantial American aid, found in political Islam not only a domestic threat but also a new more virulent global threat."
Amongst Israel's typical arguments would be that "Our struggle against murderous Islamic terror is also meant to awaken the world, which is lying in slumber.... We call on all nations, all peoples to devote their attention to the great danger inherent in Islamic fundamentalism... This is a real and serious danger that threatens world peace... we stand on the line of fire against the danger of fundamentalist Islam."
Ironically, these or similar arguments were used by the Serbian terrorists in order to justify the genocide of Bosnian Muslims during the civil war of Bosnia Herzegovina.
Indeed, such irrationality has even gotten the better of some of the best among scholars. Bernard Lewis, in "The Roots of Muslim Rage", wrote that "Fundamentalist leaders are not mistaken in seeing in Western civilisation the greatest challenge to the way of life that they wish to retain or restore for their people.... It should now be clear that we are facing a
mood and movement far transcending the level of issues and policies and the governments that pursue them. This is no less than a clash of civilizations - perhaps irrational but surely a historic reaction of an ancient rival against our Judaeo-Christian heritage, our secular present and the worldwide expansion of both."
Such is truly irrational because Lewis refuses to examine particular problems or conflicts in light of the prevailing politics or the state of contemporary international affairs. He even asks that Western Christendom revive its crusader mentality of "them and us" in order to justify the continued domination or even subjugation of non-Western worlds. It is also irrational because he assumes that the Judaeo-Christian heritage is necessarily aligned with Western vested interests in sheer neglect of the needs or aspirations of the Third World in which reside a substantial number of Christians of non-European descent.
In light of these facts, during the question and answer session, I asked Prof. Esposito whether we should include in the list of those Muslims who contribute, inadvertently or otherwise, to the notion that Islam equals fundamentalism which equals terrorist violence, the Sheikh al-Azhar. After all, the Sheikh had recently declared the suicide bombings in Israel to be unequivocally Islamic, in that it is a legitimate form of self defense. I pointed out to Esposito that in accordance with the examples of the Prophet (pbuh), "jihad" is built upon the foundations of justice and compassion, not terror. Hence there can be no justification in the primary sources of the Shariah for suicide bombing, meaning that the Sheikh's "fatwa" is truly a "bid`a" or innovation of the worst kind, over and above the inconsistencies of logic inherent in his "fatwa".
In a rather long winded response, Esposito explained that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter; and that terrorism, as seen in the case of Israel's or the Tel Aviv regime's treatment of Palestinians, can and has been used to legitimate wanton violence and continued acts of oppression. However, surprisingly, Esposito added, "Although I have not read or come across the actual 'fatwa', as a rule, we must not be too quick to draw upon the 'bid`a' gun against anyone, not least of whom the Sheikh al-Azhar."
At such a point, the moderator for the session Prof. Syed Hussein al-Attas of Malaya University intervened and unequivocally stated that "such suicide bombings are unIslamic. How does anyone justify throwing a bomb into a bus filled with people who are not belligerent, let alone kill oneself in the process? And we know from the primary sources [Quran and Hadith] that women and children, the old and the sick are to be spared during battle. These suicide bombers are different from the Japanese kamikaze, whereby the latter would commit an act of selflessness, brought about by desperation, against legitimate military targets."
Hussein al-Attas words were met with silence.
Ahmad Faiz bin Abdul Rahman
19 September 1997.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at