This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at
August 7, 2005
MIM: Measures proposed for a government crackdown on radical Islamist activity would entail shutting most the mosques and Islamic institutions in Luton - starting with the community website promoting Jihad.
The articles and information on the Luton Muslim website look like it could be the new Al Muhajroun or Hizb ut Tahrir info board but is actually the main community site. The extremist content of the website reflects provides a look into the extent of the problem the authorities will have to crack down on radical Islam and how it means virtually shutting down all the Muslim institutions in the community. The situation in Luton (which is an Al Muhajrioun center) shows how firmly entrenched radical Islam is in Muslim life in Britain. Judging by the contents of this Luton website any crackdown and closures of Muslim institutions could spark major riots (a misnamed 'race war') which is why the government may be too afraid to do anything. The Luton Muslim website shows that is already part of the United Khalifate instead of the United Kingdom.
In another example of the UK's suicidal policies towards Islamists it is likely that website is tax exempt and that many of the activities are funded by government subsidies. The Luton Muslim website advertises the local Muslim Boy Scouts and other Muslims 'kids activities' on their events page together with Islamist conferences like one from Al Azhar Institute . The venues are public and muncipal premises,such as schools, libraries and universities, which also reveals how the UK government is actively aiding and abetting the spread of radical Islam. The proposed anti terrorism crackdown which is supposed to allow for closing of 'bookshops and places of worship' which incite terrorism must also allow for local governments to refuse the use of public institutions for Islamist gatherings that promote the radical Islamist agenda.
Note that the listing under 'Luton Library shows a Muslim Prayer room on the third floor' under facilities. (Luton is the home of Denbigh High which is Shabina Begum's school - the Muslim teenager who received international attention after she took her predominently Muslim school to court, on the grounds that she was forbidden from wearing a burqa like robe called a Jilbab.
The article below (or click this url) shows that all of the Muslim activities are being held in venues like public schools and municipal premises.
The site has a web page in support of terrorists like Babar Ahmed called "The UK campaign against criminalising communities" seems like an ironic reference to Luton's Muslims .
This is from the Pearls of Wisdom page:
"...Acquire knowledge because doing so is good. Seeking it is worship. Reviewing it is glorifying Allah. Researching it is jihad...
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MIM: An article on the homepage of the Luton Muslims website reflects their Islamo facist 'mission statement' which says that the only civilisation is Islam and that anyone who doesn't accept Allah's religion must die. '
'Welcome to the Luton Muslims website'
"...In face of the attacks on Islam by the disbelievers, some Muslims turn to the defensive with an inner feeling of defeat as they try to show that the Islamic values are no different from the western ones..."
"...Civilization starts with the correct belief and faith. The material aspects of civilization will come later as a by-product. On the other hand, the disbeliever, no matter how materially advanced he might be, is an uncivilized person and bears in his soul the germs of his own destruction. This is why you should take pride in your religion. This is why you should take pride in Islam..."
"...Allah has sent us to His creatures with His religion. Whoever accepts it, we accept from him and whoever refuses, we fight him until we get the Promise of Allah?" "And what is His Promise?" asked Rostom. "Paradise for those who die and victory for those who survive" answered Rabi`e. Rostom said: "Can you delay this matter until we think about it?" Rabi`e answered: "Yes. How many days you need, one or two?" Rostom said: "More. Until I write to my people." Rabi`e said: "We can't. Our Prophet does not authorize us to delay our enemies more than three days. So make up your mind..."
Take pride in IslamIn face of the attacks on Islam by the disbelievers, some Muslims turn to the defensive with an inner feeling of defeat as they try to show that the Islamic values are no different from the western ones. If they are told that the Islamic political system is dictatorial, they respond by trying to show it is democratic. If they are told that Islam spread with Jihad, they respond that Muslims fought only to defend themselves when attacked. If they are told that there is a problem with the status of women in Islam, they try to prove that Islam allows polygamy only under strict conditions which most men do not fulfill and hence they conclude it is virtually not allowed! Such apologetic attitudes should be put behind. Islam is a way of life given to us by Allah, it cannot be put on the same level as other man-made ideologies or corrupted revelations. Muslims should have enough confidence in themselves to go on the offensive rather than stay on the defensive like an accused person. When Quraysh accused the Muslims of violating the sanctity of the sacred months on the occasion of the fight between the Muslim brigade of Abdullah bin Jahsh and the disbelievers, Allah(SWT) revealed: "They ask you concerning fighting in the Sacred Months (these are the 1st, 7th, 11th and 12th months of the Islamic calendar). Say: ‘Fighting therein is a great transgression but a greater transgression in the Sight of Allah is to prevent mankind from following the Way of Allah, to disbelieve in Him, to prevent access to al-Masjid al-Haram (Makkah), and to drive out its inhabitants, and polytheism is worse than killing. And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion if they can. And whosoever of you turns back from his religion and dies as a disbeliever, then his deeds will be lost in this life and in the Hereafter, and they will be the dwellers of the Fire. They will abide therein forever." (Qur'an 2:217) This is how the Qur'an argues with the disbelievers. The Qur'an starts by attacking them on their greatest crime: their disbelief in Allah and their association of partners with Him. One should not present a false interpretation of our religion for the purpose of pleasing the disbelievers. ---------------- MIM: The cultural offerings on the Luton Muslim website contains poems and letters by Muslims jailed on terrorism charges, including a poem and letters from Babar Ahmad, who was accused of inciting murder of US soldiers and encouraging Muslims to train for Jihad : "... BRITISH computer expert ran websites raising cash and recruiting fighters for the Taleban and the Chechen Mujahidin, an extradition hearing was told yesterday. Babar Ahmad allegedly operated websites in the United States that revealed links to Shamil Basayev, the Chechen leader behind the Beslan school attack. There was also advice on smuggling cash to the Taleban, and Muslims were urged to take arms training for a jihad.
MIM:Given that the US and UK are 'angry' with Ahmad and it would be a safe bet to assume that the one who Babar doesn't think is angry with him must be none other then Allah. As long as you are not angry with me then I do not care
As long as You are not angry with me then I do not care ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIM: The events page on the Luton Muslims website combines radical Islamist conferences and kids activities which include scouting. Note the the local (public) library boasts a Muslim prayer room on the third floor.
If you would like further information on any of the above events or to advertise further events or programs on this site please email [email protected] with details of time, venue and contact details
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This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at