CAIR's Duplicity in Focus-Al Arian Propaganda Film Screening Charade
April 18, 2008
CAIR's Duplicity In Focus - Al Arian Propaganda Film Screening Charade
By William Mayer and Beila Rabinowitz
April 18, 2008 - San Francisco, CA - - The stealth jihad campaign to fund the defense of admitted Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist Sami Al Arian spilled over into Southern California campus politics with the April 17 screening of a propaganda film - USA v Al Arian - at the Woodbridge 5 Theater in Irvine, California.
Sponsors of the event included, "CAIR-LA, Shura Council, MSA West, ICOI and MSU-UCI," with UC Irvine's Muslim Student Association/Muslim Student Union playing a lead role [source,].
The film had originally been scheduled to screen at the Starplex Cinemas, but a grassroots coalition alerted the company about the film's content which resulted in cancellation of the contract.
When contacted by, Kristen Wheaton who handles special events for Starplex, explained that the Al Arian film fell under the company's definition of overtly political and controversial films and as a result could not be shown. Ms. Wheaton stated that she felt that she was "intentionally deceived" by the event organizers from the beginning of the process or it would never have gotten this far.
She was first contacted in late March on the phone by two young women one of which was Marya Bangee a former UC Irvine student who is now employed by the Los Angeles chapter of CAIR, who represented the Al Arian film as a "college student film," and asked if they could arrange for it to be shown. Operating upon that misinformation, Wheaton agreed to allow the facility to screen the film.
However as the contract was being finalized and with payment necessary, it became obvious to the theater's management that the responsible party for the event was CAIR, not two UC Irvine students. When an activist group of current and former UC Irvine students informed Ms. Wheaton that the intent of the event organizers was to fundraise for Sami Al Arian and that the film was Islamist propaganda, she revoked permission to use the Starplex facility.
CAIR's omnipresent duplicity aside, that this large an array of Muslim organizations would be participating in the sponsorship of a terror fundraiser should be of concern to Americans who have difficulty understanding the threat that Muslim fundamentalism poses to the West.
The degree to which substantial numbers of domestic Muslims have become radicalized is demonstrated by the activities of the Muslim Student Union/MSA at UC Irvine.
For example in January 2007 a talk by historian Dr. Daniel Pipes at the university on the topic of "The Threat To Israel's Existence," was repeatedly disrupted by a large cadre of Muslim student thugs, who then staged a mass walkout.
Outside the hall the disruptors celebrated their effort chanting "Allahu Akhbar" - God is great, the traditional Muslim battle cry - unbeknownst to them, their words were being recorded, a brief transcript of which follows:
"It's just a matter of time before the state of Israel be wiped off the face of the earth...Let's keep doing what we are doing, our weapon, our jihad, our way of struggling in this country is with our tongues...we speak out...this is the best we can do now...and our brothers and sisters on the other side of the world, they're handling business in their own way, may allah give them strength..."
The response to this outrage was that U.C. Irvine took absolutely no action against the abridgment of Dr. Pipes' and his audiences' freedom of speech and the violent overtones expressed by the disruptors. As appears to be the case across the nation, university administrators have gone dhimmi towards Muslim student groups and refuse to hold them to any ethical standards, whatsoever.
The message this sends is both ominous and quite clear.
America's Muslim radicals are already deeply committed to jihad and this mindset has unfortunately sifted down into a constellation of organizations which deceptively market themselves as moderates. The fact is that the Islamists are at war right now, but only with words; an expediency borne upon the realization that they are in the political minority and therefore the prospect of success by violent means doesn't look that promising.