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Muslim Council of Britain's Asaria Still Evading Official Scrutiny

July 26, 2005

Multiculturalism Gone Wild - Muslim Council Of Britain's Asaria Still Evading Official Scrutiny

By Beila Rabinowitz – Special to

July 27, 2005 - Washington, DC - - While British police are in the streets busy chasing down unexploded suicide bombers, al-Qaeda operatives are meeting with Tony Blair and being knighted by the Queen.

The recently knighted Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain Iqbal Sacranie was among the Muslims invited by Tony Blair to discuss dealing with terrorism in the Muslim community. Dr. Daniel Pipes wrote that:

"Among Sacranie's actions: calling for censorship of religious speech, trying to change the plot of the action series 24, boycotting Holocaust Remembrance ceremonies, denying the existence of Islamic terrorists, interpreting the Bush administration's true agenda as the "recolonization and the re-mapping of the Middle East," and accusing Israel of genocide. - June 12, 2005, Daniel

Instead of rubbing elbows with Sacranie at 10 Downing Street, Brit law enforcement might want to consider incarcerating him for his stated support of Bin Laden and connections to international terrorism. The fifth columnists at the Muslim Council of Britain are clearly attempting to put the blame for Islamist terrorism on the London government, portraying themselves as the real victims of the Islamist attacks.

Iqbal Asaria, the chairman of the Islamic Finance and Economics Department of the Muslim Council of Britain is a case study of how Al Qaeda operatives are hiding in plain sight in the UK while carrying out their agenda.

Asaria is regarded as a leading Muslim economist in the UK, who was instrumental in getting the HSBC bank to implement a Sharia lending department – to little effect, a few months later, an HSBC bank in Istanbul was targeted by an Al Qaeda suicide bombing.

Little noticed, in addition to his financial work, Asaria is the webmaster of the internet domain Webstar - the UK equivalent of the now defunct Texas based Infocom - which had been linked to Hamas.

Asaria does not hide his fundamentalist sympathies. He is the webmaster for such notorious al-Qaeda websites such as, – accessed through – and of particular note - CDLR - The Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights - and MIRA - the Movement for Islamic Reform.

On July 17 the US Treasury Department stated that is has:

"... designated the Movement for Islamic Reform in Arabia (MIRA), a U.K.-based Saudi oppositionist organization, for providing material support to al Qaida."
The MIRA organization is run by al-Qaeda-affiliated Saad al-Faqih and is named on the United Nations 1267 Committee consolidated list of terrorists tied to al-Qaeda, bin-Laden and the Taliban.

"Al-Faqih uses MIRA to facilitate al Qaida's operations," said Stuart Levey, the Treasury's Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (TFI). "Designating MIRA will help stem the flow of funds to the organization and put the world on notice of its support for al Qaida."

As London continues its masquerade, pretending to be in the dark regarding sources of extreme Islamist radicalism in its midst, Asaria and Sacranie should immediately come to mind.

Both of them bear intensive investigation, at the very least.

Merely underlining the disconnect between Brit reality and their over-the-top multicultural blinders, at present Asaria is still working as an economist with the Muslim Council of Britain and is reportedly also involved with projects involving the World Bank. This despite his internet affiliations and his close ties to Al Muhajiroun and Hizb ut Tahrir which are splinter groups linked to Al Qaeda.

Now that MIRA has been declared an Al Qaeda entity it is to be hoped that Asaria will be investigated and charged with providing material support for terrorism. Asaria's involvement with any projects connected to the World Bank should be scrutinized and any funding involved must be traced.

This item is available on the Militant Islam Monitor website, at