This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
October 6, 2005
MIM: Ibrahim Dremali, an Muslim Brotherhood member who advocates matyrdom has announced that he "wants to spread the peace in his heart to the whole world" (aka Islam) and is now holding weekly lectures on morality in Des Moines and will just love the citizens of Des Moines to death in exchange for the warm welcome they gave him.
Dremali fled from the Boca Raton Islamic Center shortly before one of his congregants, Rafiq Sabir, a convert, was made national headlines for pledging allegiance to Al Qaeda and planning to go to Saudi Arabia to treat Muhajideen.
Last month another convert and spokesman for the mosque, Daniel McBride, was arrested for insurance fraud.
Dremali himself was involved in a terrorist funding charity, run by his co wife Lamyaa Hashim, which funneled funding to his brother listed as 'Gaza Coordinator' of a scam called 'The Health Resource Center Palestine'.
In the same year as the HRCP was 'closed for business' the previous mosque spokesman, Hassan Shareef, also a convert, suddenly high tailed it to Saudi Arabia.
Co founder and treasurer of the mosque Boca Raton Islamic Center, FAU professor Bassam Al Halabi, was reprimanded by US Customs for illegally importing a thermal imaging device to Syria.
Another ICBR co founder and FAU professor Khalid Hamza, also suddenly 'dissappeared' when he was denied tenure due to what Florida Atlantic University referred to as professional improprieties.
With the Islamic Center of Boca Raton as an impressive track record, Dremali's lectures on immorality are as much of a sham as his story about leaving Boca Raton because of fears for his safety.
If anything, it is the good citizens of Des Moines,should realize that Dremali, who is now running an elementary school, and whose son was stabbed a fellow student at a Boca Middle School, will be training local Muslims to continue along the same path as his former colleagues, family members, and congregants in Boca Raton.
Published October 5, 2005
Muslims in Iowa share their faith during Ramadan
One Des Moines imam invites non-Muslims to visit his mosque and expand their understanding of Islam.
As Ibrahim Dremali prayed on the first day of Ramadan, he spread his arms wide and asked God to "spread the peace in my heart to the whole world."
Dremali, who is celebrating his first Ramadan as imam for the Des Moines Islamic Center, then spent much of Tuesday in Christian churches, teaching about Islam.
"My experience in Iowa has been unique," Dremali said. "The people here are open to understanding and welcoming. My family and I have received love here we never experienced anywhere in the United States."
It is fitting that he expand non-Muslims' understanding of Islam during Ramadan, a time Muslims believe the Quran was first revealed to Muhammad. Muslims spend the holy month of Ramadan in prayer, daytime fasting and atonement while reflecting on their spiritual identity.
In addition to being accepted in the greater Des Moines community, Dremali has seen his Franklin Avenue congregation grow.
"When I first came to Des Moines, there were 3 1/2 lines of worshipers, maybe 50 or 60 people. Today we were completely full, with people praying outside."
The mosque's academy now holds classes from kindergarten to third grade. Next year, fourth grade will be added.
"It is my dream to have classes through high school," Dremali said. "If we grow any bigger, we're going to have to build a bigger mosque."
Each Friday, many non-Muslims join the congregation in prayer. Dremali encourages people to "see the truth in us, communicate with us, live with us, drink and eat with us, visit us, see us in our reality. This is the most important thing."
And as he encourages others to expand their knowledge of Islam, Dremali said he is also encouraging his congregation to look within.
"What we learn from Ramadan is to understand the suffering of others," Dremali said. "When you are thirsty and hungry, fasting all day, you feel what other people feel. Your sympathy and harmony with the poor and people in war-torn lands around the world."
There will be special prayers and a lecture on morality each evening at the mosque, 6211 Franklin Ave. Dremali extends a welcome to the community to break the daily fast and dine with his congregation after sundown.
"Our door is open to everyone," Dremali said.
This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at