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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Iranian Protestors Storm British Embassy Compound in Tehran

Iranian Protestors Storm British Embassy Compound in Tehran

November 29, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 29th November 2011

Iranian Protestors Storm British

Embassy Compound in Tehran

MEDIA CONTACT: Michael Weiss, email or phone +44 (0)20 7340 4520 (office) or +44 (0)77 666 41670 (mobile)

The Iranian regime has met the news of British sanctions cutting all ties to Iran's commercial sector swiftly and violently. First, it was announced that Dominick Chilcott, the UK ambassador to Iran, was to be expelled from the country forthwith. Then yesterday, one Iranian MP called for the "padlock[ing]" of the British embassy in Tehran, while another invoked the US embassy hostage crisis as a legitimate retaliatory measure.

Today, a swarm of protestors made good on these threats by storming the British embassy compound in Tehran, smashing windows and throwing petrol bombs. The union flag was ripped down as protestors chanted "the Embassy of Britain should be taken over" and "death to England".
According to news reports, a new pro-regime group known as The Muslim Students Followers of the Supreme Leader, have issued a statement written in blood: "Our people are not prepared to be humiliated any more under any circumstances and prefer a red death to a condemned life of misery. We are ready to be killed for our aims."
Also, classified British state documents may have been seized in the raid.
Dr Alan Mendoza, the Executive Director of the Henry Jackson Society, said today:

"Iran promised a response to Britain's courageous move in targeting its financial sector for the continued flouting of nuclear policy and now we have it. Yet another breach of the code of conduct between civilised nations. From a security perspective, it shows that Iran will seek to involve Britain in any escalation of hostilities in the region, and British planners need to be able to respond to this".

For all media inquiries, or arrange an interview with Dr Mendoza, please email or call HJS Communications Director Michael Weiss.

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